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If the first and second digits from the left of

each of the given numbers are interchanged
C. N D.

and one is subtracted from the third digit,

then what is the sum of digits of the third 10. P, Q, R, S, T and U are sitting in a circle
highest number thus formed? betweennire.
is h
facing the centre. SSis between R and U. Q
375 463 567 728 639 1R 1S is between T and R and T are opposite
to each other. Q is second to the right of

A. 12 B.
1 5 H I T A R. Who is third to the left of Q?
C. 16
A. U B.
7. If there is a certain relationship between D. T
C. P
the pair of numbers on either side of:
may Identify the relationship between the given 11. Which of the following Venn diagrams
and find the missing number. best represents the relationship amongst,
8:56 9:? "Mobile phones, Ceiling fans and Electronic
A 90 B. 81 devices"?
C. 72 D. 89

8. A square transparent sheet with a pattern

and a dotted line on it is given. Select
a figure from the options as to how the
pattern would appear when the transparent
sheet is folded along the dotted line. C.o
12. How many even numbers are there in the
given series each of which is immediately
preceded by an even number and
immediately followed by an odd number?
A B.
1 B. 3
5 D. 4

13. Group the given figures into three classes

on the basis of their identical properties
using each figure only once.
9. Select a figure from the options which is
exactly embedded in the given figure as
one of its parts.


CLASS & 51
A. 1,6, 8;2,3, 9;4, 5,7
B. 1,6, 8;2,4,7:3,5, 9
1,6, 7;2,4, 8;3, 5, 9
1,6,8:2,5, 7;3, 4,9
14. Select a figure from the options which
satisties the same conditions of placement AU Each vowel in the word 'GAMBLE' is

of dots as in the substituted by the next leter of the English

given figureTA
MISH alphabet and each consonant is substituted
by the previous letter of the English alphabet.
mayankcsir@gma only If new letters are then rearranged in
Licensed for onlin
alphabetical order, then which of the
following will be the fourth letter from the
right end?
A. B
C. L
B.D. A


20. The total area of a particular country is

16. Findthe value of523+265)
-(523-265)2 32500000 square miles. Which of the
523 x 265
following expressions represents the area
A. 788 2
in scientific notation?
258 (3.25x 10)sq. miles
A. (325 x 10) sq. miles
17. Which of the following options is incorrect?
C. (32.5x 10°) sq. miles
A. Addition and multiplication are D. (3.25 x 10) sq. miles

commutative for
Subtraction and
rational numbers.
division are not 21. Find the measure of angle x.
associative for rational numbers.
C. Addition is associative for rational F
D. Rational numbers are closed under
18. Three numbers are in the ratio 5: 6:7.
The sum of their cubes is 18468. Find the
A. 105 300
15, 18 21 15, 21, 27 C. 150 110
C. 21, 28, 32 D. 12, 15, 21
22. Find the least number that must be added
to 66838 to make it a perfect square.
19. A rectangle of length 44 cm and breadth
A. 274 8. 148
12 cm is rolled along its length to form a C. 243 D. 312
cylinder. Find the volume of the cylinder.
23. The diagonals of a rhombus are in the ratio
A. 504 cm 1848 cm
1644 cm* 3:4. If the perimeter of the rhombus is
C. 1924 cm D
40 cm, then find its area.

A. 96 cm B. 192 cm2 29. Which of the following statements is incorrect
C. 84 cm D. 112 cm2 about a kite?
A. It is a quadrilateral with exactly two
24. If x + =79, then find the value of pairs of equal sides.
B. The diagonals are perpendicular to
one another.
AUR One of the diagonals bisect the other.

D The measure of each angle of a kite is
30. Which of the following options represents
25. Findthevalue
L i c e n s e d f o r o n l i n
the incorrect match of the given geometrical
may 3+ shapes and their number of edges?
3+ A. Triangular Prism - 9

B. Rectangular Pyramid- 8
C. Pentagonal Prism- 15
38 109 D. Octahedron - 24
A 109
116 Direction (31-32): The histogram representing
C. 1 D.
the marks obtained by 60 students in a
26. To construct a unique parallelogram, the Mathematics examination is given below.
minimum number of measurements requiredtudy the histogram carefully and answer

the following questions.
C. 4 20
27. Study the following statements carefully
and select the correct option.
P The multiplicative inverse of

Q:The value of [1° +2° + 3°] x6 is
30 40 50 60
70 80

31. If the minimum passing marks is 40, then

90 100

how many students failed?

Both P and Q are true. 13
A. 1
B. Both P and Q are false.
C. P is true but Q is false.
C. 2 D. 7

D. P is false but Q is true. 32. How many students are awarded merit, if
28. If p and q arein direct proportion, then the minimum marks required for it is 70?
A. 10 B. 22
andaree C. 12 D.

in direct proportion 33. Which of the following figures has an order

B in inverse proportion
neither in direct nor in inverse
of rotational symmetry 2?

sometimes in direct and sometimes in
inverse proportion
Z B.
Which of the following is the net of

H P 15 9.

A. B.
34. Find the value of x, if (32+ 54)+
A. 5 B.
C. 3 D. 4


If each member
36 Asociety collected R72.25. as many paise as
41. Sunil noticed that of a chocolate was
may of the society collectedthen how much did
there were members, 2
already eaten. If he then eats of what
Licer each contribute?
8.50 B. 75 paise was remaining, then how much portion of
C. 75 . 85 paise the chocolate is left?

37. Akshita writes 1050 words in 60 minutes. 1

A. B
How many words would she write in 1,
hours, if the speed of writing is same? C. D.
12 9
1645 B. 1575
1445 D. 1757 42. A sum of 2720 has to be divided among
Jatin, Nitin and Sumit such that Jatin gets
38. A dealer buys a sofa set for 30000. At
what price must he mark it so that after of what Nitin gets and Nitin gets of

allowing a discount of 10%, he still makes what Sumit gets. Find the share of Jatin.
a profit of 5%? 1960 B. 320
A. 37500 B. 42450 C. 7640 D. 1260
C. 35000 D.33000 43. Ankita was asked to select a card from a
bag containing cards numbered from 1 to
39. Atul is playing in a playground which is of
27. What is the probability of selecting a
the form of a parallelogram. He observes
that the diagonals of the playground are card having prime number?
80 m and 60 m long. So, the playground A. B.
can be the shape of 26
A. Rectangle B. Rhombus C. D.
C. Kite D. Square
3 3

44. Purvi and Sanchi can paint a room in 14

40. A floor of a cinema hall 25 m long and 16 m
days. If Sanchi can alone paint the room
broad is to be paved with square tiles
of side 200 cm. Find the number of tiles in 21 days, then in how many days Purvi
required. alone can paint the room?
A. 112 B. 224
A. 28 days B. 35 days
C. 324 D. 100 C. 42 days D. 36 days

45. Saksham can walk (2-50x) steps to cover A. 2-100x B. 2+10x
meters. how
(1he 5x) In
cover 1 meter?
many steps can C. 2 5x D. 2-5x


46. Read the statements carefully and state T 48. Read the statements carefully and select
for True and F for false.S the correct option.
) The sum o f a two-digit number and the Statement-I: I f a trader offers two
number formed by reversing its digits successive discounts of 13% and 8% on
is exactly divisible by 11.
an almirah marked for 20000, then its
may (i) The generalised form of x0yz is
selling price is 16008.
ense 1000x x + 100 x y+ 10 x z.
L ( i ) 100a+ 10b+ cis divisible by 3, if (a+ Statement-Il : On selling a laptop for
b-c) is divisible by 3. 84000, the shopkeeper lost 20%. To gain
(iv) If X9, then X+ Y equals 7, where X 10%, he should have sold it for 115500.
A. Statement-l is true but Statement-ll is
Y5 false.
and Yare B. Statement-l is false but Statement-ll is
ingle digits. true.
(i) (i) (ii) (iv) C. Both Statement-l and Statement-ll are
A. T F F false.
B. T T F T D. Both Statement-l and Statement-ll are
C. F F
D. F T
49. Solve the following questions.
() Lengths of two adjacent sides of a
47. Fill in the blanks and select the correct
parallelogram are in the ratio of 5 :7.
option. Find the sum of any two adjacent sides
) The side faces of a rectangular prism of the parallelogram, if its perimeter is
are in shape. 1920 cm.
(i) If each face of a triangular pyramid (i) In a rectangle ABCD, the diagonals
is alan triangle, then it is a intersect at O. If ZAOB = 62", then
regular tetrahedron. 2ODC=
(ii) The sum of vertices and faces is
always two than edges in any
(v) If a polyhedron has 12 faces and 25
vertices, then it has edges.
(i) (ii) (i) (iv) (i) (ii)
A. Triangular Isosceles more 32 A. 960 cm 59
B. Rectangular Isosceles less 35 B. 740 cm 39°

C. Rectangular Equilateral more 35

1150 cm 48
D. 960 cm 42°
D. Triangular Equilateral more 35

50. Riya spends 10800 in a month. The given (i) How much less does she spend on
pie chart shows the amount of money spend handbags than on footwears?
by Riya on various items in a month. Study the (ii) What percentage of money is spent
on food?
pie chart carefully and answer the following
questions. PR (ii) (iii)


B. 400
80 Footwears B6
mayankcsird 5
30 50 C.
Licensedfor Handbags Sarees
D 36
400 22%
) What fraction of money does Riya
spends on sarees?

