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Anthropology is the study of the origin, development, and nature of the human species. Etymologically the word Anthropology is derived from two Greek words ‘anthropos’ means ‘human’ and ‘logos’ means study or science. Thus, Anthropology can be understood as the study of science of human beings i.e. the study of humanity. As a matter of fact, Anthropology is a comparative and integrated discipline that examine all societies and field and model as well as simple and complex. This is also considered as a holistic science as it also studies the whole of human condition past, present, and future as well as biological, social and cultural aspects. Aristotle: He was a Greek philosopher and referred as the ‘father of anthropology. He is considered as the first anthropologist who coined, defined and explained the term anthropology. He defined Anthropology, as the “gossip” that revolves around man and the anthropologist as the gossiper who talks about himself. Immanuel Kant- He was a German philosopher,who published a book titled ‘Anthropology in the 18th CE. He found Anthropology as a study which describes and explains the animal's origin, social as well as cultural development and progress of man. AL Kroeber- “Anthropology is the science of man” oe The scope of anthropology is based on its methods/perspective: e Holistic and historical perspective in anthropology. ° ° ° The study of biological and cultural evolution of man (Physical and Cultural Anthropology) The study of the works of man through material culture of prehistoric time (Prehistoric Archaeological Anthropology) The study of races ,culture and migration (Ethnology) The study of material culture, social control, faith and rituals (Economic,Political and Religious Anthropology) e Investigative, applied, and comparative perspective in anthropology o The study of communication symbols like language and arts (Linguistic Anthropology) o The study of ways of life, society, different culture (Sociocultural Anthropology) o The study of health and disease and its social and cultural aspects (Epidemiological Anthropology) o The study of environment and adaptations (Ecological Anthropology) o The study of healthy diet, social variation (Nutritional Anthropology) o The study of personal identification and reconstruction (Forensic Anthropology) There was divided opinion on the scope of anthropology till the19th CE. During the beginning of 19th CE Encyclopaedia Britannica defined Anthropology as a separate discipline, devoted to a discourse of human nature. e Anthropologist Edward Tylor, had restricted the scope of anthropology to the study of primitive people only. Later Paul Bohannan, have emphasized that the scope of anthropology extend to the study of modern culture. e Scholars like Malinowski, Brown and Boas define anthropology during the beginning of the 20th CE as the study of man at all levels of development. e Today, anthropology is equally inquisitive about the man in his past, present and future and exist as a comprehensive, comparative,and holistic field of study among all the social biological and humanistic science. Contemporary Historical e Vicos Project (Peru): Helped Quechua-speaking highland peasants run a plantation. e In 1952, Professor Allan Holmberg arranged for Cornell University to lease the Hacienda Vicos, an agricultural estate in the central Peruvian highlands on which some 1800 Quechua-speaking highland peasants resided. © They initiated a set of social, economic, and agrarian changes, and nurtured mechanisms for community-based management of the estate by the resident peasants. Holmberg's twin goals for the Vicos Project were to bring about community possession of their land base and to study the process as it unfolded, advancing anthropological understanding of cultural change. e To describe the process of doing both, he invented the term "participant intervention." TT

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