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Conflict Prevention & Management

GNS 206



• What is Conflict?
• Is Conflict the absence of peace?
• Could there be conflicts without violence?
• Is a conflict-free society Possible?
• What are the different classification/types of conflicts
Understanding the concept of conflict

• It is necessary for us to note from the beginning of this course that:

• conflict is an integral part of human existence
• and a natural part of our daily lives
Understanding conflict Cont’d
• The term conflict comes from the Latin word ‘confligere’ which
means to strike together.
• Conflict has been defined in several ways by scholars
• Wright, defined conflict as “opposition among social entities
directed against one another” (quoted in Albert 2001:1).
• “The pursuit of incompatible interests and goals by different
groups” (David Francis, 2006:20).
• “Conflicts is nothing more than tension between two or more social
entities, individuals, groups, organisations or states” (Raven & Krug
kuski: 305).
Understanding conflict Cont’d
• Conflict is a goal-directed activity designed to improve the position
of one party at the expense of the other (Schmid, 2000).
• Conflict is a perceived divergence of interests or a belief that the
parties’ or groups current aspirations cannot be achieved
simultaneously (Schmid, 2000).
• What is key for us to note is that, it is impossible to imagine a
collective life without accepting that there will be clashes over values,
interest, goals, methods, access to resources and distribution of
rewards etc.
Is Conflict the absence of peace?

•Conflict does not necessarily mean the absence of peace, both can
coexist in society
•It is therefore important for us not to view conflict as something that is
completely bad and to be avoided.
•It is only when conflict degenerates to violence that it becomes negative
and destructive.
•President Ronald Reagan said, "Peace is not absence of conflict, it is
the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.“
• The ability to handle conflicts in a peaceful manner is an important
Could there be conflicts without violence?

• We have said earlier that Conflict entails an incompatibility of

preferences in a situation with several different possible outcomes.
• Violence on the other hand means doing harm/destruction to others in
the pursuit of one's own preferences.
• It is possible for there to be conflict without it degenerating to violence
depending on how it is handled.
• There are several styles/strategies for handling conflicts you will learn as
we progress in this course

Is a conflict free society Possible?

• The goal of a conflict free society is an illusion, it is unattainable

• Remember we said conflict is part and parcel of human existence, it is
built into society and as long as humans exist and pursue divergent
goals/interest there will be conflicts.
• Indeed a Measure of Conflict is GOOD for society because it prevents
the ossification of the social system by exerting pressure for innovation
and creativity.

Is a conflict free society Possible? Cont’d

• But the goal and pursuit of a non-violent society is desirable and

• Non- violence philosophy is the practice of not causing harm to oneself
or to others.
• Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr were proponents of non-
violent resistance.

Two famous non-violence protagonist
Mahatma Gandhi Martin Luther king Jr

Classification/types of Conflicts
• Intra-personal conflict • Ethnic Conflicts
• Inter-personal conflict • Class Conflicts
• Intra-group conflict • Religious Conflicts
• Inter-group conflict • Indigene-Settlers Conflict
• Local Conflict • Environmental Conflict
• International conflict
• Regional conflict
• Sub-regional

• What we have done in this class is to provide different conceptualisation
of conflict and argue that conflict is a fact and reality of human
• We also stated that conflict is not necessarily negative or bad as long as it
is handled properly
• We made a distinction between conflict and violence and concluded that
while a conflict-free society is impossible, a violent-free society is
desirable and attainable
• We then gave two examples of iconic figures in history who
demonstrated that it is possible to resist social injustice non-violently.
• We concluded with the different classification of conflicts.

The Class Continues next week


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