Sow PM Power Quality

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Gangguan kualitas daya termasuk Power quality disturbances include the

berikut: following:

1. Harmonisa dikenakan pada 1. Harmonics imposed on the

gelombang sinus fundamental. fundamental sine wave
2. Tegangan transien 2. Voltage transients
3. Tegangan sag dan swell 3. Voltage sags and swells
4. Undervoltage dengan kejadian lama 4. Long duration undervoltage and
dan interupsi tegangan berkelanjutan sustained voltage interruptions
5. Ketidak seimbangan tegangan dan
kehilangan phasa. 5. Unbalanced voltages and single
6. Grounding yang salah dan tidak phasing (partial interruption)
memadai. 6. Inadvertent and inadequate
7. Noise listrik grounding
8. Interharmonik 7. Electrical noise
8. Interharmonics

Jika ada masalah karena kualitas daya, If there are problem about Power
KONTRAKTOR hendaknya menyelidiki dan quality, contractor should investigate
membuat solusi, minimum mengacu pada and make solution, minimum refer to
NFPA 70 B, Recommended Practice NFPA 70B, Recommended Practice for
for Electrical Equipment Maintenance.
Electrical Equipment Maintenance.

Penyelidikan melalui: The investigation through:

1. Survey harmonic dan Pengetesan 1. Harmonic Surveying and Testing

Dimana harmonic dicurigai sebagai Where harmonics are suspected as

penyebab masalah, perlu untuk the cause of problems, it is necessary
menentukan besar frekuensi harmonic to determine the magnitude of the
dan kontribusinya terhadap THD. harmonic frequencies and their
Informasi ini akan menentukan contribution to THD. This information
besarnya masalah harmonisa, will define the extent of the harmonic
memberikan petunjuk penyebab problem, provide clues as to causes
harmonik, dan memberikan data yang of the harmonics, and provide the
diperlukan untuk solusi insinyur. Itu data needed to engineer solutions. It
akan memberikan perhitungan factor will also permit calculation of
derating transformer menurut transformer derating factors in
ANSI/IEEE C57.110, Recommended accordance with ANSI/IEEE C57.110,
Practice for Establishing Transformer Recommended Practice
Capability When for Establishing
Supplying Transformer Capability When
Nonsinusoidal Load Currents. Supplying Nonsinusoidal Load

2. Monitoring Transien 2. Transient Monitoring

Monitoring dapat digunakan untuk Monitoring can be used to determine

menentukan adanya transien. the presence of transients. Storage-
Storage-type, high-bandwidth type, high-bandwidth oscilloscopes
oscilloscopes dengan kemampuan with high voltage capability can be
bandwidth yang tinggi dapat used, but more information can be
digunakan, tetapi informasi lebih obtained from the use of power
dapat diperoleh dari penggunaan disturbance analyzers specifically
power disturbance analyzers khusus designed for transient and other
didesain untuk gangguan kualitas daya types of power-quality problems.

Monitoring mungkin diperlukan Monitoring might be required over an

selama masa itu, karena sifat transien, extended period of time, due to the
yang bervariasi sesuai beban dan characteristics of transients, which
perubahan konfigurasi sistem. vary as loads and system
configurations change.

3. Monitoring and Testing for Sags and 3. Monitoring dan pengetesan Sags dan
Swells. swells.

Tipe peralatan monitoring yang Different types of monitoring

berbeda sesuai untuk memonitor sags equipment are available to monitor
dan sweels. sags and swells.

Mulai dari sebuah indikator visual These range from event indicators
yang menunjukkan bahwa sag atau that visually indicate that a sag or
swell telah terjadi, monitor grafis yang swell has occurred, to graphical
menyediakan gambar-gangguan dan monitors that provide a cycle-by-
catatan nilai minimum/maksimum, cycle picture of the disturbance and
durasi, dan waktu kejadian. record the minimum/maximum
values, duration, and time of
4. Monitor dan pengetesan Under 4. Monitoring and Testing of Long
voltage dalam waktu lama. Duration Undervoltages.

5. Monitor danpengetesan tegangan 5. Monitoring and Testing Unbalanced

tidak seimbang dan pekepasan satu Voltages and Single Phasing

6. Monitor dan pengetesan grounding. 6. Monitoring and Testing - Grounding.

Hubungan listrik ke tanah dapat The electrical connection to earth can
diukur menggunakan sistem tiga titik be measured using the three-point
mengacu pada ANSI/IEEE 142, system referred to in ANSI/IEEE 142,
Recommended Practice for Grounding Recommended Practice for Grounding
of Industrial and Commercial Power of Industrial and Commercial Power
Systems (Green Book). and inadequate Systems (Green Book). and
grounding. inadequate grounding.

7. Monitor dan pengetesan noise listrik 7. Monitoring and Testing Noise in

dan sistem elektronik. Electrical and Electronic Systems.

Penentuan sumber, frekuensi dan Locating the sources, frequency, and

amplitude noise dapat menjadi sulit amplitude of noise can be a difficult
dan memerlukan banyak waktu. and timeconsuming task.
Pencarian masalah menjadi makin Troubleshooting becomes
sulit sesuai dengan kelipatan sumber increasingly difficult as multiple
noise yang ada. sources of noise might be present.

Penentuan amplitude dan frekuensi Determining the amplitude and

sinyal noise adalah penting dalam frequency of the noise signal is
menidentifikasi sumber. essential in identifying the source.
Typically, several different types of
test equipment can be required to
isolate the nature of the noise.

Ini termasuk: These include the following:

(1) Spectrum analyzer- mampu (1) Spectrum analyzer - capable of

mengukur rentang frekuensi yang measuring a wide range of
lebar. frequencies

(2) Dilakukan RFI / EMI rekaman - (2) Conducted RFI/EMI recorder -

mampu mengukur tingkat capable of measuring noise
kebisingan ditumpangkan pada levels superimposed on the
gelombang tegangan. voltage waveform

(3) Pencatat RFI /EMI –mampu (3) Radiated RFI/EMI recorder -

mengukur level noise listrik yang capable of measuring electrical
ada. noise levels present in the air
(4) Digital storage oscilloscope (4) Digital storage oscilloscope with
dengan saluran decoupler line decoupler

(5) Monitor kualitas daya (5) Power quality monitor

(6) Monitor kualitas daya (6) Monitoring and Testing


(7) Harmonik analyzer yang (8) Harmonic analyzers that use

menggunakan fast fourier conventional fast Fourier
transform (FFT) berdasarkan transform (FFT) - based
analisa harmonic yang tidak harmonic analysis might not be
efektif secara penuh dalam fully effective in determining the
menentukan adanya presence of interharmonics. The
interharmonik. energy of the interharmonic will
often be split between two
adjacent harmonic values.
Spectrum analyzers or harmonic
analyzers with interharmonic
capabilities are recommended.

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