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Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS)

Vol. 39, No. 3 (2019), pp. 1075-1081

Concept of Others in Sartre’s No Exit

Hafsa Qadir Buzdar
Lecturer, National University of Modern Languages,
Multan Campus

This research aims to discover the Sartre’s concept of other in No Exit.
Sartre in his existential philosophy explained that enslavement and
dependence on others is a major source of torture for human beings.
According to Sartre’s existential philosophy human beings are free in
the world but with the freedom there comes total responsibility of
actions. Human beings are afraid to hold the responsibility of their
actions which causes bad faith and enslavement upon others. Review
section outlines some concepts of Sartre’s existential philosophy as
mentioned by re-known writers in their writings. Research is
qualitative in nature as framework portion of article illustrates
definitions of Sartre’s concept of others, being and gaze. No Exit, is an
existential play highlights the suffering of three dead people in the hell
who are failed to exhibit their subjective self-consciousness and
freedom completely thus suffered from bad faith. An existential analysis
of the play reveals that characters dependency over each other fails
their capability to make decisions for themselves independently.

Keywords: Existentialism, Bad faith, Others, Freedom, Hell

I. Introduction
Sartre, a famous French existentialist writer, critic and philosopher was born in
1905 and died in 1980. At a very young age he lost his father and because of the absence
of a father‟s affection he felt alienated and disturbed. Thus, he presented that life is
meaningless and condition of human beings in this world is somehow disturb. In his
book, Being and Nothingness (1943) he formulated the existential aspects of subjectivity,
subjective self- consciousness, freedom, modes of being and bad faith. His lecture
existence precedes essenceshows that human beings are first created without any
specification about the roles and purposes in their lives. After their purposeless creation,
human beings are free to make choices about their lives. By freedom, there comes an
absolute responsibility of actions.According to Sartre, others play an important role in
defining our existence. Thus, Sartre formulated three modes of being as existence of
human beings are related to their consciousness and our consciousness determines the
authenticity of our existence.

 Being in-itself
 Being for-itself
 Being for others

Being in-itself is an unconscious mode of being. In this mode person is neither

active nor passive and because of unconscious state man fails to define his essence
properly. Thus a person possessing this mode acts like an entity. Being for-itself is a
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conscious state of being in which individuals are somehow aware of their essence of
being. In this state human beings actively participates in determining the essence or
purpose of their being. According to Sartre‟s existential philosophy, when human beings
actively try to determine the essence of their being they suffer from nothingness and
loneliness. After this failure, human beings try to find absoluteness of their being by
depending on others thus denying the importance of their own decisions. So, the third
mode of being is more dangerous one because this mode snatches subjectivity of an
individual. Being for-others seizes our power to act and decide freely and in this mode
human beings deliberately allow others to make decisions about their lives. Sartre defines
3rd modes of being as, “One comes to be aware of existence of the other through the
experience of being “looked-at” and this is what defined as essential structure of one‟s
being for others”(p.345). Concept of other is very much highlighted in Sartre existential
philosophy. So, human beings think that existence of “others” are vital for determination
of their existence as Sartre also considered that no one can never deny his concept of
other; neither a person, nor a hypothesis. Sartre in Being and Nothingness (1943)
discussed the importance of others as,

…..the structure of other is on principle such that no new theory will come to
validate or invalidate the hypothesis of his existence that no instrument will come to
reveal new facts inspiring me to affirm or reject this hypothesis. (p.337)

