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Internal Environment Strategies External Environment

Strategic Option

Strategic Choice

Strategic into Action


Strategic Control

- A Mission is the purpose of an organization and the reason for its existence.
Many entities give a formal expression to their mission in a mission statement.
- ‘A mission describes the organization’s basic function in society, in terms of
the products and services it produces for its customers (Mintzberg).
-should clear and short statement.
What is our business?
What is our value to customer?
What will our business be?
What should our business be?
- Determine directon
- Unified strategy
- Communication of mission to stakeholders
- Basis of competition
- Keep key stakehoholder satisfied
- Help to prevent future misunderstandings
- Improves coordination between various departments, managers and
- Not present the actual values of the organization
- Often vague
- Often ingnored
Goals and Goals –aims for the entity to achieve,
objectives Objectives-can be measured and should be a specific time by which the
objectives should be achieved.
Characteristics of objective : S.M.A.R.T
Specific – clear statement, easy to understand
Measurable – to enable control that can be measure
Achievable – not easy, not difficulties
Relevant – appropriate to mission and stakeholders(Obj mission
Timed bounded – have a time period for achievement (Obj

Strategy Possible course of action
 in order to achieve objectives
try to be fit in between business and the environment

The direction and scope of an organization over the long term, which achieves
advantages in a changing environment through its configuration of resources
with the aim of fulfilling stakeholder expectations.

(Environmental changes resources

competences stakeholders expectations
long –term Organisation
။ direction & scope
strategy ။

Strategic Planning
-Long term and corporate planning
-For whole organization

- Forces manager to look ahead

- Environmental Fit .
- Imporved control
- Goal congruence

- Identified key risks.
- Planning
- Rapidly changing markets/ environments
- Plan Opportunities

opportunism - Plan ။
- Capture opprotunities as they arise
- Opportunities ။

- Failure to identified risk
- ။
- Strategic drift
Org Long term overall plan Market

- Difficulty in raising finance

- Investors Org future plan org plan
company worthwhile investmet
difficult to convince: Investors ။
Management skill
changing market Understanding & reacting highly skilled
managers ။
Strategic 1. Emergent Strategies
- Freewheeling Opportunism ။
- Business environment Org strategy ။
- Environment Stratetgy ။
- Formal plan ။
- Unforeseen changes different ideas
develop ။
2. Incremental Strategies
- existing strategies small
incremental changes develop ။
- Stable slow business environment
safe ။
Strategic drift Business environment Org Strategy
drift ။
- Remained unchanged or changed incrementally
- Minor changes in the external environmental or industry.

Drift -
- Profit , performance ။
- Loss making ။
- So, should change the org’s strategy
Approach to 1. Position-basedsed strategy
Strategic - 1st Identifying opportunities
planning - 2nd Developing strategic capability(Resources) to take advantages
2. Resource Base strategy
- 1st developed on the unique capabilities of the business
- 2nd opportunities capabilities Competitive
advantages ။

Level of 1. Corporate level

Strategy  The whole organization, achievement of entity’s overall objectives.
Eg, Strategic Business Unit(SBU)
(For exam Hotel, Travel& Tours, Construction, Bank
short notes 2. Business level
)  Competitive strategy
Bank AYA, KBZ , MAB, etc competitive
advantages ။
advantages ။
- Competitive advantage (Tangible : Buildings , Intangible : Brand Name)
- Corporate Level ။

3. Operational level  day to day operation (efficient & effectiveness)

- Manufacturing, distribution, marketing and selling, research an
- Support to B

Strategic 1. Strategy as design

Lense 2. Strategy as experience
3. Strategy as idea
- Strategy ၃

1. Strategy as design (Similar rational model)
- Analysis of current position
- Identification of option
- Evaluation of options,
- Selection of best option
- Finally, the implementation of that option.
Top-down process
Clear course of action senior manager
Senior management responsibility;
Develop the strategy
Lowe level of mgt operational level deliver ။
2. Strategy as experience
- Past adaptating & extension

- Experience Customer needs & wants
idea ။
- Existing strategy ။
- Not to be appropriate for major changes
-Through past experience
- not suitable for major changes
- no change in Culture
3. Strategy as idea
- Innovation and the needs for new idea.
- Emerge from all level of and organization
- Not from senior mgt
Rapid change
Suitable for major change

Envrionmental Analysis

Strategy External Environment Internal Environment


External Internal

Macro Micro

(PESTEL) (Customer, Supplier, Competitor)

Indirect Direct
Impact Impact

S.W.O.T Analysis
External Environment  Opportunity, Threat
Internal Environment  Strength, Weakness

Strenght Weakness

Opportunity Thread

Strategic Option
SWOT Analysis strategy strategy
Strategy Strategy Option ။

Maximize Profit / Growth

Maximize Profit  increase in sale , decrease in costs
Growth  Acquisiton or Franchising or Joint Venture or Organic Growth