Darken your choice with HB Pencil

1. O 14. 27. O 40. O
2. C O| 15. 28. 41.

3. 16. © O 29. O 42. O

4. 17. O 30.
43. O
5. 18. O 31. © O 44.

6. 19.
32. 45. OD
7. 20. 33. © O 46.

21. 34. OD 47.
9 22. © O 35. O O 48. © O
23. 36. O49. O
11. 24 O 37. © O 50.
25. 38. O 0D
13. 26. 39. O
1 Rational Numbers R 6435 7007 7371 7623
9009 9009 9009 9009
1. (A): Let x=
and y7 , M I S H I T A
579c 11.
7 9 11 13
According to question, om
9. (C)
(ry(-27 S
LicensedT55 144)
f )4
18. (4):
65-286+44 177
2 286 286
11. (B) : Let the required number be x.

2. (A): Additive inverse ofis

inverse of is 5.
and multiplicative Then.10
So, their sum
So, Sum = + 3 _ - 1 + 25 24
T 1 5 5 12. (B)
3. (A): Sum =-1 13. (B): We have, x=
One of the two numbers =-
( * ) * (*-v) =

Othernumber = Sum-First number =-1--

=-1 4
4+5 1
14. (C): We have, x -4/11
4. (C): We have,
a =5 Rational numbers betweenand
so.(20-(216 I.e.,betweena
15. (B): Amount deposited into the account = ? 256000

Amount withdraw two days later x 256000 = 102400

5. (D): Aditive inverse of So, remaining amount of money = (256000 102400)
6. (B)
= 153600
7. (A) : We have,
2-5 Amount of money withdraw the next
on day =X153600
8. (A): We have, 5 7 9 11 115200
7 9' 11 13 So, amount of money left = 7 (153600- 115200)=7 38400
LC.M. of 7, 9, 11, 13= 9009
16. (C): We have, 1
5x9x11x13 6435 cupjug
77x9x11x13 9009 3 cupsJug
7 7x7x11x13 7007. 99x7x9x13 7371
99x7x11x13 9009' 11 11x7x9x13 9009 3
So, the amount of milk requires in second recipe = jug
11 11x7x9x117623 Also, amount of milk requires in first
13 13x 7x9x11 9009 recipejug

3 36-3 3 x=30X56 x = 72
Difference48 8 8 ug 28x=36 56 x

Hence, the number is 72.
So, jug more milk requires for first recipe.
3. (D): Let the number be x.
17. (B): Length of wingspan of Blue jay 41
100 According to question, we have x = x + 30

Length of wingspan of Golden eagle -

2m-m x - x =30 -2x

Wingspan of a Golden eagle is longer than wingspan of
=30 x=30x5 50
Blue jay b y - m - 0 4 m209 3
Hence, the number is 50.
18. (A): (P) Product of a rational number and its reciprocal4. (A): We have,
IS 1.
6(3x+2)-5(6x 1) 6(x - 3) 5(7x -6) + 12x
= -

12 18x + 12-30x + 5 6x- 18 35x +30+ 12x

(Q) X6 6X x= 2
305 6 30 30 5x5 X-1
5. (A): Let the numbers be 3x and 5x.
According to question
5x 3x = 9 6 2 x = 96 X = 48
So, the larger number = 5x = 5(48) = 240

6. (B):Let the first number be x.

(S) Sum of a rational number and its additive inverse is 0.
Then, second number xX 4
19 (C)
According to question,
20. (C): Non-zero rational numbers are closed under division.
So, Statement-1 is false. X=81
4 5X+4X 81 X=° =45
5 9
So, the numbers are 45 andx45 36

24 24
So, Statement-2 is true. 7. (B): Let the number be x.
According to question, we have
-1 o =1=x= 56
Linear Equations in One Variable 56
8. (D): Let units place digit be x. So tens place digit
1. (B): +3x=5(x-3)+ X+23
2 5
The original number= 10(15 x) +x
X+3+2(3x)25(x-3)+X+23 150 10x + x = 150 9x
Now, after interchanging the digits, the number formed
5 x + 3 +6x]= 2[25x 75 + X+ 23] 10(x)+ 15-x =9x+ 15
3 5 x + 1 5 = 52x 104 52x- 35x = 15+ 104 According to question, we have
17x = 1 1 9 x = 77 1 5 0 - 9x+ 27 = 9x + 15

2. (C):Let the number be x. Then, -18x -162 X=9

So, the original number = 150 9 x9 =69
One-third of x = Quarter of x = 9. (B): Let numerator be x, then denominator is x +6.

One-twelfth of x = The
original rational number =
12 Now, according to question
Average of one-third, quarter and one-twelfth of x
X+6-1 +54
. .G* =
4(x+ 3) = 3(x + 5)
4x+ 12 = 3x + 15 4x - 3x = 1 5 - 12

According to question, we have X =3

Hence, the original rational number is

is less
number be
10. (D): Since,of2-digitnumber than 20 so tens digit = 1.
5 6 3 6 x - 4 x 3x- x = 36 x 56 Let ones digit the
According to question, we have


1+X 2(1 x x) 1+ x= 2x x =1 17. (B): Let the speed of the steamer in still water be
' R e q u i r e d number = 11. x km/hr. Speed of the stream = 1 km/hr

11. (B): Let one part be x. Downstream speed = (x + 1) km/hr

Then, other part be 34- X. Upstream speed = ( x - 1 ) km/hr

ACCording to question, we have According to question, 5(x + 1) = 6(X - 1)

5x + 5 6x6
=(34x) = - - 5+ 6= 6x - 5x x = 11

THHence, the speed of the steamer in still water is 11 km/hr.

35 5 35 5
X=2 x 7 x = 14
18. (B): Statement-1: x+7-= 6
O n e part 14 and other part = 34 1 4 20

12. (D): Let the angles of the triangle be 2x, 3x and 4x.
3 3 6
AS Sum of angles of a triangle is 180".
- 6(21 5 x ) = 3(17 15x) 126- 30x = 51-45x
2 x + 3x + 4x = 1809x =180 x= -20 = 45x 3 0 x 51 1 2 6 1 5 x = -75 x = -5
So, the angles are 2x = 2 x 20° = 40 So, Statement-1 is false.

3x 3
4x = 4
20 =
x 20° = 80 Statement-2:7t +1
Difference between the greatest and smalest angles
= 80°-40° = 40°
4x+7x 3X +4 » 4(11x) = 14(3x + 4)
13. (A): Let the number be x. 44x = 42x + 56 2x= 56 x = 28
According to question, we have
So, Statement-2 is true.

X=25 6
=25 19. (D): I. Let length of the base of a triangle corresponding
to the altitude be x cm.
5 x = 25 x 6 x= 25 x6 x = 30
Altitude of the triangle x cm
So, the number is 30.
14. (C): Let the number of students in the class be x
Total number of books distributed = 3x
Area of thetrianglexxx *
Total number of books left with the teacher = 9
According to question, we have(x-2)
Thus, 3x +9 54
= 3x = 54 - 9 = 45 x = 15

15. (D): Let age of Ashima be x years.

