Elisabet Dyah Widyawati 190402010014 Final Test Writing II

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Name : Elisabet Dyah Widyawati

NPM : 19040201014

I believe that online learning in English language learning is not an effective way.

First, in general, there are so many distractions in each student's place when they learn from

the online learning system. It must be hard to be more focused on the explanation. Second,

there are speaking courses in English language learning. Students need to practice these

courses in front of the audience. They do need to meet directly to practice speaking courses to

develop their speaking skills. Last but not least, the key to mastering language skills is

practice. It is hard for students to master English language skills faster if they learn them with

an online learning system. They do need real partners to practice the English language skills.

In short, the online learning system is not effective to be implemented in English language

learning because the skills that we get will be only a few.

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