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Sat Luen Taai Siu - Eason Chan (失戀太少 - 陳奕迅)

美好的 沉澱了 沒有火花不要燒 jeung chung chin sim yiu

Mei ho dik cham din liu moot yau foh fa bat yiu siu 至少感激當日陪著我開甜蜜的玩笑
愛過的 成熟了 犯錯只因失戀太少 Ji siu gam gik dong yat pooi jeuk ngoh hoi tim mat
Oi gwoh dik sing suk liu faan choh ji yan sat luen taai dik waan siu
Yiu mooi yat gan foh chaai chuen wai je yat hak yin Beauty, saturated; no more spark to burn.
siu Loved, and now I grew up,
就當普天之下情人節 只得數秒 I committed sins only because there were too
Jau dong po tin ji ha ching yan jit ji dak so miu few breakups.

多得你 還會肯 承認逝去的吸引 I wanted all the matches to burn for this
Doh dak nei waan wooi hang sing ying sai hui dik kap moment,
yan Pretend that Valentine day only last for a few
我們總是舊情人 seconds.
Ngoh moon jung si gau ching yan Thanks you for still admitting that I was attractive
為何昨日情大不過恨 in the past,
Wai hoh jok yat ching daai bat gwoh han as we were once lovers.
Joi gwoh hui dik la kwik jaau kuet ham Why is it that in the past are there was more
hate then love,
分手了 還有心 毋忘受傷的寶訓 I tried to search for fault in the cracks (I think he
Fan sau liu waan yau sam mo mong sau seung dik bo is referring to why they had to drill on each other
fan differences when these aren't obviously, why
我們好像遊牧人 can’t he just let it pass and accept their
Ngoh moon ho jeung yau muk yan differences).
沿途尋食物 全為了綿羊開心
Yuen to cham sik mat chuen wai liu min yeung hoi Broke up, but I still care, not going to forget the
sam lessons from great pain.
沒可能站在暴雪中等犧牲 We are like nomad; searching for food on the
Moot hoh nang jaam joi bo suet jung dang hei sang way just so the sheep could be happy.

Repeat * It is impossible to wait in the snow for sacrifice.

Its dark but there is light and there are kisses
people that you love.
天黑了 還有燈 還有熱戀者擁吻
Tin hak liu waan yau dang waan yau yit luen je yung
People with love encouraging people without
For the sake of love from the past, being
Yau ching yan goo lai moot ching yan
enthusiast to a scary level;
為舊日幸運 投入到動魄驚心
I believe that you can’t be the one sacrificed for
Wai gau yat hang wan tau yap do dung paak ging happiness.
絕不能成為 愉快的犧牲品 I used up all the matches,
Juet bat nang sing wai yue faai dik hei sang ban but I still can’t bring the environment back to
what it likes in the past,
but now at least I feel thankful that you were
Repeat * there with me for all the happy and sweet

Chaat gwong soh yau foh chaai naan ling hei fan

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