Strategic Choice
Strategic option Strategy

Criteria  SFA
1. Suitable
-Strength, Opportunity
-Avoid weakness, threat
-Business Profile
2. Feasible (ie : Resources )
3. Acceptable (ie : Shareholder, stakeholders )
Strategic into Action
strategy ။
implementation efficient & effectiveness ။

1. Marketing Mgt
2. Operation Mgt
3. Project Mgt
4. H.R Mgt
5. Organization structure

Strategic Control
mission, objective ။
1. Benchmarking ( )
2. Balance Score Card Method
(4 Perspective : Financial, Customer , Internal, Learning & Growth)
3. Critical Success factor (CSF)
4. Key Performance Indicatior (KPI)

 mission , objectives Strategy

develop ။

Environmental Analysis Models

- PESTEL  identify significant factors in the macroenvironment of and entity.

- Porter’s Diamond  Particular countires or regions (competitive advantages over similar
entities in the same industry)
- Porter’s Five forces  competitive environment within a particular industry.

Environmental Analysis
- Strategy development Environmental analysis ။
- Objective business operate Environment ။
- Environment Change environment ။

P.E.S.T.E.L Model  Indirectly impact on organization

Political  Government Policies on education and infrastructure

Fiscal Policy Monetary Policy Government Grant

(Taxation ,Borrowing, (Interest rate, money supply,

Spending) Exchange rate)
- Gov Policies Org Planning activities ။
- Gov tax Tax Incentive ။
tax ။ Tax Holiday ။
- eg, exporter tax ။
- Tax 0% ။ Import level ။
- SME ၃ ။
- Spending

- E-learning iT business ။
- Demand , Cost profit effect ။
- Export Exchange rate (import …)

Economic  Recession, Boom
 Both national and international
 Inflation , growth/ fall GDP, interest rates , tax level, business cycle
- interest rate
interest ။
- business Boom ။ recession
operate ။
- Recession Organisation Sale , profit ။
- Boom growth ။ ။
Social  Demographic, Life Style, education (social & culture)
- , Supplement , ။
- Education product ။

Technology  -Business process, product, service

-Affect all aspects of business
- service, product innovate ။
- online ။
- education online ။

Environmental  input : output

Resoruce Air/water pollution
- output ။
- Social ။
- Social ။
- Recycle product ။
- 3P (People, Planet, Profit) ။
- Developed countries Environmental disposal cost
Legal  Company law, Labor law, Tax law ect
- Lobor law
Macro  PESTEL
For exam  Theory Scenario ။

Porter’s Five Forces  Industrial environment/ Micro Environment

Five Forces (strength and nature of competition )

1. New Entrance -Threats from potential entrant
2. Substitute product – Threats from substitute product or services
3. Supplier Power – the bargaining power of suppliers
4. Customer Power – the bargaining power of customers
5. Competitive rivalry within the industry or market.

1) Threats from potential entrant (new competitor/ new entrance)

- Attracted by the high profits earns by existing competitors
- New entrance will try to establish a share of market
- Depends on how easy or difficult for new competitor to enter the market
- Some market  cost of entering can be high
- other market  cost of entering can be low
- industry/market new entrance barriers ။
- Barrier to entry  low - able to come into the market without difficulty
 Price Strong competitive market ။
 High profit ။
- Barrier to entry  high – difficult for new competitors
 Existing competitor price pressure ။
 High barrier to entry – factors -
 Economies of scale/ capital investment requirement/ Access to
distribution channel/ time to become established/ Know-how/
switching cost, government regulation, etc… new
entrance ။ vice visa
other incustry Barrier high ။

2) Substitute Product
- product
Heating system gas, oil, electricity
Transport air, rail and road
Food & Drink coffee / Te
Plastic – Glass bottle
- More attractive ။
o Market / Industry Competition Threat from substitute
product ။

3) Bargaining power of supplier

o supplier
- Supplier power high price ။
- industry low profitability market competitive ။
- Supplier Power strong situation -
o Market Supplier ။
o Substitute product ။
o Supplier product rival supplier differentiated – design,quality

o Finished goods importance component ။
o Easily integrate forward- enter the market as competitor of their existing customer
o Supplier competitor ။
- ** Supplier product importance product ။

4) Bargaining power of customer

- customer /buyer buyer power industry profitability reduce

- large quantity buyer -
profit ။ Customer power ။
- Powerful customer’s situation
o Volumer of purchases
o Rival suppliers
o Low switching cost from one supplier to anther
o Customer buys Large proportion of total industry output
o Buyer’s profit cost force ။
o Buyer’s supplier and price information ။

5) Competitive Rivalry
- Existing Competitiors competitor ။
- low price profit ။
- Competitive rivalry circumstances: -

o Competitors ။
o Same size and economic strength
o Slow growth in market
o ။
o High cost of withdrawing (exist cost industry / market

Stakeholder Analysis

A Stakeholder is a party that has an interest in a company and can either affect or be affected by
the business.
Type of Stakeholder
1.Internal stakeholder  employee , Management Primary Stakeholder
2.Connected stakeholder Customer , Supplier , Bank
3.External stakeholder  Tax authorities, government Secondary Stakeholder

