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Islam and evolution

People say that evolution can not be compatible with the Qu'ran. According to
them, Qu'ran’s creation story is different than that of evolution. God created Adam
from dirt, then he created Eve from Adam’s arm, then they reproduced.
First off, come on, doesn’t this sound t you like an ancient greek myth created
by people’s imagination?
Secondly, this story isn’t told that way in the Qu'ran, it’s told in a way that can
be interpreted in many ways. And there’s an interpretation that is compatible with
evolution. Whose to say which interpretations are true and which are false? Facts
and Science. If some Qu'ran interpretation holds ideas that we know are false, we
let go of it.
Let’s go back to Adam and Eve story, the Qu'ran says that Adam and Eve were
created in heaven, but it does not say that they were physically created in heaven.
One interpretation suggests that God created Adam and Eve in paradise as souls,
when they disobeyed him, God sent their souls to pervade humans who were about
to be born. So Qu'ran is capable of being compatible with evolution. This
interpretation would imply that Adam had parents and that he was not the first
human, but this is not a problem at all since there is not a single verse in the
Qu'ran that claims Adam was the first human to ever live. According to science,
there is no first human, humans gradually showed up.
Ironically, Qu'ran isn’t just compatible with evolution, Qu'ran points to
An article in nature mentions;
The holy Qu'ran asks its followers to “travel through the land and observe how he began
creation” (Chapter 29 Sūrat l-ʿankabūt verse 20–29). So, Muslims are required to pursue
a journey of understanding, a journey that cannot be begun by ignoring scientific

Qu'ran even confirms that life started from water just like what evolution


This verse isn’t just an example of Qu’ran’s compatibility with evolution, it’s a
miracle that Qu’ran stated this 1400 years ago before the theory of evolution was

Allah also said:

Yes, there is a way to interpret these verses that makes them incompatible with
Yes, there is a way to interpret these verses that makes them incompatible with
evolution, but that’s not my point. My point is; there are interpretations of Qu'ran
that are compatible with evolution. The interpretation that suggests Adam was
born like any other human satisfies both of the criterion, and hence it is likely to be
Or do you want me to let go of what 99 percent of the world’s brightest minds
believe in, and instead believe in the words of an ancient interpreter like Ibn
Kathir who didn’t even know the earth orbited the sun?
No thanks, I’d rather stay rational. If you want to follow your heart and
irrational animalistic desires, it’s up to you. But you can’t force me follow your
unreasonable emotions.
The mind is a grace. I’ve chosen to to use it, while you’ve chosen the opposite.
Stay curious.

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