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Data Structures And Algorithm Analysis

Due Date: 11/11/2022

1. Create double linklist

2. Write insertion function for (insert in beginning, insert in middle, insert in
3. Deletion function for (delete in beginning. Delete in between the two nodes,
delete at the end)
4. Delete at any node with respect to data
5. Display function
6. Palindrome check.
7. Delete all duplicate values
8. Sum of all even data in a node
9. Input a number from a user, split it and then save each separate digit in
sperate nodes respectively
10.Create duplicate nodes with the sequence of M nodes and N nodes.
1->2->3->4; M=2, N=3; 1->2->3->3->3->4
11. Implement stack
12. Implement two stack in an array
13. Implement stack using concept of queue
14. Implement mergabale stack
15. Reverse a stack
16. Implement a queue using stack
17. Implementation of a queue with an additional data member of age, creation
must be in ascending order with respect to age.
18. Maximum number of pairs of distinct linklist elements possible by
including each element in only one pair.
19.Rank the array according to rightmost set bit and least set bits
20.Convert given Array to 0 by reducing elements pairwise with any positive
21.Maximum count of pairs such that element at each index i is included in i

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