Antireflection Coating

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PRL 105, 073901 (2010) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 13 AUGUST 2010

Antireflection Coating Using Metamaterials and Identification of Its Mechanism

Hou-Tong Chen,* Jiangfeng Zhou, John F. O’Hara, Frank Chen, Abul K. Azad, and Antoinette J. Taylor
MPA-CINT, MS K771, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA
(Received 30 January 2010; revised manuscript received 24 June 2010; published 9 August 2010)
We present a novel approach of antireflection coating using metamaterials. It dramatically reduces the
reflection and greatly enhances the transmission near a specifically designed frequency over a wide range
of incidence angles for both transverse magnetic and transverse electric polarizations. A classical
interference mechanism is identified through analytical derivations and numerical simulations. It eluci-
dates that the tailored magnitude and phase of waves reflected and transmitted at boundaries of
metamaterial coating are responsible for the antireflection.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.073901 PACS numbers: 42.79.Wc, 42.25.Hz, 78.67.Pt, 78.20.Bh

When propagating electromagnetic waves encounter an have inspired electromagnetic invisibility [8,9] due to the
interface of two media with different refractive indices, independently tailored  and  [10,11], which were as-
some portion of energy is reflected back and the rest trans- sumed to also be responsible for enhanced light absorption
mits through. This well-known phenomenon is the basis of [12,13]. In principle, by tuning the effective  and ,
numerous optical technologies and is described by Snell’s metamaterials should also be able to match media imped-
law and Fresnel equations. In many applications however, ances and thereby alleviate the nonavailability of natural
reflection is undesirable and causes, for example, insertion materials with the required index of refraction. But so far
losses or Fabry-Pérot fringes. Antireflection coatings using the general concept of metamaterials still suffers from high
single or multiple layered dielectric films have long been loss. Three-dimensional fabrication is another challenge.
the solution in the optical regime. Single layered quarter- In this Letter, we present a novel approach of metamaterial
wave antireflection coatings require a particular refractive antireflection coating, which does not suffer from high
index and a quarter wavelength thickness. This approach is losses and thick coating, and involves only planar fabrica-
scalable over a wide spectral range, but it is limited by tion. We observed almost zero reflection and significantly
natural material properties. For example, in the far infrared enhanced transmission at a targeted frequency over a wide
and microwave bands, substrate materials such as semi- range of incidence angles for both transverse magnetic
conductors and ceramics often have large refractive indi- (TM) and transverse electric (TE) polarizations. We further
ces, which makes it difficult to find appropriate coating identified that the underlying mechanism does not involve
materials that satisfy the index matching requirement. the magnetic response in metamaterials [12,13].
Furthermore, it is often quite challenging to fabricate The experimental demonstration has been focused in the
high quality and relatively thick films required for long THz frequency range where antireflection coatings are still
wavelengths. challenging. The metamaterial antireflection coatings con-
Antireflection coatings are of additional importance sist of an array of gold electric split-ring resonators (SRRs)
when considering the generally low power in many far [14] and a gold mesh [15] patterned using conventional
infrared or terahertz (THz) systems. There have been a photolithography methods, and separated by a spacer layer
few efforts to develop antireflection coatings at THz fre- of spin-coated and thermally cured polyimide (dielectric
quencies, which include (i) quarter-wave antireflection, constant 3:5) [13]. They were fabricated on intrinsic
e.g., by optical lapping [1], polymer coatings [2], or using gallium arsenide (GaAs) substrates, with a unit cell sche-
artificial dielectric metamaterials [3], (ii) artificial dielec- matically shown in Fig. 1(a), where the fourfold symmetry
tric structures (surface relief structures) to achieve imped- makes it polarization insensitive under normal incidence.
ance matching with a gradient index [4] or by creating an In this design, the metal lines are 4 m wide, 200 nm
effective index value satisfying quarter-wave antireflection thick, and the SRRs have outer dimensions of 36 m,
[5], and (iii) thin metal films having very precisely con- 4 m gaps, and 46 m periodicity. The polyimide spacer
trolled thickness [6,7]. All these approaches suffer from thickness was expected to be about 13 m. The metama-
severe limitations; for instance, surface relief structures terial antireflection coatings were characterized at various
demand special fabrication procedures, in addition to the incidence angles for both TM and TE polarizations,
fact that substrate surfaces are no longer flat or smooth, through reflection and transmission measurements using
limiting their application to many photonic devices. a fiber-coupled THz time-domain spectrometer [16].
Antireflection coatings operate by overcoming the mis- Since our THz time-domain spectrometer cannot di-
match between intrinsic impedances Zi ¼ i =i of two rectly measure the reflection under normal incidence, it
media, where i and i are the media electric permittivity was determined by taking the advantage of echo pulses in
and magnetic permeability, respectively. Metamaterials the transmitted time-domain data. Echo pulses are gener-