Then, age of Sunita is 2x years.
According to question, we have 2x-X=4 6X-5x
4 ( X - 6) 2X + 4
4 X - 24 = 2x + 42x = 28 X = 14

A g e of Ashima= 14 years A =4 X 12
Age of Sunita = 2 x 14 = 28 years 3
. Length of base of the triangle = 12 cm
Sum of their ages = 42 years
Hence, two years ago sum of their ages was 42-4= 38 years.
Altitude of the triangle =x12 = 20 cm
16. (B): Let total number of guests at the party be x
II. Let length of the rectangle be x cm.
Number of guests who drank coffee = x Perimeter of the rectangle = 140 cm
2(Length + Breadth) = 140 cm
Number of guests who drank squash X
(x+Breadth)=140 Breadth (70 -x)
= cm

Number of guests who drank fruit juicex A r e a of the rectangle = Length x Breadth
Xx (70 - x) = 70x - x
Number of guests who did not drank anything=
According to question, we havee
According to question, we have
(x + 2) (70-x -2) = 70x x + 66
( x + 2 ) (68 x) = 70x x + 66
X t20X+ 24X +180 6 8 x - x + 136 - 2 x = 7Ox - x* + 66

66x-X - 70x+ x = 66 1 3 6
60x 180 =

59x 70 X= 17.5
Hence, there were 180 guests at the party. -4x -

L e n g t h of the rectangle = 17.5 cm

Breadth of the rectangle = (70 - 17.5) cm = 52.5 cm And each interior angle = x90
III. Let the one number be x.
According to question, we have
Then, the other number = 2490 - x
Exterior angle = (interior angle)
.5 3
Now, 6.5% of the first number = Xx
8.5% of the second number (2490- .

According to question, we have MA

2 n - 4 = 12 2n = 16 n = 8
6.5 8.5_21165
100XX= (2490- x)x
100 100 100 100 3. (C): The diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at
15x21165 right angles.
100C100 *15 21165 1411
4. (B): Exterior angle of a regular polygon =
Let the number of sides be n.
20. (D):(P) =
12 Then, 60= 360 n 60 n = 66
LL10m+9m 12
_1 19m 1
= 19m=1
9 m=1
12 (B): In the given figure,
180 60" 120
(0)2x+=+1 4X-X_4-3 and ZHGF = 180 7 0 ° = 110
Now, in pentagon DHGFE, we have
4(3x)=2 12x =2 x = =1
12 6 LDHG+ ZHGF+ 2GFE+ LFED+ EDH (5-2) x
** 110+ 120 +X + 30" 540 =

(R) 21 6Z-97+102
=21 2x+ 260° 540 2 x 280 =
X= 140 =

. (C) 7. (D)
72 21 x
12z= z = 36
8. (B):Let ABCD be the parallelogram in which
LA = 3x and B = 5x.
Since opposite sides of a
27 parallelogram are parallel.
3y-2y 5+4 »= 10 10

y 20 LA t ZB= 180"
3x +5x =180
6 20 8x = 180° x = 22.5

Understanding Quadrilaterals . LA = 67.5" and B = 112.5°

2C =
ZA =
67.5" and ZD =
ZB =
1. (A): In the given figure, ABCD is a rhombus 9. (B): In APQS, we have
and DP L AB such that AP PB.
ZPSQ = 180- (100° + 40°) = 180 140" = 40
Join BD.
Let AB BC CD = AD = 2a Also, PSR = 85 40° + 2QSR = 85°
. 20SR = 85°- 40" = 45°
So, AP= a =PB
In AAPD, As SQ || RT
20SR =
45° (corresponding angles)
DP2 = AD - AP (By Pythagoras theorem) '
So, ZORT = 1 8 0 - (70" + 45°)
( 2 a ) - a = 4a2 - a2 = 3a2
= 180 115° 6 5 °
In ADPB, we have
BD DPR + PB2 = 3a2 + a2 = 4a2 0. (C) 11. (C)
BD= 2a 12. (C): Let the angles be 3x, 7x, 6x and 4x.
Sum of the angles of a quadrilateral = 360
So, AB = BD = AD = 2a
3x + 7x + 6x + 4x = 3 6 0
AABD is an equilateral triangle.
20x = 3 6 0 " X = 18°
L A = 60° and ABD = 60°
Required s u m = TX + 3x = 10x = 10 * 18° = 1 8 0
Similarly, ABDC is an equilateral triangle and DBC = 60
Now, ZABC = LABD+ LDBC 60+ 60" = 120 14. (A) 15. (C)
3. (C)
So, ZA = 60" and LB = 1 2 0 °

2. (B) Let n be the number of sides of the polygon. 16. (A): Each
interiorangle =| 2n-4x90
Then, each exterior angle where n= number of sides of the polygon
Here, n = 10


Probability of getting a red ball
. Each interior angle =
(2x10)9010 Number of red balls4_2
Total number of balls 6 3

109014 2. (D): Total number of students who obtained more than

17. (B): In rectangle and square, diagonals are of equal length. or equal to 80 marks =8+3= 11.
Also, kite is not a parallelogram. 3 (C): Number of students failed (i.e. scored 30-40) =2
So, option (B) is correct.
B E C a n g l e d C e o g r a m S H I T AM A I 4
4. (B): Number of students awarded for merit
18. (B) 11 +8+3 22
19. (C): Since, ABCD is a parallelogram. 5. (B): Total number of outcomes =6
LADC = LABC xzC Odd prime numbers are (3, 5} i.e., 2 in number.
Now, in right angled triangle EBC we have
Required probability =uoer of odd prime numbers
BEC+ ZEBC+ECB=180 [Angle sum propertyl Total number of outcomes
90°+x + 40° 1 8 0 x = 180° 130° = 50

From () xE Z= 50 3
Now, in AFCD, we have 6. (D): Total marks scored = 540
LCFD+ FDC+ LFCD = 180" [Angle sum propertyl
0 x 540= 82.5
Marks scored in English =
9 0 " +50°+ FCD =180
LFCD 1 8 0 140 = 40°
Also, in parallelogram ABCD, we have Marks scored in Mathematics x540 135
ADC+ ZDCB 180 65
50°+(ZFCD + y + 40) = 180 Marks scored in Social Science =nx540 97.5
= 50+40 + y+ 40 180
Marks scored in Hindi 360540= 105
yX =180- 130
y = z = 50
y= 50" 360
Marks scored in Science & Technology = x540 120
20. (C) 360
8. (B) Total number of students = 500
4 Practical Geometry Number of students who dislike cricket = 500 3 8 0 = 120

1. (C): Step 3 is incorrect since with D as centre CD is

drawn with radius = 4.4 cm.
. Probability that chosen student dislikes cricket on
2. (D) 9. (C)
(A) 3. (A)
5. (B) 10. (B): Class-mark upperlimit +lower limit
6. (D): Step 4 is incorrect as the correct step is At C, 11. (D): Number of famlies having more than or equal to
draw B C Z = 120° such that CZ meets AX at D.
2 childrens = 55 + 20= 75

7. (A): Two adjacent unequal 12. (B): Number of families having 1 children = 30
sides and included diagonal Number of families having no children = 45
means two unequal sides and
diagonal from common vertex. Required fraction =

ie., sides AB, AD and diagonal
AC are given. 13. (A): Number of families having 3 children = 20

Total number of families = 45 + 30 + 55 + 20 = 150

8. (B): Here, it is given that AD + DC < AC which does
not satisfy triangle inequality and hence quadrilateral cannot age =x
Required percentage150 100 =13 %
be drawn.
14. (B): Total number of students = 5
. (D) Number of students who do not make it to the competition
10. (C) 11. (B) 12. (D) 5-3 2
13. (C) 14. (C) 15. (A)
Required probability= =0.4

Data Handling 15. (A): Total number of cards = 5

Number of cards having number 2 =2

1. (B): Total number of balls = 4 +2 = 6
Number of red balls = 4 Probability of picking a card having number 2

16. (B): Monthly salary of the person = 50000

Central angle of expenses on medicine and entertainment a411-20a

a =6611
90 20 20
Amount spent on medicine and entertainment (C)
-Centra angue xMonthly salary 360x50000 12500 (B): Let
5.According the required
to question,
number be x.

360 360
17. (B): Total number of marbles =6+5+4+5 =20
Number of red marbles = 6 61 9200

Probability of marble = ATH

' choosing a red
18. (B): Total income of the family= 25000
10 -61= 9200x= 9261
29261S X= 3969 x= 63
Amount spent on food 25000 3500
00 6. (A): Let first number be x.
Amount spent of rent 0 45 25000 = 11250 Then other number= 16x
100 According to question, we have
Amount spent onfood and rent together X(16x) = 1296» 16x =
* (3500 + 11250)=* 14750 =x*=81 X= 99

19. (C): 0) Total number of people in the locality Numbersare 9, 144.

2 5 + 3 0 + 50 + 25+ 35 + 40 205 66125
7. (B): We have 661.25
(i) Number of people speaking Gujarati 50 100
Number of people speaking Telugu and Odia
together 66125
5x5x5x 23x23
30+40 70

Required 50
ratio ==5:7 The least positive integerwith which 661.25 should
multiplied to make ita perfect square is 5.

