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Chapter 5

Sterilization and
Sterile Technique
Masanobu Kawachi
National Institute for Environmental Studies

Mary-Hélène Noël
National Institute for Environmental Studies

Filtration, Microwave Sterilization, Pasteurization,

Contents Sterilization, Tyndallization, Ultraviolet Radiation

1.0. Introduction
2.0. Presterilization Cleaning Procedures
2.1. New Culture Vessels
2.2. Dirty Culture Vessels
1.0. Introduction
2.3. Reusable Glass Pipettes
3.0. Sterilization Methods Sterilization is a process for establishing an aseptic con-
3.1. Autoclaving dition, that is, the removal or killing of all microorgan-
3.2. Dry-Heat Sterilization isms. Sterilization is very important in phycological
3.3. Pasteurization and Tyndallization research, especially when maintaining living organisms
3.4. Sterilization by Filtration as isolated strains in culture. The use of sterile tech-
3.5. Microwave Oven Sterilization nique, in combination with sterile equipment and
3.6. Ultraviolet Radiation supplies, minimizes contamination, resulting in more
3.7. Bleach precise experiments free of potential variables caused
3.8. Ethylene Oxide Sterilization by unwanted organisms. Sterilization is not a difficult
4.0. Storage of Sterilized Materials procedure, but precautions must be taken when
5.0. Sterile Techniques working with sterilized material to avoid contamina-
5.1. Sterile Rooms and General Techniques tion. Indeed, once sterilized materials are exposed, they
5.2. Transferring Liquid Cell Cultures soon become contaminated from the ambient air, which
5.3. Transfer of Agar Culture contains dust, spores, and microorganisms.
6.0. Sterilization of Culture Media The term disinfect is sometimes confused with steril-
6.1. Stock Solutions ization. Disinfection is usually defined as an operation
6.2. Sterilization of Liquid Culture Media that kills or reduces the number of pathogenic microor-
6.3. Sterilization of Agar Culture Media ganisms in an environment or on a surface. For
7.0. Evaluating Sterile Conditions example, cleaning hands and surfaces such as tables and
8.0. References benches with detergents or 70% ethanol before han-
dling cultures or sterilized equipment is a disinfecting
Key Index Words: Autoclaving, Bleaching, Cell Culture procedure that is usually conducted as part of the sterile
Transfer, Culture Medium, Dry-Heat Sterilization, technique. The aim of this chapter is to describe dif-

Copyright © 2005 by Academic Press

Algal Culturing Techniques 65 All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
66 Sterilization and Sterile Technique

ferent sterilization methods and basic sterile techniques products can release toxic substances during the auto-
(including disinfecting) that are commonly used in claving process. For example, black Bakelite caps should
phycological studies. be autoclaved in water several times before using with
There are various sterilization methods, which can be culture medium. New black caps color the water with
roughly classified into four categories: heat sterilization, phenolic compounds that are released when the caps are
electromagnetic wave sterilization, sterilization using first autoclaved. New polyethylene caps may also release
filtration, and chemical sterilization (Table 5.1). Heat harmful substances when they are first autoclaved.
sterilization is the most common of the general cate-
gories and usually requires high temperatures (≥100°C),
implying that the materials to be sterilized can resist
2.2. Dirty Culture Vessels
high temperatures (e.g., glassware, metallic instru-
ments, and aluminum foil). Liquids are filter-sterilized
Culture vessels that were used to grow cells should be
when the liquid contains fragile components that are
autoclaved to kill all cells. Living cells, especially as
destroyed by high temperature. Electromagnetic waves
cysts, may cause contamination of local waters if dis-
(e.g., ultraviolet [UV] rays, gamma rays, x-rays, and
carded improperly. After autoclaving, the liquid is
microwaves) are used as an alternative for materials that
cooled and discarded; when agar is used, it should be
cannot be exposed to high temperature (e.g., many
cooled to near the gelling point and then discarded. The
plastic products or liquids with a labile component).
vessels should be briefly rinsed with running water and
Today, disposable plastic supplies sterilized with gamma
then cleaned.
rays are readily available. Finally, many different types
The standard cleaning method consists of immersing
of chemicals have been used for the purpose of sterili-
the vessels overnight in a neutral detergent bath (com-
zation (Table 5.1); however, chemical traces may remain
mercial detergent for laboratory use), followed by scrub-
after the sterilization treatment, and those chemicals
bing with a brush and sponge. Vessels are then rinsed
may be detrimental to living algae and to the investiga-
several times with running water, ensuring that all deter-
tor. Therefore, chemical sterilization procedures have
gent is removed (i.e., no suds should be present [rinsing
fallen into disuse in the laboratory.
>10 times ensures good removal]). The final rinse is with
distilled or deionized water, and the cleaned vessels are
dried in an area protected from dust (Fig. 5.1).
2.0. Presterilization Other glassware such as petri dishes, watch glasses, and
Cleaning Procedures microscope slides are also cleaned with this procedure. In
cases where the algal cells are strongly attached to the
inner surface of the glassware, it is often necessary to soak
2.1. New Culture Vessels
the glassware in hot water several hours before proceed-
ing with the subsequent cleaning steps. For cleaning caps
New glass and plastic vessels, except ready-to-use steril-
on screw-type culture tubes, as well as the expansive type
ized products, should be cleaned before the first use,
of silicon rubber plugs for flasks (Fig. 5.2), a mild deter-
because chemicals or other traces of the product manu-
gent is used (with scrubbing when necessary), followed by
facturing can remain in the vessels and may be harmful
rinsing and drying as described previously.
to living cells. The procedure consists of immersing the
containers in a dilute hydrochloric acid bath (generally 1
M HCl) for 1 week, rinsing them several times with
running tap water, and rinsing with distilled or deionized 2.3. Reusable Glass Pipettes
water before drying. For a less rigorous method, new
glass and plastic vessels can be washed with neutral deter- Reusable glass pipettes, used to transfer cells, should be
gent commercialized for laboratory use (e.g., M-251L immediately rinsed with tap water after use so that cell
without Phosphorus, Shapu Manufacturing System; material does not dry onto the glass surfaces. The
Neodisher FT with neutralizer, Dr. Weigert GmbH & cotton plug should be removed before the pipettes are
Co.), followed by thorough rinsing and drying. rinsed. When immediate rinsing is not possible, the
Several types of caps for vessels are available on the pipettes should be placed tip down into a plastic beaker
market: heat-resistant plastic caps, metal caps, and containing water and then rinsed later. For washing, the
expansive silicon rubber plugs. It is recommended to pipettes can be immersed in a detergent bath (i.e.,
check the safety of the material before use, because some commercial detergent for laboratory use) (Fig. 5.3) for
Sterilization and Sterile Technique 67

