Ludewig 2004 - Relative Balance of Serratus Anterior and Upper Trapezius Muscle Activity During Push-Up Exercises

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American Journal of Sports


Relative Balance of Serratus Anterior and Upper Trapezius Muscle Activity During Push-Up Exercises
Paula M. Ludewig, Molly S. Hoff, Erin E. Osowski, Shane A. Meschke and Peter J. Rundquist
Am. J. Sports Med. 2004; 32; 484
DOI: 10.1177/0363546503258911

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© 2004 American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.

Relative Balance of Serratus Anterior

and Upper Trapezius Muscle Activity
During Push-Up Exercises
Paula M. Ludewig,* PhD, PT, Molly S. Hoff, MS, PT, Erin E. Osowski, MS, PT,
Shane A. Meschke, MS, MA, PT, ATC, and Peter J. Rundquist, PhD, PT
From the Program in Physical Therapy, The University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Background: Serratus anterior strengthening is used in prevention and treatment programs for poor scapular control. In certain
clinical cases, exercises substantially activating the serratus with minimal upper trapezius activation are preferred.
Hypothesis: The standard push-up plus would show both the highest serratus anterior activation and lowest upper trapezius/
serratus ratios for both groups and all phases.
Study Design: Controlled laboratory study.
Methods: Thirty subjects, grouped as healthy or with mild shoulder dysfunction, were evaluated performing standard push-up
plus exercises and modifications on elbows, knees, and against a wall. Surface electromyography of the serratus anterior and
upper trapezius was compared between exercises.
Results: Both groups responded similarly across exercises. The standard push-up plus demonstrated the highest activation of
the serratus (to 123%) and lowest trapezius/serratus ratios (<0.2) during plus phases. The wall push-up plus and phases of other
exercises demonstrated higher upper trapezius/serratus ratios (to 2.0).
Conclusions: In clinical cases where excess upper trapezius activation or imbalance of serratus and trapezius activation occurs,
the push-up plus is an optimal exercise. Other cases may benefit from a progression of modified push-up exercises.
Clinical Relevance: Clinical selection of exercises for improving scapular control should consider both maximum serratus acti-
vation and upper trapezius/serratus anterior ratios.
Keywords: shoulder; rehabilitation; electromyography; scapula; shoulder exercise

The lower and middle divisions of the serratus anterior mal three-dimensional (3-D) movement of the scapula on
(SA) muscle are key contributors to normal and abnormal the thorax during elevation of the arm.16 Specifically, this
scapular motion and control.5,9 The SA’s insertion into the muscle can produce scapular upward rotation, posterior
scapular vertebral border and inferior angle results in tipping, and external rotation (Fig. 1) while stabilizing the
larger moment arms for production of scapular upward vertebral border and inferior angle of the scapula to the
rotation and posterior tipping than any of the other mus- thorax, preventing scapular “winging” (Fig. 2A). Normal
cles linking the scapula and thorax.5 Thus, the SA has been 3-D motion of the scapula during humeral elevation is crit-
described as the prime mover of the scapula.5 The SA is ical to elevation of the acromion for preservation of the sub-
also unique among the scapulothoracic muscles in that it acromial space, maintenance of normal glenohumeral
has the ability to contribute to all components of the nor- rhythm, maximizing the length tension relationship of the
deltoid, and maximizing available humeral motion relative
to the thorax.9,15,16
* Address correspondence to Paula M. Ludewig, Program in Physical
The importance of the SA is further evidenced by the
Therapy, 420 Delaware St., MMC 388, The University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN 55455 (e-mail: presence of abnormal muscle activation in various shoul-
This work was previously presented as a poster presentation at the der pathologies.6,15,22,27 Reduced SA electromyographic
Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy (EMG) activity has been demonstrated in throwers with
Association, Boston, MA, February 2002. glenohumeral instability,6 construction workers with
The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 32, No. 2
shoulder impingement,15 and swimmers with shoulder
DOI: 10.1177/0363546503258911 pain.27 This reduction in muscle activity has been related
© 2004 American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine to abnormal scapular motion.15 Therefore, the SA is

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Vol. 32, No. 2, 2004 Muscle Activity During Push-Up Exercises 485

Figure 1. Scapular motions. Modified and reprinted with per-

mission from Ludewig PM, Functional shoulder anatomy and
biomechanics. Solutions to Shoulder Disorders, HSC 11.1.1.
La Crosse, WI, Orthopaedic Section, APTA, Inc, 2001.