(i) Number of people speaking Punjabi = 25

(A): Since we have to find the
Number of people speaking Gujarati = 50 square root ofcorrect
25 upto two decimal places. So, we have to find its square root
Required percentage = x 1 0 0 50% upto three decimal places.
20. (C): The correct frequency distribution table for the given
data is as follows.
Group Tally Marks
Frequency 2.683
2 7.200000
|10-20 46 320
20-3 276
30-40 528 4400
40-50 -4224
5363 17600
6 Squares and Square Roots -16089
1. (D): We have, v2+ Vx = 3 1511

Squaring both sides, we get 2+vx =9 or x=9-2=7 36

Now, again squaring both sides, we get x = 49. V52.683- 2.68
2. (A) 65
4235 9. (A): We have,
-36 V610+V212+13 =v610+V225
125 635
-625 V610+15= V625 = 25
10. (A): Let the numbers be 3x, 4X and 7x
Least number that should be subtracted from 4235 to make to have
it a pertect square is 10. According question,
(3x)+ (4x
+ (7x)2 = 1184

= 9x + 16x + 49x = 1184 74x2 = 1184

3. (C): We have, 4+ O= - 1
V400 20 =

= 16X
1600+81 a 1681 a_1 a 1-4
Hence, the numbers are 12, 16 and 28.
400 20 400 20 20 20


9o.0064 6.25
0.484 2.5 81 484 25
12.1 V64 625 121
=y10+25+/108+13 *(60- 45
046 -v10+V25+11x-0+6 108

12. (A):Greatest 6-digit number is 999999.

= 4+ 54+5 69
999 IR 16 16 16

9 99 9999
MAT 19. (B): Greatest 4-digit number is 9999.
-81 99
189 1899 9 9 9999
mayankcsir@@19e0 r899
17901 -1701
ed for o r
1998 198
Greatest 4-digit number which is a perfect square
Greatest 6-digit number which is a perfect square = 9999 198 9801
999999 1998 =998001 Statement-1 is true

13. (A): We 625 576 121 Now. (15.2 = 23104 231.04

have 98011089 (J21025+144) 100
And, 200< 231.04 < 500
Statement-2 is false.
l55a5-11) 20. (D): 0) 36.8 () 12.3
3 1354.24 1 151.29
99286 99 17 153 -9 -1
14. (A): Area of square field = 80 sq. m=0o0 sq. m
66 454 22 1
'29 -396
728 5824 243 729
. Side of square tieid 58564m
m=8.96 m -5824 -729

15. (A) : Let the number of men visited hotel bex.

Square root of 1354.24 Square root of 151.29
E a c h man spent =4 36.8 12.3

11) 84.9 42.3

According to question, =20449 8 72 08.01 4 1789.29
= 20449x 4 *=81796 x = 286
N u m b e r of men visited hotel = 286
-64 -16
164 808 82 189
16. (A) : Let x be the number of students in each row. To
form a square, number of students in each row must be
-656 -164
1689 15201 843 2529
equal to the number of rows.
According to question, -15201
Number of students who form s q u a r e = 4945-45 = 4900 0
X* =X
4900 x
4900 = 70
S q u a r e root of 7208.01 S q u a r e root of 1789.29
= 84.9 42.3
Number of students in each row= 70
17. (B): Side of plot V2550.28

25502550 50.5 m
Cubes and Cube Roots
1. (B): We have, 453 653-203
V 100 10
= 91125-274625 8000= 191500
18. (A): We have,
2. (B): We have, x
v1025+1o8+y154 + 225 729 1 4 8 1
-2744 +0.008
= (-14)x (-14)x(-14)+0.2x0.2x0.2

V10+25+ V108 +
V154 +15 =-14 0.2= -14 x10= -70

3. (C): Side of small cube = 3 cm 14. (B): Let the larger perfect cube be x' and smaler perfect
Volume of small cube 27 cm cube be yP.
Side of large cube = 9 cm
3 =

ACCording to question,
V o l u m e of large cube = 9 = 729 cm x- y = 189

Required number of cubes =

=27 Aslo, y
=3 33=27
. - 2 7 1 8 9 [from (0)
4. (C) =189 +27 216 X= 216
5. (C): The given five digit number is 1b6a3. Now, 216 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 X 3 = (2 * 3

We know that, the greatest single digit pertect cube is 8.

216=2x3 =6
X= V216 6
Also, b = 2 x (8) - 7 9
om * Larger perfect cube is x
So, the five digit number =19683.nd nly
I t s cube root is x =x= 6
Now, 19683+ 19683 19683 2 7 19710
15. (C): Volume of cubical room = 1728000 m*
6. (A): Let the numbers be 2x, 3x and 5x. (Side) = 1728000
So, (2x) (3x)3 + (5x)3 = 54880
Side 120
Side =1728000
8x+27x+ 125x = 54880 160x = 54880
16. (A): Volume of cuboid = 25 x 25 x 50
x 160
343 x={343 =7 =5 x5 x5 x5 x5* 5 x2
Since there is only one 2 in the prime factorisation. So, he
So, numbers are 14, 21 and 35.
needs 2 x 2 4 , to make it a perfect cube.
7. (D) He needs 4 such cuboids to make a perfect cube.
17. (C): Volume of cubical tank = 91125 m3
8. (B) 2 17576
2 8788 (Side) = 91125 Side =V91125 = 45 m.

2 4394 Height of tank =

45 m.

13 2197
13 169 18. (A) : 0) J0.015625 = 15625 2 - 0.25
15 (i) Since, 63<220< 73
1000000 100

So, 17576 2 x 2 x2 x 13 x 13 x 13 = (2 x 13) = (26) As perfect cube just less than 220 is 216.
So, cube root of 17576 26 So, 2 2 0 - 2 1 6 = 4

And unit digit of 26 is 6. to

The least number that should be subtracted from 220
9. (A): Side of cubical box = 2.4 m make it a perfect cube 4
(i) 110592 2x2x2 x 2x2x2 x2x2x2 x 2x2 x2
Volume = (side) = (2.4 m)

13.824 ms = 13.824x 10 cms x3x3x3

(2 * 2 * 2 * 2 x 3)3 = 483
1.3824 x 10 cm3

10. (A) Since, 13<2714< 143 19.(A): Statement-1:117.649 =4.9 which is arational
Perfect cube just greater than 2714 is 2744. So, smallest number.
Statement-2: Cube of an odd number is always odd.
number that should be added to 2714 to make it perfect cube
20. (D): (P) 53 < 130 <63
s 30.
AS perfect cube just less than 130 = 125

11. A) So, 130-125 5

12. (C): Let sides of two cubes be a, and a T h e smallest number that should be subtracted from 130
to make it a perfect cube = 5

So, () 213<9268 <223

2 Perfect cube just less than 9268 is 9261.
So, smallest number that should be subtracted from 9268 to
Taking cube root, we get make it a perfect cube = 7
(R) 123<2194< 13
Area of face of first cube = af Perfect cube just greater than 2194 is 2197. So, smallest
And area of face of other cube = a number that should be added to 2194 to make it a perfect
cube is 3.
Required ratio = (S) 183< 6855 <193
Perfect cube just greater than 6855 is 6859.
So, 6859- 6855 = 4
13. (A): We have,
Smallest number that should be added to 6855 to make
8192 =2 X2 *2 *2x 2 x2 x2 x 2x2 x2 x 2 x2 x 2 it a perfect cube = 4.
So, 8192 must be divided by 2 to make it a perfect cube.