TABLE 5.1. Summary of sterilization types, including applicability and limits

Category Sterilization Effective method Application Limitation


Heat Flame Direct heat with fire Surface sterilization Non–heat-resistant

(Bunsen burner) (test tube openings, materials (e.g., most
transfer loops, glass plastics)
Heat Autoclaving 2 atm (steam pressure), For general use: Non–heat-resistant
121°C; time varies (10, liquids and agar, glass materials; pH change;
20 min for small liquid and metal vessels, metal contamination
vol; 1 h for large vol) equipment
Heat Dry heat 250°C, 3 to 5 h; current Dry goods: glass and Non–heat-resistant
protocol at 150°C for 3 metal vessels and materials; liquids
to 4 h equipment
Heat Pasteurization 66–80°C for at least 30 min, Liquids with heat- Not complete sterilization
followed by quick cooling labile components (originally for killing food
(4–10°C) germs)
Heat Tyndallization 60–80°C, 30 min, followed Liquid with heat-labile Requires time
by quick cooling; cycle components
repeated 3 times in 3 d
Filtration Filtration £0.2 mm pore size filter Liquid with heat-labile Small volumes, high-
components viscosity liquids, viruses
not eliminated
Electromagnetic Microwave 10 min at 700 W; 5 min with Liquids: small volume Small liquid volumes; dry
waves intervals at 600 W. For dry of media; dry goods: goods with water require
goods: 20 min at 600 W glassware, vessels elimination of water
with water, 45 min without
Electromagnetic Ultraviolet 260 nm, 5–10 min Surface of materials, Ultraviolet-sensitive plastics
waves radiation working area
Chemical Bleach (sodium 1–5 mL for 1 L water, Large volume of water Cysts may survive;
hypochlorite) several hours for aquaculture neutralization required
(e.g., sodium thiosulfate,
250 g · L-1 stock solution;
1 mL for 4 mL of bleach)
Chemical Ethanol 50–70% solution Popular, general Some resistant
disinfection microorganisms
Chemical Ethylene oxide Airtight room or pressure Plastic and rubber Explosive; chemical residue
cabin products, non–heat- is problematic or toxic
resistant products
Chemical Corrosive 0.1%; add same amount of Antiseptic and Poison; not for materials
sublimate, NaCl and dissolve with disinfectant contacting live cells
HgCl2 distilled water
Chemical Phenol (carbolic 3% solution Antiseptic and Poison; not for materials
acid) disinfectant contacting live cells
Chemical Saponated 3–5% solution Antiseptic and Poison; not for materials
cresol solution disinfectant contacting live cells
Chemical Formaldehyde 2–5% solution Antiseptic and Poison; not for materials
(formalin) disinfectant contacting live cells
68 Sterilization and Sterile Technique

FIGURE 5.1. A dust-proof drying cabinet for storing clean FIGURE 5.3. Detergent baths for cleaning glass inoculation
or sterile materials and supplies. pipettes (inset: top view of bath).

the pipettes are placed into their canister and autoclaved

or sterilized by dry-heat technique.

3.0. Sterilization Methods

3.1. Autoclaving

Autoclaving is the most effective and popular way to ster-

ilize heat-resistant materials and is generally used to ster-
ilize liquids. An autoclave is a specialized apparatus
consisting of a heavy-walled closed chamber (Fig. 5.5)
FIGURE 5.2. Erlenmeyer flasks with silicon rubber plugs. within which high steam pressure produces a high-
Left, covered with aluminum foil; center, a standard silicon rubber sterilizing temperature (ca. 121°C; Table 5.2) without
plug; right, a silicon rubber plug with an extended shield over the boiling liquids (under ideal conditions). Duration of the
lip of the flask. autoclaving depends on the volume of liquid to be steril-
ized; for example, 10 minutes of autoclaving at 121°C is
sufficient to sterilize test tubes of 18 mm diameter,
1 or 2 days. An ultrasonic bath and siphon-type pipette whereas 1 hour is required to sterilize 10 liters of liquid.
washer are used to completely remove the detergent When properly operated, an autoclave kills all microor-
(Fig. 5.4). Pipettes are then rinsed with distilled water ganisms, even the heat-resistant spores of bacteria and
and dried in an oven at 150°C. Cotton plugs are then fungi. After autoclaving, the surface and the inside of
inserted into the top of the pipettes, the pipette end is sterilized materials are often wet, especially materials
briefly flamed to remove loose cotton fibers, and then containing paper or cotton, and in most cases a dry-heat
Sterilization and Sterile Technique 69
step in an oven at 150°C is required unless the autoclave
is capable of a dry cycle for vessels resistant to 150°C.
Some precautions must be taken for correct auto-
claving. For liquids, it is important to leave a free space
in the containers (e.g., flasks and test tubes) of at least
one quarter of the total volume to guarantee space for
steam and potential boiling. The caps of the containers,
especially screw caps of test tubes, should be loose to
prevent an excessive buildup of pressure.
Steam- and heat-resistant material is required for
labeling vessels to be autoclaved. Autoclave tape that is
commercially available is recommended, and the date of
sterilization should be added to the label. There should
be space between the individual items within the
autoclave; that is, do not overfill the autoclave. Before
starting the autoclave, make sure that the water level in
the autoclave is sufficient to ensure steam generation
throughout the autoclaving process, unless the
autoclave is connected to a utility steam supply. The
autoclave door should be closed without excessive tight-
ening, because the steam pressure pushes outward on
the door, forming a tight seal. If tightening is excessive,
then it may be difficult to open the door.
After completion of the autoclaving process, the
autoclave door should not be opened until the pressure
FIGURE 5.4. An ultrasonic siphon-type pipette washer. is completely reduced and the temperature is less than