increasingly a focus of therapeutic exercise protocols for

prevention and rehabilitation of shoulder dysfunction.
Other authors have suggested shoulder pathology and
abnormal scapular motion may be linked to imbalances of
muscle activity rather than global weakness of scapulotho-
racic muscles.25 In particular, excess activation of the upper
trapezius (UT) has been proposed as contributing to abnor-
mal scapular motion.15,25 In some clinical patients, excess
UT activity may attempt to compensate for a weak SA and
is believed to contribute to impingement through abnormal
rotation of the scapula.15 Evidence of increased UT activa-
tion combined with reduced SA activation as well as evi-
dence of increased superior translation of the scapula has
been demonstrated in persons with shoulder pain.15,17,22
Imbalances of force production of the SA and UT can result
in a shoulder-shrugging motion (Fig. 2B) causing excess
superior translation of the scapula with less efficient
upward rotation and reduced posterior tipping. Clinical
consequences of these alterations can include subacromial
impingement, associated subacromial bursitis, and rotator
cuff or biceps tendinitis that can progress to rotator cuff
tears, as well as altered acromioclavicular joint forces and B
possible predisposition to degenerative changes. Sub-
sequently, in patients with a UT/SA imbalance, rather than Figure 2. Subjects demonstrating excessive scapular wing-
exercises that globally activate several scapulothoracic ing and poor scapular control on the thorax (A) and shoulder
muscles, selective activation of the SA while minimizing shrug during attempted humeral elevation leading to exces-
activation of the UT (low ratio of UT/SA activation) may be sive superior scapular translation and abnormal scapular
advantageous, allowing selective SA strengthening to rotation contributing to impingement (B).
reduce the imbalance.
Previous investigators have explored the activation of
the SA as well as other shoulder muscles during a variety found the interpretation of EMG including changes in mus-
of shoulder exercises.3,4,8,12,18,21 The majority of these past cle length, velocity, or type of contraction across exercise
investigators have advocated exercises that produce sub- conditions.7 Changes in muscle length, velocity, or type of
stantial activation of a number of muscles surrounding the contraction have been shown to alter the magnitude of
shoulder girdle, resulting in global strengthening pro- EMG signal even when force is held constant.7
grams for scapulothoracic muscles, including the trapezius. Subsequently, if these factors are not controlled for,
These past studies have investigated only healthy subjects, changes in EMG amplitude across exercises may be due to
and many have not controlled for all factors that can con- these confounding factors rather than improved force pro-

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486 Ludewig et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

