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Ailan e Pakistan

Aap sub ko taloo e subh e azadi Mubarak ho, yeh radio Tete a tete with Salma Raza.
Pakistan ha. Daighter of famous broad caster
It was the first announcement by Radio Pakistan ( Lahore). First who announced Pakistans
broad cast. It was in the voice of Mustafa Hamdani. Lot of independence on Radio Pakistan
Pakistani youth has seen him on you tube video thanks to his 1947.
son for the clipping. ( more should have done by the institute
of radio Pakistan). Although most of us have heard his voice few of us know about the person
he was. Through this interview you will not know about the person but the resources used for
this famous broad cast. Like a scientist dream to write a formula on paper inside a cigarette
packet, or famous business deal on a tissue in a restaurant ; the ailan e Partisan was written on
a paper inside cigarette packet, recalls Ms Raza. The reason was that Mr. Hamdani had his own
pen but he couldn’t find any paper in office. “ The officers/employees took the stationery with
them..( whats the big deal… today’s youth may joke, why don’t these people use smart

It shows the mindset of people who left( gone back) the building for new staff.

Later Mr. Hamdani quoted.

During talk in Ms Raza’s office overlooking the lovely petunias of APSACS Sectt, she unveiled
that ( being daughter of Mr. Hamdani)made her treated like celebrity in her school and college
years by teachers and class fellows in Lahore city. But due to strong ethical and mral families
the fame never got to our heads.

Mustafa Ali Hamdani (1915-1980)

Radio Pakistan, broad caster and …… ..14th August. Their clues instantly head to a
name who was chosen by Allah to announce the birth of Pakistan. His announcement
immortalized him in the history. In an interview for the library of PBC he says “ myself
and my future generation will be proud of this honor . his grandfather migrated from
Hamadan (Iran) via Kashmir to Pakistan . his father Safder Ali hamdani work in
accountant general office Lahore and dedicated life for his two sons as his wife passed
away. When Mustafa was only two and half years old. His fair complexion golden hair
and tall persona made him stand out in the crowd. Grew amongst the literary cultured
and refined traditional elders of old Lahore. These values reflected in his behavior
throughout his life. Honest,straight forward ,simple, helpful and uncompromising on
principles were his obvious character traits. He did his honors in Persian from oriental
college Punjab university Lahore . he was inclined to literary arts , was a fine poet of
Urdu and Persian . most of his poetry gives deep messages and depicts positive
aspects of Islam. Other famous poets of his family include his cousins Raza Hamdani ,
brother in –Law Farighbukhari and son Safder Ali Hamdani. Before joining all india
Radio on persuation of Zulfiqar alibukhari (famous broadcaster) he started an urdu
newspaper “Safeena” from Lahore which was discontinued because of financial
constraints. During his service in Radio he became very famous for his peculiar, deep
and clear voice. He was very particular about his vocal cord health, never ate pickles
and would gargle religiously twice a day . besides daily announcements and news his
hearth warming voice and messages during the war 1965 and 1971 became very
famous. During his service he was offered job by voa (Voice od Amercia) which he
refused and recommended one of his students. Radio in the pre –era was a hub of
famous personalities from all walks of life . this provided him a chance to interact with
poets , writers , singers , political figures and drama artists . Ikhlaq Ahmed Dehlvi ,Aziz
–ur –Rehman , Mohni Hameed , Sultan Khusat , NizamDeen, Abdul Latif Musafir and
Abul Hassan Naghmi were his colleuge. He was an active organizer of Azad Day in
memory of Moulana Muhammad Hussain Azad. Though M.A Hamdani was part of
glamorous life but he always avoided the fanfare and projection . a simple contended
and humble soul who would prefer the company of his family, neighbors and people
around. Was punctual to the extent that people would set their clocks at 4 pm as he
would leave for his duty. He was the greatest of education in the general and women
education in particular. His four sons and five daughters were given equal opportunities
and all were highly qualified /educated. He had very simple life and spent every penny
on his children’s education. After retirement, his services were hired by the PBC for
training the announcers. For a very short span of time he worked for PTV but didn’t feel
comfortable with glaring light . his actions spoke louder than the words. He was very
sensitive about the plight of Palestinian muslims , fall of Dacca made him cried and was
depressed about the country’s state. He liked Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto , he spent his life with
composer and gratitude with firm believe in a God. A day before his death he told one of
his neighbor that I have got my visa for Germany he passed away on 21 st April 1980
and buried in MominPura Graveyard Lahore.

 He composed his announcement of creation of Pakistan on an empty cigerate

pack as Hindus took away the stationery while leaving all India radio.

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