Effect of Railway Safety Education

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Evaluation and Program Planning 55 (2016) 9–16

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Evaluation and Program Planning

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Effect of railway safety education on the safety knowledge and

behaviour intention of schoolchildren
Anne Silla *, Veli-Pekka Kallberg 1
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, PO Box 1000, Vuorimiehentie 3, Espoo 02044 VTT, Finland


Article history: This study was designed to evaluate whether railway safety lessons are effective in increasing
Received 28 May 2015 schoolchildren’s safety knowledge and behaviour intention. The railway safety education in schools
Received in revised form 13 October 2015 included a 45-min lesson on safe behaviour in a railway environment directed at 8–11 year old
Accepted 25 November 2015
schoolchildren. The lessons were held in four schools located near railway lines in Finland. The
Available online 27 November 2015
effectiveness of this measure was evaluated based on a short survey directed at pupils before the lesson
(base level) and around 2–3 months later (post-lesson) based on three variables which are considered as
strong determinants of actual behaviour: behaviour intention, estimated dangerousness of the
School education
Railway trespassing
behaviour, and level of knowledge on the legality of the behaviour. The results show that the change in
Surveys the share of correct answers was positive regarding all questions except for one question in which the
Behaviour intention difference was not significant. Based on this we can reasonably assume that railway safety education in
Danger estimation schools can have a positive effect for all the measured variables, although the effect is not necessarily
Illegal behaviour large. The results indicate that these positive changes can have a positive effect on the frequency of
trespassing (i.e. fewer unsafe crossings in the future). We can further assume that reduction in the
frequency of trespassing would reduce the frequency of trespassing accidents.
ß 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction trespassing. The education campaign was selected as a measure to

be tested in Finland, since based on an earlier Finnish study a
Railway suicides and trespassing accidents resulted in more substantial number of interviewed trespassers and people living
than 3,600 fatalities in 2011 on the European railway network, close to a railway line considered trespassing to be safe (Silla &
representing 88% of all fatalities occurring within the railway Luoma, 2009, 2012). Furthermore, according to the same studies,
system (European Railway Agency, 2014). In order to tackle this many trespassers and people living close to a railway line assumed
problem a European RESTRAIL project was tasked with reducing trespassing to be legal. People living close to a railway line also
the occurrence of suicides and trespassing (illegal presence in the considered that education in schools concerning the dangers of
railway area) on railway property and the costly service disruption walking on or across the railway tracks is an important measure to
these events cause (RESTRAIL, 2014a). As part of the project prevent railway trespassing (Silla & Luoma, 2012). Similarly to
11 pilot tests were carried out in different European countries several other European countries, the fatalities related to railway
aiming to provide better insight into the effectiveness of the trespassing represent a significant share of all fatalities occurring
measures targeted (i) in preventing suicides and suicide attempts, on Finnish railways. During 2006–2011 approximately eight
(ii) preventing trespassing accidents, and (iii) mitigating the persons were killed yearly due to railway trespassing (Finnish
consequences by speeding up the system recovery from such Transport Agency, 2010–2012; Finnish Rail Administration, 2007–
incidents. 2009).
This paper presents the Finnish pilot test on education in The schoolchildren were selected as a target group for this pilot
schools for 8–11 year old children. The pilot aimed to prevent test, since their ability to estimate the risks related to trespassing is
limited. Therefore, it is important to increase schoolchildren’s
awareness of the rules related to railway crossing and to increase
their understanding of the risks related to railway trespassing.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +358 407219014; fax: +358 207227000.
Examples of topics addressed included e.g. that compared to road
E-mail addresses: anne.silla@vtt.fi (A. Silla), veepeek@saunalahti.fi
(V.-P. Kallberg).
vehicles, trains are heavy, can not stop quickly, and frequently
Tel.: +358 405317631; fax: +358 207227000. move fast. Long braking distances and high speeds mean that even

0149-7189/ß 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
10 A. Silla, V.-P. Kallberg / Evaluation and Program Planning 55 (2016) 9–16