duction for a particular exercise, and clinical interpretation TABLE 1

of exercise comparisons may not be possible. Average Subject Demographic Dataa
Several past authors have explored EMG activation
specifically during push-up exercises, although with differ- Group 1 Group 2
ing rationale and procedures for their investigations.3,4,12,21
Age 25.2 (3.7) 26.8 (6.1)
Moseley et al included the standard push-up plus (SPP) as Height (m) 1.72 (0.08) 1.78 (0.10)
a core exercise in their shoulder rehabilitation program Weight (kg) 71.5 (13.1) 74.6 (12.9)
based on the high EMG activity of several shoulder mus- Males 7 6
cles, including the SA.21 Decker et al reported the highest Females 12 5
average SA activation during the plus phase of an SPP
as compared to a number of rehabilitation exercises.4 Standard deviations are in parentheses.
Modifications to the SPP are commonly used clinically,
including a knee push-up plus (KPP), elbow push-up plus
(EPP), and wall push-up plus (WPP). These modified push- Patients did not report pain at rest, but symptoms could be
ups are believed to be less demanding alternatives for clin- reproduced during clinical provocation tests (impingement
ical use, generally advocated earlier in a rehabilitation pro- tests, resisted shoulder motions, laxity tests). Most sub-
gram when many patients may not be able to repetitively jects’ (7 of 11) onset of symptoms was due to cumulative
perform the SPP. Only Decker et al investigated any of rather than acute trauma. SA-strengthening exercises are
these push-up modifications in their study.4 These authors advocated in these patient populations due to documented
reported reduced but still high SA activation during the alterations in scapular motion and position, demonstrated
KPP as compared to the SPP exercise.4 We are unaware of muscle weakness, and theorized muscle imbalances.4,15,17
any past investigations of SA activation during EPP or Subjects with history or clinical exam revealing pain or
WPP exercises. Several of these past authors also captured dysfunction that substantially limited shoulder motion or
UT data during their investigations of push-up exercises, led to gross instability of the shoulder with daily activities
although they did not report phase-specific magnitudes of or joint laxity testing were excluded. Additional exclusion
UT activation or UT/SA ratios.3,4,12,21 criteria were signs and symptoms of cervical pain, adhesive
The purpose of this study was to compare push-up exer- capsulitis, thoracic outlet syndrome, or a current complaint
cises for their ability to maximally activate the SA and to of numbness or tingling in the upper extremity. Inclusion/
maximally activate the SA while minimally activating the exclusion criteria were assessed with a clinical screening
UT. In addition, we further intended to expand on previous examination. Prior to participation, all subjects read and
research by (1) considering overall SA activation as well as signed the university-approved human subjects consent
the ratio of UT to SA activation when comparing exercises; form. The investigation was approved by the University
(2) controlling for confounding variables of length, type, Institutional Review Board.
and velocity of contraction; and (3) including subjects with
shoulder dysfunction in the data analysis. Our hypothesis Instrumentation
was that for both the healthy and shoulder dysfunction
groups, the SPP exercise during the plus phase would show EMG data were collected using silver-silver chloride pre-
both the highest SA activation and the lowest UT/SA ratio. amplified (×35) surface electrodes with a 20-mm interelec-
trode distance and an 8-mm diameter. The EMG amplifier
had an input impedance of 15 megohms at 100 Hz, a com-
METHODS mon mode rejection ratio of 87 dB at 60 Hz, and a band-
width of 20 to 4000 Hz (Therapeutics Unlimited, Iowa City,
Subjects Iowa). The root mean square (rms) time constant was set at
25 milliseconds. Processed signals were collected online to
Thirty subjects were evaluated from each of two groups a microcomputer at a sampling rate of 300 Hz. An oscillo-
(Table 1). All were between 18 and 50 years of age and were scope (Tektronix, Wilsonville, Oregon) was used to verify
recruited through verbal and posted announcements. the quality of raw signals.
Group 1 consisted of subjects with normal, healthy shoul- The Polhemus FASTRAK (Polhemus Inc., Colchester,
ders without a history of shoulder pain, trauma, fracture, Vermont) 3-D electromagnetic motion-capturing system
dislocation, or surgical procedure (n = 19). Group 2 consist- was used to capture shoulder motion and position data. It
ed of subjects with shoulder pain or dysfunction for which consists of a transmitter, digitizing stylus, small electro-
SA-strengthening exercises would be advocated clinically magnetic sensors, and a systems electronics unit. The sty-
(n = 11). Diagnoses included shoulder impingement or rota- lus was used to manually digitize anatomical coordinates.
tor cuff tendinitis, scapular winging, muscle sprain/strain, The systems electronics unit converts induced voltage data
past acromioclavicular separation, and general shoulder from the sensors to a 3-D position and orientation at a 40-Hz
laxity. These subjects presented with mild shoulder pain or sampling rate. Computer software synchronized the collec-
dysfunction. The original onset of symptoms averaged 4.5 tion of EMG and kinematic data. Within a source-to-sensor
years previous, with a range of 1 to 11 years. Subjects separation of 76 cm, reported accuracy of the system is 0.3
reported chronic persistent symptoms with repetitive over- to 0.8 mm (rms) to less than 1 mm (absolute) for position
head or athletic activities involving the upper extremities. and 0.15° (rms) to 0.5° (absolute) for orientation.23

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Vol. 32, No. 2, 2004 Muscle Activity During Push-Up Exercises 487

