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Weather station using LoRa WAN Mesh, ESP32/S3 and solar charger

This is a HW (hardware) and FW (firmware) project:

- You will have to develop the electrical design of the "boards.jpg" file

- You will have to also provide the Arduino Code to test each part and each functionality

- I have already ordered all parts in the "bom.xls" file, so you have to stick to those parts and cannot use
any other one

- I will mount my custom proto-boards (see picture) with the electrical connections of your design. This
is just a POC project and has to work, not to be nice

- In case of issues, we will connect on live chat (Team viewer, Meet or similar) so that you can check the
code and or the connections.

I can also grant you remote control to my development laptop, so that you can perform the tests on
your own

ONLY needed the development (HW and FW) with no materials

The project consists of both parts together, electrical design AND code and both must mandatorily, be
supplied and successfully tested in order to consider the project finished.

Explanation to the hardware, from file "boards.jpg":

(A) Board "A" will be a weather station:

- LoRa SoC (Europe frequency) with a +3 dBm antenna: sensor data will be transmitted encrypted, over
LoRa using the protocol LoRa WAN Mesh: to be tested by adding/removing nodes to the network and
showing the routing on serial monitor and/or LCD.

- ESP32/S3 (important, NOT the S2 model)

- Temp+humidity+pressure sensor BME280 (not the BMP280)

- Accel+gyro+compass sensor GY-9250

- Real time clock (RTC): DS3231

- Three USB connectors (usb1=computer, usb2=ESPCAM, usb3=solar pannel charger)

- One male or female connector for boardB

- The remaining free unused analog and digital I/O will be exposed on a connector

- 2 RGB LEDs

- It will be powered indistinctly by a computer (usb1) or a power bank (usb1 or usb3 indistinctly)

- A computer can communicate bidirectionally only to boardA over usb1

- boardA can communicate bidirectionally with the computer (usb1), ESPCAM (usb2) and boardC
(male/female connector)

- boardA will receive video or snapshots from ESP32 over usb2 and send to the computer over usb1

- boardA will be able to read the SD card of the ESPCAM over usb2

- boardA will be transmitting sensor data (wether it is connected to a computer or not) over LoRa using
the protocol LoRa WAN Mesh

- boardA can transmit data over the GSM/GPRS of boardB and display data on its LCD

(B) Board "B":

- SIM800L GPRS + GSM/GPRS with microsim and antenna

- LCD 2.4" touch

- The connection between boardB and boardA will be made by a connector that fits into another
connector on boardA

- boardB will transmit position to boardA over connector (not a usb but a direct fit male/female)


- computer + boardA (with/without boardB): computer will power up all boards

- computer + boardA + solar pannel (with/without boardB): computer will power up all boards AND solar
pannel will charge NOTHING

- phone + boardA (with/without boardB): phone will power up all boards

- phone + boardA + solar pannel(with/without boardB): phone will power up all boards AND solar pannel
will charge the PHONE

- powerbank + boardA (with/without boardB): powerbank will power up all boards

- powerbank + boardA + solar pannel(with/without boardB): powerbank will power up all boards AND
solar pannel will charge the powerbank

- only boardA (with/without boardB): not possible

- only boardA + solar pannel(with/without boardB): solar pannel will power up all boards

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