BSBLDR511 Develop and Use Emotional Intelligence TASK 1

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Develop and Use Emotional


Task 1
Reflect on your emotional
Unique Student Identifier (USI)

Term 5 Yea 2019


I declare that all work completed in this assessment on my own.

Dat 20/07/2019

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Task 1: Reflect on your emotional intelligence
Answer the following questions:

1. Use at least one appropriate tool or methods to identify your own emotional
strengths and weaknesses. Options include, for example:
a. personal SWOT analysis
b. workplace 360°evaluation
c. online emotional intelligence test
Note: Keep evidence (for example, worksheets and screenshots) to submit with your
reflection as evidence.

Online emotional intelligent test

Emotional intelligence translates into the ability to recognize and evaluate emotions in
oneself and others, but also to control and direct them. This can, for example, make
you a great leader, and significantly improve your working, family or friendship
relationships by anticipating or better handling conflicts.
I chose to evaluate myself by this method, because it allows me to understand what is
my level of emotional intelligence and the aspects that I need to improve.
I did the test twice in two different websites the result of my test showed in both are
that I have a medium intelligence level
Test notice:
First test:
You are working on your emotional intelligence but still get lost in a few moments. Try
to take a deep breath and try to keep calm in times of tension. You try to worry more
about yourself and do activities that give you balance. With average Emotional
Intelligence you feel just another drop of water in the ocean. Get out of the mean and
turn your life into something extraordinary. (acessed:20/07/2019)
Second test:
EQ of camilla brabo is 80
You have an average ability in understanding what others think, but you are still having
difficulty in revealing your emotions, facial expressions and gestures , so you often
choose to remain silent. Shut yourself in your inner world. (acessed:20/07/2019)

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2. Identify at least three instances where you have felt stressed or experienced a
negative emotional state at work. For each instance, consider the precise context,
causes and your response.
Context Causes Your response
1 Drunk client Fear of being Try to be calm and
misunderstood and explain the
in some cases the situation patiently,
customer lacks but when it doesn't
respect work I call my
2 Excessively demanding client The feeling of I concede all of his
disrespect for me requests
and the team
3 Lack of recognition when I did a I felt unmotivated, be patient and try
great job and willing to stop to talk about what
trying to always do you have to
my best improve

a. Identify at least two causes or triggers of your own personal emotional states
at work.

No Causes or Triggers of emotional states at work

1 When they don't trust my ability to perform a task

b. Identify how you can use awareness of such triggers to control your responses and
achieve positive outcomes, especially with respect to your impact on others and their
work performance.

when a new employee was promoted

before me being that I trained him and I
didn't get my raise and he got raise at the
same level as me and I had to cover all
his flaws.

4. Identify at least one instance of modelling workplace behaviours that demonstrate

management of emotions as an example for others to follow.
Communication Style: When you speak courteously and professionally at all times,
especially in conflict situations, people are more likely to model this behavior by
treating customers and each other with respect at all times.

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An example of behavior that happened to me was that in my old workplace we were 5
waitresses and among the 5 we had the best, I was trained by this best waitress, food
carriers often need to report food delivery errors or dissatisfaction. customers. But they
were all afraid of this best waitress, because she was rude, so all the runners came to
me to report the events and I resolve, because I am patient and friendly. I believe good
behavior is knowing how to listen to your coworkers and your customers, and not to
think that you are better than others, but that you always have something to learn

5. Identify three actions you will take to improve your own emotional intelligence on
the basis of self-reflection or feedback from others. Reflect on emotional intelligence
principles and strategies to justify your proposed actions.

Actions to improve E.I. Strategies to justify actions

1 don't let emotions take over the situation
Control my behavior
2 Take critique well listen to the criticism and reflect that what
they are saying is to my best
3 Filling my personal gaps with Transparency of my own deficiencies.
appropriate training

Written Reflection

By doing my analysis through the online emotional intelligence test and answering
questions during the task, I was able to realize my negative and positive aspects as
well as improve my shortcomings so that I could evolve not only in my work
environment but also as well. personal improvement.
I am a very emotional person, in some cases this is good because I can better
understand people, on the other hand my defect and not being able to control these
emotions in some cases so I could analyze that my emotional balance at work makes
people see me facing difficulties in my personal life and I think it influences the way
they consider me at work.
I recognized important events that upset me. And I need to pay special attention. I get
very upset when someone seems to put my skills under control, or doesn't trust me for

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a task, and people who don't behave or do their job as expected and also when they
don't recognize when I do a great job.
I also realize that I am a person who needs motivation and recognition to do a great
In most of these cases I feel strong emotions that sometimes I find it difficult to control
and mask what I am feeling at the time.
Awareness of situations where emotional triggers are critical to controlling my
responses. I identify three forms of self-regulation that I can use:
1) Stand back when you feel a trigger,
2) Remember to be in control of the situation, not to be controlled by them,
3) I need someone to give me daily feedback at work.
Responding to the situation, rather than reacting, is a great key to success in emotional
intelligence, and that is what I will safely implement in my life.

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