Experimental Procedure

The EMG recording electrodes were placed on the subject’s

dominant arm for the healthy subjects or involved arm for
the subjects with shoulder dysfunction. Electrode prepara-
tion included shaving hair from the electrode placement
area if present, an alcohol wipe over the skin surface, and
use of conductive gel on the electrode’s active surface. No
skin abrasion was necessary due to the high input imped-
ance of the amplifier.28 One surface electrode was applied
to the SA parallel to the muscle fibers, below the axilla,
anterior to the latissimus dorsi, and posterior to the pec-
toralis major (Fig. 3).4,12,15,16 Correct electrode placement
was verified through observation of the oscilloscope during
resisted scapular protraction.11 In addition, resisted shoul-
der extension was observed to limit potential cross talk
from the latissimus dorsi.11 A second surface electrode was
applied to the UT parallel to the muscle fibers, two thirds
of the way between the spinous process of the seventh cer-
vical vertebrae and the acromion process (Fig. 3).10 The ref-
erence electrode was applied to the opposite ankle on the
lateral malleolus.
To normalize EMG data, subjects performed maximal
voluntary contractions (MVC) of the SA and UT against
manual resistance using previously documented proce-
dures.11,15,26 The SA MVC was performed with the subject
standing and the shoulder and elbow flexed to 90°.
Maximal resistance was applied by the investigator
through the elbow against scapular protraction.11,15 The
UT MVC was performed with the subject seated, arm
flexed to 90°, and elbow fully extended. Maximal resistance
was applied to shoulder flexion superior to the elbow.26 We
normalized the UT and SA in shoulder flexion positions of
approximately 90° because the push-up exercises included
in our study required shoulder flexion in this range.28
Furthermore, a previous investigation demonstrated that a
resisted shoulder flexion normalization produces a higher
UT activation than a shoulder shrug.26 A single examiner
performed all normalization procedures. Figure 3. EMG electrode and FASTRAK sensor placement.
A FASTRAK position sensor was applied to the sternum EMG surface electrodes were placed over the upper trapez-
inferior to the sternal notch. A plastic cuff containing ius and serratus anterior muscles. Electromagnetic sensors
another sensor was secured to the distal humerus with were attached to the sternum and a cuff on the distal
Velcro straps (Fig. 3). Bony landmarks on the thorax and humerus.
humerus were digitized to allow creation of anatomically
based local coordinate systems for both the trunk and
humeral sensors.15 upper extremity weight borne on the elbows, and lower
All exercises were performed with a target angle based extremity weight borne on the feet in the standard manner.
on visual estimate of 90° of shoulder flexion during the plus The exercise then includes the full shoulder protraction or
phase of the exercises. The exercise velocity was controlled plus phase only of the push-up. The WPP is performed in a
by use of a metronome set at 30 beats per minute, with sub- standing position with the hands in contact with the wall.
jects completing one repetition of each exercise in 4 sec- Positions of the extremities for all exercises were based on
onds. The exercises were performed in a random order, creating a resulting shoulder flexion angle of 90° for the
including SPP, KPP, EPP, and WPP (Fig. 4). plus phase. Subjects were uniformly instructed on per-
The SPP is a standard push-up with the addition of full formance of each exercise by a single examiner and were
shoulder protraction (the “plus”) after obtaining full elbow allowed to practice a few repetitions until the proper
extension at the end of the usual push-up. The KPP was motion and timing were achieved based on visual assess-
performed in the same way as the SPP except that the ment. Each exercise was completed as a set of five repeti-
knees are the distal point of contact with the ground rather tions. Subjects were allowed to rest up to 2 minutes between
than the feet. The EPP begins with the elbows flexed to 90°, exercise sets.

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488 Ludewig et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

Figure 4. Push-up exercises including standard push-up plus (A), knee push-up plus (B), elbow push-up plus (C), and wall push-
up plus (D).

Data Reduction The estimated humeral head center translates anterior-

ly during the concentric phases of each exercise, particu-
The local coordinate systems developed from the digitized larly during the plus phase (Fig. 5). These translation data
anatomical landmarks for the trunk and humerus allow were used to identify phases of the exercises. These phases
clinically relevant motion descriptions.15 The humeral included concentric (beginning of each repetition until the
coordinate system was mathematically transformed to beginning of the plus phase), concentric plus (beginning of
describe humeral motion relative to the trunk including the plus phase until the peak of the plus phase), eccentric
plane of elevation, elevation angle, and long axis rotation plus (peak of the plus phase until the end of the plus phase)
(z, y′, z″ Euler angles).1 The estimated humeral center for and eccentric (end of the plus phase until the beginning of
each subject was found by passively moving the humerus the next repetition) (Fig. 5). High reliability (ICC > 0.86) of
to multiple angular positions less than 45° from the neu- tracking humeral anterior/posterior translations with a
tral rest position and using a least squares algorithm to surface sensor has been previously demonstrated.13
identify the humeral pivot point.2 Subsequently, transla- The EMG data for each muscle and subject were aver-
tions of the estimated humeral head center relative to the aged for each phase across the three intermediate repeti-
trunk could be tracked throughout each exercise. tions of the five repetitions completed. A moving window