if an engine driver sees a pedestrian on the track, the distance is effectiveness of education campaigns in preventing railway
seldom long enough to stop the train in time. Even though the trespassing. Savage (2006) investigated the effect of Operation
killed trespassers are typically adults (Silla & Luoma, 2012) the Lifesaver activities on the number of collisions and fatalities at
schoolchildren and young people are also trespassing (Silla & level crossings. He found that increasing the amount of educational
Luoma, 2012; Silla & Luoma, 2011) and some of them are activity will reduce the number of collisions, but the effect on the
committing vandalism in the railway areas. number of deaths cannot be concluded with statistical certainty.
In the railway environment, pedestrians are always legally The analysis included only level crossing accidents and thus the
responsible for the safe crossing of the tracks. They are obliged to effect of education on trespassing fatalities remained unknown.
use railway-crossing sites (i.e. level crossings), which are specially Two studies from New Zealand (Lobb et al., 2001; Lobb, Harré, &
marked for that purpose. Therefore, trespassing accidents are Terry, 2003) have evaluated the effect of education programmes on
always interpreted to result from violations, risky behaviour or preventing railway trespassing. The first study (Lobb et al., 2001)
errors on the part of the pedestrian. However, although trespassing evaluated the effect of public education combined with access
is illegal, clear and regularly used footpaths across railway lines are prevention by fences to reduce trespass at a suburban station in
found in many places. The results of a survey directed to engine Auckland targeting people of all ages. The results showed that
drivers in Finland reported 100 specific locations for railway 3 months after the interventions the share of people trespassing
trespassing in Finnish railway network (Silla & Luoma, 2009). (instead of using a nearby over bridge) was 36%, compared to 59%
Another Finnish study investigated a 4 km stretch of track and prior to the intervention. Moreover, the reduction was higher for
12 locations with frequent trespassing were identified (Silla & adults than for children. In another study among secondary and
Luoma, 2011). Based on these findings it is safe to assume that high school students Lobb et al. (2003) concluded that punishment
railway trespassing is frequent in Finland. may be more effective than education in reducing unsafe
There is a high variation in the motives for the trespassing behaviour (i.e. unsafe crossings) in the vicinity of railway stations,
behaviour. A number of studies have proposed that the main and substantially more effective than communication in raising
reason for trespassing is taking a short cut from A to B because the awareness. In both of the studies the education programmes where
authorised route is assessed to be too far away (e.g. Lobb, Harré, & combined with other measures and thus the effect of the pure
Suddendorf, 2001; Rail Safety and Standards Boards, 2005; Silla & educational campaign is not clear.
Luoma, 2009). Other reasons for trespassing are, for example, Safety education programmes are also widely used to improve
related to recreational purposes (taking a walk along the tracks), road safety. A literature review conducted by Dragutinovic and
hanging around (playing, drinking alcohol, smoking, applying Twisk (2006) on the effectiveness of road safety education shows
graffiti) or even to committing vandalism. Due to these numerous that the number of road safety education programmes that are
motives it is clear that the prevention of schoolchildren’s followed by thorough evaluations is also rather limited. Moreover,
trespassing is more complex issue than to inform them about they found that most evaluation studies use intermediate variables
the dangerousness and illegality of this behaviour. However, the such as knowledge, attitudes and (self-reported) safe behaviour as
assumption is that after the lesson the schoolchildren will have a evaluation criteria instead of crashes. One may argue that the
better understanding on safe behaviour in railway environment reduction in the number of accidents or near accidents would be the
and the consequences of trespassing and therefore they have best variable to describe the effects of an education campaign.
better capabilities to behave correctly and to resist the temptations However, it is rarely possible to conduct evaluation studies on
resulted e.g. from peer or time pressure. education programmes based on accident data, because (i) crashes
The main aim of this study was to evaluate whether the railway and injuries remain rare events in the population of road users, and
safety lessons were effective in increasing schoolchildren’s safety (ii) in order to have sufficient statistical power to demonstrate an
knowledge and behaviour intention. The presumption is that effect on crash-related outcomes, an education programme would
schoolchildren who participate in the lesson become more aware require a large number of participants and monitoring of crash and
of the dangers related to railway trespassing and railway lines in injury records of the participants over a long period of time, which is
general, and are more likely in future to avoid playing, loitering and not practical (Twisk, Vlakveld, Commandeur, Shope, & Kok, 2014).
engaging in vandalism in the railway area and/or taking a shortcut
across the tracks. 3. Method

2. Previous studies 3.1. Railway safety programme

Regardless of the large number of proposed countermeasures to Education in schools included a 45-min lesson on safe
prevent railway trespassing, there is little published research behaviour in a railway environment directed at 8–11 year old
evaluating the effectiveness of any of these interventions (Lobb, schoolchildren. The length of the lesson was 45 min since this is
2006). Several railway safety education programmes exist the conventional length of one lesson in Finnish schools. The main
worldwide to provide material to teachers and volunteers to message of the lesson was that railway lines are only meant for
spread information about the dangers related to railway trespas- trains. After the lesson the children should have understood (i) the
sing and loitering in railway areas, and also to provide information main characteristics of railway traffic (railway lines are only meant
on safe behaviour in railway environment directly to children. for railway vehicles, trains cannot yield, trains cannot stop fast,
Relevant websites have been developed in the US (Operation trains always have priority etc.), (ii) that trespassing, playing and
Lifesaver, 2014), UK (Network Rail, 2014), New Zealand (TrackSAFE loitering in the railway areas are forbidden, and (iii) that they have
NZ, 2014) and Australia (TrackSAFE, 2014). According to the the responsibility to behave safely in a railway environment. The
website of Operation Lifesaver (Operation Lifesaver, 2014) and objective of this measure was to increase the knowledge of
those of national railway organisations (e.g. Prorail in the schoolchildren on safe behaviour in a railway environment and
Netherlands, Network Rail in the UK, Kiwirail in New Zealand), thus to reduce vandalism, risky situations and possible accidents
several campaigns have been conducted to increase public resulting from railway trespassing (playing, loitering, taking a
knowledge, especially among young people, on the dangers and short cut across the tracks etc.).
regulations related to railway trespassing and loitering in railway The material used during the lessons was based on the lesson
areas. However, there are few if any studies investigating the plans provided by the Finnish Transport Safety Agency on their
A. Silla, V.-P. Kallberg / Evaluation and Program Planning 55 (2016) 9–16 11

website. The specific website for railway safety education includes

several lesson plans for primary and secondary schoolteachers to
use during the school year (Finnish Transport Safety Agency, 2014).
It is not known how frequently the material is actually used. The
website material is closely related to the material prepared by
Operation Lifesaver.

