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| tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com EB @@-00 @ seprotli/ mét cach riéng biét Several orders can be delivered Separately > Mét s6 don dét hing cé thé dug giao riéng. He and his colleague will have to take some fights Separately. f | tn nares ee L © Be stored separately ‘© Buge luu trorriéng, ‘© Be booked separately “© Buge dat riéng © Be submitted separately ‘© Buge nop riéng biét @B ooo @ ‘komm’ plist” hoan toan We make sure that customers are Completely satisfied with > Chting (61 dam bdo rng khdch héng hodin todn hai long vet dich wy ci ching ti To completely replace all outdated Thay thé hoan toan tat cd cdc may tinh 1 computers that © To be completely sold out. ‘© Buige ban hét hoan toan | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com @@ 000 adverb. c klousli/ | Security guards in the shopping mall elesely monitor the chat che, kjlucng | eurtveameras, eh CHE ccc méby quay an ninh, |» Céc nhén vién bdo vé trong trung tam mua sém gitim sat © To closely monitor something © Gidm sat chat ché mot cai gi d6 ‘© To be working closely with coworkers Lam vigc chat ché cing cdc ding nghigp @Booo ess gan day Bering Airlines has recently been nominated for the Business of the Year award, > Bering Airlines BaM\@By da durye dé cit cho git thutng Doanh nghige cia nam. © Recently introduced ‘© Buge giét thigu gin day © Be recently updated ‘© Cap nhat gan day ‘© Be recently hired (© Gin day duge thué 191 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com En adverb. soar’ rektli/ ‘These applications will help residents communicate directly nee with local officals. > hing img dung nay sé gidip céc cv dén lién loc trie ip 6t cde quan chit dia phutong. © To contact the supervisor directly © Lién hé vei ngudt giém sat tryc tigp © To be sent directly to the manager» Bugc git truc tiép dén ngudi quan ly B@ovo @ J.tempa'rerali/ tam thé The camera you ordered, model 120PXA, via our website is ‘temporarily out of stock. >> Méy dnh ban dat mua, méu 120PXA, théng qua trang web a ching 0 tm tho he hong. © Be temporarily out of stock ‘© Tam thai hét hang © Be closed temporarily ‘© Tam that déng ctra/dimg hoat dong ‘© To temporarily suspend a project ® Tam that dinh chi mot dyn. 192 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com @B@ov0 @ sspeniv —_| Yoga has become incressngy poplar among utben people, | ‘dac biét la | @specially office workers. | __> Yoga a3 tré nen ngey cong ph bién trong ain thénh thy, | abies rn veo van pring «© Especially helpful for new employees © Bac biét hitu ich di vet cdc nhan vien méi «© Especially at peak times © Dac biét 13 va0 gitt cao diém @ fe midiatl/ nevi | . My laptop needs to be repaired immediately so that I can finish the report on time. > Méy tinh xéch tay cia ti can dupe sito chiro ngay lp tire {48 t8 c6 thé hodn thanh béo cdo ding han. © Toneed to be repaired immediately © Can phil duge stra chtta ngay lap tite ‘© To notify our customer service deparment ‘© Théng bao cho bé phan cham séc khéch immediately hang cua ching t6i ngay lp we «© Be held immediately after the awards ceremony ® Buge t6 chive ngay sau I8 tra0 gia 193 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com > Chi phi von chuyén tang pRB Ia do chi phi nhién liu tang dpe bién gan ay. © Be largely dependent on advertising © Phan lén phu thuéc vao quang cdo © To be funded largely by banks “© Buge tai tro chi yéu bai cae ngén hang @B cco @ ori nngin gon, sac tich Mr. Lee briefly presented the steps necessary to launch the new product successfully. > Ong Francis d6 trinh bay migéin gQR céc but cin thiét 48 ro _mdt sin phim mat thanh cOng. © To briefly summarize information _@ Tém t&t théng tin © To briefly review the strengths ‘© iém lal nhong wu thé/aiém manh 194 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com @ Idre'maetikli/ | If your workload has risen dramatically, you should yi communicate this to your manager. dang ké " ae is > Néu kh lem cong vite cia ban tong len BREE, bon nén ndi digu nay dén nguéi quén ly cia minh, © To dramatically increase our revenue © Tang dang ké doanh thu cla chiing t6i © To drop dramatically © Gidm dang ké GB BB eo- ones / chat che, kit | The door catch is designed to keep the door tightly closed while the washer operates. > Cai cht cita dug thigt KE dé gift cio déng eh trong Khi méy gt hoat dng. © Be closed tightly © Bude dong chat © Tobe tightly sealed in plastic containers @ Bug déng kin trong céc hop nhya © To be locked tightly © Buge khéa chat | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com @@ooo @ kerfeli/ m@t cach cn than It is necessary that components be tested earefully before they are sent to customers. > Céc bd phinfinh kién phdi duce Kiém tro EB HBR eric khi ching durge git dén khdich hang Ja diéu rét cin thiét. ® To check the report carefully /® Kiém tra can than ban bao céo. @ To read the description carefully ® Doc cdc mé td mét cach can than © To be carefully reviewed “© Bue xem xét mot cach cin thén @@ v0 adverb. c @ famnali/ cu6i cing, rot cude [After months of spending time at the fitness center, he fally achieved sixpack abs. | _> sau nnitv non dan a gion 6 trun tim ih Bh | ling nh cde cob 60 mi © Be finally promoted to a managerial © Cu6i cling dugc thang chic lén vi tri quan position 5 196 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com @ Ppgerwarz! || That problem needs to be addressed urgently. Otherwise, it _ ch khdenéu ending Wiliedtoworse rests n |» wan 20a con ag qu ti op. NETSB, | 88 dn dén két qué toi té hon. © Unless otherwise stated in the ® Tri khi c6 chi dinh khdc trong hgp agreement ang ‘© Unless instructed otherwise “© Trirkhi ed huéng din kh @B v0 chinh xac, dung dan > incorrectly (adv khong chinh xde (G]brmon phrases © To describe a job responsibility correctly _® MO td chinh xac trach nhigm cong viec ‘The supermarkets employees have been instructed to ‘correctly place products on shelves | > Wh ven cia siéu th da doc hurting dn a dt cic sin phim ding trén cack, | ‘© Aname is not written correcty. ‘© M@t cai tén da khong duge viét ding. w she has been charged incorrectly. © C6 8y 48 bj tinh phi sal. 197 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com sn phiim cng nghé mét trong cdc nginh cng nghiép. adverb. i penn - . swans! |The show, which is held 6n€8 a year, presents new technology met tin, dating | Products aross Industries / ‘conj. mét khi | __ > Bub rin or dure 5 chit mi na me Rl, git tie coc / @ Atonce (© Bong thor © Once every month ‘© Mai thang mot lan © Once a week ‘© Mi tun mét lan @B coo ‘Your draft has been successfully submitted, and it wll 90n be reviewed by our editors. | _> bin hd ap ci bon 40 dace np hah cng v8 ns | Bam crs xem: e8 en pwn ci ching @ Be submitted soon @ Buge nop sém © The renovation project will start soon. © Dy’ én cai tao s& s6m bat dau. | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com @@ov0 @ Fizeli/ dB dang © To be easily accessed by a taxi © To be easily accessible by public transportations © To be easily resolved adverb. Pzkjeretli/ mot céch chinh xée © To accurately predict something © Some prices may not be marked accurately. © To enter client data accurately Here are five dishes you can easily cook at home if you don't have time to go out to eat. > Dutt déy la ndm mén dn bon c6 thé BB dang ndu toi nha _néu ban Khng c6 thes gan ra ngoci én This device will help the walter take orders faster and more accurately right atthe table > Thiét bi ndy se gidp ngues phuc vu ghi mhiing mén an Khdch 80) nhanh hon va ehinh x6¢ hon ngay tai ban dn, /© DB dang dén dugc bang taxi “© D8 dang d€n dug bang phurong tién giao thong cong cong ‘© Duge gidi quyét dé dang @G coo © Dy-doan chinh xac diéu gi © Mot s6 gid c6 thé khong duge dnh dau chinh xc. @ Nhap dir ligu khdch hang mt céch chinh xéc | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com lin nhau ‘mutually useful for both companies. | 6 ich cho cé hai cing ty. | oe: © Amutually beneficial relationship: ® MGi quan hé cing cé Io ® Be mutually dependent ® Phy thudc lan nhau_ B@ovo appointment beforehand. > Néu bon muén gdp lust su; ban can sép xép mét cue hen cute sem non | © To read some material beforehand —-—-® Doc mét s6 tai liGu trutie © To submit some references beforehand © Nop m6t vai thu gidt thigu truéc | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com a Pprbhktiv He publicly expressed his strong support for the company's Caen ‘comprehensive restructuring plans. > Ong dy eBing Kha bay 0 sy-ding hos manh mé cho minh a6 voh cdc ké hoach tai céu tric todn dién ciia cong ty. © To publicly state that + a clause ‘© Cong khai tuyén b6 ve sy viée gi @ kamftebli khong théaimai | uncomfortably acs)” COP ht ng ca ching rng vo 8 he ur conference rooms are spacious and can comfortably ‘seat up t0 90 people, khéng thoai mai Wb eroe se sores (Baron phrases To seat 300 people comfortably © Ngbi 300 ngut thd ma © To dress comfortably © An mac thoai mai @ Be warm uncomfortably, @ Oi burc (thot tiét) 201 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com @@ov0 mitcanconguqua _ eatehoellev yon ones | > ty echt ade Rg eb ln | toe ching ho ig nt md tHE Heh oe: ® To be able to work effectively with. ® CO kha nang lam viée hiéu qua vai cdc coworkers ong nghigp © Employees cooperate more effectively. ® Cécnhdn vien hgp tac higu qua hon. © To use the space more effectively ‘© Str dung khong gian higu qua hon wo @ Pkoaklit |The new ice cream shop has @uiekly become popular because hann ching | ue avers an aforaabe prices, |» Gio hang kem mei co ian eng 78 nén ph bién vi || husong vi d6c do va gid cé phat chang, ‘© Be completed quickly ‘© Bugc hoan than mét cch nhanh chéng © To process orders more quickly ——_® XIrlj ede dom at hang nhanh hon © As quickly as possible ‘© Cang nhanh cang tét 202 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com GD ea adverb. f ‘k'sklu'stvli/ || Today, Aloha Yoga has officially announced special offers available exclusively to its loyalty members danh riéng cho mot nhom ngu, déc quyén |» wom noysoh Yoga 00 cio th ong 5 cw 0 ic | bige déimh Piéng cho cdc thanh vién thén thiét ciia minh, © To be exclusively designed for |© Bugc thiét ké danh riéng cho ‘© Exclusively for its members “© Danh rigng cho cdc than vign cla né ©A20 percent discount is available _ Gidm gia 20 phan tram chi danh riéng cho ‘exclusively to Premium Club members. cdc thanh vién Premium Club. TT €3€3 cco adverb, c , Jo'proksimetl/ | According to the latest statistics, approximately 70% of hosing, xjp xi Cetestang he Lesa he este, = rough |» Theo théng k8 mst nt, Rg 70% thsi ham gia ba eee | kigin tra SAL tract 6 ln du tién, | ‘© Approximately fifteen people «© Khodng muds lim nguts © To last approximately 20 minutes. Kéo dai khoding 30 phiit. © Vincent Corporation will hire roughly ® Vincent Corporation sé tuyén dung Khoding 100 new employees over the next year. 100 nhan vign méi trong nam tot 203 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com GB @e-0 on @ Fwardli/ rong rai Microsoft Word has consistently remained one of the most ‘widely distributed software platforms in the worl. > Microsoft Word luén 1a mée trong nang nén téng