Heat 66 to 80°C
30 min

Room temperature
Quick cool down
< 10°C

Heat 60 to 80°C
30 min

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Room temperature

Quick cool down Quick cool down Quick cool down

4 to 10°C 4 to 10°C 4 to 10°C

FIGURE 5.5. Schematic representation of the temperature cycles for pasteurization and tyndallization.
70 Sterilization and Sterile Technique

TABLE 5.2. Sterilization perature than the preset temperature, possibly leading
temperature and steam pressure to damage of some materials.
for autoclaving. The materials to be sterilized should be dry and
covered (e.g., with aluminum foil or an autoclave bag)
or placed inside a container (e.g., a stainless steel box or
Temperature Steam pressure glass dish) to avoid contamination once the sterilization
process is finished. The door of the oven should not be
°C °F atm psi opened before the oven temperature has decreased less
then 60°C, because quick cooling of the sterilized mate-
100 212 1.0 14.7 rial enhances contamination by convection currents.
110 230 1.4 20.6
115 239 1.7 25.0
121 250 2.0 29.4
134 273 3.0 44.1 3.3. Pasteurization and Tyndallization

During the nineteenth century, Tyndall and Pasteur

developed, for other purposes, procedures for steaming
100°C. Opening the autoclave prematurely may cause solutions, such as food items; hence, the procedure is
boiling of superheated liquids and may result in con- called pasteurization and tyndallization. Phycologists
tamination from spores in the ambient room air that cir- have adopted and modified the techniques for liquids
culate by convection currents and enter the autoclave; that should not be exposed to temperatures more than
however, a liquid culture medium should not be left to 100°C or that cannot be autoclaved. Heat is usually pro-
cool to room temperature in the autoclave, because this vided by unpressurized steam; thus the term steaming is
often results in the formation of precipitants. This is often applied in phycology (Starr and Zeikus 1993; see
particularly important when autoclaving seawater or a also Chapter 11). Pringsheim (1946) recommended
culture medium containing silicate. Rapid cooling steaming for the preparation of biphasic soil-water
outside the autoclave minimizes the formation of pre- culture medium, and steaming is often used to prepare
cipitants. For screw-top culture tubes, the loose caps enriched seawater culture media. Various methods are
should be tightened after the liquid is cool. Hot glass- practiced, although no clear definitions are assigned to
ware should not be placed directly into cold storage, these, but they can be summarized as methods for
because this may cause fine cracks to form in the glass. heating a liquid solution to a high temperature and
When trace metal contamination must be avoided, holding it at this temperature for a period, followed by
other methods of sterilization should be used (Price et a quick cooling.
al. 1989). For pasteurization, the liquid is traditionally raised to
a temperature between 66°C and 80°C, held at this tem-
perature for at least 30 minutes, and then rapidly cooled
to a temperature less than 10°C (Fig. 5.6). However,
3.2. Dry-Heat Sterilization pasteurization of seawater is usually carried out at 95°C
for 1 hour. For tyndallization, a process similar to
A hot air oven is generally used for dry-heat steriliza- pasteurization is applied on the first day (heating
tion of dry goods (i.e., not liquids). This mode of ster- to 60°C–80°C for 30 minutes, quickly cooling to
ilization is advantageous to eliminate unacceptable ~4°C–10°C); the material is kept cool until the follow-
autoclave residues (e.g., for certain isolation techniques; ing day, when it is heated and cooled as before; on the
see Chapter 6) and to dry the cotton in cotton-plugged third day, the cycle is again repeated (Fig. 5.6). The
pipettes. Dry-heat sterilization requires higher temper- repeated process is designed to kill cysts that germinate
atures and longer heating than sterilization by auto- after the first or second heating.
claving. The most rigorous method involves heating to In aquaculture, where large containers of seawater or
250°C for 3 to 5 hours; however, in many instances, freshwater are used, flash sterilization is used. Steam is
heating to 150°C for 3 or 4 hours is sufficient. If the produced, often by a home furnace, and passed between
oven is not equipped with a fan, then the temperature the titanium plates of a heat exchanger. The seawater
in the oven may not be uniform; caution is required, (or freshwater) is pumped through the titanium plates,
because some areas of the oven may reach a higher tem- and the water is almost instantly heated to ~70°C. This
Sterilization and Sterile Technique 71

FIGURE 5.7. A reusable filtration apparatus inside an

autoclavable bag.

size filter is required. Both disposable and reusable types

of filtration equipment are commercially available.
Sterile, disposable filtration sets are convenient and
ready to use, but they are relatively expensive. Reusable
filtration equipment (e.g., glass or polycarbonate mate-
rials) can usually be autoclaved; the membrane filter and
its assembly unit are either placed in an autoclave bag
(Fig. 5.7) or wrapped in aluminum foil before autoclav-
ing. After autoclaving, the filtration set should be dried
b in an oven at a temperature of up to 120°C. After
cooling, the filtration apparatus can be used on a bench
FIGURE 5.6. Autoclave for laboratory use. (a) Front view. top (i.e., without requiring a laminar flow hood), as long
(b) Top view. as the filtration reservoir is not exposed to contamina-
tion. After the liquid is filtered, the sterile solution in
the reservoir bottle can be dispensed (using sterile tech-
procedure does not kill the most resistant spores, but it
nique) into other appropriate sterilized vessels.
does kill most life in the water.
For very small volumes, sterile syringes with dispos-
able filter units (Fig. 5.8) are commonly used, although
reusable filter units are also available. Disposable units
3.4. Sterilization by Filtration are manufactured for immediate use, whereas reusable
filter units must be autoclaved and dried before use as
Sterilization by filtration is required for heat-labile described previously.
components, such as vitamins, or volatile components Filter sterilization should be used with caution,
of liquids, such as organic solvents. This method is also however. Membrane filters, such as intertwined organic
used for convenience and rapidity when only a small fibers or perforated polycarbonate sheets, sometimes
volume of liquid is to be sterilized. A variety of filters have openings larger than the nominal size. For
are available (i.e., different pore sizes, composition, example, Stokner et al. (1990) found that 0.2-mm filters
color, and size). Membrane filters that can be autoclaved had numerous surface defects visible by electron
are generally used for sterilizing culture medium. The microscopy and that both particles and algae that were
filters should have a pore size less than 0.2 mm; however, several micrometers were identified in the filtrates.
it is important to note that viruses can pass through such Small heterotrophic flagellates are able to squeeze
filters. When the solution has a high viscosity or con- through pore openings that are much smaller than their
tains suspended particles, prefiltration with a 1-mm pore normal cell diameter.
72 Sterilization and Sterile Technique