3.2. Design

The effect of the school education campaign was evaluated

based on a short survey directed at pupils before the lesson (base
level) and around 2–3 months later (post-lesson). The survey
measured three variables: (i) level of knowledge related to railway
trespassing, (ii) behaviour intention, and (iii) pupils’ assessment of
safety related to crossing railway lines. The questions were linked
to three locations (Fig. 1): unofficial path across the tracks
(Location A), unofficial path across the tracks with a hole in the
fence (Location B), and level crossing (Location C).
The children were allowed to respond anonymously and the
answers (base line and post-lesson) were matched at class level.
The same students were assumed to have participated in both
surveys unless they were sick. Only the answers of classes that had
participated in both surveys were included in the analysis. No
information about the gender was collected since the authors
wanted to keep the data collection process as simple as possible to
increase the participation of schools to the study.
The study was conducted as a before-after study with no control
data. The inclusion of a control group was discussed but eventually
dismissed, primarily because the short survey included only a few
questions and would probably raise discussions among the pupils
and their parents, thus informing the control group and creating
bias in their answers to the survey.

3.3. Procedure and participants

The lessons were held in four schools located near railway lines
in the city of Tampere in Finland in September–November
2013. The schools were selected by experts at the Finnish
Transport Agency on the basis of proximity to railway lines but
also because the Tampere area has been identified as a problem
location for railway vandalism. The study sample was formed by
four schools (A, B, C and D) who agreed to participate in the study.
The lessons were held by the teachers of each class according to the
instructions written by the researchers. No training was provided
to the teachers to standardise the practices.
In total, 321 schoolchildren in 20 classes participated in the
lesson and filled in the base level survey. For unknown reasons the
post-lesson survey was not completed by all schoolchildren who Fig. 1. Figures of locations in which the questions were linked. (A) Unofficial path
took part in the lesson. After removal of classes that did not fill in the across the track. (B) Unofficial path across the tracks with a hole in the fence. (C)
post-lesson survey, the matched dataset included answers from Level crossing.

248 pupils in 15 classes both in base level and post-lesson surveys.

4. Results phase (72.2–94.8%), and rose by no more than 2.5 percentage units
in the after phase (Table 1).
4.1. Answers regarding behaviour intention There were no statistically significantly differences between
grades 2–4 or schools A–D.
The specific questions were
Question 1: Would you cross the railway lines at location A 4.2. Answers regarding safety
Question 2: Would you cross the railway lines at location B (yes/ The specific questions were
no)? Question 4: How safe do you think crossing is at location A
Question 3: Would you cross the railway lines at location C (yes/ (completely safe/fairly safe/slightly dangerous/very dangerous)?
no)? Question 5: How safe do you think crossing is at location B
When looking at all grades together the share of ‘‘correct’’ (completely safe/fairly safe/slightly dangerous/very dangerous)?
answers (indicating crossing intention only at places where it is Question 6: How safe do you think crossing is at location C
allowed) for questions 1–3 was fairly high already in the before (completely safe/fairly safe/slightly dangerous/very dangerous)?
12 A. Silla, V.-P. Kallberg / Evaluation and Program Planning 55 (2016) 9–16

Table 1
Number and share of answers (before and after) by question and grade. The ‘‘correct’’ answers are highlighted in grey.

2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade Total

Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total

Question 1 Before No. of answers 20 67 87 23 47 70 26 65 91 69 179 248

% Share 23.0 77.0 100.0 32.9 67.1 100.0 28.6 71.4 100.0 27.8 72.2 100.0
After No. of answers 15 74 89 29 42 71 21 66 87 65 182 247
% Share 16.9 83.1 100.0 40.8 59.2 100.0 24.1 75.9 100.0 26.3 73.7 100.0

Question 2 Before No. of answers 5 82 87 4 68 70 4 87 91 13 235 248

% Share 5.7 94.3 100.0 5.7 94.3 100.0 4.4 95.6 100.0 5.2 94.8 100.0
After No. of answers 1 88 89 4 67 71 2 86 88 7 241 248
% Share 1.1 98.9 100.0 5.6 94.4 100.0 2.3 97.7 100.0 2.8 97.2 100.0

Question 3 Before No. of answers 60 27 87 60 10 70 77 14 91 197 51 248

% Share 69.0 31.0 100.0 85.7 14.3 100.0 84.6 15.4 100.0 79.4 20.6 100.0
After No. of answers 63 26 89 60 11 71 80 8 88 203 45 248
% Share 70.8 29.2 100.0 84.5 15.5 100.0 90.9 9.1 100.0 81.9 18.1 100.0

