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LEVEL LADDERS ON INTEGERS & ‘GRADE VII ‘A._ Student Learning: | can multiply integers Related Question ‘Al. Suppose a friend knows how to multiply positive integers but has never multiplied negative integers. a) How can you use the following pattern to show your friend how to calculate (+5) x’ (—3)? (#5) x (43) (#5) x (+2) 45) x (41) G5) x0=0 (+5) x (-1) (45) x (-2) | G5) x (3) = b) Make upa pattern to show your friend how to calculate (+6) x (—2). 415 +10 +5 cc] Further, show your friend how to use the following pattern to calculate (~7) x (3). (1x (+4) = -28 (x G3) (7) x G2) = -14 Cx GD= -7 0 (CD x0 1) x (- CORNC2 =a Che A2. Solve: (-9)*G2)= -\Q |G2xCN= yy |-OxC-o=36 @axeg= ig [eoxen= 12. -lemxen= 16 Coxen= 4 [G0x-2= -12 [-axcn= 2 xen 63 |-9xG0=-5y lanxcy=-29 | CaxG2= —4 ja@nxas= 22 |-9x@s= -45 Oxcn= 32 |anxen= # lanxae= 42 7] GDxCS)= 45 [CHx-S= 25 [2x9 =-19 Gx G0)= © GOxeD= “4 |Cox-a=024 | eae | yxn= -44 | (9) x(-2)= Conan= -Ydlanxcn=-¢ |anxcH= -4o ‘AS. Without calculating, state true or false. Give reasons for your answer: a) (-5)% (33) = 5x(-33) b) E19)x— 11) = 19x11 ©) 20) *(5~ 3) =(-20)(-2) 44 «(9% =(- 10) €2-2) Foye, o> 0 =-29, and le) s +20 OE Dx(-2)x(-9) 2123 ‘AA. Find out the following products: (i) -$x9x(-5)225 (ii) (-10)(~-20\30) (i) 2)x3)«(-7) -42 (i) C150X-3X-D) AS. Evaluate: a (3 b) sy q. Ci: ‘A6. In the following list of integers, without calculating, identify the two integers that have the greatest product. Justify your answer. e $21,-19,412,+14,-23,-15,+19,-13 ~2B anat as “y WE Uberey a Ayah produc Vail be a posse A7. Fill out the next three numbers in the patterns below. Also explain in words how you are obtaining the next member in each pattern. a) ») Q AB. 2. Write - 36 as the product of two integer factors. Do this in as many different ways as you can. Show your work. @! ¥~36 w2x-19,09x-4 b. Write —36 as the product of three integer yrs. Do this in as many different ways as you can. Show your work. alec xg, 2x-lex1, 49Ae1 'A9, In a magic multiplication square, the numbers in each row, column, and diagonal have the same product. This is called the magic product. +2 | -36| +3 | a) What is the magic product of this square? b) Multiply each number in the square by ~2. Is the result a magic multiplication square? If so, what is the magic product? 10. Fill in the blanks: a) by -10x_t5 =-150 y 1 x-2=-2 a) (<510-=0, e) AR x3=-39 ‘ALI. Girele the odd one out: aj-1x-1) b)-1x-1x-1«-1! \@-1x-1x-1x-1x—1-1 d)-1X-1x-1x-1x-1x-1 ) 'A12. Develop a sign rule for the product of each of the following. Wherever you cannot determine the sign of the product mention that. a) an even number of positive integers b) an odd number of positive integers } an even number of negative integers d)_an odd number of negative integers e) some positive integers and odd number of negative integers )_ even number of positive integers and some negative integers g) some positive integers and even number of negative integers ‘A13. For each statement give a suitable example. a) The product of two integers equals one of the integers. b) The product of two integers equals the opposite of one of the integers. ¢) The product of two integers is less than both integers. )_ The product of two integersis greater than both integers. 'A14. What is the product of the largest negative integer and the smallest three digit natural number? “Ux 1002-100 'A15. What is the product of the largest two digit negative integer and the smallest two digit positive integers? 49 410 = -440 16. Identity oe consecutive integers whose sum and product both equal zero. ~\, 5) B. Student Learning: | can apply properties of integers in appropriate situations to make my calculations more efficient. Related Question B1. Evaluate each of the following in the most efficient way possible. a. 25x 254x4 b. -50x 127 x -2 ¢. 27x40x2x250 d. 125 x -1122334455 x 8 82. Evaluate: ( Your teachers feel using distributive property will make calculations easier but you are the best judge) a. 72x 80472 x20 b. 68x (-17) + 68x (-3) c. (-850) x 43 + 43 x (-150) d. (63) x 42 + (63) x 18 e. 55x 15-55% 15 f. -99% 324-324 534x101 b 123 x99 99x -83

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