phan -mém durgc phan phi Hing Wl nha trén thé giGt. © Be now widely used “© Buge sit dung rng r3t hién nay © Be widely known as one of the best ® Bugc nhiéu ngudi biét dén nhur mét trong tour destinations nnhting diém dén du lich tét nhat © Be widely circulated © Buc Iuu hanh rong rai ea Aan'tarorl lyou are not entirely satisfied with our product, simply return een it within seven days to receive a full refund. > Néu ban khéng hodin toda hai ong voi sén phim cia chiing pecan {0 chico tr lo trongvong bay ng a én dv hod én dy a i J (Goon phrases ‘An entirely different projects ® M6t dy an khac hoan toan_ © Be entirely satisfied with the product ® Hoan toan hai long vdi san pham ‘© Be made entirely from recycled materials» Bugc lam hoan toan ti vat ligu tal ché | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com ci adverb. Ppramptli/ nhanh chéng, ding gis Clorox promptly announced a product recall after it determined that the cause of the explosion was due to a faulty battery. ——_—__ -khixdc dinh rng nguyen abn vy née do pin bi 16. | | |» clorox ao ahi hg thing bo tu Mo sén phd sau | © To return the call promptly (© Tr8 ltt cude gol nhanh chéng © Iwant my order to be delivered promptly. © Toi mudn don hang cla t6i duge giao nhanh chéng, ‘© The class will egin promptly at 6 p.m. © Lop hoc s8 bat dau dung 6 gio chiéu. @B@ov0 ding git. | The contractor made a commitment to complete the project punctualy. > Wwha thaw da com két hodn thanh dy én ding han. | (Geren pases = teanepinny * btn anga (205 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com adverb. f > reletivi || The professor's tak about new synthetic materials is Felatively — | short. / > il thuyét inh ca gio si vB cdc vot leu tng hep meh twang dBi ngin. | thudng xuyén If you Fegularly use your own phone for business purposes, you can claim a tax deduction, | _> Nebo hin aj sir dung én thoi cia minh cho || muc dich kinh doanh, ban ¢6 thé yéu cou Khu tr thu. © Tobe updated regularly “© Duce cap nhat thu’ng xuyén «© To regularly hold promotional events _® Thutng xuyén t6 chic céc su kign quang co (© She meets regularly with CEOs, © CO dy gap go thudng xuyén vét céc CEO. . ( - ) @ Priznobl’ | Groot offers rash pickup services that are Feasonably priced | an Jule at your convenience. / hepsi pinoy | AINBeeales tacoma | | root ung each wy tu gor 8 BI vc the | ve sip xp mat cach thn én. | L J (G]brmon phrases Reasonable pce = cseb nop Tofindreosonabh-picedapanments Tein eh pening | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com vow mét cach sai lam Goon phrases @B coo Because the online shopping cart was poorly designed, it caused shoppers to mistakenly choose items they were not, Interested in purchasing. > Béi vi gi6 mua hing tru tuyén di thiét KE kém,n6 Kin igus mua hang chon mbm ca met hang ma he khong quan térm 8 muo. © To mistakenly send the package —_® Gif nh kign hang © To be mistakenly deleted “© Bix6a nham © He mistakenly bought 5 tickets. “® Anh dy da mua nham 5 vé. P'ko\fosl/ cn than, than trong adverb. Inou lornar khong con nia @B coo f & Drivers on Highway 417 are reminded to drive cautiously because of ongoing construction > Nhung ngubt Idi xe trén Qué I6 417 duce nbd nha ll xe ‘thin trong vi cing trinh dang duce xéy dung. FLO is no Fonger a majoriy shareholder of US Bank. > nokbonigen ‘Your bills will n fongerbe sent by mal > Nhung héa don st Rng age BU bang thu na 16 déng nd cé phan da s6 cia VUS Bonk ) 207 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com woe Fdgenreli/ 1néi chung, thong. thutng, Powel gan nh wom thinh thoang, = occasionally ‘Bung nh’ ln vel trang twesometime ~ mét hic nao 46 @B coo Our store's peak hours are generally from2p.m.to4pm. > ico itm cic hng ching RB 2 i cw dn 4p ci. | @G coo ‘The extensive renavation ofthe stadium is nearly complete. > Vide c6i tao khép cé sin vén d6ng da gain hie hoan tét, @B coo “The results obtained from surveys are Sometimes inaccurate. > Két qué thu duge tircéc cube Khéo sét 867 Kh Khéng chinh Huong Boutique occasionally hosts special shopping events for members ofits loyalty club. > Huong Boutique thinh thoding (6 chit cc sy kién mua sm dic biét danh cho céc thanh vin trong cau lac bé khéch hhang than thiét cia minh. \ / | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com An'krisaniiv gay cang tang initially adverb. Ie nel? vao lic ban dau, ban dau adj. Ptaxnlis ting lic, kip that Tuy c6 uty nung tio Hai tinh tir 6 Ke 13 costly (6m Kem, ‘rendly than tit. | Young people are inereasingly willing to buylfe insurance, | > Gide si song mua bdo hiém nhin tho. | || Major airlines have increasingly been using self-serve ticketing systems to reduce wait times. > Cée hing hing hing lon 8 Bi ngs dane cic Ne ‘théng ban vé tu phyc vy dé giém thoi gian cho doi, | ) Initially anticipated costs are much lower than actual costs. |» Chips dys kg BRB tp hon nhiBu so v6 chi hi the 7 The CEO was praised for making an accurate and timely _ decision. | > CEO due khen got vi do dua ra quyét din chinh xd vi | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com adverb. klousl/ chat che, kj luang, ‘skam'petatili/ canh tanh > competitive (a) c tinh canh tranh adverb. Ptovtali/ hoan toan 1.ote maki mot cach tu déng > automated (a)tu dng héa @B coo The head of the Accounting Department examined the report closely. > Truténg b6 phéin KE totin 48 kin tra bdo céo KUEN. @G coo competitively prices, PeaceHealth’s memory foam mattresses are very > Ném mat hogt tinh cia PeaceHeolth cé gid rat egnh tramh. @B coo The demolition of old parks to build new ones is totally unnecessary. > Viéc phd hiiy céc