When looking at all grades together, the proportion of correct lines at location B (question 5, hole in the fence) was considered
answers for questions 4–6 (slightly dangerous and very dangerous dangerous more often after the lesson than before (x2(1) = 6.15,
for question 4 and question 5; completely safe and fairly safe for p < 0.05). Specifically, the change in proportion of correct answers
question 6) in the base line survey varied between 75.4% and 93.9% improved from 92.9% to 98.7%.
(Table 2). In the after phase this rose by between 2.4 and
6.9 percentage units, the highest change relating to the location 4.3. Answers regarding legality
with a level crossing (location C).
For all respondents together, statistically significant differences The specific questions were
in the share of correct answers between base level and post-lesson Question 7: Is crossing the railway lines allowed at location A
surveys were obtained for question 5: Crossing the railway lines at (yes/no)?
location B (hole in the fence) was considered dangerous more often Question 8: Is crossing the railway lines allowed at location B
after the lesson than before (x2(1) = 6.62 p < 0.05) and question 6: (yes/no)?
Crossing the railway lines at location C (level crossing) was Question 9: Is crossing the railway lines allowed at location C
considered safe more often after the lesson than before (yes/no)?
(x2(1) = 3.96 p < 0.05). When looking at all grades together the share of correct
For the results by grade, the effect was statistically significant in answers for questions 7–9 in the base line survey varied between
one case: 64.2% and 98.4%, the highest share concerning the crossing of
2nd Grade schoolchildren considered crossing the railway lines railway lines at the location with a hole in the fence in location B
at location B (Question 5, hole in the fence) to be more often (Table 3). The rise in the share of correct answers varied between
dangerous after the lesson than before (x2(1) = 5.93, p < 0.05). It 1.1 and 6.0 percentage units, with the highest change concerning
should be noted, however, that the proportion of correct answers the location with a level crossing (location C).
in the base-level survey was lower (88.4%) for 2nd grade pupils For all respondents together, the only statistically significant
than for 3rd and 4th grade pupils (97.7% and 97.2%). The proportion differences in the share of correct answers between base level
of correct answers in the post-level survey was roughly the same and post-lesson surveys were those obtained for question 9:
for all grades (97.7–98.9%). Crossing the railway lines at location C (level crossing) was
For the results by school the effect was statistically significant considered legal more often after the lesson than before
in one case: In school C, out of schools A–D, crossing the railway (x2(1) = 4.25, p < 0.05).

Table 2
Number and share of answers (before and after) by question and grade. The correct answers are highlighted in grey. CS = Completely safe, FS = Fairly safe, SD = Slightly
dangerous, VD = Very dangerous.

2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade Total


Question 4 Before No. of answers 3 17 34 33 87 3 17 34 16 70 2 19 45 25 91 8 53 113 74 248

% Share 3.4 19.5 39.1 37.9 100.0 4.3 24.3 48.6 22.9 100.0 2.2 20.9 49.5 27.5 100.0 3.2 21.4 45.6 29.8 100.0
After No. of answers 0 13 42 33 88 5 17 26 22 70 0 19 47 20 86 5 49 115 75 244
% Share 0.0 14.8 47.7 37.5 100.0 7.1 24.3 37.1 31.4 100.0 0.0 22.1 54.7 23.3 100.0 2.1 20.1 47.1 30.7 100.0

Question 5 Before No. of answers 1 9 24 52 86 1 2 15 52 70 0 2 28 61 91 2 13 67 165 247

% Share 1.2 10.5 27.9 60.5 100.0 1.4 2.9 21.4 74.3 100.0 0.0 2.2 30.8 67.0 100.0 0.8 5.3 27.1 66.8 100.0
After No. of answers 0 2 21 65 88 0 1 13 57 71 0 1 14 73 88 0 4 48 195 247
% Share 0.0 2.3 23.9 73.9 100.0 0.0 1.4 18.3 80.3 100.0 0.0 1.1 15.9 83.0 100.0 0.0 1.6 19.4 79.0 100.0

Question 6 Before No. of answers 18 38 21 9 86 18 43 3 6 70 24 53 10 4 91 60 134 34 19 247

% Share 20.9 44.2 24.4 10.5 100.0 25.7 61.4 4.3 8.6 100.0 26.4 58.2 11.0 4.4 100.0 24.3 54.2 13.8 7.7 100.0
After No. of answers 20 48 13 7 88 20 42 6 3 71 18 63 6 1 88 58 153 25 11 247
% Share 22.7 54.5 14.8 8.0 100.0 28.2 59.2 8.5 4.2 100.0 20.5 71.6 6.8 1.1 100.0 23.5 61.9 10.1 4.5 100.0
A. Silla, V.-P. Kallberg / Evaluation and Program Planning 55 (2016) 9–16 13

Table 3
Number and share of answers (before and after) by question and grade. The correct answers are highlighted in grey.

