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+ STEEL STAMPINGS @ (ut Pares From Flat Stock Dimensions and Tolerances _ can BES an Torsss ‘Stanzteile cus Stahl; geschniecene Replaces: on 6936, DIN 6937, Telle aus Flacherzeugaissen; Hares DUN 6838, DV 6939, Und zulaeseige abwelshungen ana or 8940 This standard applies co cut, bent, folded, and formed parts of flat rolled steel for automotive, building snd’sschine construction. Ht is not use for precision engineering, precision mechanical and optical applications The folloving stipulations generally correspond to requirements sande for stampings by the asnufacturer and the consumer. Requirt lite more specific or extensive will have to be established by special agreeneat.. ‘he tolerances selected in this standard take the characteristic pecutlar £0 stamping technology and also tooling vear into account. They alvays. apply to the tool penetration side. On the tool axit aide they can become frow 0-2 £0 1:2 mm Larger depending on the thickness ¢ of the sheat (ace figures) A eo Deviations from perpendiculerity, Linearity and soundness are only permitted within the coleranees indicated, It is, of course, possible chat snaller colerances my become aacestary at ‘various points for reasons of design or function, Ae a rule, thoughy such reduced folerances necessitate additional operet ions and often can only be snot under the wost difficult circumstances. Thus they should be kept 20.20 Sbeolute minimm. Special agreements mist be reached regarding reduced folerances or one-sided tolerances. ‘The choice of the cutting or punching method (cold, hot or sheared) is Left to the manufacturer f no specisl agreements are aide- In general the choice of mechod depends on the material initially used and, above ally on the sunber of parte, If the tolerances in accordance with this standard are required in parts Lists and dravings, this must be noted as follows tolerances per DIN 6930 Note: tn recent years printed, stamped, or hand drawn dravings for steel stampings have erroneously included references to other diseasional standards, avg. DEN 7168, Ze 'must be noted chae these standards, vhtch expressly indicate their Lintted applicability, do not apply to stamped steel ares, cone. op. 2-6 cha tag om 5930 —____1 Get Peres From Flat Stock Steal stanpings formed and bent parts fron fiat stock, dimensions and tol Seances ase DE 6930, Sheet 3. Steel ataapingey special, pares for autoootive Sonaztuct ony dinensions and toleraaces see DIit §930, Sheet 4, Steel Staapingey tachnical supply spect ons see DIN 6830, sheet 1. | =) 1. strips ° ji ma ‘Weeip Widen Tolerances » 2 > Tilsiness = Tor cots] atnl 1 co <3 to 4-79 >475 co 97 to 114 >10 to 24 re Os FOF ELIT LS, slop eas [ £25 [Oas 3 more wonle died at eae Teas S38 [es | of Boo F9 6H00 fas] se Shep a es | eae 1 ‘Then the strips are wifower and/or Tonger, tolerances must be agreed upon sanufacturer. Special agreenents ny truing of the Dow ‘aust be reached with the canufs ab a 2! ll nadie per draving CRtTRE Diemer tore dat T bs 41 | Shesetng Toot anicenesa a Process 1 co G13 to 479 4075 ca] >7 co 1d >10 co 2 Sap soa | ae | Fs |e Alcoa} cucring 01] “ort | o2 | “02 | “0:5, ool Fee [aa to 120 | 8] hoe. eae fos | Toe | ore Cleold| sear | a5 eo. [Sr [ete S028] 49.547 st Alcor | cveetaq -ort| = “02 woe > 120 ¢9 250 foot Ft Fe | noe ele wot, ross cold [aban [FO] #1 [Fe pm 6] eT | a FI afcots}eveeing -002] “0.2 | “0.3 cok > 250 ¢0 400 ol Fs Sat | noe -| 205 20.8 efeold ase | SOS aT Eis Ee So-8] 3] a aleota curing -002] "0.2 | “a3 = > 400 e010 ool + a | noe - 2.6 a L Cleotd (erat | bl [phe | the E26 Pace 2 ome 6330 ast For nonrectangular parts the maxioun part dimension 1 ia the basta for (cut Ports: Fron Plat Stock Seteraining the tolerances. Jolerances at; granple: Po 50h an al “os a2 Gam a] Mi.6 For parts vith acute angles haviog enclored angles undar 43°, the Eoletances mist be specially agreed upon with the sanafactarers . « 3. Notches etter Single note, } Ao, double notching ith oe ool fn Bxtneln operation Moninal Disessiod tee <3 | Seeks | > 475 co 10 ae eye bye cal 4 SETI : 7 > 100 22 ao [OTS ° a > 300 to 1000 | 0 |= "| — oO 0 = SES arte aed ar stay aT > 1000 eo 2000 | "6" lea zero [estore ee) Because of stanping techniques the flanks of a notch ould havers dealt. Sharp corners should, moreover, bevavotded (Gee figure). ‘Tie toleriaces for yg correspond to those for e, but they can vary Aleording to che toleraueas fOr sect thickness 5: 2) the tolerances for £ correspond to those for c, but they can vary According to che tolerances for sheet thickness ©: 3) For notches lying opposite che adgas which come up against che locator ‘tops: (double notching vith ove tool ta one operation), the colerancer for ‘inension e, which Lies opposite the edges whlch cone up against the ocator'seofe, ave changed according Go the tolerance prescribed for Length 2 but Hole ataneters 4 taickness | Hole Dianeter Range | Tolerance for Lec 20 50 Sto 10 2 to 475 > 10 to 50 4.75 to 20 > 4.75807 > 20 t0 50, Tto> 10 7 eo 20 r |__> 29 e250 Taallewe tole Glameter dace Teav than Whieknawy © or 2 om. For nole diameters greater than 50 am che tolerances for d (given here for the respective thickness = and eho hole diameter range sp to 50 sz) are to be established by autual agreement. 4.2 Diatance between hole 1 reference hole reference hole reference edge aes reference edge reference ‘he spacing dimensions Gee entered relative to feference hole or @ ref » 2 cut Parte From Flat Stock 558 range of | tickness | piatancd oiatence | ntstance |For totes [ Nonisal a | petwsen | Setveen | Between | Arter Dizensiose Holes | Hole, Groups| Reterence Shaniag’? : BT cages c [oor f wourgy 02] soe | sos) 202 to 100 pared 203] 206 | soe] soe wary soa] sos | sos] sos > 100 t0 500 >arseoid sos) 0.7 | +08] sos wotr 20.3) 206 | so7| som > 500 t0 200 | tT >arseoig sos} sos | si | sos cours sos} soe | si | sas > 2000 >4rstoad 20.8] st sus] soe Hole groups are tuo or more holes punched simultaneously with one ool and in one operation. for parts sunched prior to shaping, the colerance for e and £ cha secording £0 the colerance for thickness #. Page 6 ba cut Parts From Flat Stock xD 4.3. conceneietty tolerances © LI} a rT { \ Eh ee SEE be a1 | punching tore fithed *| 1 eq 3 co] >a] 31 | > 10 e020 £S1 2531 257] to . Tea PoE OS osts T ie Steolin| eee eee ees eves |e (eee Ap cald USS] a] > rool slime | a A Ep eale Os pO] ts pioeowolstue [= [= Es isle oat F >wocoaolsime [=| = | 3 H > 250 e0u00| sme | =| = | as i ayes] + pcos sao[tlme | =| = | 5 i aed] 2 ses $ > 630 to 1000 8 | Hot = ca 4 6 ©) See explanations. ("Explanations” on subsequent sheet of DIN 6930)

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