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1. Why I Chose the Standing Committee of Student Exchange

While all the standing committees have their own interesting attributes, student exchange was what
stood out to me the most. This is mainly because I have always questioned why student exchange
was not given attention to in the Ethiopian learning experience. I have noticed that many students
do not even know that such a thing exists and those who do know have the thinking that it is
something for foreign students that will not be the norm in Ethiopia. But there is no reason that
Ethiopian students can’t have this experience during their time at university. which is the reason I
hope for student exchange programs to be a developed and active component in our learning
experience as Ethiopian university students. I want to be a part in making this thought a reality and
being a part of this standing committee will allow me to do exactly that.
2. Why I am a Suitable Candidate for this Position
I am dedicated, hardworking, have good communication skills and willing to learn from others in
various ways. I am able to adapt to any situation I find myself in and have very good time
management skills. If I am selected as a part of the committee, I will work towards making student
exchange an active part of the association. It is not enough for the committee to just exist; it needs
to be made sure that the committee is actually doing its job. This is my ultimate goal. I strongly
believe that students at different universities across the country, and even the world, can learn a
great deal from each other which is why I will do everything in my power to allow this to happen. I
can confidently say that I can be of great help to the committee if selected and I hope you consider
me for this role.
3. Scenario Question – What would you do if your team didn’t want to implement your idea?
The first thing I would do is asking for the reasons the idea was rejected. There could be many
reasons for my team’s resistance and I would want to know and understand where my team mates
are coming from. Once I have done this, I would try to show why I believe my idea was good by
either making a presentation or having a discussion with my team mates. While doing this, I would
be open to any type if feedback and constructive criticism offered from my team mates. In case any
of my team mates felt scared to present their criticism I would allow everyone to offer anonymous
feedback so that all ideas can be heard. One thing I would not do is get emotional over feedback. I
would never want to make it seem like my opinion is the only thing that matters or force my
teammates to accept my idea knowing they have doubts about it. Hopefully, this process could help
my team come around to the idea or allow us to come to an agreement by finding a common ground.
Thank you for your time spent reading my application. I strongly hope you will consider me for a
position at the standing committee of student exchange.

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