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Giving advice

Your friend thinks that she is You bought a new car several
pregnant, and she comes to months ago, but now find that you
you for advice. What should are unable to make the payments.
she do? Talk to the car dealer and explain
your problem.

Although you have a You saw your neighbor slap his

boyfriend, you just met little child. Ask your friend
someone new who is very what she thinks you should do
attractive to you. Ask your about it.
friend for advice on what to

You are so worried about final Your house is next to the

exams that you are physically airport and the noise is driving
ill. Talk to your parent about you crazy. Ask your friend
your problem. what you should do.

By mistake, you made plans for the

You suspect that your partner
evening with two friends, both of
may be cheating on you, but
whom you like. They do not, however,
you are not certain. Ask a
get along with each other. Ask another
friend what you should do.
friend what you can do to remedy this

Your fiend's parents are

A friend tells you that he
getting divorced. Her parents
knows someone saying bad
have asked her if she would
things about him behind his
prefer to live with her morn
back. Tell your friend what he
or her dad. She doesn’t know
should do.
what to say and comes to you
for advice.

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