Stakeholder Conflict
Stakeholder conflict is a condition in which different stakeholder have incompatible goals.
Customer  Price , Quality  affect profit ။
Employer  Salaries  affect high cost / low profit
Shareholder  Profit customer , employer conflict ။

 Stakeholder Analysis  using stakeholder mapping

 More influence on Organization’s strategy, decision
 Influence = Power + Interest

Level of Interest

Low High
4 3
Minimum effort Keep Inform
(eg. Employee) (eg, Pressure group)
2 1

Keep Satisfied Key Player


(Eg , Tax authorities) (eg, major customer)

1. Power (Low) & Interest (Low)  Minimum effort

2. Power (High) & Interest (High)  Key Player
3. Power (Low) & Interest (High)  Keep inform
4. Power (High) & Interest (Low)  Keep satisfied
1. Minimum Effort
Mgt instruction minimum effort
ignore ။
2. Key Player
Strategic decision significant influence
Strategy ။ key player
communicate/discuss ။ Senior Mgt power
Stakeholder Senior Mgt power ။
3. Keep Satisfied
Stategy result stakeholder

4. Keep Inform
။ Lower Power
Power Power power

The Expectations of stakeholders
- Each stakeholder or stakeholder group has different expectations .
- Benefit they expect are different
Rights Duties Expectations

Shareholders Right to vote None Share price growth


Directors No right, a legal duty of Advancement,

But have power due care & skill remuneration,status

Senior Employment rights Their delegated task remuneration, status

Expectations of other stakeholder groups

Employee  fair pay for the work , job security career progress ,good working conditions
 High level of skill

 Highly automated operations Power and influence
train ။

Customer  Quality of the nature of goods or services

Supplier  develop a good business relationship, collaborate on achieving improvements

in the value network.

Communities  provide employment and economic prosperity

General public & government  to show concern for environment ,

 to reduce pollution and develop environment-
friendly ways

 Industrial Analysis
Products and Services and industry as a whole Different stages –life cycle
Analysis ။

 Industry life cycle and product life cycle

1. Introduction stage
2. Growth Stage
3. Mature Stage
4. Decline Stage

1. Introduction Stage
- Product  New Product to market
- Product innovator ။
- Cost  Launch & marketing cost-High ။
- Production Volume  cost ။
- Unsophisticated ။
- Pricing strategy Price elasticity demand
- Pioneer companies stage

- Cash Product ။
- first mover advantage ။

2. Growth Stage
- Stage Market growth ။
- Sales competitor pioneer Challenge
New segment develop ။
- Demand becomes more sophisticated Competition level ။
- Market profitable Cash flow initial investment
development and launch cost cover ။
- stage stage
defensive strategy Brand ။

- Economies of scale ( ) price
competitive pressure Product
differentiation ။
3. Maturity stage
- stage Market Shakeout( ) Fully sophisticated demand

- High levels of competition prices sensitive ။
- Maturity stage higher of barriers to entry ။
- stage market share (or) niche large market (specialized
segment of market : market position
stage ။
- differentiation, features, brand awareness, price, and customer service
brand of choice enter into decline ။
- Stage product or service ongoing improvement customer

။ (eg, iphone series ) decline

။ (eg,Nokia phone )

4. Decline
* Stage customer ။
- market player competition ။
- weak competitior Market ။
- differentiate market ။
- stage stage
product series out of dated Stage differentiate product

(eg., DVD DVD internet download
software ။)
(eg., decline computer, smartphone, tablet
) computer introduction > growth >
maturity>decline )

 Strategic groups
Number of entities same industry similar strategy , similar way
competition market operate Strategic groups.

 Strategic space
Strategic group grouping Space ။ gap
opportunity initiative ။
gap / space ။

 Competitor Analysis
*Market Share Industry sector or market Other companies

၁. characteristics - strategies,
objectives, strengths , weaknesses Information
competitor analysis .
၂. Market place competitor strategies
competitor analysis ။
competitor management organization competitive advantages
understanding ။
၃. past , present, future ။
၄. competitive advantages


Porter’s diamond model
Foreign Country Investment Analysis
National competitive advantages 4 Main Factors + additional 2 factors
1. Factor Conditions
2. Demand Conditions
3. Related and supporting industries
4. Firm strategy, structure and rivary
5. Government
6. Chance

1.Factor Conditions
- Basic , advanced ၂
- Basic unskilled labour and natural environment ( )
- Advance Skilled labour and transport infrastructure advance factor
nation sustained advantages ။
- Investment particular industry basic
advance ။
2. Demand conditions
- home/domestic market cosumer demand
level overseas market comparable
conditions ။
3. Related and supporting industries
- particular industry industries ။
Eg., industry product , services

5. Firm strategy, structure and rivalry
- Competitive advantages market significant rivalry competitors
product or services continually develop .
7. Government
policy ?
8. Chance
War , uncertain environment


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