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Hello everyone, Firstly I introduce myself, I am
‘HARSH’ , playing the role of narrator in this act and
today we are here to perform an act in which we will be
showing a story of a student who suffer from fear of
failure from exam , so without wasting time let me
introduce ‘DIWAKAR’ who is the DIRECTOR of the
play. Now I introduce the characters of the play So
there are four character in our play. Firstly I introduce
‘MANISH’ playing the role of a student named
‘ANKIT’ who is preparing for his upcoming exam,
secondly I introduce ‘SOURABH’ playing the role of
‘ARYAN’ As the friend of ‘ANKIT’ who also prepare
for the same exam, Thirdly I introduce ‘VINAYAK’ as
the ‘FATHER’ of ‘ANKIT’. And the fourth character I
will introduce in the middle of the play let’s start the
play and see What happen.
• ARYAN :- Hello Ankit, have you done all the
questions of practice sheet.
• ANKIT :- No Aryan, Not yet.
• ARYAN :- But why Ankit ? Why you have not done
it yet ?
• ANKIT :- I am so frightened about exam, thousands
of negative thoughts came in my mind, I can’t
understand what can I do ? I am so depressed and
demotivated about my exams.
• ARYAN :- Don’t be so sad Ankit, I understand your
fear but do you think this fear also came in the mind of
those students who also prepare for the same exam . the
fear of exam is common but you have to overcome this
fear otherwise you will become sick which affect your
studies too .
• ANKIT :-I have tried many times to remove fear of
exam from my mind but I can’t .
• ARYAN :- Do you know proper maintenance of
mental condition is also a part of exam.
• ANKIT :-Yes you are right my friend. But it is
becoming impossible for me.
• ARYAN :-Hmm, I will suggest that you should talk to
your Father, He will definitely help you.
• ANKIT :- ok ! I will surely talk to my father.
• ANKIT :- Dad, I want to convey you something.
• FATHER :- Yes ! I am listening ANKIT.
• ANKIT :- Dad, I am feeling depressed from last few
• FATHER :- What happened my son.
• ANKIT :- I don’t know why but I’m really afraid of
my exam.
• FATHER :- Don’t think too much about it and don’t
take any stress.
• FATHER :- Now, forget it and continue your
• ANKIT :- Ok Dad I will Try to Forget.

Ankit’s father got sad and started thinking about Ankit.

(Ankit’s Father Calls his friend who is a psychologist)
Now I introduce the fourth Character who is “Nakul”
playing the role of PSYCHOLOGIST. He will come
here to advice Ankit about how to overcome Exam

Psychologist comes to Ankit’s house

• FATHER :- Hello my friend how are you?
• PSYCHOLOGIST :- I am absolutely fine. What
about you.
• FATHER :- I am also fine but my son is not well
• PSYCHOLOGIST :- yeah, but where is he?
• FATHER :- oh yes! let me call him.
‘Ankit come here and say hello to your uncle, He will
help you to overcome your fear.’
• ANKIT :- Hello Uncle.
• PSYCHOLOGIST :- Hello Ankit. How your
preparation of exam going on.
• ANKIT :- Not too good uncle.
• PSYCHOLOGIST :- Yes! Your father told me that
you have fear of exam.
• ANKIT :- Yes Uncle, I am scared about my exam
which converts into depression.
• PSYCHOLOGIST :- “hmmm” This is not only yours
problem. Many children of your age and even adults
suffers from this situation. And this fear from exam is
known as ATYCHIPHOBIA. It is common for people
who gives any type of exams either it will be their
academics or life exams, even if they have prepared for
• PSYCHOLOGIST :- Please don’t take too much
stress Ankit because too much stress can ruin your life
and It can destroyed you mentally whereas tiny stress
can gave you the ladder of success.
• ANKIT :- But I Panic very early and become
• PSYCHOLOGIST :- Don’t be Panic or frustrated too
much and only concentrate in your studies and I will
suggest you to save 1-2 hours daily for regular yoga
which makes you fit mentally or physically because
yoga gives you a peace of mind which is very important
for a student… Do you know all the successful people
on earth are those who overcome the fear of failure and
have courage to become Successful.
• ANKIT :- Thank you Uncle , Now I feel better and
motivated and understand the rule of success and from
today I pledge that I always do yoga and become stress
free and work hard. Again thankyou because you
changed my mind and my thinking and directed me the
right path.

After 3 months, Ankit got good marks in his exam and

he never gave up again in his life. Hope you have
enjoyed the play.
Now I handle the position to DIWAKAR who is the
writer of the our play to give you the conclusion.
DIWAKAR :- Hello everyone this is Diwakar in front
of you all. As you all have seen the play now I hope you
have found it good now I would like to conclude it as
you have seen in the play that how Ankit’s life is
changed after a good counselling. And it is somehow
true that the problem is not big but how we treat it
matters. Many students in our country are having same
problem like Ankit but all of them are not able to share
their problems with anyone and this leads to depression
which results in their bad health and sometimes death
also. All I want to tell you all is that if we focus on the
main path of destination in every situation then we can
automatically achieve our target.
Generally youth of today’s generation have their
concentration on the outcomes and gets tensed about
thinking that what society will think about them That
becomes the reason for the fear of failure.
There is not only the negative side of failure but there is
positive side too that is by taking it as a challenge and
standing in front of failure.
Failure helps us to learn, grow, improve and prepare us
for future problems and enables us to be persistent. At
last I would like to tell that we should always be
confident in every situation.

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