Otherness is not merely the existence of a person but other determines and
judges the absoluteness of others‟ person existence. Other is a conscious subject that
controls consciousness of another person. Subjective gaze of other is so much powerful
that it can snatch all objectivity of another person. The other limits and restrains the
freedom of other person. The play, No Exitis the depiction of life after death in which all
three characters are source of torture for each other. Dependent nature of characters fails
their capability to stand even in the hell. Garcin, Estelle and Inez are placed in a room
like hell after death to receive the torture. They consider that room a hell with no
windows. Thus, that all wait for torture but no torture arrives till the end. No Exit
revolves around central theme of freedom because with the freedom there comes an
absolute responsibility of actions. As human beings are afraid to hold the responsibility of
their actions so they met with disappointment and despair. According to Sartre‟s
existentialist thoughts, human beings have full authority to make decisions of their lives
but because of fear they suffer from bad faith and anxiety. Garcin, introduces himself a
peace loving man and has mistreated his wife in many ways. But, it was revealed later
that because of fear of dying he tries to escapes from the war and hence killed. In the
whole play, his existence islike an object. In the hell, he was searching for peace of mind.
Estelle, also a coward character was married to an older man because of his money.
Later, she had an affair with a younger man to whom she had a baby. She drowned that
baby into the water. Estelle boy friend kills himself because of her immoral behaviour. In
the hell, she was not ashamed of her act instead she was dependent on Garcin to admire
her beauty. Inez is the only strong character in the play who exhibits the subjective self-
consciousness feels hell a home like place. She had an affair with a married woman
Florence. After knowing the details of their relationship, Florence‟s husband lacks
enough courage to suicide and thus killed by a tram. Florence, after her husband‟s death
left the gas stove on killed herself and Inez. Inez throughout the play traps both Estelle
and Garcin and both feel themselves incomplete without her. The dependent nature of
characters fails them to stand in the hell.
Hafsa Qadir Buzdar 1077
II. Literature Review
In Sartre‟s existential philosophy, concept of other is defined in relation with the
concept of freedom and badfaith. Sartre in Being and Nothingness (1943) describes the
importance of other as,

It is not that the other does not „look‟ at me “from the midst of” my world.
Rather, he comes towards me and my world from his transcendence. The other makes it
impossible to become an object for expect for another freedom. The other can only limit
me (p. 360-361).

Other is related to freedom because other uses his freedom to seize the
subjectivity of another person. Thus, other‟s presence is a source of hell and torture for
another person. Sartre explained that dependent nature of human beings allows others to
make decisions of their lives thus causing suffering and disappointment. Different critics
have explained their views related to Sartre‟s concept of freedom, bad faith and others in
No Exit. “He insists that this capacity of the other, of giving a new orientation to my
situation and my identity implies that the other is free and his freedom revealed to me in
my being-for-him” (p.351).

Khalid & Semab (2016) in their comparative analysis of No Exit and The
Respectful Prostitude explained that both writings show the concept of enslavement and
other. In Sartre existential philosophy freedom is the top most right of an individual.
Individuals should have conscious awareness about their selves and actions.
Unfortunately, human beings are very much dependent on others for their choices and
decisions. In Respectful Prostitude, Lizze shows enslavement upon white folks by
singing statement against Negro. Negro is shown in the play as a black community who
are dependent on white folks to define them. No Exit is a story of three dead people in
which these three persons are unable to justify their existence in the hell thus depending
on others. Garcin and Estelle‟s avoidance to define their essence is allowing Inez to
define their existence and to define themselves. Both plays prove that inability of a man
to define his existence will always lead him towards choas, disappointment, suffering and

Heim & Heim (2015) has also illustrated the concept of gaze, being for others
and bad faith in No Exit. The play shows that how existence of others is a source of
constant torture for those people who define themselves through the eyes of others.
Garcin and Estelle are very much dependent on each other gaze. Gaze means to steadily
look into eye of other in order to define oneself. Inez is the only character in the play
whose gaze is powerful enough to define and judge Garcin and Estelle. Inez acts as a
mirror and defines Estelle‟s existence to her. Garcin chooses his freedom and freewill to
remain in the hell because he was dependent on Inez and Estelle thus suffering from bad
faith. Bad faith is a form of self deception. Thus, in the play all characters wait for
physical torture in the hell but in actual presence of themselves are source of torture for