céng vién ci dé xay dung nhimg cong vién ‘mei odin ton Kinng con thie. ‘After 15 minutes of disuse, the computer will automatically shut down, > Sou 15 phiit khéng surdung, mdy tinh sé tyr dong tat. 210 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com Why don't we close the store ealy for the staff meeting? |» sao ching ta khéng déng cia hang dm a v6 cha cube a, sém, dau gisidoan |‘ MOP.Ahan wie. > inthe early stage~ ve gial doan dau B@ovo adverb. Lels'wer! nal khdc adverb. ‘Ank’stensrvll/ National Express is planning to extensively remodel its bus ; in mire | werminals. trén pham vilén, mic 6 16n | > National Express dang 6 KE hooch tu sia KRBp céc bén xe ‘bujt cia minh, adverb. ¢ =e > rdgenrel/ | Practical negotiation skis are generally not taught at | universities. i noi chung, thong | | > Ky nng dim phén tc thieing khong duce doy to cic thudng | trutng dai hoc, i u 2 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com @Booo adverb. Moris’ trong mét that gian nga; ngan gon, vin tat Mr, Lopez briefly stopped at a store before taking a taxito the airport. | > Ong Ray 40 ghé quo mot cito hong méet thei gian ngan tru Kh bat taxi én sin boy. Hell Briefly mention these changes when he gives his talk. > Anh dy sé a8 c@p gd B6M nnting thay di ndy Khi anh dy thuyét trinh, BB ove a adverb. mot céch 16 rang Please elearly indicate which aspects of our service need to be improved. hing 167 can phat durge cd tig | |» tui g cho bie ¥ cde Kio canh ndo trong ach vu cio \ hat nae gay ngac—_-‘eeuseervsa ws issued ite | —_ > chuyénaidén Canadacta ba Smith 83 ph hy ig ‘Himsa 665 vi thi thyc cla ba da duge cap tré, Ban canghay gap tinh tu unexpected (a) bat ngd, dot nust ‘had an unexpected schedule change. | > T6i 45 c6 sy thay 66i lich trin ae xu. 212 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com aD eo ‘odverb. & od. \ Jan'lanry ‘Tne transfer of money from one bank to another can be done eee entirely online. | > Vite chuyén én tiragén hang nay song ngdn hang Khdc co ‘thé cg the hgn hod toen tae tay. Online reservations must be made one week in advance, > Phai dt phong trae tuyéin trutic mot tun, ‘rong vi dy thir 2 thi online a tinh tu bé ngt reservation, ‘cho dani tir BG ove 1 ae ‘core! Theyre playing a game outdoors. ngoai tres > Ho dang choi méttré chor ngoal tra. > outdoor (a) ngoaitrdi_ some women are having a meal outdoors. > Mor val ngués phy nd dang ding bia goa — B@ovo adverb, > rorzedzuel) | Handcrafted accessories are raul becoming popular with | | focal residents. | dan dan | | | > Phu kién thi céng dang din tr nn phs bin voi gu din | | a phone. J 213 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com adverb. efterward/ sau dé adverb. Vivzalid dé dang adverb. 1 8erfo:r! vivay, do 46, @B coo The pharmacist noticed an error in the prescription and corrected it afterward. > Dupe sta nhéin ra sai s6t trong don thus vi a8 sia né $4 ic @G coo ‘Our app interface is designed to help you easily scroll between, these sections. ———, > Giao dién img dung cia ching t6i duge thiét ké dé gidp bon {ding cvon len cub nung gia cdc phan ny. ( / | Usa has ved abroad for many years; therefore, she speaks | multiple languages. | > Lisa a sing 6 mute nga trong nhieu mdm; 86188, c6 nb | duro nhieu gn nga (omsiopapoottnewrntomstosvnrtmcan laa > Tham gia vi ching ti Engin dug lt Khuyén tit chyre ve vig tiétkiém thes gion ve lam viée anh hon, 214 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com adverb. in moutli/ tinea a cane, mot céch an toan Nhin ky trang tir safely va ‘anh tirsafety nha, If you're working remotely and looking for an easy way to manage projects and stay connected with your team, Workworld is for you. > Néu ban dang lam vige PKG va tim kiém mot cdc dé dong E quin Wy cdc de Gn vas uy tr két m6; vat nhém cia ban, Workworld ta én cho bon. If businesses do not keep up with technology trends, they will ‘soon go bankrupt. >» Néu céc doanh nghigp khéng theo kip xu huting céng nghé, ‘ho s@ 56m pha sén, @G coo The 300 passengers on the Airbus A321 were not injured and were evacuated safely. > 200 hah khdch trén chic Airbus A221 khOng bj thuong vo ange sin an todn, r | 215 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com ly adverb. Pkoaklil nhanh chéng eo mot céch phi hop, do 06, adverb. Foupenli/ cong khai, thang than Pee) adverb. 1 ike’ narmakl kinh t, sir dung higu qua @B coo In the event of a crash, break the window and exit the car as ‘quickly as possible > Trong tung hop va cham xe, pha cia $6 vb thos khéi xe cong amb cing tt. @G coo If viewers are not interested in our videos, we will adjust our content accordingly. > Neu rgué xem Kg thich ahime video cla ching ti, ining tis eu chin ni cung S00 cho phi hep. wend ‘She openly expressed her desire to leave the company when she spoke to the director. | C6 BBB Khia bay «6 mong muén ren khdi cOng ty Khi n6i | chuyén v8 giém a6, . ( ce ass oe coc EE vot an eee eon > Céc tba nha “xanh” durge coi la 6 lot ve kim 88 va ben ving oi moi erat. 216 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com E u adverb. ir lit mot cach higu qua Pe adverb. Peektsvl/ mot cach tich eye adverb. Pdreestakli/ quyét lit, dang ké @B coo ‘After the upgrades, the production process should run more efficiently. > Sau khi nang cp, quy trinh sn xudt sé hoat dong hig ‘qué hon. ‘Some companies actively implement various activities to Improve employees! awareness of environmental protection > Mét sO cong ty HEM EYE thc hién nhieu hogt dong khéc ‘nhaus A nding cao ahd thie cia nbn vien ve bdo vé moi turing. ‘Although he lives far from his hometown, he keeps in frequent ‘touch with friends and family. > gc db ng ¥@ qué hung, anh vin turing yen lien lac ~ J C | | verbon dev gain. < @GBoo The amount of beef imported from Canada has decreased ‘drastically from 40 milion tons to 20 milion tons. > Luong thit bo nhdp khdu tir Conada a6 gidm miginh tir 40 tru tan aug con 20 rigu th. 217 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com @ Jerridgeneli/ ban dau Eaele adverb. Fenjuali/ hang nam > sont) mn ttn > blannal a ina an adverb. Pkainstantli! ‘moi luc, ludn luda, @ owe. Vr aredguol dan dan @G coo i‘ || Because of technical problems, the concert commenced 20 | minutes later than originally scheduled, | ( > Visu’c0 Ky thudt, bud! hoa nhac bét dau muda hon 20 phut ‘so vei dur kiéh ban eau. @B coo The art exibition is organized ail by the Indian Ants sszocaton to honor promising painters. > Trin lim nghé thud duce t6 chute ing nim bot Higp hoi _nghé thug An 86 dé tan vinh cdc hoa 57 day trién vong. @G coo ¢ | Because the labor market is eanstantly changing, educators [are also changing their teaching methods. | > Bit wth rung oo déng Wi hay 46, cc nha gio aye ing dang thay 6 phon php glng day i ho Restaurants are gradually replacing their traditional paper ‘menus with our modern and convenient devices. | > Gécnha hang dang dn thoy thé céc menu gi truyén théng | | cia dng ae tit bi hig devin oc ching ti. / 218 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com exclusivel adverb. se'sklu'sels danh rigng cho mot inhém nguts, dc quyén adverb. I priviesli/ true d6, truée day feces adverb. Ipr'saxslil chinh xée @G coo ‘An apartment complex is available exelusively to firstyear students who dontt want to live in dormitories. > Moe thu chung eu ing cho sinn vienna nhot nhiing ngudi khéng muén séng trong ky tuc x6. ~ ‘Whenever asked for his opinion, Mr. Carter would simply agree with what his colleagues had previously sai. |» Batcirkhi mdo due sive kin cia min, 6ng John cht don | sil dng ¥ vat nhng gi dong nghigp cia ng dni tne 6. ( . || __The theater doors will close and the show will tart at [| Brecisely 8:00 p.m., so guests are reminded to be punctual, |» Céccénhetia cia nha hat sé déng va churangtrinh sé bat | Bu va0 ding 8 git, vi vay khach mat durge nhac nhé t6i ding 219 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com Pko:nsokwentli/ do d6, vi vay, két qua la adverb. /2'proupriatl/ thich hop ‘Bimng nhim véi > approximately (adv) xp xi, khoang Children in rural areas are less exposed to the Internet; consequently, their computer skills are insufficiently developed. > Ted em &ndng thin ti cv internet BOB nig méy tinh ca ho khéng durge phat trién day di. In order to communicate with customers appropriately, itis crucial for the company to identify customers and their preferences, trong ai vai céng ty la nhan din Khach hg va sé thich cla ho. | BE giao tip v6i khdch hang mot céch thie hg, dieu quan ‘The lawn needs to be mowed twice a week. | [> Baicé cin doe cbt aT met tn, | | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com Pstriesli/ Because the keynote speaker Mr. Johnson was seriously il, ‘another speaker replaced him to deliver the lecture, > Béi vi dln gié chinh dng Johnson bj 6m nding, me dién gis eee | khdc da thay thé éng ta dé trinh bay bai thuyét trinh, | - adverb. i Ftouteli/ | This delicious cookie is totally free of gluten. santos | hoan toan [> Banh quy thom ngon nay Bodin tad Khang c6 gluten. U ed adverb. Lanke'rektli/ khong chinh de | ‘The prices of several items were entered incorrectly. > Gi cio moe s6 me hing 0 au nop Kaen. | @@ 000 adverb. Fekt{uali/ thye su thi, that ra ‘Actually, | prefer walking to work to taking a taxi. > ThE Ta, 06 thich ci b6 t61 chd lam vigc hom di taxi. 221 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com P'smu: mug, tran tru adverb. Jo'mexzrnl/ ‘that dang kinh ngac "dimay zing, gt chop em™ ena 5 adverb. Feniwer/ di sao, du sao @ F'watorlesli/ khong day @G coo ‘The machine installed last week is running smoothly. > Ctl my duce co dt tun tric dang chy BORED. @B coo ‘Amazingly, this fashionable jacket also resists water. > THGE ating ngde Nhe, chic do khodc thot trang néy cong ching née. 000 This method may not work, but we should try it anyway. |» Phuc php nay c6 thé Khang hagt bre. nhume 56 | ching ta cng nén thi | Only our latest smartphones can be charged wirelessly. f ) |» chi nhing aign thoai thong minh mei nha cia ching 8) | ‘méi c6 thé dee sac khéng day. | | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com B@ ovo adverb. Wpa:zatevli/ tich eye ‘A good night's sleep can positively influence emotions. > Mot gid nti ngon c6 thé c6téc dung BEREIFE aén cém xi. na a J | > negatively (adv teu cue @B cco a edverb, cr ; inar bau! fxcuse me, could you tll me theres stationery neBrby? vier gn, Khong x0 > tn 1, bon ct co 0 it cb van phon phi BATE sng? {[Ngoci ra, nearby cing te mt tin tie Guests in nearby hotels are likely to be affected by construction noise, > Khdich & cdc khach san gain c6 thé bj 4nh hurdng bai tiéng, ‘bn xay dung. BB ovo ea don gian, m@t cach don Ifyou received this eral by mistake, Simply delete it. > Néu bon nian aug emai by do tam ln, RTE bon ct ean x60 gin J | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com i fkon'vinnjantli/ thuan tién, thugn igi resralil iy wang, cin than adverb. Pal sém oder, few cho 6én nay, tirnay hay gap trong so sinh nhat @B coo The Laurel Hotel s Conveniently located on Meadow Street, > Khdich son Lourel too loc tai vi tri EWGRIIGH tren dong Meadow. | @G coo AAI our products are always thoroughly tested prior to shipping. > Cie sén phim cio ching ti lubn