EE122L Experiment 5 - Mine

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EE122L AC Apparatus and Devices Laboratory

Signature Over Full Name Mine, Daiki A.

Student Number 2015206212

Experiment No. 5
Three-Phase Transformer Connections

Prepared by: Cesar G. Manalo, Jr. for EE122L online laboratory experiment.
EE122L AC Apparatus and Devices Laboratory

Experiment No. 5

Three Phase Transformer Connections


• To connect transformers in delta and wye configurations

• To study the current and voltage relationships


The three-phase transformer may be a single transformer or three separate single-phase

transformers connected in delta or wye. Sometimes only two transformers are used.

Commercial three-phase voltage from the power lines is generally 208 V, and the standard values
of single-phase voltage (120 V) can be supplied from the line as shown in Figure 5.1

Figure 5.1

The windings a, b, and c, represent the three wye-connected transformer secondaries (in
autotransformer configuration). The three-phase lines are designated A, B, and C, and the
single-phase connections are from A, B or C to neutral (ground). Three-phase transformers
must be properly connected to these lines in order to operate. Four of the most widely used
transformer connections are shown in Figure 5.2.

Prepared by: Cesar G. Manalo, Jr. for EE122L online laboratory experiment.
EE122L AC Apparatus and Devices Laboratory

Figure 5.2

a) Primary windings in delta, secondary windings in delta, or delta-delta (Δ-Δ)

b) Primary windings in wye, secondary windings in wye, or wye-wye (Y-Y)
c) Primary windings in wye, secondary winding in delta, or wye-delta (Y-Δ)
d) Primary windings in delta, secondary windings in wye, or delta-wye (Δ-Y)

Of these four combinations, the one used most extensively is the last one listed, the delta-wye.

Regardless of what method of connection is used, the windings must be connected in the
proper phase relationships. To determine these in wye-connected secondary, the voltage is
measure across two windings as shown in Figure 5.3 (a).

Prepared by: Cesar G. Manalo, Jr. for EE122L online laboratory experiment.
EE122L AC Apparatus and Devices Laboratory

Figure 5.3

The voltage A to B should be equal to √3 times the voltage across either winding. If the voltage
is equal to that across either winding, then one of the windings must be reversed. The third
winding c is then connected as shown in Figure 5.3 (b), and the voltage C to A or B should be √3
times the voltage across any one winding. If not, the winding c must be reversed.

To determine the proper phase relationships in a delta-connected secondary, the voltage is

measure across two windings as shown in Figure 5.4 (a).

Figure 5.4

The delta should never be closed until a test is first
made to determine that the voltage within the delta
is zero. If not, and the delta is closed on itself, the
resulting current will be of short-circuit magnitude,
with resulting damage to the transformers.

The voltage A to C should be equal the voltage across either winding. If not, one of the windings
must be reversed. The winding c is then connected as shown in Figure 5.4 (b), and the voltage

Prepared by: Cesar G. Manalo, Jr. for EE122L online laboratory experiment.
EE122L AC Apparatus and Devices Laboratory

across the three windings C1 to C should equal zero. If not, winding c must be reversed. The
open ends (C1 & C) are then joined and the transformer has the proper phase relationships for
delta connection as shown in Figure 5.4 (c).

The wye-wye connection has the same volts per turn ratio between primary and secondary
windings as that of an individual single-phase transformer. The voltage output of the delta-
delta is also dependent on the turns ratio of the primary and secondary windings. The delta-
wye connection has a higher 3-phase voltage ratio than either the delta-delta or wye-wye
connection. This is because the voltage across any two windings of the wye secondary is equal
to √3 times the 3-phase primary line voltage. the wye-delta connection is the opposite of the
delta-wye connection.


Multisim Live


a. The circuit shown in Figure 5.5 has three transformers connected in a Y-Y configuration.

Figure 5.5

b) With the 3 transformers primary and secondary winding turns equal at 10 turns each,
calculate the expected voltages and record the values in Table 5.1

Prepared by: Cesar G. Manalo, Jr. for EE122L online laboratory experiment.
EE122L AC Apparatus and Devices Laboratory

Calculated (V) Measured (V)

EAB 120 120.01
EBC 120 120.01
ECA 120 120.01
ET1-12 69.28 69.285
ET2-12 69.28 69.285
ET3-12 69.28 69.285
Eab 120 120.01
Ebc 120 120.01
Eca 120 120.01
ET1-56 69.28 69.285
ET2-56 69.28 69.285
ET3-56 69.28 69.285
Table 5.1

c) Using Multisim Live, create the circuit shown in Figure 5.5. Note that the neutral point of
the wye-connected primary windings is connected to the neutral pt. of the power supply.
Configure the 3 transformer primary and secondary winding turns equal to 10 turns each.
d) Run the simulation and measure the voltages and record the values in Table 5.1
e) Stop the simulation.

a. The circuit shown in Figure 5.6 has three transformers connected in a Δ-Y configuration.
b. Calculate the expected voltages and record the values in Table 5.2.