3.6. Ultraviolet Radiation

Although x-rays and gamma rays (ionizing radiation)

are widely used for commercial manufacturing (e.g.,
sterile plasticware), they are not suitable for use in lab-
oratories for safety reasons. UV radiation is suitable for
laboratory use, including sterilization of culture facility
hoods and benches (see later text). UV radiation is
damaging to humans (especially eyes), and care must
be taken to avoid exposure. In addition, UV radiation
FIGURE 5.8. Disposable syringe filtration unit.
produces ozone, and some people find this offensive
(Hamilton 1973). UV radiation has its primary lethal
effect at 260 nm and forms covalent bonds between
adjacent thymines in DNA. These thymine-thymine
3.5. Microwave Oven Sterilization dimers, in turn, cause DNA replication errors, which
cause potentially lethal mutations.
Sterilization with a microwave oven is quicker than UV lamps typically produce radiation with wave-
steam or dry sterilization. The heat produced by lengths between 240 and 280 nm. The energy varies
microwaves is of two types: ionic polarization and with the bulb, ranging from 40 to 40,000 microwatt-
dipole rotation. In practice, cells may be killed more by seconds per cm2, and the choice of bulb depends on the
the heat from boiling liquids than by microwaves, application. Low-energy bulbs are used for sterilizing
and indeed, the killing mechanism is not known hoods and benches, whereas high-energy bulbs are used
(Keller et al. 1988). But nevertheless, the microwave for sterilizing water. UV radiation does not penetrate
sterilization technique is effective and nontoxic. It is ordinary glass, so for sterilizing liquids, especially large
recommended to use a microwave oven that is equipped volumes (e.g., carboys), a waterproof submersible bulb
with a rotating table and has up to 700 watts (W) of is usually required. Quartz test tubes allow UV radia-
power. tion to penetrate, but these test tubes are too expensive
For the sterilization of liquids in previously cleaned for routine culture work. Furthermore, quartz glass
culture vessels, there are different protocols. Keller et easily scratches, which greatly reduces its efficiency
al. (1988) showed that, for 1 to 1.5 liters of seawater, (Hamilton 1973; for additional details, see Hamilton
microalgae were killed in 5 minutes, bacteria in 8 and Carlucci 1966). With regard to sterilizing large
minutes, and fungi in 10 minutes. Microwave ovens volumes of water, it must be remembered that UV light
manufactured today are more powerful than those pro- does not penetrate water uniformly—it is absorbed, and
duced in 1988, so the times may vary depending on the the effectiveness diminishes with distance from the
power of the microwave oven. Furthermore, the effec- bulb. Continual mixing of the water and sufficient expo-
tiveness of a microwave oven often diminishes over sure time usually circumvents this problem for the
time, and therefore an older oven requires more time. water, but if organisms are attached to the inner surface
Leal et al. (1999) describe a quick intermittent proto- of the container, then sterilization may be ineffective
col, such as a 5-minute total microwave time (2, 1, and unless more powerful lamps are used with longer
2 minutes of treatment, separated by intervals of 30 exposure times.
seconds) at 600 W.
For sterilizing glassware, Boye and van den Berg
(2000) described a protocol in which a small volume of
distilled or deionized water was added and then 3.7. Bleach
microwaved for 20 minutes at 600 W. After steriliza-
tion, the water was discarded in a laminar flow hood Bleach (sodium hypochlorite) is widely used in aqua-
with use of sterile technique. When water was not culture hatcheries where very large volumes of water
added to the glassware, sterilization by microwave require sterilization. Although the process may not kill
required 45 minutes or more to destroy bacterial spores all cysts when smaller amounts of bleach are added, it
(Jeng et al. 1987), analogous to time differences is very effective in killing most organisms. The amount
between autoclave and dry-heat oven sterilization of bleach added depends on the organic matter in the
methods (see previous text). water. Typically, 1 to 5 mL of commercial bleach is
Sterilization and Sterile Technique 73
added per liter of water, and after gentle mixing, the
water is left to stand (no mixing and no aeration) for
several hours. For shorter times, add more bleach. The
solution should not be exposed to direct sunlight during
treatment. After the bleach treatment is finished,
the solution is neutralized with sodium thiosulfate
(Na2S2O3 · 5H2O). If 250 g of sodium thiosulfate are dis-
solved in 1 liter of water, then 1 mL of the sodium thio-
sulfate solution is added for each 4 mL of bleach used.

3.8. Ethylene Oxide Sterilization

Historically, non-heat-tolerant materials (plastic and

rubber) were sterilized with ethylene oxide (Hamilton
1973). However, problems arose after sterilization,
because chemical traces remained, often killing the
FIGURE 5.9. A stainless steel basket for holding items in
living cells used in the experiment. Consequently, eth-
an autoclave. The basket contains Pasteur pipette canisters
ylene oxide sterilization has gradually fallen into disuse, covered with autoclavable bags. Note that the cap junction of a
and modern heat-tolerant reusable materials or sterile pipette canister is covered by aluminum foil.
disposable materials have become popular.