0031-9007=10=105(7)=073901(4) 073901-1 Ó 2010 The American Physical Society

week ending
PRL 105, 073901 (2010) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 13 AUGUST 2010

(a) 100

Reflectance (%)
80 8 TE
20 40 60
40 Angle (deg)

Reflectance (%)
(a) TM
100 0
Reflectance / Transmittance (%)

Incident angle:
80 80 20
60 40
Trans 50
Refl 60

(b) TE
0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 0
0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0
Frequency (THz)
Frequency (THz)
FIG. 1 (color online). (a) Schematic design of the metamate-
FIG. 2 (color online). Experimental results of reflectance spec-
rial antireflection coating. (b) Experimentally measured reflec-
tra from the metamaterial-coated GaAs surface for (a) TM and
tance and transmittance under normal incidence. The solid and
(b) TE polarized incident THz radiation at various incidence
dashed gray straight lines are the expected THz reflectance and
angles. Inset: Angular dependent reflectance at the antireflection
transmittance, respectively, of a bare GaAs surface.

ated by multiple reflections of the impulsive THz radiation

between the two reflecting GaAs surfaces (with the front shown in the inset to Fig. 2(a) plotted at the fixed antire-
surface coated). As a result, the echoes measure the reflec- flection frequency. For a bare GaAs surface, the reflectance
tion of THz radiation that is incident on the coating from values are 27.2% at 20 and 8.7% at 60. In Fig. 2(b) we
the GaAs side. However, simulations have shown it is show the reflectance spectra under TE polarization. The
almost identical to that incident from the air side. In reflectance at the antireflection frequency is 0.46% at 20 ,
Fig. 1(b) we observed a reflectance minimum of 0.32% and it gradually and monotonically increases to 10.9% at
near 1.2 THz, as compared to 32% reflectance from a bare 60. Although the reflectance for TE polarization is larger
GaAs surface. The transmittance under normal incidence than for TM polarization, particularly at increasing inci-
was also measured, from which we obtained a transmit- dence angles, it significantly reduces the reflectance rela-
tance maximum of 90% as compared to 68% through a tive to a bare GaAs surface, which yields 34% at 20 and
bare air-GaAs interface. Without any optimization, the 56% at 60. The reflectance values at small incidence
reflectance reduction and transmittance enhancement are angles are consistent with that under the normal incidence
already remarkable. The total loss of 10% is also sig- shown in Fig. 1(b), which indicates that the metamaterial
nificantly smaller than in very thin metal film coatings [6,7] antireflection coatings are effective for both light propagat-
where the loss was 60%. ing directions, in contrast to only one direction antireflec-
Angular dependent reflectance spectra were directly tion with thin metal film coatings [6,7].
measured and are shown in Fig. 2, with measured inci- Finite-element numerical simulations were carried out
dence angles ranging from 20 to 60 , limited by the using CST Microwave Studio 2009, to elucidate the roles
mechanical layout of the THz spectrometer, and the sample of the SRRs, mesh, and spacer in achieving good antire-
(1 cm  1 cm) and illumination (beam diameter 3 mm) flection performance. The unit cell shown in Fig. 1(a) was
spot sizes. In Fig. 2(a) we show the reflectance spectra used with appropriate boundary conditions. The simula-
under TM polarization, where the frequency of the reflec- tions resulted in complex S parameters, from which we
tance minimum has a negligible shift with the incident obtained the frequency dependent reflectance R ¼ jS11 j2
angles. The reflectance minimum decreases first with inci- and transmittance T ¼ jS21 j2 . We first investigated the
dence angles, from 0.25% at 20 approaching nearly zero reflectance and transmittance under normal incidence as
(0.005%) at 47.5 , and then it increases to 0.64% at 60 , as a function of the spacer thickness ranging from 4 m to
week ending
PRL 105, 073901 (2010) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 13 AUGUST 2010