Ultius (2014) Says that No Exit demonstrates the misuse of freedom and
subjectivity. The scenario of life after death is portrayed in the play. It is ironic all
characters are placed in the hell so that they can admit their sins but instead of physical
torture they receive mental torture because of each others‟ presence. Garcin misuses his
1078 Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 39, No. 3

freedom of choice by depending on others to define his existence. Even after his death he
is more concerned about others‟ opinions about him. Subjective self consciousness is the
key towards authentic existence. By admitting oneself subjectively an individual can
define his existence fully. In No Exit, Garcin and Estelle lack the subjective self
consciousness and suffer with bad faith. Inez contains subjective self consciousness
because she decides and rotates the lives of other two characters according to her own
wishes. She is the source of torture for Garcin and Estelle. Hell in the play is symbolic
because it demonstrated the miserable situation of characters. Thus through this play
Sartre tries to conveys a message that human beings should use their freedom of choice
fully and should not allow others to define themselves.

Torghabeh & Takieh (2016) in their article stated that the play No Exitshows
gaze of others snatches subjectivity from people. They referenced Focult‟s concept of
power that power should not be limited to powerful and powerless but use of power
should be positive. Play delivers a message that when human beings give power to others
to decide about their lives in actual they are creating hell for themselves. When human
beings give authority to others to decide about their lives they are basically creating hell
for themselves. Garcin, Estelle and Inez are dependent on each other. Mode of being for
others snatches subjectivity of people and allow others to misuse their power relations.
Therefore, by depending on others we are building an inseparable relationship with

III. Research Methodology

Research technique for this article is qualitative because this research is
analyzed by referencing textual quotations from the play, No Exit. Others in Sartre‟s
existential philosophy play an important role as it is clear in the text that gaze or look of
others are constant source of torture or torment for human beings.

A. Other
Sartre in his book Being and Nothingness (1948) highlights the concept of
others. Others according to Sartre are constant source of torture. Human beings consider
others a necessary part to their existence. Human beings are afraid to hold responsibilities
of their decisions thus suffer from bad faith and dependence on others.

B. Being
Existential philosophers associated the concept of being with the term
“Existence”.According to Sartre, Our being is divided into three components. Being in-
itself is associated to concept that existence of human beings is only limited to inanimate
objects, Being for-itself is associated to full consciousness of human beings and Being
for-others is connected to the concept of others.

C. Gaze
Gaze is the look of other. Existentialism basically highlights the scenario of
world wars. After both world wars people were confused, disturbed and tensed. They did
not trust themselves. They were in need of miracles and they were afraid to hold the
responsibility of their lives. So, people were dependent on the gaze of others for defining
their existence.
Hafsa Qadir Buzdar 1079
D. Others in No Exit
No Exit by Jean Paul Sartre depicts the scenario of post-war by highlighting
existential themes from Sartre‟s existential philosophy. Play shows modes of being,
concept of bad faith, freedom and enslavement upon others. All three characters in the
play demonstrate different modes of being. Garcin represents the mode of being-in-itself
because his existence is equal to non-living things. He lacks ability to hold his decisions
and depends on two ladies Estelle and Inez for his existence. When it was asked to him
that why he is in the hell at that time he spoke half-truth, “I ran a pacifist newspaper. Had
I done anything wrong”(p.10). He lacks consciousness and power to admit his sins
therefore suffers from bad faith. He chooses to remain passive in order to attain the
calmness of mind but this shows that his existence equal to non-living things. He wishes
no harm for anyone as he denies Inez‟s view point that all are torture for each other,

No, I shall never be your torture.I wish neither of you any harm and I‟ve no
concern with you. So the solution‟s easy enough; each of us stays put in his or her corner
and takes no notice of the others. You there, you here and I there. We mustn‟t speak. Not
one word (p.11).