small, closed room, isolated from the normal laboratory

4.0. Storage of Sterilized Materials room, is the next best choice. These small rooms are
usually equipped with UV lamps, which can sterilize the
room when not in use, and a Bunsen burner (or alcohol
Once it is sterilized, regardless of method, the main dif-
lamp). When small rooms are not available, sterile tech-
ficulty is keeping the material sterile. After cooling,
nique can still be performed in a normal laboratory
sterilized materials can be stored in clean, dust-free con-
room if precautions are taken. Regardless of the setting,
tainers, cabinets, or shelves (Fig. 5.1), and refrigerated
the primary source of contamination will be from the
storage is often used for culture media. It should
air, the working surface, and the external surfaces of
be remembered that at least the outer surface of the
containers, vessels, and so on. Therefore, all manipula-
container (e.g., metal box, canister, or aluminum
tions should be conducted in a way to avoid these risks.
package) is contaminated. To prevent contamination
In the United States, Lysol is sprayed in the air 10
of the sterile contents, the junction of the container
minutes before sterile work (R. A. Andersen, personal
and its cover should be wrapped with aluminum foil
communication). The spray neutralizes charges on col-
before sterilization (Fig. 5.9). The body of the container
loidal particles in the air, such as dust and spores, allow-
should be cleaned externally with ethanol or passed
ing them to fall onto surfaces, such as tables and floors.
through a flame if the container is small and made of
Before beginning the sterile work, the surfaces are
glass or metal before opening to remove the sterilized
wiped with 70% ethanol to remove the dust and spores
and to ensure a good state of the environment for
conducting sterile work.
The working area and materials should be arranged
so that air circulation is reduced as much as possible
5.0. Sterile Techniques
(Fig. 5.10; order of placement of the materials is from
a to f ), that is, the operator should make minimum
5.1. Sterile Rooms and General Techniques movements and any motion should be slow. The oper-
ator should avoid crossing hands or waving pipettes
A laminar flow hood, placed in a small, closed room, is through the air, and pipetting action should be con-
the best choice for manipulating cultures and sterile ducted slowly. A laminar flow hood ensures that air-
materials. If a laminar flow hood is unavailable, then a borne dust does not enter the working area, but
74 Sterilization and Sterile Technique

a glass vessel should not be poured directly into another

vessel unless the outer surface near the rim is passed
through a flame, because the outer surface is a major
source of contamination. Under no circumstances
should a pipette be reused. Similarly, if a portion of
sterile medium is poured into one cell culture, then the
remainder should be discarded; microscopic droplets
often splash from the cell culture back into the previ-
ously sterile medium.

5.2. Transferring Liquid Cell Cultures

FIGURE 5.10. A laminar flow hood with Bunsen burner
and supplies organized for use by a right-handed person. Place- The following example is a common procedure for
ment and use order of the materials is indicated with the letters
transferring established cultures into new culture
(a) to (f). Note the stopper for the cylindrical canister. Test tube
medium. Although many variations exist in different
arrangement is to facilitate handling and to avoid mistakes during
manipulations. laboratories, this provides a general procedure for
proper sterile technique. The example assumes that the
worker is using a laminar flow hood. If you do not
attention must be given to maintenance of the hood have a laminar flow hood, then certain steps are to be
filters. If a filter becomes contaminated, then the deleted. The example also assumes the worker is using
laminar flow hood becomes a very effective contami- reusable glass pipettes; if you use disposable plastic
nating machine. The condition of sterile materials pipettes or pipette tips, then some minor modifications
should be checked, and if any doubt exists, then the are necessary. Finally, the directions are for right-
material should not be used. The person may wear latex handed people; left-handed people should reverse the
gloves, which should be changed often, or alternatively movements and the placement of items (see Fig. 5.10).
the person should wipe his or her hands with 70% For additional details and other manipulations, see
ethanol. Sleeves of clothing are a major source of con- Barker (1998).
tamination; therefore, sleeves should be rolled up and
the person’s arms should be wiped with 70% ethanol. 1. Wear protective clothing that is sterilized by UV
Alternatively, the person may wear clean, UV light. If clothing is maintained inside the room,
light–sterilized work clothes that are not worn outside then carefully do this after turning off the UV
the transfer room. The work area should be wiped with lamp and entering the room.
70% ethanol before the task is begun. 2. Turn off the UV sterilizing light in the room,
The Bunsen burner is usually placed in the center for open the door using a minimum opening, enter
subculturing manipulations or inoculations, so that all the room with slow motion, and gently close the
operations are conducted within a 40-cm circle around door.
the flame (Fig. 5.10). A receptacle for used pipettes, dis- 3. Turn on the laminar flow hood air circulator and
posable tips, and so on, should be placed on the right then turn off the UV sterilizing light in the
side for a right-handed person (or on the left side for laminar flow hood. If there is an external gas
a left-handed person) so that contamination risk is valve for the hood, then open it, but only if the
limited. Once the work area is well organized, the valve on the Bunsen burner is closed.
Bunsen burner can be ignited, and the person should 4. Wipe the working surface with 70% ethanol.
once again wipe his or her hands with 70% ethanol, 5. Place the Bunsen burner in the center.
using care to avoid ignition of the alcohol. Thereafter, 6. Place the canister with sterile pipettes or
the worker should not place his or her hands outside of disposable pipette tips on the most left side (Fig.
the hood (Fig. 5.10). If a sterile item (e.g., a pipette or 5.10). Spray and wipe the surface of the container
disposable tip) accidentally touches the outer surface of with 70% ethanol.
a bottle or container, then it should be discarded and 7. Place the bottles, Erlenmeyer flasks, or test tubes
replaced with a new sterile implement. The contents of on the left side (i.e., second position for
Sterilization and Sterile Technique 75
chronological order of use; see Fig. 5.10, with burner, remove the cap with your right hand by
order of materials from a to f ) at the periphery of putting pressure on the cap in between your palm
the 40-cm circle from the Bunsen burner. and two outer fingers (Fig. 5.11a). When the
8. Place the pipette bulb on the right side of the canister cap is too large to be held as described,
Bunsen burner. Regularly clean the inner part of place the cap at the base of the Bunsen burner
the bulb with 70% ethanol and wipe carefully the and flame it before replacing it onto the pipette
inner rim; loose cotton fibers in its opening canister.
prevent a seal from forming, causing a pipette to 13. With your left hand, gently shake the canister so
drip. Never use a bulb that has been used for that one pipette is smoothly extruded a few
manipulation of chemicals (e.g., osmium, centimeters from the canister opening (Fig.
glutaraldehyde). 5.11b).
9. Place the container for discarding used pipettes 14. With your right hand, catch the pipette with your
outside the 40-cm circle, on the most right side of thumb and index and middle fingers, and then
the working area. remove it from the canister with a slow, uniform
10. Make sure that all inoculation vessels are correctly motion (Fig. 5.11c). The pipette tip should never
labeled. contact the container opening.
11. After organizing all materials, turn on the 15. Keep your right hand near the Bunsen burner; a
(secondary) gas valve and light the Bunsen burner. 20-cm circle is the preferred distance to maintain
Spray hands with 70% ethanol (or put on sterile pipettes and to open vessels.
disposable gloves). Sterile manipulation can now 16. Replace the cap onto the canister, being very
begin; make sure to stay within the 40-cm circle careful that the pipette never touches the
around the Bunsen burner. container surface or anything else (Fig. 5.11d). To
avoid manipulations and risks during repeated
The following steps describe the procedure for trans- culture transfers, it is recommended to keep the
ferring liquid cultures with a glass Pasteur pipette that pipette canister open within the 40-cm circle and
will be cleaned and reused. to extract the pipettes with a stainless forceps
flamed before each extraction. In this case, the
12. With your left hand, pick up the pipette canister canister content should be completely used or, if
and bring it close to the Bunsen burner. not, should be resterilized before the next
Remaining in the 20-cm circle of the Bunsen use.

