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Expt. No.
Page No.

TO PXplain the Computation_n
Condi+onal prcoblabiliy 0f
o iuen Lu0nEA, When Quen has already Ocur hrouah_
n example oi 4hceLcing n phîro dLe.

pce-reauibHe Knouwledqe,-
knoileäaR 0 proability Sampl? spive ok roing t ut p
and tdekinHion o, condihonai prokabilih
Madoria required
Jalhite paper Eraser
pencil pendl LdOur

pro eduAS:_
1 huhike_paper W taKe0 A 5quAre -0n tHe paper wM dcaLn and
'olivid ep_into Bb_enua Squares O GiL L 16tm eauh
aThe mple :sp.caLe cotuing- two dice toacther uore onteo.
ahe HQuLerepresentD au p2shlP_0uttom.ea n¢ tHe uen experiment.
heamplo 4p(Leb) haS 06 DuttomeA.
A2:2Uernt thal Bum 0th NLumbet_on he tu20 dico îh
As6)LR5) (G4)TA.9)L612).(6,)

-La/0nA thdlrAappeaS a leask on 0 hedi_

144) A.a)(4,2)44) (4.5)14,6)LLMaA)(3 4) (h4)l614)?_
So AnD- (14)14.3)
Aalo had t dind tho uonditional prohahzlh4 0a ODE A,1 ont R
had ouucid-e pla/0)

Teacher's Signature

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