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Vol. 32, No. 2, 2004 Muscle Activity During Push-Up Exercises 489

mality, and due to nonnormal distributions, a logarithmic

transformation was performed to achieve normality prior
to further statistical testing.24
The plus portions (concentric plus and eccentric plus
phases) of the exercises were of primary interest, and the
data for each dependent variable were analyzed using a
three-way mixed model analysis of variance with one
between (group) and two within (exercise and phase) fac-
tors and an overall alpha level of .05.24 In the presence of
significant interactions with phase (exercise or group
effects were dependent on the phase), two-way group by
exercise analyses of variance were calculated for each
phase. If significant exercise effects were present, the
hypothesis regarding specific exercise differences was eval-
uated using Bonferroni-corrected planned comparisons
between exercises, comparing each exercise to the SPP.24
Figure 5. Identification of phases of exercise from humeral For all exercises except the EPP, the concentric and eccen-
anterior translation data for a push-up. 1, beginning of con- tric nonplus phases of the exercises (concentric, eccentric)
centric phase; 2, beginning of concentric plus phase; 3, were also compared across exercises following the same
beginning of eccentric plus phase; 4, beginning of eccentric statistical approach.
phase; 5, end of push-up. As EMG values can be influenced by changes in muscle
length, the target humeral angle for all exercises was 90° of
humeral flexion during the plus phase of the exercise. To
averaging technique was used with the MVC data to iden- test for any influence of variation in the actual humeral
tify the highest value averaged over a 500-millisecond peri- flexion angle, Pearson product moment correlations were
od as the reference 100% value for each subject. The aver- assessed between humeral angle and EMG dependent
aged EMG data for each phase were then expressed as a variables for each phase and exercise. In the presence of
percent maximum value (phase EMG voltage value divided significant confounding of humeral angle on EMG values,
by the MVC EMG voltage value and then multiplied by analysis of covariance adjusting for humeral angle effects
100) for each exercise.28 These EMG data collection and was planned. However, the humeral flexion angle did not
normalization procedures have previously demonstrated account for a significant amount of the EMG variability for
good trial-to-trial reliability (ICC > 0.73) during active any exercises or phases. The highest correlation was –0.18
shoulder motions.15 between average humeral angle and either dependent vari-
Using the humeral position data, the average humeral able. As such, it was determined that the experimental pro-
elevation angle relative to the trunk was also determined cedures adequately controlled confounding of length
for each phase, exercise, and subject. High trial-to-trial change on EMG values, and humeral flexion angle was not
reliability (ICC > 0.93) and validity (rms error < 3°) of these included as a covariate in the remainder of the analyses.
angular calculations have been previously demonstrat-
ed.14,15 These procedures allowed for experimental and sta-
tistical control of the confounding variables of length, RESULTS
velocity, and type of contraction.7,28 With humeral angles
controlled, muscle length was maintained consistently. Use Differences between exercises for normalized SA EMG and
of the metronome controlled velocity of motion and was the UT/SA ratio were dependent on the phase of the exer-
verifiable based on the time per cycle data. Separation into cise (significant phase by exercise interactions, P ≤ .01).
phases ensured that comparisons were made within the Subsequently, exercise differences were analyzed separate-
same type of contraction. Examiners were trained and their ly for each phase. Both groups responded similarly across
ability to obtain consistent data and procedures verified exercises, with no significant differences between groups or
during pilot testing. interactions with group identified (P > .05, Fig. 6). For the
concentric plus phase, the subjects with shoulder dysfunc-
Statistical Analysis tion tended to have higher SA EMG values as compared to
the healthy group and equal or lower values for all other
Means and standard deviations were determined across phases, but differences did not reach statistical significance.
subjects within each group for the normalized SA EMG Analyses completed for both groups and all phases yield-
values, UT EMG values, and the UT/SA ratio from each ed significant differences between exercises (significant
phase of the four exercises. Statistical analysis was com- exercise main effects, P < .01). As hypothesized, normalized
pleted using the NCSS Version 2000 Statistical Program SA EMG activity progressively decreased across push-up
(Kaysville, Utah). The independent variables were group, exercises with the highest values for the SPP (Fig. 6A and
exercise, and phase. The dependent variables of primary B). SPP normalized SA EMG was significantly greater (P <
interest were the normalized SA EMG values and the .017) than all other exercises for all phases except the con-
UT/SA ratio. The sample distributions were tested for nor- centric plus phase, where differences between the SPP and