Garcin inability to admit his existence is source of torture for him. Estelle
demands Inez to be her mirror but she was afraid as Garcin was watching them but Inez
reply is a proof of Garcin failure nature, “Oh, he does not count” (p.12). In order to avoid
the reality of his existence he makes a submissive appearance in the hell and “makes no
reply” (p.12) to the dialogues of Estelle and Inez. The regret of his pastlife is the main
source of discomfort for him. He wants to reorder his life without using his subjective
choices, “I want to know things out, you know; to set my life in order, and one does the
better by oneself” (p.6). Sartre‟s 2nd mode of being demands the conscious subjective
self. Conscious state is the one in which a person is mentally aware of his surroundings
and situations and admits the reality of his existence fully. Inez is the only character who
admits all her sins and mistakes through his subjective self consciousness. She does not
need anyone to define her existence like Garcin, “My life‟s in perfect order. It tidied itself
up nicely of its own accord”(p.8). Inez is a “hard headed woman” (p.25) who seeks
pleasure in torturing Garcin and Estelle in the hell. She is only character in the hell who is
in her full consciousness and also criticizes other characters by saying, “We‟re all tarred
with the same brush. Yes, we are criminals- murderers-all three of us. People aren‟t
damned for nothing”(p.10). Sartre has deliberately portrayed the strong character of Inez
in the play because she portrayes the quality of subjective self consciousness and free
independent self. According to Sartre, an individual should use his freedom of choice and
free will in all his decisions because freedom is the key towards authenticity. Because of
the quality of subjective self consciousness Inez continues to torture other characters in
the hell. For her, “It is no surprise being here” (p.15). She bravely describes the story of
her life, “There was that affair with Florence. A dead men‟s tale. With three corpses to it.
He to start with; then she and I. So there‟s no one left, I‟ve nothing to worry about; it was
a clean sweep” (p.15). She admits that they all are criminals and are put in the hell to
confront their sins, “We‟ve had our hour of pleasure, haven‟t we? There have been
people who burned their lives out for our sakes- and we chuckled over it. So now we
have to pay the reckoning” (p.10). Sartre claims that our consciousness is also a source of
pain for us. Extreme consciousness is a source bad faith and self-deception. By using her
subjective self consciousness she makes herself an object in front of Estelle and demands
1080 Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 39, No. 3

her attention. Estelle, uses her freedom of choice when she was alive and suffers from
bad faith because of her choices.

There was balcony overlooking the lake. I brought a big stone. He could see
what I was up to and he kept on shouting: “Estelle, for God‟s sake, don‟t!” I hated him
then.He saw it all. He was leaning over the balcony and he saw the rings spreading on the
water---- (p.16).

