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The only explicit definition of development in the text is the “process of

improving the quality of all human lives and capabilities by raising people’s
levels of living, self-esteem, and freedom”, “achieving sustained rates of
growth of income per capita to enable a nation to expand its output at a
rate faster than the growth rate of its population”, and “a process of
expanding the real freedoms that people enjoy.” Although these definitions
could suffice one’s ignorance and curiosity, it is not enough to deepen one’s
understanding of the harsh realities of the world beyond the global economic
crises. The definitions are straightforward and understandable, which signifies its
strength. However, its strength ceases when it fails to quench the endless thirst
of a man who seeks for in-depth understanding of human lives. Although people
may say that these definitions are enough, I say otherwise. The given definitions
speak of improving the quality of lives and expanding freedom, but how exactly?
Does development stop when these objectives are attained? Or do we construct
a whole different definition of development to parallel the world’s current

The development in the text circulates around the economic structure, the
recessions, and upturns. In other words, it implies that development could be
achieved through affluence. But, there are dimensions in development that
transcend wealth and income such as moral, psychological, political, and social
developments that even the richest country fails to achieve and develop. For
example, Japan is one of the developed countries today with the most
technological advancements and innovations. What is not often shown in media
is the Japanese’s heavy and unfair scrutiny towards homosexuality. Despite the
country being developed economically, it is clear that there are still areas that
need to be developed to give people the true freedom. In other words,
development is not only a process towards financial stability to improve people’s
quality of life. It is a process towards financial, social, political, and moral stability.
Unfortunately, many of the rich countries today fail miserably in these areas of
development. And oddly enough, the less developed countries are marching their
way towards full acceptance of humanity’s differences that these rich countries
have struggled so much to embrace.
2. Profound understanding of development is crucial to policy formulation in
developing nations because it gives the governing bodies a clear direction of
what they are about to do. Understanding development means that they are
aware of the areas that need to be improved and are capable of utilizing their
nation’s strengths to its fullest potential.

I think that it is possible for a nation to agree on a rough definition of

development and orient it strategies accordingly as long as the rough definition
succinctly covers the dimensions I talked about earlier. It would be much better if
more dimensions were to be covered to ensure that people would not only be
financially stable but holistically stable as well. Although I would have to agree
that the financial aspect must be prioritized first because this would eventually
have a domino effect on the other dimensions, making development possible to
achieve at the earliest time. However, it seems that the nation’s strategies
towards development are through fast-paced industrialization. It certainly could
improve people’s lives in a manner never before seen, but at what expense?
Does it really improve the economic status of a nation when Artificial Intelligence
replaces manual laborers for efficient production? Or is it just exploitation in the
guise of a performative tactic to gain power over the poor? This brings me back
to my point that understanding development must not be as superficial as the
explicit definition this text provided. Development, although predominantly
veering towards financial stability, must also address issues concerning human
rights. Thus, a rough definition must be agreed upon that could perfectly
condense the aforementioned points.

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