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490 Ludewig et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

140 140

120 120
Normalized SA EMG (%)

Normalized SA EMG (%)

100 100

80 80

60 d 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
A Exercise B Exercise
0.6 2.5

0.5 2.0

0.4 UT/SA Ratio

UT/SA Ratio




0.0 0.0

C Exercise D Exercise
Figure 6. Serratus anterior (SA) activation across exercises for concentric (solid lines) and eccentric (dashed lines) plus phases
(A), nonplus phases (B), and upper rapezius/serratus anterior (UT/SA) ratios across exercises for concentric and eccentric plus
phases (C) and nonplus phases (D). Solid symbols are the healthy group data, and clear symbols represent the group of subjects
with mild shoulder dysfunction.

KPP did not reach statistical significance. The magnitude both groups. This exercise also had a low UT/SA ratio for
of differences ranged from 13% to 45%. most phases of the exercises, although many of the other
UT/SA ratios were generally low (<0.3, Figs. 6C and D) tested exercises demonstrated similar low ratios. A lower
for all phases with the exception of the eccentric nonplus UT/SA ratio signified that the SA was highly activated,
phase. UT/SA ratios tended to be higher in the nonplus proportionately to the UT being minimally activated. The
phases due to both reduced SA EMG activity during these SPP exercise appears to be optimal in comparison to the
phases and increases in UT EMG activity (Table 2), tested modified push-up exercises if both maximum SA
although the greatest average UT activity for any phase or activation and a low UT/SA ratio are desired for a SA-
exercise reached only 25%. The hypothesis of lower UT/SA strengthening program.
ratios for the SPP was supported fully (across all exercises) For patients with an imbalance of UT to SA activation,
only for the eccentric nonplus phase (P < .017). In addition, an exercise that demonstrates a low UT/SA ratio would be
the SPP had significantly lower ratios than the WPP for all an important component of rehabilitation to allow selective
phases except the concentric plus phase. During the con- SA strengthening and reduction of the imbalance. All push-
centric plus phase, the SPP UT/SA ratio was significantly up exercises tested except the WPP demonstrated low
greater (P < .017) than for the KPP, although both ratios UT/SA ratios during the plus phases. If low ratios are
were low (below 0.1, Fig. 6C). desired in an exercise program, the WPP would be least
indicated, particularly during the eccentric nonplus phase,
where the UT activation was nearly twice that of the SA.
DISCUSSION Patients with excess UT activation may present clinically
with a shoulder-shrug motion when attempting to reach
Our results were supportive of the hypothesis that the SPP overhead (Fig. 2B). Patients with an UT/SA imbalance
during the plus phase would maximally activate the SA for would also tend to present with less scapular control and

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Vol. 32, No. 2, 2004 Muscle Activity During Push-Up Exercises 491

