Art-App - Act1 - IV@2EFG

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Simeon Sam N.

Magalona IV 2EFG
Name: ______________________________ Section: ________

Merging Contemporary and Traditional
Direction: As a possible artist and artisan, create a creative and recent interpretation of any work of
an artist/artisan in the past. Aside from visual arts, you can traverse through music,
photography, performance art, applied arts or any art expression. Output should be
submitted via Google Drive.

Rubric for Rating Output:

Content (use of an original artwork was well-explained and well-represented) - 20%

Creativity (artist’s originality and unique interpretation can be seen in the work) - 45%

Use of Elements of Chosen Art Expression (well-represented in the artwork) - 35%

Total - 100%

Ensueños de amor

In my artwork, I combined Juan Luna’s Ensueños de Amor and an expressionistic artwork made by Edvard
Munch which is “The Scream”. These two artists suffered from their state of mind, wracked with anxiety and
uncertainty. The reason why I mixed these two art styles it is because I’ve read about traumatic events behind their
painting. Ensueños de Amor literally "Daydreams of Love", is a "dreamy" oil on wood painting by Filipino painter and
revolutionary activist Juan Luna. Paz Pardo de Tavera, is the subject of this genre portrait. The picture space is
predominantly painted with white, touched with pink, green and blue tints. Quick brush strokes captured the
moment’s candid vision. In 1886, he married Paz Pardo de Tavera, with whom he had a son, Andreas. The marriage
ended in tragedy. Luna, in a fit of jealousy, killed his wife and mother-in-law and wounded his brother-in-law, Felix
on September 23, 1892. He was acquitted of the charge of parricide and murder by a French court on February 7,
1893. The Scream is autobiographical, an expressionistic construction based on Munch's actual experience of a
scream piercing through nature while on a walk, after his two companions, seen in the background, had left him.
Fitting the fact that the sound must have been heard at a time when his mind was in an abnormal state, Munch
renders it in a style which if pushed to extremes can destroy human integrity.
Ensueños de amor
By Juan Luna The Scream
By Edvard Munch

By Simeon Sam N. Magalona IV

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