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=>What is pollution?
The simple definition for pollution is causing some
impurities to a clean source. Those impurities are harmful to
the clean source and also organism that depend on that
Example: a new born baby has to be feeded with mother’s
milk but when the mother is affected by transmittable disease
then the milk of mother gets polluted with disease, then child
will also get the disease.
The above example says pollution ‘s effects.
Those agents that causing pollution are called pollutants.
The main pollutant of the whole universe is humans. These
pollutions cause the particular resource to degrade and
depletion of the resource. the term pollution not only means
bringing impurity and also depleting a resource is also comes
under pollution.
Toxic pollutions affects more than 200 million people
worldwide, according to PURE EARTH a non profit
environmental organisation. In some of the worlds worst
polluted places, babies are born with defects and lost of iq
level 30 to 40points and life expectancy also gets decreased
to 45 years. Americans generate 30 billion foam cups, 220
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million tires, and 1.8 billion disposable diapers every year,

according to the Green Schools Alliance.
According to the WHO, ambient air pollution contributes to
6.7% of all deaths worldwide.
The Mississippi River drains the lands of nearly 40% of the
continental United Sates. It also carries an estimated 1.5
million metric tons of nitrogen pollution into the Gulf of
Mexico each year, resulting in a dead zone each summer
about the size of New Jersey.
Pollution in China can change weather patterns in the United
States. It takes just five days for the jet stream to carry heavy
air pollution from China to the United States, where it stops
clouds from producing rain and snow.
About 7 million premature deaths annually linked to air
pollution, according to WHO. That is one in eight deaths
In this investigatory project , we are going to know about
pollution and its types and revival of those pollution and
humans role in pollution .
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What is a Pollutant?
Any substance which causes harmful effects or uneasiness
in the organisms, then that particular substance may be
called as the pollutant.
The materials that cause pollution are of two types:
 Persistent pollutants: Those pollutants which
remain consistent in the environment for a long
time without degrading called persistent
pollutants. For example pesticides, nuclear
wastes, and plastics etc.
 Non-persistent pollutants: These pollutants
remain in the environment for short period and
gets degraded by any means. If this process of
breaking down is done by living organisms,
then such pollutants are referred to as
biodegradable pollutants.

From another perspective, pollutants can be classified as


 Primary Pollutants: Primary pollutants are

those which remain in the form in which they
were added to the environment for ex. DDT,
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 Secondary Pollutants: Secondary pollutants are

formed by combination of two or more primary

According to their existence in nature:

 Quantitative Pollutants: These substances are
already present in the atmosphere but they
become pollutant when their concentration level
reaches to a particular level which is above a
threshold limit.

 QualitativePollutants: These are man-made

pollutants. eg. Fungicides, herbicides etc.

According to origin:
 Man-made Pollutants
 Natural Pollutants
According to the nature of disposal:
 Biodegradable Pollutants: these are
pollutants which are produced by living
organism and are also decomposed by
microorganism or by any biological process.
Eg: animal waste, plant waste, dead
 Non-biodegradable Pollutants: these are
pollutants that can not be decomposed by
microorganisms and any biological
processes. Eg: plastics.
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Air pollution is the presence of one or more disadvantageous

content in such quantity and for such duration, as it is
catastrophic, or tend to be catastrophic, to human health and
welfare, animal or plant life.
It is the contaminants of air by the discharge of detrimental
=>Cause of air pollution:
 The Burning of Fossil Fuels
the air pollutions are mainly caused by burning of
fossil fuel for transportation and industries. The
products produced in this process are carbon
dioxide ,and incomplete combusio of fossil fuel can
also lead to production of carbon monoxide .the
products are main pollutants to environment and
humans as inhaling polluted air may cause any
lung disorder and for environment they increase
the temperature and making place unsuitable for
growing some spieces plants.

 Industrial Emission
Industrial activities emit several pollutants in the air
that affects the air quality more than we can even
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imagine. Particulate matter 2.5 and 10, Nitrogen

dioxide, Sulfur dioxide, and carbon monoxide are
key pollutants that are emitted from industries that
use coal and wood as their primary energy source
for production of their goods. Industrial pollution
effects associated with your health can range from
irritation in your eyes and throat to breathing
issues, at times can even lead to chronic illness.

 Wildfires
Climate change is not just increasing wildfire but
also spiking air pollution. Burning stubble and farm
residue is also a major contribution to wildfire. It
causes increased PM2.5 in the air which collides
with other harmful substances like chemical gas
and pollen creating smog. Smog makes the air
hazy and people find it difficult to drive vehicles and

 Transportation
There is no denying that vehicle pollution is the
major contributor to air pollution, especially in
urban cities. All fuel vehicle emits carbon
monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxide, and
particulate matter. When the vehicle pollution is
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high in the atmosphere, it creates a hole in the

ozone layer contributing to smog and causing
various health issues.

 Open Burning of Garbage Waste

Open burning of garbage is much more harmful to
your health and the environment . Delhi generates
a whopping 9500 tons of waste every day, which
makes it India’s second waste dumping
city.Burning of garbage especially plastics and
other non degradable waste which produce toxic
gases which gets mixed with the atmosphere.
Exposure to open burning of garbage waste can
pose serious health risk including cancer, liver
issues, impairment of immune system, reproductive
functions; can also affect the developing nervous

Measures to control air pollution:

 Changing fossil fuel vehicles to electric vehicles.
 Industries need to install and regulate the air purifier in
chimney and introduce alternative methods for
manufacturing with less wastes.
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 Forest fires has to be prevented and measures to stop

the fire has also to be made as soon as forest fire
 Using public transport
 The garbage has to be splitted into degradable and non
degradable at home and disposal of non biodegradable
has to be done in a correct way.
 Using of non biodegradable bricks made up of waste
plastic which can reduce the plastic waste from burning.
 Using tiles made up of pollutants in air.


 Motor vehicle act 1988, petrol vehicles are needed
compulsory puc certificate for low pollution emission.
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Water pollution is the release of substances into bodies of
water that makes water unsafe for human use and disrupts
aquatic ecosystems. Water pollution can be caused by a
plethora of different contaminants, including toxic waste and
disease-causing microorganisms.

Cause of water pollution:

 Domestic sewage is also a major source of plant nutrients,
mainly nitrates and phosphates. Excess nitrates and
phosphates in water promote the growth of algae,
sometimes causing unusually dense and rapid growths
known as algal blooms. When the algae die,
oxygen dissolved in the water declines because
microorganisms use oxygen to digest algae during the
process of decomposition. Anaerobic organisms then
metabolize the organic wastes, releasing gases such as
methane and hydrogen sulfide, which are harmful to
the aerobic forms of life.

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