Freedom of Speech

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Freedom of speech is a right that is given to all people throughout the world.

It is the ability
to express one’s opinions freely without being punished or censored. Freedom of speech
gives one the responsibility to consider what fits into different contexts, and it will help
society improve as a whole. With the practice of freedom of speech people will feel safe in
the society they live in. They will also be more encouraged to share their ideas and opinions
about different matters without the fear of being judged. This right is the foundation for any
democratic system.

In the course of its existence, many debates have risen surrounding the idea on how this
right should be practiced. Should there be limits on what people can and cannot say or
should people be allowed to speak what is on their mind freely without being restricted.
Some argue that letting everyone say what they want when they want could end up
offending others around them and hence should be the reason why there should be
limitations on freedom of speech. But who decides what is offensive and what is not?

Limiting the thing people can say goes against the very idea of freedom of speech. While it is
possible that a person can get offended by something others say, that should not be
incentive on limiting the rights an individual has to speak their mind freely. Many people can
get offended about many various things. What one deems is offensive can be a completely
different case for another. It is impossible to please every single person in a country as
different people have different opinion on what upsets them. If a conflict happens to arise
over what a person says it should be fixed by a conversation and a mutual agreement
between the people in conflict, not by the constitution restricting free speech.

The fact that someone has the right to free speech does not mean everyone they encounter
should have the same opinions they stated. It is fine to disagree with what someone says
while respecting the rights that they have to say it. If all the person is doing is speaking and
not making a direct call for violence they should be allowed to speak. The problem isn't
allowing people to speak it's having a proper counter argument. Not allowing people to say
something does not change their opinion on something. The government should not have
the authority to ban speech it doesn’t like.

In general, Freedom of speech is a right that every person should able to enjoy no matter
where they’re from. No one should be denied the right to say what’s on their mind as that
will lead to an even bigger conflict. Banning someone from stating their opinions will not
accomplish anything in the long run.

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