a b

c d
FIGURE 5.11. Removal of a Pasteur pipette from a canister. Note that the canister cap, though large, is held in the right hand
between the palm and two outer fingers. All work is close to the Bunsen burner flame. (a), Opening the pipette canister; (b), Shaking
a pipette partially out of the canister; (c), Extraction of a pipette; (d), Replacing the cap on the canister.
76 Sterilization and Sterile Technique

17. With your left hand, place the canister 25. With the left hand, move the vessel slowly away
in its normal position on the working from the flame but keep it oriented at a 45 degree
surface. angle to reduce the possibility of contamination.
18. With your left hand, pick up the pipette with 26. Slowly insert the tip of the pipette into the liquid,
your thumb and index finger at the cotton- being careful not to touch the pipette against the
plugged end of the pipette and remain close to opening of the vessel.
the flame (Fig. 5.12a). 27. Slowly draw a cell suspension into the pipette by
19. With your right hand, pick up the bulb. carefully controlling the pressure exerted on the
20. Insert the pipette bulb onto the pipette bulb, making certain that the liquid level does not
(Fig. 5.12b). come near the cotton plug of the pipette (Fig.
21. It should not be necessary to flame the sterile 5.13c). Collect only the necessary volume of cell
pipette; however, if you choose to flame the suspension. If extra material is removed, then it
pipette before use, then cool the pipette with a must be discarded. To avoid any risk of spilling or
small amount of sterile medium. dripping, the bulb should be completely expanded
22. Handle the pipette in your right hand near the at the end of the collection.
bulb (Fig. 5.12c) and slowly pick up the cell 28. After drawing up the appropriate amount of cell
culture vessel with your left hand. suspension, the pipette is slowly removed while
23. Bring the cell culture vessel to your right hand, avoiding contact with the vessel.
and using your palm and small finger of the right 29. Orient the pipette to a nearly horizontal position
hand while still holding the pipette, remove the without exerting pressure on the bulb, and maintain
cap from the vessel (Fig. 5.13a). The pipette the pipette within 20 cm of the Bunsen burner.
should remain close to the Bunsen burner and 30. Flame the mouth of the vessel again, using a
should not touch anything. rotating motion (Fig. 5.13d). Do not touch the
24. With the left hand, briefly flame the opening of pipette against anything.
the cell culture vessel while slowly rotating the lip 31. Using your left hand, slowly bring the vessel to
of the vessel in the flame at an angle of at least 45 the cap that has been maintained between the
degrees; avoid breathing into the vessel if the small finger and palm of the right hand (Fig.
laminar flow hood window is not pulled down 5.13e). Note: for larger caps (e.g., Erlenmeyer
(Fig. 5.13b; the hood window is up only for large soft plugs, Fig. 5.2) that cannot be held
photographic purposes). Note: do not flame during manipulations, the cap is placed on the
plasticware. working area and flamed before replacement.

a b

FIGURE 5.12. (a) Transferring the pipette from the right hand to the left hand. (b) Holding the pipette and attaching the bulb.
Note that the tip of the pipette remains near the Bunsen burner. Also note the cotton plug in the pipette that retains any contami-
nating material from the pipette bulb. (c) Holding the pipette in the right hand, slowly move the left hand (not visible) to pick up the
culture vessel containing cells.
Sterilization and Sterile Technique 77

a b

c d

FIGURE 5.13. Demonstration with a test tube, in which the cap is held between the palm and small finger during aseptic work:
opening the test tube cap (a), flaming the test tube mouth (b), drawing up a cell suspension for transfer (c), the second flaming of
the test tube mouth (d), and replacing the test tube cap (e).

32. Replace the cap, always being careful that the 37. Flame the mouth of the vessel and replace the cap
pipette does not touch anything. Be careful not to as described above, using precautions as before.
bring the pipette too close to the flame, because 38. The newly inoculated vessel, with cap attached,
the heat may kill the cells. should be placed onto the bench again.
33. Return the capped vessel to its previous position. 39. Discard the used pipette in the storage container,
Your left hand is now free. Note: it is good using caution to avoid any spillage of cell
practice to place the drawn vessels (or, suspension onto the bench. If any spill has
alternatively, newly inoculated vessels) in a new occurred, then wipe up the liquid with a Kimwipe
location so that accidental reinoculation does not or towel, spray the area with 70% ethanol, and
occur. In the case of test tubes held in a rack, wipe the surface again with a new tissue paper. If
a row free of tubes can be maintained wearing gloves, then change to a new pair of
between uninoculated and inoculated tubes sterile gloves; otherwise, spray hands with 70%
(See Fig. 5.10). ethanol.
34. Slowly move your left hand to the vessel that will 40. Bring the pipette to the discard container (Fig.
be inoculated. 5.14a). With the free left hand, pick up the
35. Using the same procedure described above, open pipette with your thumb and index finger at
the new vessel, flame the opening, and insert the the cotton-plugged end of the pipette, and
pipette into the new vessel without touching the carefully remove the pipette bulb with your right
mouth. hand.
36. Slowly discharge the cell suspension into the 41. With your left hand, place the pipette in the
vessel and carefully remove the pipette. If the tip container, making sure that the tip is well
of the pipette is placed below the surface, then immersed in the water (Fig. 5.14b). Return the
avoid bubbling into the liquid. bulb to its normal position. The working area is
78 Sterilization and Sterile Technique

a b
FIGURE 5.14. After transfer, the pipette is directed to the water-filled discard container (a). The bulb is removed once the
pipette is above the discard container to avoid spilling on the working area (not shown). (b) The discard container should be stable
enough to store the appropriate number of pipettes without risk of falling. A sufficient amount of water stabilizes the container and
ensures that the pipette tips remain wet.

