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1.1 Background to the Study

The learning of English as a second language (ESL) can be very crucial and require

different level of commitment from both teachers and the learners. Teacher’s pedagogy plays a

key role in motivating learners in continue learning. Besides pedagogy there are numerous

motivation strategies that teachers can employ based on competence to ensure that learners have

the interest to learn English. Brinkley et al. (2021) state that learners have the ability to learn due

to intrinsic motivation and innate desire, the role of the teacher in motivating learners can never

be overlooked. Beardsley et al. (2021) argue that learning can even be impacted by things like

incentive and rewards upon accomplishment of certain tasks. This emphasizes the fact that

students are not just motivated by own motivations but as well other factors that teachers have

control over. Through teachers’ motivation relevance’s, leaners autonomy, teachers’ relatedness,

competence, relevance, self-efficacy, love for the subject are some of the elements in teachers

that are found to catalyze learning of English as a second language. Teachers’ understand the

power of external motivation and thus should create such an external environment that pushes

learners to understand learning. Even when motivation is defined by Azar and Tanggaraju (2020)

to be innate want that pushes people to achieve certain goal in learning it can be evoked by

external factors and thus teachers should be cognizant of these factor so that learning can take


Teachers can motivate learners through adoption of goal oriented practices as they

stimulate learners and help teachers achieve objectives set in learning process. Dai and Xia

(2020) argues that learners are naturally motivated to learn. Moreover, the role of the teacher in

reinforcing this motivation has not been deeply examined hence research like this help reinforce
the role of teachers’ motivation in learning of English as a second language. Teachers can

support what students are interested in as long as they positively contribute to the learning of

English as a second language. The role of teachers in students’ lives has been stated by Cresswell

et al. (2014) who argue that teachers help learners have a firm grasp of their lives by having

confidence on what they have been trained to do. This way teacher’s help learners take

ownership of own lives and have personal interest ion own work and all that happens around

them on matters academic.

1.2 Problem Statement

Chowdhury et al. (2021) argue that the employment of motivation in the teaching of

English has been overlooked and this affects the whole process of learning ESL. Teachers are

key partners in a learning process and when the better understand the varied approaches they can

employ in teaching of English as a second language, then learning process is assured to be

successful. In Malaysia most of the speakers learn English as a second language as they

communicate originally in Malay, Chinese and other indigenous languages. Adwani and

Shrivastava (2017)  in a survey they conducted on what influenced the acquisition of ESL,

motivation appeared to be core element. However, the fact that this motivation should emanate

from the teacher was not emphasized. This study seeks to fill this gap through examination of

how teacher’s motivation influences the process of learners learning English as a second

language in Malaysia. For a deep focused the study is going to major on primary school learners

in selected schools in Primary school in Malaysia.

1.3 Research Objectives

The research aims to achieve the following objectives:

1. Examine the various methods of motivation that teachers can employ to motivate

learners of ESL in Perak Malaysia.

2. Investigate the impact of teacher’s motivation on the learning of ESL in Perak


1.4 Research Questions

The research sought to answer the following research questions

1. What are the various methods of motivation that teachers can employ to motivate

learners of ESL in Perak Malaysia?

2. What is the impact of teachers’ motivation on the learning of ESL in Perak


1.5 Research Significance

English is a global language and a means through which the world remains connected. It

is the official language in many of countries and thus learning it makes learners fit to interact

with any one from across the globe. Thus this research that concentrates on motivation among

teachers and how it boosts the learning of English is important and informing to tutors and

learners on various methods of improving the learning of English. Besides the recommendations

of this research can be used by Ministry of Education to formulate policies that govern the

teaching of English as a second language in Malaysia. The research is a contribution to existing

literature on the teaching of ESL not only in Malaysia but in other countries that speak English

as second language.


2.1 Overview

This chapter presents a review of extant literature and theories whose tenets guide the

contents of this research.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

 This study will be guided by underpinnings of self-determination theory whose tenets

emphasis on the importance of use of motivation to achieve various goals. In this study teachers

use motivation to instill the same in learners so that learning can take place among them. The

theory emphasizes on the need to utilize both the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to allow

learning to take place (Gardner, 2011). Therefore, teachers should learn how to corroborate the

two types of motivation for learning of ESL to occur.

2.3 Empirical Review

2.3.1 Dependent Variable

Learning of ESL

English is a globally accepted standard language used in communication. While Malaysia

is not a native speaker of the same they dependent on the learning of ESL to be able to use it in

communication. The process of learning this language through not complicated needs to be well

examined to ensure that learners acquire the language. There are numerous strategies that
teaching of ESL can be done through and this study is interested on teacher’s motivation aspect.

Other strategies have been applauded while motivation remained undervalued as a strategy in the

teaching of English as a second language teaching may not be easy and thus for learner to

understand motivation should be eminent in both the teacher and the learner. Nature of teaching

has actually been impacted by the COVID pandemic and this continues to influence the various

pedagogical elements that teachers can employ to boost learners understanding. Teachers’ in the

teaching of ESL should ensure they carry with them motivation to the Malaysian classrooms so

that they instill the culture of personal love for learning of ESL among learners.