Calculated (V) Measured (V)

EAB 120 120.01
EBC 120 120.01
ECA 120 120.01
ET1-12 120 120.01
ET2-12 120 120.01
ET3-12 120 120.01
Eab 208 207.86
Ebc 208 207.86
Eca 208 207.86
ET1-56 120 120.01
ET2-56 120 120.01

Prepared by: Cesar G. Manalo, Jr. for EE122L online laboratory experiment.
EE122L AC Apparatus and Devices Laboratory

ET3-56 120 120.1

Table 5.2

Figure 5.6

c) Using Multisim Live, create the circuit shown in Figure 5.6.

d) Run the simulation and measure the voltages and record the values Table 5.2
e) Grab a screenshot of the line-to-line voltage waveforms (𝐸𝐴𝐵 , 𝐸𝐵𝐶 , 𝐸𝐶𝐴 ) at the primary
winding side and the line-to-line voltage waveforms (𝐸𝑎𝑏 , 𝐸𝑏𝑐 , 𝐸𝑐𝑎 ) at the secondary
winding side and post the image on the space provided in Figure 5.7 below.

Prepared by: Cesar G. Manalo, Jr. for EE122L online laboratory experiment.
EE122L AC Apparatus and Devices Laboratory

Figure 5.7

f) Compare the magnitude of 𝐸𝐴𝐵 and 𝐸𝑎𝑏 as shown in Figure 5.7.

- The magnitude between the two outputs is almost double.

g) Compare the phase of 𝐸𝐴𝐵 and 𝐸𝑎𝑏 as shown in Figure 5.7.

- The two outputs are in-phase with each other.
h) Stop the simulation.

a. The circuit shown in Figure 5.8(a) has three transformers connected in a Y-Δ configuration.

Prepared by: Cesar G. Manalo, Jr. for EE122L online laboratory experiment.
EE122L AC Apparatus and Devices Laboratory



Figure 5.8

b. Calculate the expected voltages and record the values in Table 5.3

Prepared by: Cesar G. Manalo, Jr. for EE122L online laboratory experiment.
EE122L AC Apparatus and Devices Laboratory

Calculated (V) Measured (V)

EAB 208 208
EBC 208 208
ECA 208 208
ET1-12 208 208
ET2-12 208 208
ET3-12 208 208
Eab 120 120
Ebc 120 120
Eca 120 120
ET1-56 208 208
ET2-56 208 208
ET3-56 208 208
Table 5.3

c. Using Multisim Live, create the circuit shown in Figure 5.8(a).

d. Open the delta connected secondary at point “X” and measure the voltage across the
opened loop as shown in Figure 5.8(b). The voltage should be extremely low if the delta
connections are phased properly.
e. Stop the simulation, remove the voltmeter and close the delta loop at point “X”.
f. Run the simulation again and measure the voltages and record the values in Table 5.3.

a. The circuit shown in Figure 5.9 has three transformers connected in a Δ-Δ configuration.

Prepared by: Cesar G. Manalo, Jr. for EE122L online laboratory experiment.
EE122L AC Apparatus and Devices Laboratory

Figure 5.9

b. Calculate the expected voltages and record the values in Table 5.4

Calculated (V) Measured (V)

EAB 120 120
EBC 120 120
ECA 120 120
ET1-12 120 120
ET2-12 120 120
ET3-12 120 120
Eab 120 120
Ebc 120 120
Eca 120 120
ET1-56 120 120
ET2-56 120 120
ET3-56 120 120
Table 5.4

c. Using Multisim Live, create the circuit shown in Figure 5.9.

Prepared by: Cesar G. Manalo, Jr. for EE122L online laboratory experiment.
EE122L AC Apparatus and Devices Laboratory

d. Open the delta connected secondary at point “X” and measure the voltage across the
opened loop. The voltage should be extremely low if the delta connections are phased
e. Stop the simulation, remove the voltmeter and close the delta loop at point “X”.
f. Run the simulation again and measure the voltages and record the values in Table 5.4


a. The circuit shown in Figure 5.10 has two transformers connected in an open-delta

Figure 5.10

b. Calculate the expected voltages and record the values in Table 5.5.

Calculated (V) Measured (V)

EAB 120 120.01
EBC 120 120.01
ECA 120 120.01
ET1-12 120 120.01
ET2-12 120 120.01
ET3-12 120 120.01
Eab 120 120.01
Ebc 120 120.01

Prepared by: Cesar G. Manalo, Jr. for EE122L online laboratory experiment.
EE122L AC Apparatus and Devices Laboratory

Eca 120 120.01

ET1-56 120 120.01
ET2-56 120 120.01
ET3-56 120 120.01
Table 5.5

c. Using Multisim Live, create the circuit shown in Figure 5.10.

d. Run the simulation and measure the voltages and record the values in Table 5.5.


1. Compare the results of procedure 4 and 5.

a. Is there a voltage difference in a delta-delta vs open-delta configuration?

Yes or No.

b. Is the VA rating of the delta-delta configuration the same as for the open-delta
configuration? Explain.

Yes or No.

No, because they have the exact voltage values.

c. If the current ratings for each winding were increased, could the open-delta configuration
work as well as the delta-delta configuration? Explain.

Yes or No

No, because the efficiency of an open-delta configuration is low compared to the standard
delta-delta configuration.


Prepared by: Cesar G. Manalo, Jr. for EE122L online laboratory experiment.

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