9. (B): We have, M.P, = * 7200 and

8 Comparing Quantities S.P. = 4 8 0 0

1. (D): Let the price of the product be R100 and let original Discount = M.P.-S.P.
7 7200-4800 =2400
sale of product= 100 pieces. Thus, Discount % = DIscOunt 100
Total revenue =? (100 x 100) = ?10000p
Now, the price is decreased by 10%.
N e w price = * 90
10. (0) : Let the population two years ago be x
Also, number of pieces sold is increased by 30%. MA
Totalpieces sold= 130 After 1 year, it remained =

. N e w revenue = (130 x 90) R11700

Now, increase in revenue . 6x 6x 4
After 2 years, it remained

((11700-10000) 100 17%g According to question, we have
52 6x4x 24x
2. (A)Jtis given that, x= 52% y =
0100 631680X100 100 1000
Also, X + y= 57% of 800 631680=uX-600x-400x+24x

y+v- 10000
y 5=/ x 8 0 0
100 100 631680 x 10000
10000 9024
0=456 y =456x100-300
152 X = 700000
Thus, the population two years ago was 700000.
3. (B): (0.5% of 250)+ (0.8% of 120)
11. (B): Let marked price (M.P.) of bike = 100
0.5x 250/0.8x120
100 100
So, cost price (C.P.) for Naman = 80% of 100 = * 80
As, selling price of bike is 20% more than its marked price.
1.25+0.96 2.21 x100
4. We have, 30% of 140 x% So, S.P. for Naman = 120% of R 100 10 0 = 7 120
(A): =
of 840
x840 » 4 2 = x = x =5
5 Thus, profit percentage=C.P.x100 S.P-C.P100
5. (C): It is given that x% of y = 100
120-80 100 x 100 50%
100 100 xy= 10000 y 10000 0 0
Also, y% of z = 200 12. (C): Principal = 15000
Rate = 10% p.a. = 5% half yearly
Time = 1 year = 2 half years
100200 yz = 20000
10000 20000
unt = 150010 16537.50
13. (D): Let the selling price of the car be x
or z =2x Commission =
ofselling price *x =

6. (C): We have, 12.5% of 192 = 50% of x Since, Sahil receives 65000 as commission.
12.5 50
x 192= XXX = 24 x2 X= 48
100 100 X =65000 X = 65000x =1300000
7. (C): S.l. =
Rx, Rate =
x%, Time = x years, T h e selling price of the car is 1300000.
S.I. =RX
100 P=0 14. (B): We have, Principal = 64000
Rate 5% per
8. (D): Let the principal be R P. =
%per half year
And the rate of interest (in percent) = Time (in years) =n (say)
According to question, Time = 1 years half years = 3 half years

S.I. = P Pxnxn= p
16 100 16
Now, amount = R 64000 1+00 68921

n 9p00
16 P
n n
Compound interest = (68921 -64000) = R 4921

15. (C): Cost price of 80 kg of 1st type of sugar
80) 1080
21p-p =500
= * (13.50 x =

100 5
Cost price of 120 kg of 2d type of sugar
= R (16 x 120) = * 1920 P 500 P=500x100=R 50000
T o t a l cost price= R(1920+ 1080) = * 3000 100
Gain% = 16%

Now, S.P. = o xC.P. =r

3000 =T 3480 Algebraic Expressions and ldentities
ie. Total selling price of 200 kg sugar = 7 3480 A M 1. (B): (6x-y+ 3xiy)x(+)
S.P. of 1kg sugar = * 17.40 = (6x+ 3xy-y)+ (6x+ 3xiy -y)
200 = 6x+3xy-x?y+6xy +3xy-y
16. (C): Let the cost price (C.P) of consignment beRx 2. (A): We have, 3x+ 4y = 18
f of consignment 6%of 2 y =6
Squaring both sides of (), we get
(3x)+(4y+2 x 3x x 4y (18)=9x+
16+ 24xy =324
Lice 1 l - 1 0 8 -
9x2 + 16y2 + 24(6) =
9x2+16y2+ 144
324 9x2+ 16y2 = 180
(Using (i)

3 X 97
and S.P. of rest consignment=
1 1003100 2a001400
Thus, total
2x 106X97
S.P3100 3 100
x212 100
3 100 300
2 200
According to question,300 309xxX 540
-8xy xy2
309-300= 540
*300 4. (D): (8x -2y) = (8x2-2 x 8xx 2y+ (2yP

x= 0 X300
64x 32xy+ 42
s. (: -*27+2-9
17. (C): Selling price of book = 27.50
Profit % = 10%

C.P.= 110
x27.50 = 25
6. (A): WNe have, 3x-7y= 10 (0)
Now, new selling price =7 25.75 and xy =-1 ..()
Profit=? (25.75-25) = * 0.75 both sides of (), we get
( 3 x + ( 7 y ¥ - 2 x 3x * 7y= 1 0
Now, Profit % x 100 3%
25 9x+49-42xy= 100
18. (C): Principal = 3000
9 x + 4 9 y - 42(-1)= 100 (Using (i))
9 x 2 + 49y2 + 42 = 100
Rate 10%, Time = 3 years 9 x 2 + 49y2 = 100 4 2 = 58

7. (B) : (x + 3x+ 5) (x- 1) =x*-x+ 3x3-3x+ 5x25

A-P1 - 3000 1p3993 Grouping like terms, we get
C.I. = (3993-3000) 993 x+3x3-x + 5x-3x-5=*+ 3x+ 4x-3x-5.

19. (D):(0) A =8000 1 =10580 8. (B): We have,

() A=800100=10683.75 - 1(2
20. (A): Let P be the principal.

According to question, C.lI. - S.I. = R 500
9. (C): We have,x
18. (B): Statement-1: (4a2+ 3b) (4a2+ 3b) = (4a2 + 3b)P
=16a +9b2 +24a-b
When a= 1, b=2, required value of product
6x +x"-3x" 16(1+9(2)2 + 24 x (1P * 2 = 16 +36 + 48 100.

Statement-2:(997+496)f -(997-496)
997 x 496

TAU (997 +
(496 +2x997 x 496
10. (D): Required expression T A MA

(2x2x +6x-4)-(-3x+7x-5)H (997-(496+2x997x496

997x 496
+6x -4-*+3x-7xt5 4x997 x 496
=*+3x-x*1nall eading only.
11. (B):
We have,
9x(2y-2} = (3xP(2y-z 19. (C) : )x+y =x + + 2xy
( x + y= 29+2 *2 [Using x2+? =29 and xy = 2]
+(2y-z] [3x- (2y-2)
=[3x ( x + yP = 29+4 33 X+y=t V33
(5x* 2y-2) (3x -2y+ z)
(i) (x=y=*+-2xy
126):)-(ox) . x-y?=29-(2x 2 ) ( - y = 29-4 25
=x-y=tV25 » x-y= t 5.
(ii) We have, x2+ 2 = 29

Squaring both sides, we get

-12 2512-25 **
(x+( +2 x*=(29
+2(2) (29
13. (A):At x = 1, y =-2, we have *+ =833
(4x+ 3y) (9y+ 4x) 20. (D): -()
(4(1+3(-2) (9(-2) + 4(1))
We have, x+=7
(-2) (36 +4) = -80
14. (B): Perimeter of triangle = Sum of all sides
Squaring both sides, we get |x -

i.e. (6p-4p+9)= (p-2p+ 1)+ (3p2-5p+3) + Third side

Third side = (6p-4p +9)-(4p-7p +4) 2x-49
6p-4p +9-4p +7p-4 =
2p + 3p+5
15. (D): Cost of 1 cap is R (x2+ 4x-21) 2 4 9 x* 47
Cost of (x+ 5) caps = (x+ 4x-21) (x + 5)
x(x2+ 4x-21)+5(x +4x-21)
x3+4x2-21x+ 5x2 +20x- 105
[Using () and ()]
=T(x3+9x2-x- 105) 7x47x++7
16. (D): Perimeter of rectangular field (4a2+6ab+ 26 )units
One side= (a + b)2 units
2(length + breadth) = Perimeter of field
2((a+ b}2 +breadth) =4a2+6ab+2b2 10 Visualising Solid Shapes
2(a2 + b2 +2ab + breadth) =2(2a?+ 3ab+ b)
a2+ b2 +2ab+ breadth =2a2+ 3ab + b2 (D) 2 (D) 3 (D)
Breadth = 2a2+ 3ab+ b2- a?-b2-2ab (a2+ ab) units 4. (C): Euler's formula is F + V- E = 2

17. (A): Cost of T-shirt = 7(x2- xy- yAA 5. (D) 6. (C)

Cost of sweater = R (2x2 +8xy-2y) 7. (B): Euler's formula for polyhedron is F + V-E =2
Cost of saree = (x-3xy + 4y) (A) F = 4, V= 5, E = 6

Total amount to be paid F+V-E = 4 + 5 6 3 , False

=R (x2- xy- y2 + (B) F = 5, V= 6, E = 9
2x2+8xy-2y2+x*-3xy +4y)
=* (4x2 + 4xy + ) = * (2x + yP ( (a+ b = a +2ab+ b)
.F+V-E =5+ 6-9
(C) F= 5, V= 1, E = 7
2, True
Amount Mohit paid to the cashier =7 (2x + y}
Amount Mohit receives = (2x +yP-(2x+ yP) = 70 . F+V-E = 5+ 1-7-- 1, False

(D) F 18, V= 10, E = 25 4. (C): Let ABCD be the quadrilateral.
. F + V -E = 18 +10 25 = 3, False DE, BF are perpendiculars drawn to AC.
We have DE = BF = 12 m
8. (A) 9. (B)
Area of quadrilateral ABCD
10. (D): Rectangular prism = Area of (AABC + AACD)
Faces = 6,