16 m. In these simulations, intrinsic GaAs was modeled tion coatings. These findings inspire us to look for an
as a lossless dielectric material with GaAs ¼ 12:7, gold alternative interpretation.
was simulated as a lossy metal with the default conductiv- Additional simulations have reproduced the angular de-
ity  ¼ 4  107 S=m, and the spacer layer was treated as pendent reflectance in Fig. 2. The overall agreement with
low loss dielectrics with spacer ¼ 1:5 and tan ¼ 0:01. It experimental results also validates the simulations and
is worth noting that such a spacer material we purposely forms the basis for the theoretical model described below.
chose here, by itself, could never function as a good The simulation results revealed that the different behaviors
conventional antireflection coating. in the angular dependent reflectance between TM and TE
From the simulation results shown in Fig. 3(a), we found polarizations are due to the spacer thickness; i.e., the
there is an optimized spacer thickness approximately polyimide spacer thickness in the fabricated metamaterial
9 m (=18) with which nearly zero reflectance and antireflection coating is a little smaller than the optimized
enhanced transmittance can be achieved. Deviation from value. With an optimized spacer thickness, the angular
this optimized spacer thickness results in a degraded anti- dependence exhibits almost identical behavior for both
reflection performance and a shift in antireflection fre- polarizations. If the spacer thickness increases to exceed
quency. The simulations also revealed that nearly zero the optimized value, the angular dependence will be re-
reflectance can always be achieved with lossy metal and versed for TM and TE polarizations.
spacer materials; losses mainly limit the transmittance In order to further elucidate the antireflection mecha-
enhancement. Although here the spacer dielectric constant nism, we modeled the SRR array and mesh as tuned-
of 1.5 was used, which alters the antireflection frequency impedance interfaces with effectively zero thickness
as compared to the experiments, similar results were ob- [19,20]. The modified air-spacer and spacer-substrate in-
tainable for any spacer dielectric constant, even ones larger terfaces impart strong magnitude and phase shifts to the
than the substrate. Upon an additional increase of half reflection and transmission coefficients. The whole antire-
wavelength in the spacer thickness, where the direct inter- flection system is depicted in Fig. 4(a), where the overall
action between the SRRs and mesh is negligible, the reflection and transmission are then superpositions of the
metamaterial coating again exhibits antireflection behavior multiple reflections and transmissions [21] at the two
in Fig. 3, which suggests that the magnetic response interfaces, i.e., the metamaterial coating boundaries:
[17,18] is not responsible for the metamaterial antireflec- r12 ei12  r12 r21 r23 ei1 þ t12 r23 t21 ei2
r~ ¼ ; (1)
1  r21 r23 eið21 þ23 þ2Þ

Thickness (µm): t12 t23 eið 12 þ 23 þÞ

80 ~t ¼ ; (2)
4 1  r21 r23 eið21 þ23 þ2Þ
60 8 T
where variables illustrated in Fig. 4(a) indicate their mean-
10 ings, 1 ¼ 12 þ 21 þ 23 þ 2, 2 ¼ 12 þ 23 þ
Reflectance / Transmittance (%)

40 12 R 21 þ 2,  ¼  ~spacer k0 d= cosð

s Þ, k0 is the free space
14 wave number, and
s ¼ arcsin½sin
i = spacer  for arbi-
20 trary incidence angle
i .
(a) The reflection and transmission coefficients at individual
0 interfaces can be derived from numerical simulations of the
isolated SRR and mesh layers; i.e., mesh and GaAs sub-
80 strate were removed from the unit cell [Fig. 1(a)] for the
SRR interface, and SRR and air were removed for the mesh
60 T
interface simulations. The reflectance and transmittance
were then calculated by using Eqs. (1) and (2) with the
simulated complex reflection and transmission coeffi-
40 R
cients. The calculation results are shown in Fig. 3(b),
which superbly reproduce the spacer thickness dependent
antireflection shown in Fig. 3(a). The model calculations
(b) suggest that the multiple reflections and transmissions in
0 the metamaterial coating, rather than the magnetic re-
0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0
sponse [17,18] (together with the electric response), are
Frequency (THz)
responsible for the reflection reduction and transmission
FIG. 3 (color online). (a) Numerically simulated and enhancement. Further model calculations revealed that
(b) theoretically calculated reflectance (solid curves) and trans- such a mechanism is also responsible for the perfect meta-
mittance (dashed curves) under normal incidence as a function of material absorbers [12,13] and electromagnetic-wave tun-
spacer thickness. neling [22].
week ending
PRL 105, 073901 (2010) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 13 AUGUST 2010

(a) αi t12 ex which satisfies the condition (i), and the phases exhibit
) 12 ) similar values but with opposite signs, which can be com-
r 12ex (
p 1i 2 exp(
iβ) t2 e pensated by a propagation phase 2 to simultaneously
3 xp
(i θ fulfill the condition (ii). These findings further suggest
αs ) )
p(iφ 23

r 23ex that many metamaterial structures including frequency

selective surfaces could be used for antireflection coatings.
) r2 ex
p(iθ 21 1 p(iφ21 ) In conclusion, we have experimentally demonstrated
t 21ex
metamaterial antireflection coatings achieving nearly
zero reflection and significantly enhanced transmission
over a wide range of incidence angles, for both TM and
TE polarizations. Through analytical derivations and
air SRR spacer mesh GaAs finite-element numerical simulations, we identified that
1.0 the destructive and constructive interferences, respectively,
due to the multiple reflections and transmissions in the
metamaterial coatings, are responsible for the reduction
Reflection amplitude

of reflection and enhancement of transmission. This
0.6 mechanism is also able to explain the perfect metamaterial
absorbers and electromagnetic wave tunneling.
We acknowledge the Los Alamos National Lab LDRD
r12, r21 Program and the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies.
φ21+φ23+2β *
Phase (rad)

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