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Performance Review of PBL Team Project

Date : June 16th 2022



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1. Explain your participation and contribution in the PBL project.

Designing a training scenario and making a training plan

2. What types of processes were you engaged for the PBL project?

The process I did was the process of creating a training scenario including
project planning collaboratively with group members. Listening and providing
views and determining training scenarios based on general views and perception
equations from the results of discussions of all group members.

3. What did you learn from the PBL project?

I learned from the process itself especially how to overcome the dynamics of the
problems faced when we work in groups. Nevertheless, hammering this way we
are more confident in the understanding we have gained based on the process.

In addition, it can be concluded that, Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a learning

model that can help students to be active and independent in developing the
ability to think about solving problems through data search so that rational and
authentic solutions are obtained.

4. What are the applicable points of PBL for the future learning or teaching?

This PBL is very suitable for future situations where students are required to be
active in learning and teachers are required to be able to teach students.

Because as I already mentioned above that, this learning model can help
students to be active and independent in developing the ability to think about
problem solving through the search for data so that rational and authentic
solutions are obtained.

5. Explain what kinds of interactions you have had with team members during
performing the PBL project.

We collaborated with several meetings, in the early stages to discuss what ideas
would be poured into for this coursework (this is a slightly possibly complicated
stage because all of them still have doubts about the idea they have).

After the idea was obtained we all discussed together to understand the context
of the requirements for this coursework.

For the rest, the roles of each begin to flow and understand with their
respective roles and discuss ideas through whatshapp in between tasks of other
subjects. And thankfully we're all happy with the work we're doing together.

6. Explain your satisfaction level of the PBL based learning compared to the normal
type learning.

We as students and as instructors have the view that this method is very
effective and provides equal understanding with the existence of collaboration
to solve problems, so this learning model is very similar to the situation at
work. Understanding can be gained even without realizing that we are learning.
So it looks more natural to students. And the understanding becomes solid
because it includes learning that creates certain moments (e.g. debate) that
make understanding solid and I guess will be an enduring understanding.

7. Suggest improvement point for adapting PBL in training courses.

I think as an instructor/teacher, there are relatively no obstacles to adapting this

model. It's just that sometimes in our place as a training place, we still view
conventional learning as the best learning process. So it is necessary to increase
the understanding of all parties from initiation to adapt PBL. The second is that
for engineering training subjects, sometimes more facilities and training
materials are needed compared to conventional learning, so it is necessary to
increase the training budget if you want to adapt PBL in engineering subjects.

8. Which subject or content do you think is suitable for adapting PBL? Explain why.

I have an opinion thatall subjects are actually suitable, it's just that it takes the
creativity of the teacher to be able to create programs and curricula that can
comprehensively represent the knowledge and skills needed for a subject so
that it can help "force/ encourage" trainees / students in fulfilling learning
objectives. So my answer the whole subject can adapt PBL with adjustments as I
said above (answer no. 7)

9. Do you think that you can apply the contents learned from this project into real life
or workplace? If so, how?

Of course, because in principle the learning process of PBL is exactly the same
as the workplace situation where often one project is carried out by one
working group. All members will expend all the basic knowledge and skills they
have, to solve problems or even to find references to knowledge that they may
not have to solve problems that are their respective duties and responsibilities.
After each one can solve the problem, it will be a contribution to completing
the project. If anyone is having difficulties other group members can help find a
solution. So in my opinion, this is exactly the same as the real situation at work
and can be easily implemented. And what is certain is that students are more
accustomed to collaborating so that it will not be awkward anymore when in
the real world of work.

10. Do you think that you would apply PBL in your class or work? Explain the reasons,

Honestly, in fact I've been doing this PBL in my engineering class since 2012, my
reason is to encourage my students, to get each involved and understand how
to create a program for a particular automated machine (lift/elevator). It is more
effective than me leading them to follow the way of thinking from my point of
view (which in my experience, not all students are able to follow a practical way
of thinking with the demands of my standards, without going through the
stages of the process of making them learn/not teach). And it is proven by this
method that all students can understand how to design programs that are
relatively complicated for them. And at the end of the day with a solid
understanding they have confidence and I can see a smile of happiness because
they are satisfied.

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