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Name : I Gede Agus oky suryawan

Attendance : 03

Task 12 ( EW)

Pets can not only entertain us and our families, but can also relieve stress when we are pen with
all the activities available, with the funny behavior of our pets, but on the other hand pets can also be at
risk of causing health such as transmitting germs, viruses, or parasites that can cause harm. cause disease.
Therefore, I do not agree that pets are considered as family members for several reasons such as, the first
is costs, such as humans, food, and drinks are basic animal needs that must be met every day, therefore
costs must be incurred for Pets also cost a lot of money. In the long run, food is one of the big budgets
that pet owners need to prepare for. The second is the cost of the cage, to keep pets, of course, a place or
cage is needed that is prepared as a pet bed. In addition, the cost needed to make a drum needs to be filled
with various kinds of pet needs, of course it also costs more. Third, health costs. Keeping pets must also
pay attention to the health of our pets, for example when our pets are sick or in an accident which of
course requires treatment, in addition to the cost of care, vitamins and medicines that require more costs.
The next reason, maintenance costs, keeping pets of course must keep our pets clean, such as cleaning
their pets, and taking care of them, of course it requires more money and time to take care of our pets.
Pets that are not cared for properly can have a negative impact on health, such as transmitting germs,
viruses, or parasites that can cause disease and various diseases. Animals can be a sign of infection.
Infected animals can transmit the disease to humans through soil or sand that has been treated.
Pets that are not cared for properly can have a negative impact on health, such as transmitting
germs, viruses, or parasites that can cause disease and are at risk for various diseases. Animals can be a
sign of infection. Infected animals can transmit the disease to humans through contaminated soil or sand.
Pets can also make noise in the house such as barking or meowing continuously and can cause
noise in the house or our neighbors.
And what needs to be taken into account when raising pets is that we have to take the time or just
take our pets for a walk so they are not confined and make our pets stressed and cause new problems, of
course, this drains our time and energy.

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