India at 75

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India at 75: Resilient India in tough global situations

Things used to be normal in the wake of 2019. At least, it appeared to be, from the press release
of international summits like G-20, NATO, BRICS and SAARC. Overall the agendas were
mutual cooperation and constructive in nature.

Coming home from work, people were offered a gist of local news, focused mainly around
sports, politics and celebrities through television. Little did they knew of a pandemic in the
making. A chain of disastrous events were already set in motion to change their home politics
forever. Forget home politics, even geopolitics would no longer remain what it used to be. At
least, none could have expected a developing country like India to become the attraction capital
in the coming years. But why? And more importantly how? By virtue of the darkness engulfing
the world, awoke the dormant potencies of India. COVID waves came one after another. People
lost track of the fancy names given to variants and subvariants. But what never came to an end
was the suffering. It was when the world realized the power of Yoga, Ayurveda and India’s
manufacturing excellence. Even our Namaste culture became trendy in the West. At a time when
rich were hoarding medicines, India became Hanuman for the poor, and exported vaccines and
aid. The true service bagged India the title of ‘World Pharmacy’. India kicked off the largest
vaccination drive in history and has administered more than 2 billion citizens till date. Critics
who claimed it would take years for India to vaccinate half it’s population have gone

However, COVID was just the beginning. The dynamics of geopolitics is catching up all the
nations with the speed of bullet train. Situations have become so critical that people are now
resorting to horoscopes in a hope for better future. But, even hope is difficult to find in third
world countries that became forever scarred in the fast few years. Courtesy, the economic crisis
following pandemic, that gave rise to political and social instability. Many nations experienced
disastrous turnover of governments, perils of terrorism, social discrimination and communal
disharmony. Border disputes has further pushed the world on the brink of worldwar 3 and
prophecies of worst nuclear disasters has become the talk of the town.

But, where does India stands among all? India stands committed to peace and doing it’s best to
mitigate the impact of these adverse situations on the world, with itself emerging as the most
resilient and fastest growing economy worldwide. In fact,India is the stabilizing factor in the
southeast Asia.

As is said, the truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the
end, there it is. India’s voice also comes from the depth of the truth. With India stepping in the
75th year of Independence, we don’t just celebrate what we have accomplished so far, but also
look to where we want to see ourselves in the next 25 years. We look forward to see ourselves as
a developed country, a superpower, as the ‘Vishwa Guru’, as a country that’s not just
atmanirbhar in all spheres, but one that’s also considerate of the under spoken countries, to make
the world a better place.

India has the power of making things happen. From rowing together successfully through the
pandemic and owning the title of the world pharmacy, to becoming the annaadata of needy
countries in the times of war, India has emerged as the beacon of hope. India is a country that
can never be a burden on the world in it’s tough times nor can it be a threat when it prospers. We
are the oldest civilization that’s on a path to reclaim it’s rightful position on the world platform.

India@75 has a long list of achievements. From becoming the third largest startup ecosystem, to
achieving it’s 400 billion dollar export target days ahead of the schedule, India is strategically
uplifting itself. From handlooms to satellite, India eyes excellence in all the fields. India is
breaking away the shackles of its foreign dependency in energy, defence and manufacturing and
setting green benchmark for nations. India now runs ahead of time. Heavy investments in solar
parks, hydropower, green hydrogen development, achieved COP 26 targets and 10% ethanol
blending target before the expected date, all points to our commitment for a sustainable
development in the wake of worst heat waves in centuries. Speaking economically, India is
diversifying it’s expenditures in a calculated manner. Not, to forget mentioning the biggest
strength of India, it’s people. Their faith and dedication for motherland is the north star for young
generation. India’s diaspora is also bringing glory to the nation.

However, Success in not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. And
for India, this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of
the beginning.

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