Vertices 8, 342 ACx

Edges= 12
11. (A) (A) 12. ITA MATH 342-xAC(BF+DE)=xACx24
13. (B): By Euler's formula F+ V- E =2
V = 2-6+ 12 8 o AC= 24
=28.5 m
14. (A) There are 9 edges in a triangular prism. 5. (B): Since, edges of cuboid are in ratio 1 :2:3.
15. (C)KCS ea So, let edges be x, 2x and 3x respectively.
e As, Volume of cuboid = Ibh
16. (A): We have, 6 P 12+2
Ibh = 1296
PE146 8
Also, 5+ Q = 9+2 Q= 11 -5 6 xx 2x x 3x = 1296
6 x = 1296 *= 216 x =6
Also, 20+ 36 S+2 S= 56-2 54
Thus, length, breadth and height of cuboid are 6 m, 12 m
And 14+ R 36 +2R 38 14 24
and 18 m respectively.
17. (B) 18. (B) 19. (B) 20. (D) 6. (C): Sum of parallel sides = 6 cm
Area of trapezium = 5.25 cm

1. (B): In ADAB, DB = (3)+(4) DB = 5 units xHeightx (sum of parallel sides) = 5.25

Area of AcBD = x base x height

Height 5.25x2 1.75 cm
7. (A): In AABC, BC? = AB+ AC?
=*BCx cD= xDBcG 0 ) = 3600+ 6400 10000

3 x4= *5x CG CG= 5

BCV10000 100 cm
Also, CG =
BE =
Area of AABC =xbase xheight
Area of rectangle DBEF = DB x BE 5x
12 square units
2. (B) Let side of one square be x.
xAH AH= 100
48 cm

Area = x*.
Now, in AABH, BH2 =AB2 AH2 (60 (48= 1296
Now, its diagonal = 2 xx BH = V1296 36 cm
So, diagonal of other square = 2x v2x = 2/N2x
8. (A): The dimensions of the resulting cuboid are:
Now, required side of other square = 2x length 12 cm, breadth = 4 cm, height = 4 cm
A r e a = (2x) = 4x
.Surface area of the cuboid = 2(/b + bh +h
= 2(12 x 4+4 x 4+ 12 x 4)
So, required ratio =
ie, 4:1. 2 x 112 = 224 cm2
Surface area of the three cubes
3. (A): Radius()+ Height (h) = 37m
Also, total surface area of cylinder = 2nr(r + h) 3 x 6(side? = 3 x 6 x (4)2 = 288 cm2
R e q u i r e d ratio = 224 288 7:9.

1628 2xxr
7 (37) 9. (A): Volume of cuboid = 440 cm
Area of its base i.e., I x b=88 cm2
1628x7 = 7m
2x 22x37 As, I x bxh=440
. H e i g h t = 37 7 = 3 0 m = 88 x h = 440 h= =5 cm
So, volume of cylinder = nrh 88
10. (A): AOEC is a right angle triangle, right angled at E.
7 (7 x 30 = 4620 m Let OA = OC = x cm (radius)


Now, EC = 12 cm, AE = 8 cm 8 0 x 28h = 112000
Now in AOEC, OC = OEZ + EC?
h=Z00 5 m
x = (x 8 ) + 122
80x 28
x* = x + 64 16x + 144
1 6 x = 208X = 13 cm 18. (B): Area
of given field
Area (AEHF) + Area (AFHJG) + Area(AAJG)
11. (D): Volume of cylindrical tank = 46.2 kL
tArea (& ABK) + Area ( KBC) + Area (CDE
= 46200 L = 1000
m 46.2
46.2 m

Height of tank (h) = 1.2 m

d6.2 I S H I T AM A T H AAT x40x 20+x (20+40)x80+x40 x80
Let r be the radius. Then, nrh = 46.2 AST +x30x60+(50+30)x 60+80x50
35 m 400+ 2400+1600+900+2400+4000= 11700 m2
12. (C)Thickness of the hollow metallic cylinder = 2 cm (A)
Height of the cylinder = 70 cmn 20. (B): Let ABCD be the 20 m
Let R and r be the outer and inner radii respectively of the trapezium.
cylinder. Also, let the length of non-
. R = 14 cm andr= 14-2 = 12 cm parallel sides AD and BCbe xm.
Volume of the metal used = nh(R - )
Here AB || CD and AB= 20 m,
36 m E
= x 7O(142-12) =220 x 52 11440 cm3 CD = 36 m
Area of trapezium ABCD = 168 m2
If the metal weighs 8 g per cm
So 11440 cm3 metal weigh = 11440 x 8 = 91520 g
Let the distance between two parallel sides be h.

13. (A): Thickness of wood 1 cm 168-x (AB+CD)xh

Internal length of wooden box = 40 ( 1 + 1) = 38 cm
Internal breadth of the box = 3 4 - ( 1 + 1 ) = 32 cm 168x56xh h=6 m
Internal height of wooden box = 30 (1 + 1) = 28 cm Now draw BE || AD.
Internal volume of box = (38 x 32 x 28) cm = 34048 cm3 Given, AB || CD AB || DE
External volume of box = (40 x 34 x 30) cm* 40800 cm ABED is a parallelogram.
Volume of wood used BE= AD = x and AB = DE = 20 m
External volume Internal volume So, EC =36 20 16 m
40800 34048 6752 cm In ABEC, we have BE = BC = x m

14. (D): Radius of tower = 9 m ABEC is an isosceles triangle.

Height of tower = 21 m

. 22
Curved surface area = 2nrh = 2xx9x21=1188 m EM=MG EC x16-8 =

By Pythagoras theorem in ABEM, we have

Cost of white washing the curved surface area BE2 BM2 + EM2
=7 1188 x 20 = 23760 = 62 +82 100x = 100
15. (D): Side of garden =8 m Hence, the length of non-parallel sides is 10 m.
l t s area = (side) = (8) = 64 m2

Now, side of square garden including path

= 8+1+ 1 = 10 m 12 Exponents and Powers
I t s area = = 100
(10 m
So, area of path = 100 6 4 36 m2 1. 2001+21999_2199 (22+1)
16. (C): Let rand h be the radius and depth of well respectively.
(B)200021996 21998(22 1)
Volume of earth dug out = r h

x x12 115.5 m2
Let x be the height of platform.
Now, volume of platform = volume of earth dug out
10.5 x 8.8x x =

17. (A): Let height of the room beh.

115.5x0 5xRR1.25 m
2. (B): (r+y'y'
Surface area of four walls 2(Ih + bh) 2 (8h + 6h) = 28h Xy
Cost of painting the four walls = 11200

3. ( A ) : At x = 4,

4. (C): We have, [32x-2 + 54]+15 9

14. (B) Size of red blood cell = 0.000007 m
32x-2 +54 9x 15 135 Size of plant cell 0.00001275 m
3 x - 2 = 135-54 = 81
=32x-2 = 34
Required ratio
Hequired Size ofred blood cell 0.000007
On comparing, we get 2x 2 = 4
Size of plant cell 0.00001275
2x = 6 X*= 3
7x106 0.7_28,
1.275 X10-65 1.275 51 ie. 28 : 51

5. (0.000064)50 (0.00032)s5
(C): We have, 1.275x10
64 (32 6/5
l1000000T00000ding oniy 15. (D)
16. (C): Let no. of cells at present be x.
22210 0 5
No. of cells after 1 hour = 2x

10 101105 26 No. of cells after 2 hours = 2(2x) = 4x = 2x

No. of cells after 3 hours = 2(4x) = 8x = 2"x
6. (B): We have, No. of cells after 8 hours = 2°x

-G--9-)-e 17. (B)

18. (A): We have, (2431 x(243)

(75 x(49)y x(343)
7. (A): We have, a" = bY = c and b? = ac (243)0.13-0.07
For a = bY a*y = bYy (70.25 x (7)2«0.075 x 73M02
b=ay )
Also, c~ = a* = cz = a7 » C= a z
...i) (35020
Now, b ac
( a ¥ =a x a From () and (i))
a y = alz)*1)

On comparing, we get -()-16)

2xz 2x1 X=
19. (C) : () We have, mè =
272/3 x 16-3/2
8. (B): 3x936x(32 m (3)d x (4 )S2 5 m2 = 32 x 4-3
(27 x3 (3x3
316 x312 316-12 328 m-Am- 3
321x3 32103303 1
(ii) We have,
9. (A) 1+a 1+b7 a b
10. (D): We have, (7-1-8-1)-1 (3-1-4-1)1
= a+1 -a+Da(b+1)+b{a +1)
-)G)- b+1a+1 b+1(a+1)Xb +1)
56 12 =44
ab +a+ ab +b 1+a+1+ b ( a b = 1)
(a+1)0b +1) ab +a+b+1
11. (B): We have, 5 x 103 2000 x 10-6
= 5 x 1 0 3 - 2 x 103 x 10-6
5 x 10 - 2 * 103-6

= 5 x 103-2 x 1073
(ii) We have, x = 823. 32-25 = (23)p3 (25)-25 = 22 2-2 1
( 5 - 2 ) x 10-3 = 3 x 10-3 (1)-5 = 1
12. (C): 1.2 x 105 x 2.4 x 10-2
= 1.2 x 2.4 x 105 x 10-2 2.88 x 103 20. (D) We have, a =
22-23 11

b=23-24 - 1
13.(C):We have.


