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Practical 4

Course Teacher: Sir Faraz Akbar

Course Code: AU-442
Student Name: M. Suhaib Uz Zaman Khan
Student Roll # AU – 19003
Date: 18/11/2022
Finite element analysis:
In this practical a 3-Dimensional structure with a hole in it, was subjected to load and its
finite element analysis was performed using Ansys.

Steps Followed:
To get our required results we had to go through 3 phases:
1. Pre- Processing
2. Solution
3. Post Processing
Below we will be discussing each phase in details with step-by-step detailed explanation.

Modelling: In this phase first, we defined element type that was solid182. Then we set the
real constants value for our element type in which we defined its thickness which was
20mm. Once done, material properties were defined as structural, isotropic and then the
values of young modulus and Poisson ratio, were entered. Here for Steel, these values were
2e5 and 0.3 respectively. After all this we created our model using rectangle and a circle.
First one big rectangle of 200 * 100 mm was created and then a small circle of radius 20mm
were made as shown below:
Subtraction: After making these rectangles, we had to remove the circle to get our
element. For this we used Boolean operation and subtracted the circle from the rectangle.
Finally, we got our element so now we will move to our next step, that is defining meshing -
element length size and meshing. Final element can be seen below in blue color:
Once we got our element, we had to do meshing on it. For this we first had to define
element size control, which in this case we chose to be 5 mm. After this we finally
performed meshing on our model. Now moving to solution phase.
Following steps were taken
Mesh – Size control – Element size control
Mesh – Mesh – All body
Result of meshing can be seen on next page

First of all a new solution was needed to be created. Then we applied loads and constraints
on our element.
Defining Loads: Constraints were added on the left end of the element and defined as “All
Degrees of Freedom” in structural displacement. By this our element’s movement was
restricted in all degree of freedom from left end. After this we applied pressure on the right
line which was set as 1 MPa in x-direction. This can be seen on next page:
In this phase we viewed the result and effect of applying pressure and constraints on our
model. First of all, we displayed nodes and their respective numbers so that deflection and
stress at each node could be seen.
After displaying nodes & their respective numbers, result of stress nodal solution was listed
for each node.

Then we plotted result for a deformed shape and viewed “deformed + undeformed” model
as shown below in dark blue color. Blue color is for the deformed figure and the meshed
lines shows the actual figure of our element.

Then we viewed deflection for our element using nodal solution and, in the figure below, it
can be seen that where the stresses are maximum there is red color and green and then
blue for the least stress. Deflection caused by pressure force on the element can be viewed
through this step. Nodal solution for von Mises stresses on our element is also shown .
This design is safe until applied pressure don’t change drastically as then the deflection
would also be increased. Since there is little bit deflection even with this much pressure, so
increased deflection could cause design failure and can be a cause of damage. To totally
eliminate deflection, area of element could be varied and also its material could be changed.
Finite element analysis:
Making a 3-Dimensional bracket to apply force on it, in order to check deflection across the
element and check its safety.

Steps Followed:
To get our required results we had to go through 3 phases:
1. Pre- Processing
2. Solution
3. Post Processing
Below we will be discussing each phase in details with step-by-step detailed explanation.

Modelling: In this phase first, we defined element type that was solid182. Then we set the
real constants value for our element type in which we defined its thickness which was
20mm. Once done, material properties were defined as structural, isotropic and then the
values of young modulus and Poisson ratio, were entered. Here for Steel, these values were
2e5 GPa and 0.3 respectively. After all this we created our model. First two rectangles were
made, one of 70 * 100 mm and other of 10 * 80 mm (to fill area between top and bottom
fillets). Then three circles were created, two of radius 10mm (to make fillet on left side) and
one of radius 50mm (to make rounded edge on right side). This all can be seen below:
Once creating all these, they all needed to be added together in Boolean operation so that it
could become one single element. Below the addition process and its outcome is shown:

Now for the holes we created three solid circles, two of radius 5 mm at points (0, 10) & (0,
90), and then one of radius 25 mm at point (70,50). Then these circles needed to be
subtracted, again using Boolean operation, to make holes for our bracket. Circle creation &
process for subtraction and the final product is shown below:
After we got our element, we had to do meshing on it. For this we first had to define
element size control, which in this case we chose to be 5 mm. After this we finally
performed meshing on our model. Now moving to solution phase.
Following steps were taken
Mesh – Size control – Element size control
Mesh – Mesh – All body
Result of meshing can be seen on next page

First of all a new solution was needed to be created. Then we applied loads and constraints
on our bracket.
Defining Loads: Constraints were added on the top of the bracket and defined as “All
Degrees of Freedom” in structural displacement. By this our element’s movement was
restrained in all degrees of freedom from top. After this we applied force of 1000 N on the
most bottom node of our bigger hole in negative y-direction. This can be seen on next page:
In this phase we viewed the result and effect of applying force and constraints on our
bracket. First, we plotted result for a deformed shape and viewed “deformed +
undeformed” model as shown below in dark blue color. Blue color is for the deformed figure
and the mesh lines shows the actual figure of our element.
Then we viewed deflection for our element using nodal solution and, in the figure below, it
can be seen that where the stresses are maximum there is red color and green and then
blue for the least stress area. Deflection caused by pressure force on the element can be
viewed through this step. Nodal solution for von Mises stresses on our element is also
shown. Result of stress nodal solution is also listed for each node.
The deflection and deformation caused by the force on the bracket is a lot and this can
extremely weaken the design or in worse cases, even failure or breakdown. To avoid or
completely eliminate this, we should consider varying its dimensions and also try changing
the material to a more robust material and stiff material. This way the bracket could operate

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