back to its initial stage and ready for the next 7. Place the test tubes or petri dishes on the left
transfer process. side at the periphery of the 40-cm circle from
42. Once all transfers are completed, turn off the Bunsen the Bunsen burner.
burner, remove all the materials from the working 8. After organizing all materials, turn on the
place, and wipe the surface with 70% ethanol. (secondary) gas valve and light the Bunsen
43. Close the front window of the hood and close the burner. Spray hands with 70% ethanol, or put
external gas valve, if present. Switch off the on sterile disposable gloves. Sterile manipulation
ventilation system and turn on the UV lamp of can now begin, but make sure to stay within the
the hood. Exit the room by carefully opening and 40-cm circle around the Bunsen burner.
closing the door. Turn off the room light and turn 9. Flame the transfer loop in the blue part of the
on the UV lamp for the room. Bunsen burner flame until the metal is red (Fig.
44. Remove your protective clothing and place it in 5.15a).
the UV cabinet for sterilization. Exit the airlock 10. Cool the loop while maintaining it within the
room carefully and switch on the UV sterilization 20-cm circle around the Bunsen burner (Fig.
of this room. 5.15b).
45. In most cases, clean shoes or slippers are 11. Using the left hand, bring the cell culture vessel
recommended for the clean area, and these should toward the Bunsen burner within the 20-cm
be changed when entering and exiting the clean circle.
area. A sticky pad or carpet placed on the floor at 12. When using a test tube, follow the instructions
the door location is very helpful to keep dirt from given for transfer of liquids (steps 23 through 25
clean areas; dirt on shoes is perhaps the primary in the previous section). When using a petri
source of contamination entering a room, where dish, open the cover with your left hand, to an
later it may become airborne. angle of 45 degrees; avoid touching the inner
46. Appropriate signs should be in place to ensure a part of the cover (Fig. 5.15c).
safe work area. Custodians should be generally 13. Slowly insert the loop and pick up the cells
prohibited from servicing sterile facilities unless without scratching the agar (Fig. 5.15d).
informed and instructed. 14. Replace the petri dish cover or the cap of the
test tube (see steps 30 to 32 in Section 5.2).
Keep the loop end within the 20-cm circle of the
5.3. Transfer of Agar Culture Bunsen burner without touching any surfaces
and without getting too close to the flame.
Refer to Section 5.2, with modifications as follows: 15. Slowly move your left hand to the vessel that
will be inoculated.
1–5. Follow steps 1 through 5, described previously. 16. Using the same procedure described previously,
6. Place the transfer loop at the base of the Bunsen open the new vessel and gently brush the surface
burner. of the agar (without scratching the surface). Use
Sterilization and Sterile Technique 79

a b

c d
FIGURE 5.15. Cell culture transfer onto agar medium: flaming a platinum loop in a Bunsen burner flame (a); cooling the loop
in the sterile zone near the Bunsen burner (b); opening a petri dish cover at a 45 degree angle (c); 45 degree angle opening for spread-
ing cells with a glass rod); and using a transfer loop to remove cells before transfer (d). Note that the transfer loop is centered to
avoid touching the test tube and that the test tube is oriented at a 45 degree angle.

the appropriate technique of transfer (i.e., sterilize, each stock solution should be autoclaved or
horizontal lines in zigzag or quadrants system sterile filtered and stored at 4°C. (Vitamins are
for a petri dish). In any case, the loop end should stored at -20°C.) To maintain sterility of stock
not touch the opening of the test tube or sides of solutions, they should be handled aseptically. If
the petri dish. fungal or bacterial growth is discovered, then the stock
17. After a test tube transfer, flame the mouth of the should be autoclaved and the contents discarded.
test tube and replace the cap as described For details on preparing stock solutions, see Chapters 2
previously, using precautions as before. to 4.
After a Petri dish transfer, replace the cover
18. Flame the end of the loop in the blue part of the
Bunsen burner until the loop is red. After 6.2. Sterilization of Liquid Culture Media
cooling the loop within 20 cm of the Bunsen
burner, the loop is ready for the next transfer. Sterilization is typically carried out by autoclaving
19. Follow instructions given in Section 5.2., steps (121°C for 15 minutes), followed by a cooling period.
42 to 46. The appearance of the culture medium should be
checked; if the color has changed or if precipitates have
formed, then the medium may not be suitable for
normal use. Reasons for such changes are multiple, so
the preparation procedure should be checked step by
6.0. Sterilization of Culture Media step. Heat-labile components, like vitamins, may be
added after autoclaving by using a filter sterilization
6.1. Stock Solutions method. Tyndallization is used in place of autoclaving
when destruction of fragile components by high tem-
In most cases, stock solutions of each component of the perature must be avoided (see previous section on
medium are prepared in autoclavable bottles. To pasteurization and tyndallization).
80 Sterilization and Sterile Technique