2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade Total

Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total

Question 7 Before No. of answers 27 60 87 24 45 69 37 53 90 88 158 246

% share 31.0 69.0 100.0 34.8 65.2 100.0 41.1 58.9 100.0 35.8 64.2 100.0
After No. of answers 17 68 85 27 43 70 37 49 86 81 160 241
% share 20.0 80.0 100.0 38.6 61.4 100.0 43.0 57.0 100.0 33.6 66.4 100.0

Question 8 Before No. of answers 3 82 85 1 68 69 0 91 91 4 241 245

% share 3.4 96.5 100.0 1.4 98.6 100.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1.6 98.4 100.0
After No. of answers 3 64 67 1 69 70 2 86 88 6 219 225
% share 4.5 95.5 100.0 1.4 98.6 100.0 2.3 97.7 100.0 2.7 97.3 100.0

Question 9 Before No. of answers 68 15 83 59 10 69 82 9 91 209 34 243

% share 81.9 18.1 100.0 85.5 14.5 100.0 90.1 9.9 100.0 86.0 14.0 100.0
After No. of answers 60 7 67 64 6 70 83 5 88 207 18 225
% share 89.6 10.4 100.0 91.4 8.6 100.0 94.3 5.7 100.0 92.0 8.0 100.0

There were no statistically significant differences between Based on the statistics of recent years, N is approximately 8. If
grades. we assume, on the basis of Tables 1–3, that a 5% increase in
For the results by school the effect was statistically significant knowledge and 3% decrease in behaviour intention would result in
in one case: In school B, out of schools A–D, crossing the railway a 4% decrease in fatal trespassing accident risk of children who
lines at location C (question 9, level crossing) was considered more attend railway safety lessons, it is possible to estimate the
often legal after the lesson than before (x2(1) = 4.16, p < 0.05). reduction in the number of trespassing fatalities. Then, if all
Specifically, the change in the proportion of correct answers in schoolchildren attend a 45-min railway safety lesson during a 10-
school B improved from 81.6% to 96.9%. year period, the estimated reduction in trespassing fatalities in that
We are unable to provide a clear explanation for the variation period would be 0.6111  0.04  8 = 0.195. If we assume further
between schools. However, the teachers constructed the content of that the effect would last for the rest of the child’s life, or 50 years
their lesson independently based on the lesson plan provided, and beyond the 10-year period, the total reduction in the number of
they could have weighed the issues differently. In particular, in trespassing fatalities would be about 6  0.195 = 1.17. The current
school B they may have spent more time on the legality of crossing value of preventing a fatality in Finland is 1955,064s (European
railway lines than in other schools, and in school C they may have Railway Agency, 2014), and thus the reduction of 1.17 fatalities
paid more attention to the dangers of different crossing points. would bring benefits worth s2.29 million.
If we assume that the average number of children in a school
5. Costs and benefits class is 20, then the needed number of classes to provide lessons for
60,000 children every year would be 3000, and the number of
A simple cost-benefit analysis of this railway safety education classes needed for the 10-year programme would be 30,000. If we
programme was carried out. further assume that the cost of one lesson is s100, the total cost of
In order to quantify the benefits, we derived a rough estimate of the 10-year programme would be about s3 million.
the quantitative effect of school education on fatal trespassing Comparing the monetary savings and costs of this programme,
fatalities in Finland over a period of 10 years. In brief, the method we see that the benefits far outweigh the costs if the programme
consists of the following assumptions and steps: manages to save more than one life. However, it should be noted
During the 10-year observation period all 10-year-old school- that in addition to the benefits related to avoided fatalities, other
children are given a 45-min lesson on railway safety. benefits exist that are not included in the above calculations and
It is assumed that the number of annual trespassing accidents they should be considered when pondering the possible imple-
each year of the 10-year observation period is reduced by a factor mentation of this measure. These other benefits are not only
of z(x) = r  p(x)  N, where x is the year (1,. . .,10), r is the expected related to avoided injuries and reduced vandalism, but also to the
percentage reduction in the annual number of trespassing fatalities number of delays caused by related events and unauthorised
of children who have attended the safety lesson (estimated on the people in the track areas.
basis of the effect on their knowledge and behaviour intention), The calculation above is by no means intended to be definitive,
p(x) is the proportion of the population who have participated in but it provides a rough estimate of the quantitative effect of the
the education by year x, and N is the average annual number of measure. Furthermore, the calculation process is simple and
trespassing fatalities if no education is given. transparent, making it easy to see how changing the assumptions
The population of Finland is approximately 5400,000 and the would affect the end results. A quantitative effect of the measure
number of 10-year-olds is about 60,000. Therefore the proportion on the number of trespassing fatalities is also useful when these
of the population that attend the rail safety lesson will increase kinds of educational measures are compared to alternative
every year of the 10-year observation period by 1.11% (=60,000/ measures for preventing trespassing fatalities in terms of cost
5400,000) effectiveness.
Then the proportion of the population who have attended rail
safety lessons in year x of the 10-year period would be x  0.0111. 6. Discussion and conclusions
The number of prevented trespassing fatalities in year x of
the 10-year period would then be x  0.0111  r  N, and the The main aim of this study was to evaluate whether railway
total number of prevented fatalities over the 10-year period would safety lessons are effective in increasing schoolchildren’s safety
be (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10)  0.0111  r  N = 55  knowledge and behaviour intention; thus the results provide
0.0111  r  N = 0.6111  r  N. valuable input to the discussion on the effectiveness of railway
14 A. Silla, V.-P. Kallberg / Evaluation and Program Planning 55 (2016) 9–16