doe kim tro King teu khivon chun ~ Ms. Miller habitually arrives at work fifteen minutes early ( 1 | | |» COMiler thuting xuyén dn not fom vige im mut lam phut. 000 (fal the songs ve heard, Safe and Sound is the best yet. > Trong tt cd céc bai hat 7 0 nghe, Safe and Sound Ia hoy hd tr era nna. | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com oder, i khac ees ie mensii/ V6 cing, hét ste adverb. inv larebli/ mat cach dang tin cay adverb. Pdefinati’ chic chin @B coo {there is anything else you need, dont hesitate to callme. > Néu bon cin bat cr abu g KE, ding ngn ngoi go! cho Pn / @@c years. > Mang x2 no te én WB ig phd bién trong ng im in ay [socal networks have become IRR) popular in recent ‘The modern machines work more Fellably than the outdated > Céc méy méc hin dai hogt ding #éng tin eBy hon so v6 cdc may 16 thot, | would definitely stay at your hotel again, and | would also recommend it to my colleagues. | >» T6\ Gide Ci sell Khach san cba ban mi 16) cing 8 gi thigun6 vs ci ang nghigp cia to. | | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com adverb. Frerll bigm khi J.wksr'dentali/ tinh c@, ngBu nhién hor y adverb. Fa:nxstl thanh that, ngay thang adverb. P'stro:qlit mot céch manh mé @B coo Mr. Martinez the writer is rarely present at his book launches. > 1h von Morne BAR 6 mit trong bud ra md cuba séch a minh | @G coo Jeremy accidentally took the wrong train, so he missed his Aight. > Jeremy 68th bd nam chuyn tou, cho nén an tod sechuyén boy ca minh. Sales clerks are supposed to answer customers’ questions honestly > Nhdin vién bn hang dure cho 1a tr le ering thie cau hi ‘lo khch han. | strongly believe (that) our collaboration will bea big success. > TOI tn téng mam me (ring) sic hop t6c ca ching thse than céng en | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com BB adverb, c ‘an’ sted! ‘Try to refrain from taking the elevator. Instead, take the stairs. > Hay 06 géng tranh di thang méy. Thay vi 6, hay di thang b6. Cum instead of something/somebody ~ thay v dieu g/ai a6 thay thé. thay vi cafeteria? > Hom nay chung tara ngoai an thay an & cB tin nhur mol nia? | | || How about going out for lunch today instead of eating in the | \ @B 000 adverb. Peedikwatli/ mét céch théa ding, aya |» Truc Kh cdc sin phim cia ching ti én tay ohong nau Before our products reach consumers, each one is adequately tested. J tu cting ti np de de iti re adverb, J.andr'pendentiiy | Some employees have to work independently to fish their | métcéch doclap PO > Mét s6 nhdn vién phdi lam vie QBENBp aé hoan thanh dy anciao. 227 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com adverb. P privieslis trude 46, truée day offi adverb. Je'ffali! chinh thie adverb. Plant? hot, mét chit @ = khoang, xép x! We're conducting a survey of people who previously used our > Ching t6i dang tién hanh mo cube Khdo sat v8 ning nguts ‘rare dy da sir dung dich vu coo ching ti @G coo The newiy built hotel is offically set to be operational on July 10. a > Khidich san méi dutge xay dung ehinh thife di vio hoat dng G0 ngay 10 théng 7. ‘The weight of the new laptop model s slightly less than the old | __> Trong lupng clia méu méy tinh xéch tay més thép han Rage | itso vei mvc, > Ong John da tréthanh mot nhiép énh gia chuyén nghiéo eboag bo nam tre. | | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com @@ 000 ee steel |The cast was strletly forbidden to reveal anything related to mot céch nghide gat. | eM | |» Gee didn ven by lm cm ie 16 bi deg in quan | én 8 phim. | L } @G coo adverb. ¢ >) Pbarraliy || lcould hardly get on my feet and remembered nothing after hu nhu khong i er | | > 167 hw mbt king thé ding day duoc vo cing Khong nhs | gisau tai ngn. adverb. ( ) rey | Leave your phone number inthe chatbox, and we will contact | trong thei gian ngén, | 70¥ SHORE | i > BE Igi s6 dién thogi cia ban trong hép tré chuyén va ching | gin gon | seen vt bon ey | Jowver'welminli/ | The board overwhelmingly approved an increase in wages. | ap dio,hoan toan > Hoang quéntr chap thud BEBE Gp BB vi ne | swore 229 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com tim adverb. altumatli? cusi cing thi adverb. paral! mot phan adverb. J purl a:dtklid theo dinh ky @B coo Although Ms. Han received many appealing offers from other companies, she ultimately chose to stay with her current company. > Mac da c6 Han nhGn ac nhibu ea nghi hip dB tir tc cong ty khdc, nhumg GBH Gling c6 da chon & lai von cng ty hién tai cio minh, For the safety of our team members, we have partially moved to remote work. > Visyan tobm cia cdc thonb vién trong nhém, chung toi da ) nyo mt pin sang cong vide tixo. | J IT professionals recommend that antivirus software be Updated periodically. | [> Céc chuyén gio CNT khuyén rng phim mem chéng vit | nen sec tin i | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com @B@ov0 on @ Ppra'perli/ ding dn, thich aang Because the hair dryer was not used properly, it broke after only two uses. > 86) vi méy sBy t6c Khéng dues st dung ing eB, m6 bi ‘héng chi sau ha lan sirdung, @B coo adverb. ¢ S'waxdli/ Barley Is the most important crop in the region and widely used in brewing, a, > Lio moch (6 cdy trong quan trong mht trong khu vue vo ( range | ag sr dung rng rong sin wet ba adverb. Porisi/ rngan gon, suc tich ‘The manager would lke to briefly introduce the new system to his employees. | > Nauti quéin I mush gid thigu Mga BOM ve he théng mdi ‘cho nhén vin cia minh. Gp 9 B@oco srk | Al confidential information is kept in securely stored files in || the headquarters building. chac chan, an toan > Tat cd cdc théng tin bi mat duoc