English is a language that helps learners connect with other people across the globe and

thus any methods that reinforces its learning should be applauded. In Malaysia the ministry of

education recognizes importance of English to the country and its development and thus employs

new strategies to boost learner confidence in the language through addressing any inadequacies

in the processes of teaching and learning (Rahman & Saputra, 2021). In the country the learning

of English education has been improved through adoption of teaching strategies suggested in the

CEFR (Uri & Abd Aziz, 2018). As well as there is improvement in assessments through

combination of form formative and summative assessments to evaluate what is learned over time

by learners, through adoption of the CEFR syllabus four leaning skills of languages have been

reinforced which are speaking, writing, Listening, and Reading, the ministry hopes to produce

very competitive English speakers this way. The ministry of education overlooks the use of the

teacher in motivating learners to read and this study seeks to address such gaps.

2.3.2 Independent Variable

Teachers’ Motivation
Hajeb et al. (2021) argue that teachers’ motivation plays a very crucial role in the whole

learning process of earners. Leave alone learning if English as a second languages, even in

learning of other languages teacher motivation to learners is very important and can never be

overlooked. When a teacher motivates learners such a teachers’ sounds immersed in learners

learning process and they end up feeling well motivated and their learning process appreciated.

This way they understand concepts matter. Thus among the many pedagogical skills applied by

teachers’ motivation should never be left out. Being conversant with subject matter, havi9ntg

numerous pedagogical skills and even being present during learning can never replace what

motivation can do in learning process. Teacher’s motivation thus has role in seeing to it learning

process takes place or nothing ends up being learned. Rojalai and Hashim (2022) aver that

motivation is human psychology concept that is complicated and many a ties can influence how

people want to spend own times as well as the energy they devote in performing tasks. While this

is more emphasize on teachers it is imperative to note that the same applies to learners. When

learners are motivated it will determine the zeal with which they approach the learning of

English as a second language. Learnmers when they are motivated they approach learning with a

committed level of enthusiasm as well as some readiness to learn. This way they are able to

interpret concepts in the learning process as gaining new language day in day out. Motivate

learners will require too little of teachers input in the learning process. Thus, teacher motivation

equals learner’s motivation which equals the level of acquisition of ESL in Malaysia.

2.4 Conclusion

The section has emphasized the need of motivation in the teaching of ESL. It is

imperative to note that this has not been done in the context of Malaysia secondary schools, and
thus to fill this gap this study is concerned with the impact of teacher motivation in the teaching

of ESL in secondary schools in Perak Malaysia.


3.1 Introduction

Chapter 3 is one of the most crucial sections of a research paper. Typically, this chapter

offers a detailed description of the useful steps and approaches used in conducting the seed.

3.2 Research Design

The topic of research is one of the most crucial issues that require a lot of attention from

the academic realm, considering the importance of teacher’s motivation in learning. Based on

this assumption, the study adopted the quantitative research method to address the research

problem efficiently.

3.3 Research Population and Sampling

The population is centered on primary schools in Perak Malaysia and from this sample of

65 respondents will be randomly selected

3.4 Validation for the Research Design

The study adopted the descriptive research design employing a quantitative

approach because it sought to provide an in-depth analysis of the issue of stress among teachers

by gathering first-hand data and vividly analysing the findings. Furthermore, the research topic

covers a wide area, and quantitative analysis was suitable for this case. As Queirós, Faria, and
Almeida (2017) state, the quantitative method enables the researcher to attain a higher sample

size than in qualitative studies. This approach allows the study of larger sample size and

facilitates reaching an accurate generalized conclusion. The design also enhances the speed of

collecting data. In most cases, quantitative researchers collect information and process it in real-

time scenarios to facilitate statistical analysis (Queirós, Faria, & Almeida, 2017). The answers

obtained from the interviews, surveys, or experiments form the basis of the study, therefore,

speeding up the process. Lastly, quantitative research methods use randomized samples that

lower the chances of biasness

3.5 Data Collection

After the pilot study, the researcher visited the ten selected schools and randomly

distributed consent letters and a set of questionnaires to six teachers in every school. Each

teacher received one questionnaire with two sets of questions and a consent letter that they were

expected to fill and sign before beginning the study. As explained earlier, the reason for random

sampling was to enhance reliability and validity and reduce biasness (Etikan & Bala, 2017). A

total of 65 copies were made for both the questionnaires and consent letters, which ten were used

in the pilot study and 60 distributed to the research participant. The teachers were given three

days to complete the questionnaires, after which the researcher went back to collect the

responses. All the 60 copies were completed and returned successfully.

3.6 Data Analysis

The data to be collected in this research shall be analyzed using the SPSS software and

questionnaires shall be designed using the Likert scale to ease the data collection process.
3.7 Gantt Chart

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December March 2023 2023 October 2023 December

2022 2023


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