safety education campaigns. The effectiveness of this measure was surrounding areas by fences. Moreover, trespassing behaviour does
estimated based on three variables: behaviour intention, estimat- not always result in trespassing accidents, and the trespassing
ed dangerousness of the behaviour, and level of knowledge on the practice is much wider than it emerges from the accident statistics.
legality of the behaviour. All these variables are considered as Therefore, there is no information on the amount of trespassing
strong determinants of actual behaviour. occurring on railways in Finland or in Tampere region where our
Behaviour intention: Behaviour intention is assumed to have a pilots were conducted. Due to the lack of data on the frequency of
direct link to actual behaviour. Therefore the reduction in railway trespassing this study was solely based on surveys.
behaviour intention is assumed to lead to a reduction in the As far the authors are aware the evaluation related to our pilot
frequency of railway trespassing. is the first attempt to evaluate the effects of education programme
Estimated dangerousness of the behaviour: The assumption is related to railway trespassing. Lobb et al. (2001, 2003) have
that the higher the children evaluate the risk to be, the smaller the evaluated the education campaigns combined with other
probability of an unsafe crossing of railway lines. This is supported measures but based on their studies the effect of the pure
by the findings of Silla (2012), which show that perceived risk has educational campaign is not clear. Our results show positive
proven to be predictive of trespassing behaviour. Specifically, changes in behaviour intention, estimation of danger and
trespassing was considered dangerous by (i) 98.0% of the understanding of legality of railway trespassing. Even though
respondents in the survey, who indicated that they had not the obtained positive changes are rather small the results indicate
trespassed, followed by (ii) 76.8% of the respondents who indicated that these changes can have a positive effect on the frequency of
that they had trespassed and (iii) 50.0% of the interviewed trespassing (i.e. fewer unsafe crossings in the future). Based on
trespassers. this we can assume that reduction in the frequency of trespassing
Knowledge of legality of the behaviour: The assumption is that the could have an effect (i.e. reduction) on the frequency of
higher the knowledge of the illegality of the crossing, the smaller trespassing accidents. The results of our study are not surprising
the probability of an unsafe crossing of railway lines. This is since Lobb et al. (2001) also reported that several studies have
supported by the findings of Silla and Luoma (2012), which suggested that educational or awareness-inducing interventions
indicate that the effect of awareness of legality on the respondents’ have limited effectiveness in reducing accidents or increasing safe
own reported trespassing was significant, with a more substantial behaviour or attitudes.
proportion trespassing among respondents who indicated tres- We also made a simple calculation to transform the effects
passing to be legal compared to those who considered it illegal. found out in the survey into reductions in fatalities resulting from
The results show that railway safety education in schools has a railway trespassing. This resulted in an estimate that a 10-year
positive effect for all the measured variables. Specifically, the nationwide education programme directed at 10-year-old school-
change in the share of correct answers was positive except for children would cost about 3 million euro and reduce the number of
question 8 (Is crossing the railway lines legal at location B?). trespassing fatalities approximately by one, corresponding to
However, upon closer examination the number of yes answers was approximately 1% of all trespassing fatalities over a 10-year period.
four at base level and six post-lesson, which is not a significant The calculation does not directly match the situation in this pilot
difference. Based on this we can reasonably assume that railway test but does provide a rough estimate of the possible effect of this
safety education in schools will also have a positive effect on the kind of measure on the number of trespassing fatalities. It is also
frequency of trespassing in that area. concluded that this kind of rail safety lesson is not necessary cost
The size of the effect depends on the children’s base level effective, since our rough calculation estimated the cost of a 10-
understanding of the dangers related to railway lines. According to year education programme to be about 3 million euro, which
the results of this study, a fairly large majority of the children had a exceeds the estimated benefits resulting from one less fatality
reasonably adequate perception of the dangers related to railways, (valued at about 2 million). However, it is important to be noted
and their behaviour intention reflected their perception even that the benefits of a railway safety education programme are not
before the lesson. It may well be that the base level knowledge of only limited to avoided fatalities, as considered in the calculations,
schoolchildren is better in schools located near railway lines than but also concern the benefits of avoided injuries, reduced
in schools located farther away. Nonetheless it is useful to review vandalism and fewer delays to trains due to related events and
the topic every now and then so that the children maintain their unauthorised people in the track areas. According to our
awareness of these dangers. experiences the evaluations of educational measures rarely, if
If looking at the results in more detail we can see two ever, try to convert their findings into reductions in accidents or
interesting findings. First, even after the lesson a fairly large their consequences, which should be their main goal. Our approach
proportion of schoolchildren (29.2% of 2nd graders, 15.5% of 3rd shows that the estimate can be drawn in a rational and transparent
graders and 9.1% of 4th graders) indicate that that they would not way, providing added value to this study even if we take into
cross the railway lines at location C (level crossing). In addition, account the numerous assumptions and approximations in the
some schoolchildren (10.4% of 2nd graders, 8.6% of 3rd graders and calculation.
5.7% of 4th graders) answered that it is not allowed to cross the Education programmes aiming to increase the knowledge on
railway lines at location C (level crossing). One explanation for this safe behaviour in railway environment are important in raising the
might be that the parents have said to their children that they are awareness of the dangers related to railway trespassing since
not allowed to go near the railway lines in any place. In both cases based on our earlier studies a substantial number of interviewed
the share of ‘‘correct’’ answers is higher the older the school- trespassers and people living close to a railway line considered
children are. Therefore, one might assume that older school- trespassing to be safe, and so many trespassers and people living
children adopted the message delivered by the teachers better close to a railway line assumed trespassing legal. A similar railway
than the younger. The second finding proposes that fencing is an safety education programme could be implemented in other
effective way to inform the schoolchildren about the dangerous- countries, given that the main safety message is valid everywhere.
ness and illegality of crossing the railway tracks outside level However, the material should be adjusted to comply with local
crossings, even when having a hole in the fence. circumstances (e.g. typical environments where trespassing
Overall, prevention of trespassing is a challenge. In Finland, for occurs). In addition, it should be noted that this measure is
example, we have nearly 6000 km of railway lines in use and unlike expected to be more effective in raising the level of knowledge
in some other countries, railways are not usually isolated from the when implemented in schools located in cities and/or countries in
A. Silla, V.-P. Kallberg / Evaluation and Program Planning 55 (2016) 9–16 15