And c 2-22 7. (A):-2===constant.
y 8 28 44

x and y are in direct proportion.

8. (A)
1 +- 278+1-27 -18 -9 9. (C): Let the number of men be x
512 4096 4096 4096 4096 2048 Number of men 56
)10abc-1016T1024 TA Number of days 42 14

It is a case of inverse proportion.

56x 42 =xx 14 x = 168.
13 Directand Inverse Proportions 10. (A): Let commission received beR y.
a (C)We have and x=4. Sales (in ) 1000 100

Commission (in) 73
putting the value of x in
we get It is a case of direct proportion.
Hence, 1000 100
- 2y= 4 x 3 y=6 73 y

2. (D): As x and y vary inversely. y='3x

0 y = * 7.30
xy= constant or x, Y1 = X2Y2 y1000
12 x 10= 20 *
Y2 ( x , = 12. y, = 10, X2 20)
11. (A):Let number of children beex.
10= 6 Numberof coke bottles 5 15
Number of children 6

.(C) 2 ( y varies directly as x*) It is a case of direct proportion.

Hence, 1 5
6x6x3 > y, =27
6 X
x 15x
5 18
(C): We have. s*-5*125 12. (B): Let number of mens left be y
* = 625 x = 25.
Number of men 1000
5. (D): For inverse proportion, xy =
constant or x,y, Number of days 20 25
(A) As, x,Y, = 12 * 3 = 36 *2Itis a case of inverse proportion.
Hence, 1000 x 20= (1000 y ) x 25
x2y2 = 4 x 9 36

1000-y= 1000x
20- 800
(B) As, x,y, = 36; x2y2 = 10 x 3.6 = 36
y= 1000 800 = 200

13. (C): Cost of one cycle = 525

(C) As, x,y, =
36; xy2 =
72 * 0.5 =
36 =
( ) As, x,y, 36; xy2 =5 x 6 = 30 . Cost of 52 cycles 525 x 52 =
New cost of one cycle = * (525+ 21) = R 546

So, number of cycles bought with 27300 2/00 =50

(A B- .0)
14. (A) : Let number of days be y.

3A 4
Also, B: C=
4:5 C 5 2C 5
Amount of money (in )|806 1798
|Number of days 13
from () y
It is a case of direct

5 5C:A15: Hence,6 1798

v-1798 x13 29

15. (C): Let the actual length of bacteria be x cm. ( + 5 - (3x) = m?- n

Enlargement of the 50,000 m = (x+ 5 m =x*+ 5

photograph times time

Lengthof bacteria 5 cm
3. (C): We have,
More the enlargement of photograph, more would be its -MTC'sIP
length. So, it is a case of direct proportion.
(C): have, We 6x+ 11x+ 3 = 6x2+2x+9x+3
Hence, o0000 x=
=10 cm. TA MAI4.2x(3x+ 1)+ 3(3x+ 1) = (2x + 3)/3x+ 1)

16. (D): Let the number of books be y. 5. ( D ) : -81 =( P -9 = ( -9) (*+9)

(x-3) (x+ 3) (x2+ 9)
Numberofbooks 30 ingy 6. (D): We have, v3x2+11x+6/3
Cost of each book(in)20 (20+30) =50 3x+9x+2x+ 63 = v3x(x + 3/3) + 2x+3/3)
More the cost of books, lesser the number of books bought.
So, it is a case of inverse proportion. = (x+33)X3x+2)
Hence, 30 x 20 = y x 50 y= -12 7. (B): 81-(x+ yP = 92-(x+ yP
(9-(x*v)) (9+ (x *y)
17.(C):Let the number of days be x. =
(9-X-y) (9 +x +y)
Number of days |15 x
8. (A): We have, (x - y?+ 4xy- 2
Weight of dust (in kg) 1.2 x 105 4.8 x10 x + - 2xy + 4xy - z = (x + y - z

More the dust, more the number of days it will take to pick it up. (X*y* Z}(X * Y-2)
So, it is a case of direct proportion. 9. (C):-xp-72
- 9xy? + 8xy2 72y
4.8x10 1.2x10x 6 0 o x ( x - 9 ) + 8y°(x2-9)

88. (C) 19. (B)

(x+8y) (x2-9y)
20. (A) : (0) Let ? x be paid in the month of June.

Amount paid (in ) 139.20 10. (A): -

9y-4xy+ *
Number of days 3 30 3y3
Since, it is a case of direct proportion.
3 30 3
139.20x30x =1392. 3y
11. (D): We have, 4(x + y) (3a - b) + 6(x + y(2b-3a)
1392 will be paid to the of June.
worker in the month
Let y be the number of days he will work for ? 696.
2 ( x + y) [2(3a - b) + 3(25 3a)]

20x+ y) l6a - 2b + 6b-9a) = 2(x + ) - 3 a + 4b)

Amount paid(in) 139.20
Number of days 3
y 12.(D): 51KY-729x*y 27x'y2 27x°y2
It is a case of direct
139.20 696 v-596x3x10 y = 15 13. (B): We have, (p+g- (a - b} +p+q-a+ b
3 1392
Thus, he will work 15 days for 696.
(p +
9-(a -b]+ [(p+ q)-(a-b)]
IK(p+9)+ (a-b)}{(p + g)- (a- b)+ {lp + ) - (a- b))
( ( p + 9)- (a - b)} (p + 9) + (a - b) + 1]

14 Factorisation P * 9 - a t D) (P *g+a-b+ 1)
1. (A): We have, xy - pq+ qy-px =
xy-px +
qy- Pq 14. (D): (5x + 2 y - 16(5x + 2y) + 39
X y - P) t+ q y - p) = (y- Px+ 9) =
(5x +
2yP- 13(5x+2y) -3 (5x 2y)+39 +

(5x +
2y) (5x 2y-13) 3(5x+2y
(C): We have. (x
+ +
5)(x2-3x +
5) m2 n2 (5x + (5x
( * + 5 + 3x)x* + 5 -3x) = m2 - n =
2y -13) + 2y- 3)


7. (C): Performance of student A
15. (A):14x"Y+8x°z_2x*(-7x0y+ 4x°z) during the year = Total
marks of student A = 50+ 75 +60+ 70 +80 335
2x 2x Performance of student B during the year
x*(-7x'y + 42)
16. (B):
60+ 85+ 75 +60+ 65 = 345
We have,
12(a+7a -8(a + 7a) (2a- 1) 15(2a-1 Performance of student B is better during the
12(a+ 7a) 18(a + 7a) (2a - 1) 8. (B) TGS9. (A)
+10 (a + 7a) (2a
6(a+ 7a) [2(a* + 7a) - 3(2a - 1))
- 1)- 15 (2a
-1 A10. (B): x-coordinate of Mis 2,
x-COordinate of N is 5
5(2a 1) [2(a +7a)-3(2a- 1)) Required sum =
2+5 =
6(a+7a) [2a + 14a- 6a + 3] VI
t5(2a 1 ) [2a2 +14a - 6a +3] 11. (D) : Maximum rate of interest = 12%
(6a+42a) (2a t8a+3)+ (10a 5) (2a- + 8a+ 3) Minimum rate of interest = 7%
(6a 42a+ 10a-5) (2a+ 8a+ 3) Their difference = (12-7)% = 5%
(6a+ 52a- 5) (2a+ 8a +3)
12. (D): Rate of interest in 1993 = 9%
17. (D):) We have, Rate of interest in 1998 = 10%
a-bab+ ab(a-b(a+ b)_ ab(b+a) Required sum = (9+ 10)% = 19%
aa-b)ab ala-b) (ab)b 13. (A)
- a+b (b+a)_ (a+b)xb-(a+ b)xa _(a+ bXb-a) 14.
a D
(C): Distance between the place of merchant and the
town = 22 km.

