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Respiratory System

Dr.NTR UHS Questions as appeared from April 2022 dating back to Oct.2004

Essay Questions :

1. How is O2 carried in the blood. What is ODC? Draw ODC. What are the factors affecting
ODC. Mention about physiological significance of ODC. April 2021
12. Describe the transport of oxygen in the blood. Add a note on bohr’s effect, with the help of
ODC curve. Oct.07
13. Describe the modes of transport of CO2 from the tissues to the lungs. May .07
5. Describe the uptake, transport and delivery of oxygen. Nov. 14
9. Discuss the uptake of oxygen by the blood and the factors that determine its dissociation. Jul
15. What is the composition of normal alveolar air ? How does a change in partial pressure of
CO2 in alveolar air affects respiration? Oct. 05

2. Describe the neural regulation of respiration. Write a note on Hering-Breuer reflex. Nov.2017
6. Enumerate the respiratory centers. Explain the neural and chemical regulation of respiration.
Nov. 12
8. Enumerate the respiratory centers. Describe the neural regulation of respiration Feb.09

3. Draw a neat diagram showing the structure of respiratory membrane and write hemodynamic
factors influencing
the exchange of gases across the membrane. Dec.15, Jul 2018

4. Describe the mechanism of respiration. Define lung compliance. Mention any two conditions
which reduce lung
compliance. Aug.15

7. What is Hypoxia? Classify it. Explain them in brief. Jul.11

10. What is asphyxia ? Describe the various stages of asphyxia. Jul .09
14. What is asphyxia ? Describe the various stages of asphyxia. Sep.06
16. Classify hypoxia Describe how the body acclimatizes itself to high altitude. Apr.05

Write Short Notes :

1. Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV1) Feb 2022
2. Pontine respiratory centers. April 2022
3. Chronic mountain sickness April 2022
4. Pulmonary surfactant April 2022
5. Effects of voluntary hyperventilation. Oct.2019
6. Respiratory centers. Nov.2018
7. Lung compliance. Nov.2018
8. Humburger shift. Jul 2018
9. Periodic breathing. Aug 2017
10. Chemical control of respiration.Aug.16
11. Anemic hypoxia. Dec.15
12. Haldane effect. Aug. 14, Aug 2017, Oct.2019
13. Lung volumes and capacities with their normal values. Nov. 12
14. Timed vital capacity in obstructive and restrictive disorders with diagram. Jul. 12
15. Various stages of Asphyxia. Jan.11
16. Hypoxia. Jul. 10, April 2021
17. Lung surfactant and its applied aspects. Jul.10
18. Nitrogen narcosis Feb.09
19. Surfactant Feb.09, Oct.07, Oct 05, Oct.04
20. What is asphyxia ? Explain its features. Jul 09
21. Intra-thoracic and Intra-pulmonary pressurs. Jul 09
22. Functional residual capacity Jul. 09
23. Hering bruer inflation reflex Jul. 08
24. Nitrogen narcosis Sep.06
25. Hering-Breuer reflex. Sep 06, May 07
26. Dead Space Air. Apr. 06, Jan 2021, Feb 2022
27. Timed vital capacity. Apr 05
28. Vital capacity. Oct 04
29. Oxygen dissociation curve. Jan 10, Oct 04, Jan 2021

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