Operation Planning in Supply Chain Management Assignment 01 (Repaired)

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MUHAMMAD TAYYAB (02-111201-083)

Q1) what are different models of supply chains you visualize

emerging in the Pakistani retail sector?
Supply chain management establishes a network between a business and its
suppliers or customers in order to make and deliver a certain product to a
customer or buyer. There are two supply chain models: the first is an effective
supply chain, and the second is a responsive supply chain. They both operate in
distinct ways. A management tool used to address, enhance, and explain supply
chain management is a supply chain model. An efficient supply chain works on
cost reduction and optimization of performance with extremely limited resources,
fewer inventory showcases less manpower. We mostly concentrate on low cost
mode and low margin. When our product reaches a certain degree of maturity,
we employ this model. To guarantee product availability and flawless order
fulfilment, this strategy also rely on extremely accurate forecasting in the
Pakistani retail industry. In a responsive supply chain, we take on the opposite
role; here, we prioritise short lead times and seek for new items, handle
enormous inventories since we use them as a buffer to ensure rapid reaction, and
oversee several warehouses. Alibaba is a company that values efficiency. You may
get practically anything you desire, and it will be delivered to your home very
soon because to the affordable rates, rapid turnaround, and enormous range.
First of all, its warehouses are carefully positioned near important cities and
urban regions. Amazon is therefore a pure push corporation when it comes to
selling its goods since their offering satisfies consumer demand where it exists.
Both models are advantageous for different types of businesses in Pakistan's retail
industry, however some retailers find success utilising just an effective supply
chain or a responsive supply chain. Perhaps the majority of retailers feel that
employing a combination of the two is a happy medium. In order to prevent
excessive operating expenses, reduce waste, and expand the business, a retailer's
operations must be as efficient as possible.

Q2) What trends do you see in the emerging Pakistani supply chain
models That suggest conscious attempts at achieving proper strategic
fit between business strategies and supply chain strategies?
The majority of businesses in countries like Pakistan are unfamiliar with the idea
of a proactive supply chain management. Emerging technologies, the sharing
economy, and supply chain visibility are examples of the categories that
encourage trends to arise. The supply chain itself has a lot of issues. The risk of
theft in road cargo necessitates longer lead times. It takes a long time for imports
and exports to happen. Emerging technologies, the sharing economy, and supply
chain visibility are examples of the categories that encourage trends to arise .
Multinational corporations began implementing supply chain management
techniques in Pakistan, and it was anticipated that the nation as a whole would
positively respond to emerging opportunities. However, the corona virus epidemic
acts as a substantial barrier between Pakistan's supply system and the potential
for change. Although the industries are doing their best to maintain their business
and the flow of their supply chain, the doomed economy and ruptured flow of
product distribution prevent them from seeking for any impending progress in
tactics. Pressures on the Pakistani local industry' supply chains rose once the trade
relationship with India deteriorated. Supply chains are currently fighting for their
lives. The supply chain itself has a lot of issues. The risk of theft in road cargo
necessitates longer lead times. It takes a long time for imports and exports to

Q3) How do you see the Pakistani retail supply chains becoming role
models for supply chains in other sectors?
Retailers have also been interested in supply chain management (SCM),
particularly the planning phase of supply chain process design, maintenance, and
service. As it addresses seller-buyer interactions, collaborative planning, ongoing
strategic cooperation, cross-organizational inventory monitoring, knowledge
sharing, and logistics management, SCM is increasingly being used by Pakistan's
merchants. Because the retail sector blends ICT (Information Communication
Technology) with SCM, Pakistan's retail supply chains are serving as examples for
supply chains in other industries. Many significant firms in industrialised nations
are effectively implementing the recent trend of using ICT in SCM. Though few are
aware of its strategic importance in their industry, Pakistani merchants are
gradually realising that SCM cannot provide bottom-line improvements without a
strong application of ICT. SCM managers of Pakistan's thriving but still densely
populated retail sector participated in surveys and interviews. In order to boost
operational efficiency and service quality, Pakistan's retail business is now closely
collaborating with its suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors after realising the
benefits of ICT. When appreciating the value of IT, certain studies have
emphasised the necessity to integrate ICT into a company's culture and rearrange
the workforce for a productive competitive advantage strategy. If Pakistani retail
supply chains want to set an example for supply chains in other industries, they
must engage in two activities: first, they must move toward "GREEN SUPPLY
CHAIN"; if they do so, they will be seen as role models because they are helping to
protect the environment; and second, they must increase their efficiency through
"ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY"; they must connect technology and implement
software to expand their retail sectors with fewer false steps, errors, and


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