TABLE 2 up demonstrated higher values for the SA during the plus

Upper Trapezius Normalized EMG Data phase.4,21 These data support the use of the plus movement
Across Exercises and Phases for all push-up exercises in addition to the standard push-
up without a plus as levels of activation during the concen-
Upper tric plus phase were above 80% MVC for all exercises.
Trapezius Standard In addition to supporting past evidence of high SA acti-
Exercise Phasea EMG (%) Error
vation during a SPP, our investigation added data for sev-
Push-up plus 1 14.5 2.71 eral modified push-up exercises and the UT/SA ratio and
2 9.2 2.24 added data from subjects with mild shoulder dysfunction.
3 8.0 1.56 Although SA activation was reduced as compared to SPP,
4 19.2 2.88 the KPP and EPP were both exercises that demonstrated a
Knee push-up plus 1 11.2 1.85 low UT/SA ratio and relatively high SA activation. These
2 4.6 0.78 modified push-ups may be important alternatives for clini-
3 4.2 0.52 cal use. To perform the SPP, loads greater than 35% of body
4 20.1 2.16 weight can be required on a single upper extremity.29
Elbow push-up plus 1 NA NA
Higher level athletes with chronic symptoms could likely
2 7.6 1.72
3 6.2 1.35
complete SPP exercises fairly early in a rehabilitation pro-
4 NA NA gram; however, many patients may not be able to repeti-
Wall push-up plus 1 11.5 1.53 tively perform the SPP as early in the rehabilitation
2 5.7 1.31 process. The modified push-up exercises could be used pro-
3 12.2 1.37 gressively, beginning with the plus phase of the WPP early
4 25.3 2.48 in a rehabilitation program and progressing to the EPP,
KPP, and eventually SPP. All of these exercises involve
Phase 1, concentric; phase 2, concentric plus; phase 3, eccentric weightbearing on the upper extremities, which has been
plus; phase 4, eccentric. Note that the elbow push-up plus exercise
advocated to improve proprioception and joint stability as
does not include nonplus phases.
well as strength.29 Progression of an exercise program
should be based on the ability to perform the exercises
more scapular winging during shoulder flexion as com- without increased pain or loss of scapular control on the
pared to abduction because the trapezius is less able to thorax. We did not quantify scapular position during our
compensate for a weak serratus in flexion.9 investigation, but visual observation for both groups did
Higher UT/SA ratios were present for all exercises in the suggest adequate scapular control on the thorax during the
nonplus phases, particularly the nonplus eccentric phase performance of the exercises.
where ratios for all exercises approached or exceeded one. Our data for UT activation are generally consistent with
A ratio of one indicates an equal training stimulus for the the findings of both Moseley et al and Decker et al who
UT and SA. As values approach or exceed this equal stimu- reported that UT activation did not meet their threshold
lus level, they are indicative of exercises that would not for substantial activation during push-up plus exercises.4,21
selectively activate or train the SA. If higher UT/SA ratios Their criteria for substantial activation were reported at
are of concern when choosing a particular patient’s exer- 40% and 20% MVC, respectively, indicating that UT activi-
cise program, instructing them in performing only the plus ty was below these levels.4,21 Lear and Gross reported high-
phases of any of the push-up exercises might be indicated. er UT activation (approximately 50% MVC) during a push-
However, interpretation of any concern for higher ratios up plus.12 Their UT activation levels may have been higher
should be considered in light of the relatively low UT activ- due to the method used to determine the maximal normal-
ity that was present. With the exception of the WPP, the UT ization contraction.12 Lear and Gross used a manually
activity during even the nonplus phases remained at 20% resisted seated shoulder shrug that does not produce levels
MVC or below. The higher ratios were due in part to the of activation as high as our resisted shoulder flexion nor-
expected reductions in SA activity in the nonplus phases. malization.12,26 Therefore, Lear and Gross’s UT EMG data
Although EMG activation and load are not directly are likely referenced to a lower normalization contraction
interchangeable, past authors have indicated in untrained value, which would result in a higher percentage MVC.12
subjects that loads less than 66% of maximum do not in- None of these past authors reported UT/SA ratios or phase-
crease strength even with 150 contractions per day, where- specific UT activation levels.3,4,12,21
as with loads greater than 66%, increases in strength can All past investigations of SA and UT EMG activation
be obtained each training session, and higher loads can during push-up exercises have been completed in healthy
increase strength with fewer repetitions.19 In general, our subjects.3,4,12,21 Our investigation added data from subjects
results were supportive of past studies investigating push- with mild shoulder dysfunction. Statistical analysis
up exercises and further substantiate that the SPP exer- revealed no significant differences in how the groups
cise is highly effective for SA activation with levels above responded across exercises. A number of possible factors
66% MVC except for the eccentric nonplus phase. As may have contributed to this lack of group differences. Our
expected, our study and others that separated the plus investigation had adequate statistical power to detect dif-
phase from the remainder of the push-up or modified push- ferences of 13% to 15%. If differences between groups of a
up rather than averaging EMG throughout the full push- smaller magnitude were of interest, a larger sample size

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492 Ludewig et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