luu gitt trong céc tép tin gels tam od trong tanh rs 231 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com cow Powers pihin chung, Eorene adverb. Jab eektsvli/ Kindch quan J Luu y: danh tir objective ~ muctiéu Pee adverb. /'reendemli/ gu nhién >» random (a) ngbu nhién /spe'sifikli/ cu thé, danh riéng, @B coo ‘Overall, our vehicle sales have decreased by 256 compared to the previous year. > Nila hig, doonh s6 ban xe cia ching t6i a gidm 29% so i nd tric. @G coo Objectively and effectively evaluating employee performance Isa dificult task. > nh is RBG aon vo hu 8 ndng sul ie ca han eno mo itm Ki Kn a ( / ‘We will randomly select five of our first 100 donors and send them a free sample. > Ching t6i sé chon ngéu nhién nam trong s6 100 manh ‘thutg quén ou tin cia ching ti vo gut cho ho mét méu hang smién phi ‘This wireless earbud model has been specifically designed for sports enthusiasts, > Mau tai nghe khong diy ney d@ duroe thie ké ddim riéng ‘cho hing ngus dom mé thé thoo. ) | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com adverb. for'iberatli/ 6tinh, c6 cha dich Pkon'tanjuali! lign tue adverb. Find tham chi Ban cOng hay gap trang tir ny oi chung vél when vd if ‘even winen (cham chi kh, ‘even itm ch nga) adverb. roulid iméi, gn 48y ‘cysbank has deliberately violated the law and hasn't lived up 10 its commitments -khdng tuan th cdc com két cba minh, i | |» Nn hang Grsbank 808th vi phom phi lube ve a6 | A trait of successful people is that they continually learn and improve themselves. > Mgt dc dim ciia nhing nguti thanh cong li ho Wem te hoc hi vc hién bén thn, Don't worry! | will be sending you the report in the next 15 hours or even earlier. > bing fo ldng! TO s® git cho ban béo céo trong 15 git tot ‘hoc thm eh scm hon. The newly introduced policy will have a powerful impact on thousands of businesses. ‘hang ngin doanh nghiép. > chinh sich iil avo i hieu sbcb 1c dong manh me dé | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com adverb. 1'8srali/ ij lung, cin than D adverb. Tklerl/ mot céch 16 rang adverb. ‘s'maenjuali/ thi cong fs adverb. Inv spektavi/ tung ung la @B coo {Guests are reminded to check their room thoroughly before ‘checking out of the hotel > Céc khdch due nhdc kiém tro phong KP WING trurtc Khi Jam ths tuc te phone khdch son. Staff parking spaces will be marked elearly. > Khu wie 6 xe cho nan vién sé due dénh d6u FB Pang, ‘Your app will be automatically updated every day, so you don't have to do it manually. > Ung dung cia ban sé duve cép nhdt ww déng méi ng, vi vvdy ban khéng phi thu hién thi e6ng. The iPhone X will be priced at 1,0008 and 2,0008 for the 64GB. and 25668, respectively. | > [Phone X38 6 Ri Ag 01.000 66 fa va 2.000 6 acho | phiénbén 64 G8 v8 256.68. : | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com Etene adverb. 1 a:rali/ ky luong, cén than great rat nhiu, lén adverb. Pstedil/ Bu dan, dan dan adverb. ward’ rong rai @B coo ‘Aciel detergent thoroughly removes tough stains by cleaning {deep down into the fibers, > Chét tdy Ariel log! bé BIBEGE céc vét béin cumg dau bang ich fam sach su vo cc st @G coo Differences in perspectives and goals contribute greatly tothe nature of any confit. > Su'khéc biét vé quan dm va muc tiéu déng gép FatIEM v0 ‘in chat cia boty cube xung an. vend ( / Humid environmental conditions are steadily deteriorating the state ofthese artifacts. inhiing 6 vét ney lain xu ch | > Bitu kign mai rung dm ut dang lim cho tinh trang cia _—— Ts | > 1 phim cio shakespeare ge cing nin vi si dung | Fg Pl cho viée sham khdo trong thé gid van hoe. | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com adverb. Polwer! luén luén adverb. Jsek'sesfalif mot cdch thanh cong adverb. altumatli/ cudi cing thi El adverb. Peedvarrsll mot cdch tigu eye, bat Io @B coo New restaurants always strive to make the best impression on customers at soft openings. > Cit nha hang mei lB ¢6 ging too én twong t6t nhét cho eich hang toi ngiy kha trang thir nghiém. @G coo ‘After following the on-screen instructions, she has ‘successfully installed the software. > Sau khi lam theo céchuring din trén man hinh cB dy a coi 4a tha eBng phan mee. a, ( / Ultimately, Mr. Willams gave up his job in order to reunite with his family in America > ROE CUBE THI, 6ng Henry da ti bé céng vie cia minh a6 oan ty voi gia dinh & My. @G coo Bringing unfinished work home may adversely affect your health, especially for people doing their tasks on computers. > Mang cng vite dong v8 nbd cé the nh hung én sufc khde ciia ban, dc biét Id 46i véi nhing ngudi lam cng viée ctia ho trén méy tinh. | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com B@ovo adverb. Jse'fijntir dy di, thich dng Everything has already been sufficiently prepared for the largest sports event of the year. > Mol hi chun bj cho su hén th thao Kn hat trong nam adverb. i Jstro'tidstkli/ This restaurant is Strategically located and is within walking distance of the local hotels. | > Nha hang ndy ¢6 vi tri GRUB IG] vo C6 thé di b6 dén coc | ikhdch san dja phuomg. | 6 chién luge adverb. c >) Veedikwatli/ | Ms. Willams, the new receptionist is known for adequately mbt eich tha ding, sire castomer complains | An | __ > cojulie, hin vie ip tan me, nein v8 vige x Ba ve |i cackhi€u ng cha Kntch nang. | L J adverb. ~ Je'kergnali/ thinh thoang, ‘We occasionally goto Lamour, a popular French restaurant, to. ‘enjoy authentic French cuisine. |» Thin theding ching (i dén Lamour, mot nhés hing néi | ting cia Php, a turing thi Gm thu Phd chinh sng. 237 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com @ ‘Ikon’ srstantli/ inhdt