which the children’s level of knowledge is not as high in the before eliminate potential extraneous factors are proposed for future
phase as in our pilot schools. research.
This study had some limitations that should be kept in mind Based on the studies conducted so far, even though education
when generalising the results. First, the researchers did not have and campaigns can reduce railway trespassing and related
the power to randomly assign children to different classes and thus accidents to certain degree, their effects can be rather limited.
it is possible that the classes differed for some unknown variable Therefore, education and campaigns are not necessarily always the
that influenced their levels of change over time. Moreover, the most effective and cost-efficient measures. When possible, a wider
different groups of schoolchildren were taught by different range of measures and their combinations as described in the
teachers, therefore there were likely variations in how the lesson RESTRAIL project (RESTRAIL, 2014b) should be considered.
was presented.
Second, the study periods for pilot tests in RESTRAIL project Acknowledgements
were limited and did not allow the collection of data on long term
effects of the education programme. It is likely that the effect will The authors wish to thank Juha Luoma from VTT for his valuable
diminish over the time unless the railway safety lessons are comments on earlier drafts of this paper.
repeated. Therefore, it is emphasised that the cost-benefit This study was supported by the European Commission under
analysis of the education programme is by no means intended the 7th Framework Programme (RESTRAIL project; Grant Agree-
to be definitive, but rather provides a rough estimate of the ment No. 285153).
quantitative effect of the measure. The authors would like to note
that the collection of long term effects (e.g. one year after the References
lesson) of this kind of education programme can be challenging
Dragutinovic, N., & Twisk, D. (2006). The effectiveness of road safety education—A
since rather often, at least in Finland, the school classes have a
literature review. The Netherlands: R-2006-6- SWOV Institute for Road Safety
different teacher every year which complicates to the collection of Research Available in Internet: hhttp://www.swov.nl/rapport/r-2006-06.pdfi
evaluation data. (accessed March 6, 2014).
Third, due to the lack of data on the frequency of railway European Railway Agency (2014). ERADIS—European railway agency database of
interoperability and safety. hhttps://eradis.era.europa.eu/i (accessed July 1, 2014).
trespassing this study was solely based on surveys. In optimal Finnish Rail Administration (2007–2009). Finnish railway statistics. Separate
design each school should be linked to one or several trespassing publications for each year. Helsinki: Finnish Rail Administration hhttp://
sites and the number of trespasses of schoolchildren would have portal.liikennevirasto.fi/sivu/www/f/aineistopalvelut/julkaisut/kirjasto/
trafiikki#.U7KdzVXyU-Ui (accessed July 1, 2014).
been monitored in these sites during the study. However, due to Finnish Transport Agency (2010–2012). Finnish railway statistics. Separate
the open nature of the Finnish railway environment the publications for each year. Helsinki: Finnish Transport Agency hhttp://
identification of unofficial paths across the railway lines in portal.liikennevirasto.fi/sivu/www/f/aineistopalvelut/julkaisut/kirjasto/
trafiikki#.U7KdzVXyU-Ui (accessed July 1, 2014).
Tampere region and the supervision of those paths would have Finnish Transport Safety Agency (2014). Rautatieturvallisuustietoa. hhttp://
required extensive amount of resources and thus it was not www.rautatieturvallisuus.fi/rautatieturvallisuusi (accessed July 1, 2014).
practical. Lobb, B., Harré, N., & Suddendorf, T. (2001). An evaluation of a suburban railway
pedestrian crossing safety programme. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 33,
Lastly, the study can be criticised for the lack of appropriate 157–165.
control group. The challenge of finding a proper control group Lobb, B., Harré, N., & Terry, N. (2003). An evaluation of four types of railway
applies to all evaluation studies related to railway trespassing pedestrian crossing safety intervention. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 35,
and not only education programmes. In optimal situation the
Lobb, B. (2006). Trespassing on the tracks: A review of railway pedestrian safety
railway environment (i.e. the extent of fencing, number of research. Journal of Safety Research, 37, 359–365.
unauthorised paths and number of legal crossing possibilities) Network Rail (2014). Safety education. hhttp://www.networkrail.co.uk/safety-
near the control group should be similar as near the treatment education/i (accessed August 15, 2014).
Operation Lifesaver (2014). Rail safety education. hhttp://oli.org/i (accessed March 6,
