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The Ostrich and the hedgehog

D.7. Answer :- The ostrich looked down

at me, I did not like that. I wanted to
teach him a lesson. We decided to have
a race. My family members did the
same way as I told them. Foolish
ostrich believed that he had be beaten.
I think from now on, he would never
look down upon anyone.
D.8. Answer :- The lesson we learn from
this story is, “We should not look down
upon others” Why I feel this is because
it creates unnecessary enmity with
other people around us.

D.10. Speech on “LIVE AND LET LIVE”.
Answer:- Respected Principal, worthy
teachers and my dear friends, a very
good morning to you all. My name is
__________ and I am here to deliver a
short speech on “LIVE AND LET LIVE.
This planet earth is for all the living
beings, be it human or animal.
Everyone has a right to live. We should
understand this and stop the violence
done against the wild life like, cutting
trees and killing animals. Thus, I
conclude my speech saying “LIVE AND

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