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An antivirus is a type of software that is designed to detect, prevent, and remove

malware, such as viruses, worms, trojans, and other types of malicious software.
These programs are typically used to protect computers and other devices from
being infected by malware, and can also be used to clean up and remove malware
that has already been installed on a device.

Antivirus programs work by scanning files and programs on a device for known
malware signatures, and can also use heuristics and machine learning algorithms to
identify and block new and unknown threats. Some antivirus programs also include
additional features, such as real-time protection, which monitors the system for
signs of malware activity and blocks it immediately, and a firewall, which controls
incoming and outgoing network traffic to protect against cyber threats.

Antivirus programs are essential for protecting devices and systems from malware,
as they can help to prevent infections and mitigate the damage caused by malware
attacks. However, it is important to keep in mind that no antivirus program is 100%
effective, and it is always possible for a device to be infected by malware. As a result,
it is important to use caution when downloading and installing software, and to be
aware of potential cyber threats.

In addition to antivirus software, there are a number of other measures that can be
taken to protect devices and systems from malware, including keeping software and
operating systems up to date, using strong passwords, and avoiding clicking on
unfamiliar links or opening attachments from unknown sources. By following best
practices and staying vigilant, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of
malware infections and protect devices and systems from cyber threats.

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