(16y +2) =
16y+2 2(8y+ =
1) 15. (C): Speed during 8 a.m. 9 a.m. =
10/1 =
10 km/h
4y Speed during 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. = 6/1= 6 km/h

(l) 38a'b°c-19a bc 38a'b°c 19abfc Speed during 10 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. = 0 km/h

19abc 19a bc 19a bc

2ab-c a-b = kab-C - a-b Speed during 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. = 6 km/h
16. (A): On day 10, 9graph shows, deviation of 3°C.
18 (B)
19. 17. (A)
(A) : (P) x* + 14x + 48 = x +8x + 6x + 48
X(X+8) + 6(x + 8) = (x + 6) (x + 8) Year Production of Production of Combined
(Q) 5x 8x 4 5x 10x+ 2x-4 Cycles of A Cycles ofB Production
5x(X 2 ) + 2(x - 2) = (5x + 2) (x - 2)
2 37 79
(R) x+ 11x + 24 x+8x + 3x+ 24
x(x +8) + 3(x + 8) = (x + 8) (x+ 3) 8 35 83
(S) 2x- 5x-7 2x - 7x + 2x - 7
47 40
x(2x 7)+ 1(2x-7)= (x+ 1) (2x -7) B
2 35
20. (C):0) We have,
-3 x-2+2-3
8 38
43 36 79
--o 4 40 84
(i) The greatest common factor of 14xy,21x' and 35xy¥z 43 35 78
is 7xy.
9 45 86
(ii) z(5z - 80) 5z(z
= -

16) =
5z (z +
4)(z-4) 0 8 38
Thus, z{5z- 80) + 5z{z + 4) 86

z(5z-80) 5z(z+ 4)(z-4)-z_4 In year 3, the production of cycles A and B was maximum
5z(z+4) 5z(z + 4) i.e., 87 thousands.
Production of cycles of A in this year = 47 thousands.
19 Introduction to Graphs 18. (A): Number of pages read
by Ashok on Tuesday and
Wednesday = 18+ 14 = 32
(B) 2 (B) 3. A)
Total number of pages read by Ashok
(A) 5. (B) =
14+ 18+ 14+ 16+ 20+ 12+
6. (D): In both the tests 1 18 = 112
and 4, student B's performance
was worst. 32 ie, 2:7
Required ratio12-
19. (C): Average 300+400+300+200+200+600+800 14. (A) 25
2800 400 x23
7 7 5
20. (A): (a) On Saturday,
+5 0 0
temperature was 31 C.
(6) The temperature was least on Sunday, i.e., 25°C. 5 75
(c) Friday was the hottest day. Temperature recorded on 15. (D): Remainder
that day was 34'C. D i v i s o r = 48 x 5 = 240

Quotient= 240 20
16 Playing with Numbers Dividend = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder
1. (C): (10- 1) is divisible by 11 for even values of n as 240 x
20 + 48 4800
= + 48 = 4848.
102 1=99, 101 9999, 101 999999, etc. are
divisible by 11.T
6. (D)
17. (C): () As, xyz = 100x + 10y + Z
a A ) 53linere yzx = 100y + 102 + x

34 6 Zxy = 100z + 10x + y

880 Adding (). (i) and (i), we get
3. (C) 7713x8 is divisible by 4 if its last two digits is divisible xyz * yZX + Zxy
100x+ 10y +Z+ 100y+10z+X+
100z +
by 4. So, we have x8 to be divisible by 4. Therefore, greatest
111x+ 111y + 111z = 111 (x+ yt z)
10x +y
value of x is 8.
On dividing by (x *y+ Z), we get
4. (D): Step 1: A xA =9 Quotient = 111.
Two cases arises () ab = 10a + b and ba = 10b + a
Case 1: 3 x 3 = 9 A =3 abba 10a + b - (10b + a) = 9a - 9b = 9 (a - b)
Case 2: 7 x 7 =49 A =7 On dividing by 3, we get
Step 2 : Case 1 : If A = 3,
Quotient= 3(a - b)
then the product will be 343 x 3 = 1029 Cin) Let twO digit number be 10x + y.
Hence, B = 0
On reversing the digits, number becomes 10y + X.
Case 2: If A = 7, then the product will be Sum 10X+y+10y tX= 11x+ 11y= 11 (x+ y).
747 x 7 5229 (not possible) which is always divisible by 11
Hence, A = 3 and B = 0
18. (C) : (P) Since, 213x27 is divisible by 9.
So, 2 + 1 + 3 + X * 2 + 7 = 15 + x is divisible by 9.
A+B =3 X 3
5. (A) (O) 2415x is divisible by 6, if it is divisible by both 2 and 3.
If 1771'61
6. (B): is divisible by 11, then
is either 0 or a multiple of 11
X = 0 or 6

(+1+6) (1 is+ 7 + "+1)


(R) 23245x is divisible by both 4 and 3.

0 multiple of 11 5 X is divisible
14-(9 +) either or a
by 4
. 5 -
5-s either 0or a multiple of
0 * = 5
11 Possible values of x are 2, 6
2 +3 +2+4 +5+*= 16 +x is divisible
values of x are 2, 5, 8.
by 3.
7. The required number would be the product of three
smallest even natural numbers i.e., 2 x 4 x 6 48.
Thus, x 2
(S) We have, 7251x93 is divisible by 11.
. (D) +5+x*3)- (2+is 1+9 by 11
1 5 + x- 12 = 3 +x divisibleisby
is divisible by 3 so sum digits is also
by 3
ofits x = 8.

X+yt2+3+5=X+y+ 10 is divisible by 3 andx+y<5. 19. (B): We have AABAA is divisible by 33.

So possible values of (X. y) are (1, 1) or (2,0). So, t is divisible by both 3 and 11.
(A A) B is divisible by 11.
10. (C): 1 43 A+B+A -
+ =

BAlso, A+A+B+A+A=
0 4A+ B is divisible by 3.
5 5 4 is divisible by 3 (: B = 0)

697 4A
A is divisible by 3
Hence, possible values of A are 0, 3, 6, 9
11. (B): N leaves remainder 0 when divided by 5.
But Acant be equal to zero.
Nisdivisible by 5.
One's digit of N is either 0 or 5.
Number of possible 5-digit numbers are 3.
20. (D) (0) 8 3
12. (D) : 67y19 is divisible by 9 so sum of its digits is also
divisible by 9. 29
6+7+y+1+9=23+ y is divisible by 9. 1Z0 4 LZ
So, least possible value of y = 4.
+1 5 6 6 0
13. (0D)
227 07
(i) 43 4 10. (B): The rule followed is,
(6 x 7 ) - 5 = 37, (5 x 6) - 7 23
So, (4 x 5) - 6 14
1 7 3 7 6
11. (D): Clearly, a person can sit on a chair but chair is
+ 30 2 0 called mobile.
1 4 7 69 6 12. (C): The letterl of the word TRAIN is not in the given
17 Logical Reasoning 13. (D) Numbers on the opposite faces of the dice are
(1, 5), (2, 4) and (3, 6).
(B):We have.(15)+A+3+8+4 C+ 15
Boys co Boys
Totalnumberof boys =E40
15 +131+4+1+15
2. (B): The rule followed is 15. (B)
A C; M2 0, T V
16. (B): The triangles formed are: B, D, F, H, I, L, N, O,
Similarly, L N, U WT V BO, HI, BC,EH. KI, OM, AD, FG, LJ, PN, BCEH, OMKI,
3. (D): (A) 6 x 20+ 12-7+1 EHIK and BCMO

- 6x-7=10-7 3 3 8

(B) 6+3-12 +7x 1 =2- 12+7 = -3 57

(C)6 x 20+ 12-7+ 1 6x-7+110-7+1-4 62
(D) 6-20 12x 7+1 =6- 20 + 12 * 7 =6-20 *
84*70So, total number of triangles are 22.
4. (C):
We have, 17. (B)

18. (C)
19.((B) 20. (B)
5. (A)
6. (A):7 55945764 5 98756764325678 21.( A)
. (B) ,Priti

7 km 7 km

b km
Starting point)
22. (C): ----- --*- Water Layer
6 kmy
From diagram, distance between Priti and Ritu
= 7 + 6 = 13 km 23. (A): 1, 4, 7 are all quadrilaterals.
8. (C): Politicians 2, 5, 8 are all three-dimensional tigures.
3, 6, 9 are all triangles.
24. (B)
9. (B): The sitting arrangement is as follows


c B
25. (B)


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