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END YEAR ASSESSMENT (1 hour 15 minutes)


Part 1 (5 marks)
Greg is looking for seashells on the beach. He has found thirty seashells altogether.

How many seashells has Greg found?

A. 13 B. 30
C. 33

Do karate

Ben Paint beautifully

Play football

What can’t Ben do?

A. Paint and do karate. B. Play football and paint
C. Do karate and play football

It’s hot today. Look at the time! It’s already half past three.

What’s the time?

A. 3.15 pm B. 3.30 pm
C. 3.30 am

4. Hi! My name is Janice. My hair is curly. It isn’t brown. It’s blonde.

What colour is Janice’s hair?

A. blonde B. brown
C. black

5. Lily wants to be a doctor but not a dentist or a vet when she grows up.
What does Lily want to be when she grows up?
A. vet B. dentist
C. doctor

Part 2 (4 marks)

Shelly is an active girl. She always gets 0 ____ at 7 o’clock in the morning. She has 6.___________ with
her family. 7. ___________ she rides her bikes to school. 8. __________
school, she does her homework. 9. __________ bedtime, she always has a shower and brush her teeth.

0 A. down B. up C. off
6 A. lunch B. supper C. breakfast
7 A. Then B. Finally C. First
8 A. After B. At C. Before
9 A. At B. Before C. After

Part 3 (5 marks)

There are 8 planets in our solar system. The sun is at the center of our solar system. It is a
star and all the planets go around it. Earth is the planet people live on. Mercury the closest planet to
the sun. It’s also the smallest planet. Mercury is very hot but the hottest planet is Venus. Uranus and
Neptune are the coldest planets. Neptune is also the farthest planet from the Sun. Saturn, Uranus
and Neptune are very big, but Jupiter is the biggest planet of all.

10. How many planets are there in our solar system?

A. eleven B. eight C. eighteen

11. What is the Sun?

A. a star B. a planet C. a rock

12. Which is the smallest planet?

A. Uranus B. Neptune C. Mercury

13. Which is the coldest planet ?

A. Saturn B. Jupiter C. Mars
14. Which is the biggest planet?
A. Jupiter B. Uranus C. Neptune
Part 4 (6 marks)
A Brian

Brian is a firefighter. He is 26 years old. He puts out fire and save people. He likes pizza very much.
Elaine’s favourite food is cheeseburgers. She is a female police officer. She catches bad people who
commit crimes.
Mike is a 30 years old musician. He plays the violin very well. He likes listening to music during his free

A – Brian
B – Elaine
C – Mike

15 Who is twenty six years old? ( )

16 _________ is female. ( )
17 His favourite dish is pizza. ( )
18 Who catches criminals? ( )
19 ________ is thirty years old. ( )
20 Who is a musician? ( )

Part 5 ( 5 marks)
0 You go to bed here. bedroom
21 Leaves turn brown and fall to the ground during
a ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
this season.

22 A ___________________ takes photos. p ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

23 A person who fix teeth. d ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

24 The biggest animal in the sea. w ____ ____ ____ ____

25 You watch a play at this place. t ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

Part 6 (10 marks)

Write about your house. (Size, rooms, favourite room, colour). An example is shown below.

I live in a big house. There are a living room, 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms and a kitchen. My favourite room is the
living room. There is a big screen tv where I watch my favourite cartoon. I love the pink wall with my family
3 portraits hanging on it.
Write about 30 – 50 words.







Part 7 ( 15 marks)
Write a diary entry of your daily activities. An example is shown below.

On Saturday morning, I was with my father jogging at the park. It was refreshing to breathe the fresh air and see
the beautiful scenery. On Saturday afternoon, I went to the shopping centre with my family. We had chicken rice
for lunch. Then, we watched a movie at the cinema. It was fun! On Sunday, I went for my piano lesson. After
that, I helped my father to wash his car. He rewarded me with chocolate ice-cream. Yummy!

Write about 60 – 80 words.








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