would be required. Also, a lack of homogeneity of diagnoses able and noninvasive manner.4 However, all areas (specifi-
in the group with shoulder dysfunction might reduce the cally the upper portions) of the SA are not represented by
ability to detect differences between groups. However, the the placement of this electrode where the muscle is super-
within-group standard deviations were no higher in the ficially located.20 Surface SA EMG is also difficult to obtain
dysfunction group than in the healthy group, indicating in subjects with a high body mass index. Our subjects were
this factor likely did not substantially influence the results. generally slim with no subjects presenting with an exces-
None of the subjects with shoulder dysfunction was cur- sively high body mass index. Fine wire electrodes provide a
rently experiencing an acute exacerbation of symptoms, and more localized description of muscle activation and are less
all were able to complete the push-up exercises without sig- susceptible to cross talk but are less reliable and may pro-
nificant pain (<2 on a 10-point scale). This mild dysfunction duce pain during exercises.28 Another limitation of our
status was likely the factor most influencing the lack of study is that other muscles beyond the SA and UT that can
group differences. Generalization of our results to more contribute to scapular control were not considered in this
acute patients is not recommended without further study. investigation. This was because the UT and SA are fre-
Despite no statistical differences, there was a tendency quently targeted in rehabilitation and are primary con-
for the subjects with shoulder dysfunction to have higher trollers of the scapula.4,5,15 In addition, the restricted age
values of activation than the healthy group during the con- range of our subject population (19 to 35) affects generaliz-
centric plus phase of the exercises and equal or lower val- ability outside of this age group. Future investigations may
ues during other phases. Reduced ability to produce force wish to consider additional muscle groups, larger subject
during the MVC in the group with dysfunction could result samples with a broader age range, and a broader sample of
in exercise activation during the more demanding concen- clinical patients.
tric plus phases, being a higher percentage of their MVC.
The less demanding phases would be less likely to show
such differences. However, the same patterns of progres- SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
sively increasing activation from the WPP to the SPP were
seen in both groups. This supports the potentially effective We investigated the activation of the SA and UT/SA ratios
use of similar exercise progressions not only for preventive during SPP exercises and modifications on elbows, knees,
programs in healthy subjects but also for treatment of and against the wall. Tested subjects included healthy indi-
patient populations with mild shoulder dysfunction or in viduals and a group with mild shoulder dysfunction.
the later stages of rehabilitation. When planning a rehabil- Subjects with shoulder dysfunction responded similarly to
itation program, it should always be considered that even healthy subjects across exercise conditions. The SPP con-
with the same diagnosis, clinical patients do not have iden- sistently demonstrated the highest activation of the SA as
tical pathological presentations, and therefore one exercise well as low UT/SA ratios during all phases of the exercise
may be better suited for a particular patient even though except the eccentric nonplus phase. EPP and KPP exercis-
the means across subjects might show two exercises to be es also demonstrated relatively high SA activity with low
similar. UT/SA ratios. The WPP and eccentric nonplus phase of all
EMG is not a direct measure of muscle force production. push-up exercises demonstrated higher UT/SA ratios.
Varying length, velocity, or type of muscle contraction dur- In clinical cases of shoulder impingement or scapular
ing an exercise can confound the EMG force relationship.7 winging where maximum activation of the SA with mini-
If these confounding factors are controlled as they were in mal activation of the UT is desired, the SPP is an optimal
our study, an indirect measure of force can be obtained, exercise. Other patients not immediately able to perform
with higher EMG during one exercise as compared to the SPP without exacerbating their symptoms may benefit
another representing higher force production and subse- from a progression of exercises beginning with the plus
quently the potential for greater strength gains.19,28 Past phase of the WPP, progressing to the EPP, KPP, and finally
studies have compared exercises with the arm at very dif- SPP. Selective activation of the SA without high activation
ferent humeral angles ranging from extension to full over- of the UT may improve the relative strength of the SA and
head elevation.4,8,18 During elevation of the arm, the high- improve the balance of activation between these muscles in
est gravitational force demands are known to occur at 90° patients with shoulder dysfunction. Proper balance of UT
of abduction, yet higher EMG for some muscles can be seen and SA activation is believed to reduce excess superior
with full abduction due to the confounding influence of translation of the scapula, improve scapular posterior tip-
muscle length change on EMG activation.9,16 For studies ping, and maximize the available subacromial space
where humeral angles vary widely, EMG cannot be consid- beneath the acromion, thus reducing rotator cuff impinge-
ered representative of higher force production for one exer- ment. Considering both maximum SA activation and UT/SA
cise as compared to another. With a target angle of 90° of ratios should affect the clinical selection of exercises for
humeral flexion during the plus phase of the push-up exer- improving scapular control.
cises, our data suggest that further precise control of mus-
cle length is not needed to reduce EMG variability for these
push-up activities. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Limitations of our investigation should be noted. Use of
surface electrodes for the SA and UT muscles allowed for The authors would like to thank Ryan Trebil for his contri-
representation of general whole-muscle activity in a reli- butions during the pilot phase of the project. This investi-

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