group. One option to solve this challenge is to take both the 2014).
control and treatment group from the same school. However, in Railway Safety and Standards Board (2005). Trespass and access via the platform end.
practice this is not so simple since (a) we need to have a school Final report. Halcrow Group Limited in partnership with Human Engineering
hhttp://rssb.co.uki (accessed June 12, 2007).
located near railway lines, (b) the school should have more than RESTRAIL (2014a). Reduction of suicides and trespasses on railway property. hhttp://
one class per grade, (c) we should ascertain that the children www.restrail.eu/i (accessed August 15, 2014).
from treatment group do not discuss about the correct answers RESTRAIL (2014b). Railway suicides and trespassing accidents: How to prevent the
incidents and mitigate the consequences?. hhttp://restrail.eu/toolbox/i (accessed
of the survey with the children from control group, and (d) the August, 15th, 2014).
teachers should be committed to the education programme. Savage, I. (2006). Does public education improve rail-highway crossing safety?
However, even if we could have found and used a proper control Accident Analysis and Prevention, 38, 310–316.
Silla, A. (2012). Improving safety on Finnish railways by prevention of trespassing.
group, it would not have changed the fact that the effect of our
VTT Science, 27. 49 p.+app. 43 p. Espoo 2012.
railway safety lesson in the form it was realised in our study is Silla, A., & Luoma, J. (2009). Trespassing on Finnish railways: Identification of
fairly small. This is the case because lack of control group in a problem sites and characteristics of trespassing behaviour. European Transport
Research Review, 1, 47–53.
before-after study typically leads to overestimation of the
Silla, A., & Luoma, J. (2011). Effect of three countermeasures against the illegal
positive effect of a measure. crossing of railway tracks. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43, 1089–1094.
Silla, A., & Luoma, J. (2012). Opinions on railway trespassing of people living close
to a railway line. Safety Science, 50, 62–67.
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7. Lesson learned and future research (accessed August 15, 2014).
TrackSAFE NZ (2014). Education. hhttp://www.railsafety.co.nz/education.htmli
The evaluation of future education programmes regarding (accessed August 15, 2014).
Twisk, D. A. M., Vlakveld, W. P., Commandeur, J. J. F., Shope, J. T., & Kok, G. (2014).
railway safety is strongly recommended since at the moment there Five road safety education programmes for young adolescent pedestrians and
is hardly any information on their effectiveness. The implementa- cyclists: A multi-programme evaluation in a filed setting. Accident Analysis and
tion of the education programme should be carefully planned and Prevention, 66, 55–61.
allow the collection of proper evaluation data both before and after
the intervention, including the long term effects of the programme Dr. Anne Silla (Female) is a Senior Scientist and has worked at the VTT Technical
Research Centre of Finland since 2005. She received her M.Sc. (Technology) from the
(e.g. one year after the lesson). Furthermore, the evaluation on the Tampere University of Technology in 2005 and her Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering
effects by gender and possible inclusion of a control group to from Aalto University in 2013. Silla has also participated in a two-year TRANSPORTNET
16 A. Silla, V.-P. Kallberg / Evaluation and Program Planning 55 (2016) 9–16

Marie Curie Programme which enabled her to spent two years in Germany (2007– Mr. Veli-Pekka Kallberg, M.Sc.Tech. (Transport Technology), Principal Research Sci-
2009) and participate in several international projects and courses meant for doctoral entist (retired 31.5.2015), graduated from the Helsinki University of Technology (HUT)
students in the field of transport. Her research activities have mainly focused on in 1976 and has since then worked at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. For
improving the safety of road and railway traffic. Examples of her research topics most of his professional career he has worked in various kinds of road safety research
include assessment of safety effects of ITS directed to vulnerable road users (VRUITS), projects. Since the late 1990’s he has focused on rail safety and lead several research
prevention of railway trespassing and railway suicides (RESTRAIL + national projects), projects concerning the safety of Finnish railways and especially the safety of level
improving the safety of level crossings (national projects) and safety management crossings. He has been involved in several EU projects, including the project RESTRAIL
(national projects). aiming to reduce railway suicides and trespassing accidents.

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