Using a microwave oven can also perform the steril- ferred, because it grows fungi better than peptone. In
ization of media. The temperature reached during this specific cases, for example, testing for methyl-
type of sterilization is less than 84°C (Keller et al. 1988, aminotrophic bacteria, methylamine is the preferred
Hoff and Snell 2001). This allows the direct addition of substrate; a peptone medium tests negative, because
some labile components before microwave treatment. there is insufficient substrate to detect bacterial growth.
Nevertheless, sterile addition of vitamins is still recom- To test for air-borne contamination over a working
mended after microwave treatment. Microwave oven surface, a series of the test medium is exposed over
sterilization of media is quick (only 10 minutes or less), specific periods. For example, petri dishes with sterile
and it avoids both metal contamination, which occurs peptone agar can be exposed at intervals of 1 minute, 5
during autoclaving, and carbonate precipitation (Price minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 1 hour. To achieve
et al. 1989). However, microwave sterilization can be this, the petri dish cover is removed for the period (e.g.,
used only for small volumes of media (£1–1.5 liters), 1 minute) and then replaced. The petri dish is then
whereas autoclave sterilization can be used for large incubated for 1–3 days, and the number of bacterial or
volumes of media (e.g., 20 liters). fungal colonies is counted. For a laminar flow hood,
exposure for 1 hour should not result in any contami-
nating growth. For a still hood in a small room, often
6.3. Sterilization of Agar Culture Media no contamination occurs for short periods, and only one
(See Also Chapter 2) or two colonies appear after 15–30 minutes. If numer-
ous colonies appear after incubation on the nutrient
As for liquid culture media, sterilization is usually agar plate that was exposed for a short period, then the
obtained by autoclaving (121°C for 15 minutes). For environment is heavily contaminated, and sterile proce-
agar slants in test tubes, the tubes should be cooled at dures are likely to fail. Similarly, a test tube of broth can
an angle so that the agar solidifies with a smooth slope be uncapped for the period, recapped, and incubated.
that is not too close to the opening of the tube. When Colonies cannot be counted when a broth test medium
petri dishes are used, the agar is dispensed into sterile is used, and the only results that can be measured are
petri dishes under sterile conditions and then cooled. To positive or negative contamination. However, if one
reduce contamination, the agar should not exceed half exposes 10 test tubes at intervals similar to those used
the height of the dish. for transferring a culture, if no positive growth occurs
For agar culture media containing heat-labile com- in the test medium, and if environmental conditions
ponents, the fragile components are added aseptically remain unchanged, then the worker can have confi-
after autoclaving but before the agar begins to gel dence that at least most of the transfers will be con-
(approximately 50°C–60°C for standard-melting-point taminant-free. If environmental conditions change
agars). between the test and the actual sterile work, then the
test results no longer predict the sterile conditions. Two
examples of changing conditions are given. If the
tests are conducted at a field station when there are no
other people present, but the transfers are carried out
7.0. Evaluating Sterile Conditions
when several people are active in the room, then the
additional activity increases contamination above that of
Despite careful sterile technique, contamination may the tests. If the tests are conducted in a small laboratory
sometimes occur. It may not be obvious how or why the room without activity, and then a custodian operates a
contamination occurs, or a less rigorous protocol may be vacuum cleaner a few hours before cultures are trans-
necessary when suboptimal conditions exist (e.g., at a ferred, then the room contains more air-borne spores,
field station). Therefore, it is often helpful to employ and contamination is much higher than that of the tests.
sterility tests to evaluate the conditions. Bacteria and Variations of these simple tests can be used to test
fungi grow in various nutrient agars and broths, although culture medium, vitamins, stock solutions, pipettes, and
it is important to note that not all bacteria or fungi grow so on. For example, if a stock solution used to prepare
in any specific organic medium. For general testing pur- a culture medium has been opened several times, then
poses, a 0.1% peptone agar or broth is usually satisfac- the stock solution may be unsterile. By taking the stock
tory. For best results, the peptone should be dissolved in solution and test medium into a laminar flow hood
culture medium rather than distilled water. When fungal (see earlier procedures), a small amount of the stock
contamination is a specific concern, malt extract is pre- solution can be added to the test medium. If the
Sterilization and Sterile Technique 81
test medium produces bacterial growth during incuba- Boye, M., and van den Berg, C. M. G. 2000. Iron availability
tion, then the stock solution is contaminated and and the release of iron-complexing ligands by Emiliania
should be discarded. Similarly, if a culture medium is huxleyi. Mar. Chem. 70:277–87.
prepared with sterile filtration and there is concern Hamilton, R. D. 1973. Sterilization. In: Stein, J. R., ed. Hand-
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1990), then a small amount of the sterile medium can Measurements. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
be added to a test medium. A positive bacterial growth 181–93.
demonstrates that bacteria have passed through the Hamilton, R. D., and Carlucci, A. F. 1966. Use of the ultra-
filter. If the concern is about contamination by a het- violet irradiated seawater in the preparation of culture
erotrophic flagellate that feeds phagotrophically on bac- media. Nature. 211:483–4.
teria, then the test medium should contain bacteria. Hoff, F. H., and Snell, T. W. 2001. Plankton Culture Manual.
These simple tests, with nearly endless modifications, 5th ed. Florida Aqua Farms, Inc., Dade City, Florida, USA,
can be performed to help evaluate sterile conditions. The 162 pp.
tests must be carried out under conditions that show pos- Jeng, D. K. H., Kaczmarek, K. A., Woodworth, A. G., and
itive results when contamination exists. Also, if the real Balasky, G. 1987. Mechanism of microwave sterilization in
work is to be conducted following the testing period, the dry state. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 53:2133–7.
then the test conditions must be representative of the Keller, M. D., Bellows, W. K., and Guillard, R. R. L. 1988.
working conditions. The tests should not be considered Microwave treatment for sterilization of phytoplankton
as an absolute measure of sterility, but they provide an culture media. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 117:279–83.
evaluation of sterility when no other means is available. Leal, M. F. C., Vasconcelos, M. T. S. D., and van den Berg,
In conclusion, all sterilization protocols vary for each C. M. G. 1999. Copper-induced release of complexing
person and laboratory practice. Whatever protocol is ligands similar to thiols by Emiliania huxleyi in seawater
used, good sterile technique is required for culturing cultures. Limnol. Oceanogr. 44–7:1750–62.
algae. Different protocols and modifications of available Price, N. M., Harrison, G. I., Hering, J. G., Hudson, R. J.,
materials are often required, and the goals of each indi- Nirel, P. M., Palenik, B., and Morel, F. M. M. 1989. Prepa-
vidual determine the exact protocols. Control methods ration and chemistry of the artificial algal culture medium
should be employed to verify sterile techniques, and a Aquil. Biol. Oceanogr. 6:443–61.
careful, routine work protocol should be established to Pringsheim, E. G. 1946. Pure Cultures of Algae. Their
minimize contamination. Preparation and Maintenance. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge. 119 pp.
Starr, R. C., and Zeikus, J. A. 1993. UTEX—The culture
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