Estelle explains the nothingness and absurdity of situation that everything in the
hell is so inexplicable and “uncomfortable” (p.9). Because of uncertain and unpredictable
situation they all deceive themselves that they have not done any thing wrong in their
lives. Concept of others‟ presence is very much highlighted in the play as all three
damned souls wait for torture in the hell but no torture arrives till the end. In play, mainly
two characters suffer from bad faith: Garcin & Estelle. Bad faith is a form of self-
deception. Person suffering from bad faith fails to admit his existence subjectively and
independently. It snatches the ability of an individual to act freely and consciously. Sartre
said that when human beings define themselves by their role in the society they are
exhibiting bad faith and when you define others by their role in the society you are also
exhibiting bad faith. Three characters are source of torture for each other as they snatch
each others‟ subjectivity. It is obvious from the situation of play that characters are
waiting for physical torture but they received a mental torture because of each others‟
presence. Sartre in Being and Nothingness (1943) associates term others with the term
look, “One comes to be aware of existence of other through the experience of being-
looked-at and this is what defines as essential structure of being-for-others the third
essential mode of being” (p.345). Garcin‟s gaze is a source of disturbance for both ladies
but look of both ladies unable Garcin to take off his coat and relax. Estelle also lacks
subjective self consciousness and depends on Inez‟s gaze or look. So, Inez powerfully
deals Estelle according to her own wishes. Through look or gaze Sartre meant through
eyes of others. Inez question from Estelle shows that Estelle is very much disturbed from
Inez‟s gaze, “Do I look as if I wanted to hurt you?” (p.12). Therefore look of others
serves as a source of threat for human beings because it captures all the capability of an
individual to act independently. Estelle after seeing herself in Inez‟s eyes feels frightened,
“Oh you scare me rather. My reflection in the glass never did that; of course, I knew it so
well. Like something I had tamed. . . I‟m going to smile, and my smile will sink down
into your pupils” (p.12). So, Inez‟s eyes are permanent source of danger for Estelle.
Estelle represents Sartre‟s concept, “I am ashamed of myself before the other” (p.289).
Garcin encounter with Estelle and Inez is also a source of discomfort for him as he
demands both of them to call him a brave man but both the ladies continue torturing him
by calling a “coward” (p.22). With the gaze and eyes of others there comes a sense of
shame and alienation among characters. Guenther (2011) states, “In shame I am expelled
from the paradise of a pure “In shame I am expelled from the paradise of a pure
subjective freedom” (p.26). According to Sartre when human beings are dependent on
others then they found others as someone embedded in their souls as Garcin said, that
they all must try to, “forget the others” (p.13). Inez reply to Garcin says it all, “To forget
about the others? How utterly absurd! I feel you there, in every pore. Your silence
clamors in my ears. You can nail up your mouth, cut your tongue out---- but you can‟t
prevent you being there” (p.13). Throughout the play they chased one another as Garcin
says, “We are chasing, each other in a vicious circle” (p.18). Thus, three characters
analyze through their acts that they are “inseparable” and linked together “inextricably”
Hafsa Qadir Buzdar 1081
(p.14). Garcin claims to Inez, “That‟s true Inez I am at your mercy but you are at mine as
well” (p.25). In order to escape from the eyes of others there is a need of self awareness
and subjective self-consciousness which all three character lack in their lives and after
their death. At the end, door of the hell chamber opens but characters choose to remain in
the hell because they found themselves incomplete without one another and thus Garcin
concludes, “Hell is------other people” (p.26).

IV. Conclusion
Dependency of individuals over other individuals is the main source of
suffering. Sartre‟s existential philosophy revolves around the concept that when human
beings fail to make decisions about their lives they suffer from bad faith, shame and
inauthenticity. No Exit, demonstrates the dilemma of three damned souls who are failed
to use their freedom of choices and depend on other for their lives‟ decisions. Through
the play, Sartre is basically try to convey a message through the depiction of hell that hell
is not the concept of hell but in actual hell is the presence of other people. Others
overcome our subjectivity and our choices thus make us salve to their decisions and
desires. In our daily routine matters or in major decisions of our lives we should use our
consciousness and freedom of choice and should not depend on others for our decisions.

Guenther, L. (2011). Shame and the Temporality of Social Life. Continental
PhilosophyReview, 44 (1), 23-29.
Heim, C., & Heim, C. (2015). No Exit from Gaze: Sartre Theory facilitated through
aspects of Meisner‟s Practice. Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, 29(2),
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Khalid, S., & Qamar, A. (2016). Enslavement of the other: A Study of No Exit and The
Respecful Prostitude. European Journal of Academic Essays, 3(6). 239-242.
Reterieved From
Sartre, J. P. (1995). No Exit and Three Other Plays (contains No Exit, The Flies, Dirty
Hands and The Respectful Prostitude). New York: Random House.
Torghabeh, A. R., & Takieh, M. S. M. (2016). The Relation of Power and Gaze in No
Exit. Journal of Language and Translation Studies, 49(1), 17-21.
Ultius, Inc. (2014, Feburary 06). Essay on Sartre‟s “No Exit” [Blog Post]. Reterieved

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