I Borrowed This Book From A Friend of Mine When This Pandemic Started

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I borrowed this book from a friend of mine when this pandemic

started. First, when I got the book, I thought it was boring, so I just
kept it inside my locker for a month or two but then there was nothing
to read I thought of reading this. When I started it was a bit boring
though, in the end, it became my favorite story.

This was written by K. E. Ormsby in March 2015.

In this story, Two things make 12-year-old orphan Lottie Fiske’s sad life
happier: her friendship with Eliot and the magical apple tree near her

Every year, Lottie receives birthday presents in a hole at the base of

the tree—the exact presents she has requested. This year, Eliot is
incurably ill, with just a few weeks to live, so she wishes for his
recovery; that birthday, a white finch appears. One day Lottie discovers
a sprite in her closet. Adelaide Wilfer takes her “root shooting” in the
apple tree to another world layered below Lottie’s. Adelaide’s father is
a healer (and the birthday gift–giver) working on medicine for the
Otherwise Incurable. Lottie discovers she is a Halfling—half human
and half sprite—and also is the Heir of Fiske, which seems to have
some significance. When the cruel king of this world kidnaps Mr Wilfer,
Lottie, Adelaide, her brother, Oliver, and a halfling sprite-wisp named
Fife. journey to the castle to find Mr Wilfer and the medicine for Eliot.
The arduous journey involves magical creatures, a swamp of oblivion,
strangling vines, travel through plague-ridden wisp territory and more.
Lottie is spunky and likeable; the interplay among the four travelers is

In this book my favorite character is Lottie Fiske, it’s because that Lottie
didn’t give up on her journey. This was kind of real because on the first
night I saw a dream that I was Lottie, and it was horrible.

It was kind of scary at the end with the Wicked king though, it has a
happy and a confusing ending. I’ll rate 9.5/10.

Also I think you should definitely read this book.


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