quan, ludn ludn adverb. Pka:rentli/ ign tal adverb, Ong thas, cing lie adverb. Jkov'a:peretivli/ hop tac sta Green Resorthas Enlil been rated one ofthe top | to best beach resorts worldwide, > Vista Green Resor a Bue ace din 6 14 moe trong 10 khu nghi mat bai bién tét nhdt trén todn thé gidt, ‘As the company is currently understaffed, it missed the ‘opportunity to gain a lucrative contract. > Vi cng ty hiBA dong bi thigu nhén vién, nén 46 b6 Ico hoi 466 durge mt hop dng béo bs. When a large number of orders are placed online ‘simultaneously, our website is slower than usual > Khi mot 50 lang lan cdc don dat hang duce dat tru tuyén C | | Bang the rang web cia ching ti chém hom binh tung. L ‘The author and the designer will work cooperatively to create a suitable theme for the book cover. > Tc gid vi nba thiét ke sé hip tB€ dE too ra mst chi d& ph ‘hap cho bio séch. | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com @@ ovo adverb. Int marrkeblit Remarkably, no one in the Human Resources Department ( | received notice ofthe changes inthe agen singehay | Sr¥EE Nae he changes nthe agenda / \ > Bang ed, kndrg trong Phong Nhdn si nhon Buse eneng > remarkable eins | soca nang thay afl trng chung tinh ngh chi yd biét Pkan’straktuvli/ A trait of excellent managers is the ability to constructively cb tinh x8y dung sive feedback to their team members. > construction (n) qua > Mot ei om ci coc a qn Wns iv ig phn ti yale cho cdc thn in trong nom. tinh xay dung BB ovo adverb. Phjucd3iiv VO cng, hét site ¢ | consumer behavior is a hiigely significant aspect of the market | tharcetermines a companys success, | > Hanh vi ca ng teu dong fo mt Khia conn Euan ‘trong cia th trating quyét dink d6n tne cOng cia cong ty. a adverb. Je'kergnali/ thinh thoang, Viz Media occasionally offers free training sessions to ‘employees to improve their computer skills. > Vie Media thifih thoding cung cép céc buéi dao tao mién phi | cho mh vién cdi tién KF nang my tinh cdo ho. | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com Boro e =. | . Jig nfikontl/ The number of patients reporting adverse drug reactions has stcéch dame ue sisiificantly increased since last year. | > asigniticant impact |. ™S61dag bénh nan bo co phn tng c6 ha cia hud a6 si zs | tng ing kB ké vir nam ngodi. J @@ ovo |» Doanh s6/s6 ligu ban hang cho mu xe mei la VBGUNg Sn | ‘tugng. i en “© Extremely expensive ® VO cing dn tugng, © Our budget for this project is extremely ® Ngan sach cla ching ta cho dy an v6 cling eo wo = Gu Trang tir nay hay dumng trudc tinh tir va trang tir dé nhdn manh hon: é Y Anh dy da lam viée eye ky cham chi va luén luén hoan thanh nhing nhiém vy ding han. | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com Ep sao. a @ Iper tukjalorl/ mot cach dae big, riéng bigt Se adverb. J pxri'ardtklid theo dinh ky @ Jol'tametivl/ Ngoai ra, mot cich thay thé | Trang tirnay hay xust bign trong PART 6. Enterprises are facing a shortage of labor, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence (AN, > Céic doanh nghiép dong phi ai mat vi tinh trang thiéu oo 6g, ie biBe 18 trong fn vc tri tu nhdn too (A @G coo ¢ | is It Is recommended that you have your vehicle checked periodically co ensure that itis working properly. > ching ti thuyén bon nén km ro xe aim 0 ing n hot dng Please remember to activate your card through your online ‘account on our web site, ALTERNATIVELY, you can go to your, nearest bank branch and have it activated there by our representative > Hay nh kich hoot thé théng qua tai khodin tructuyéo cia 6g tren trang web cia ching ti 6g 6 thé dén chi nhdnh ngén hang gan nhat va neu doi dé cio ‘chiing 1012 glip Ong kich hoot toi a \ + 241 | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com therefore adverb. 1 8erfo:r! vivay, do 46 phrase. an o'er ngoai ra, bén canh a adverb. Max'neenfali/ vé mat tai chinh, @B coo || Suggestive selling is used to enhance the dining experience and, therefore, results in increased revenue. | Clch bén hing c6 tinh got y/got més au sir dung a8 nting | oo ted neh Gn uti wt 8, dn dn tng door th, @G coo To show our gratitude, we are apphyingaS percent ciscount to this intial order. IN ADDITION, we are including a reimbursement of shipping charges | > Bé boy té long biét an, chiing t6i d@ dp dung chiét khdu 5 ‘phan trom cho dan dt hing ban dou ny. Ngodl ra/bén anh 46, ching ti cing hon lo phi vn chan / ) ee || We can infer from the survey that the majority of fresh | graduates still depend on their parent financially. > ching tac6 thé su ra tircud Kido st rng phan én sinh vién mdi t6t nghiép vn phu thuéc vio cha me w8 tal ehinh. | tai tiu wie anh riéng cho céc hoc vgn tructuyén taitiengenhbestie «com + Inn’ fo:rfanetli/ Unfortunately, your refund request was declined. Please contact customer support for additional information, khang may > ThGt khng may, yéu cau hodn lo tién cia bon da bj tir chal. Vl long én vai bé phgn hi tre Khdich hong dé biét them thong tin, chéc chin, cabin oi 8eeshelp expan the ltest ranges inthe market > Mai da gid thuyét ca dng Yanarmura BRBEERGA gy tron ci, nhumg m6 tit sy gi Wj adi cho nhng thay A6i mei nha trén | thy testing. It’s certainly nice and spacious. © NO chac chin dep va rong rai. @ We can certainly help you with that. Chting t6i chac chan c6 thé gidp ban vigc a. © She certainly has experience. © C6 ay chac chan c6 kinh nghiém. EGE cone thay gp trang try trong PART: > Could you give me a hand with this box? Cau cé thé giGp t6 mot tay vet chiéc hop nay durge khong? > Certainly, 1d be glad to. Tat nhién ri, t6 rat sn long,

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