Task1 Clinic FooShiDian1

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Course Details

Subject: Human Computer Interaction Design

Code: UECS2333

Lecturer’s Name: Dr.Hoo Meei Hao

Assignment Title Clinic Appointment Management System

Name Student ID Program YEAR/S Practical


Foo Shi Dian 1802411 SE Y2S3 P9

Jeremy Lee Ye
1802301 SE Y2S2 P3

Lim Zhe Xuan 1801562 SE Y2S3 P3

Quek Yew
1804920 SE Y2S3 P9

Yap Jun Hao 1702052 SE Y2S3 P8

Description of Techniques ...............................................................................................................................................1
Techniques used ...........................................................................................................................................................1
1. Interviews.............................................................................................................................................................1
2. Questionnaire .......................................................................................................................................................1
3. Looking and Analysing Similar Aroducts ...........................................................................................................2
User Profiles ....................................................................................................................................................................3
Profile 1........................................................................................................................................................................3
Profile 2........................................................................................................................................................................4
Profile 3........................................................................................................................................................................5
Profile 4........................................................................................................................................................................6
Profile 5........................................................................................................................................................................7
Profile 6........................................................................................................................................................................8
Persona Development ......................................................................................................................................................9
Persona 1 (Novice).......................................................................................................................................................9
Persona 2 (Expert)......................................................................................................................................................10
Scenario Development ...................................................................................................................................................11
Scenario 1 (Novice) ...................................................................................................................................................11
Scenario 2 (Expert) ....................................................................................................................................................12
Interview Summary....................................................................................................................................................13
Interview Questions ...............................................................................................................................................13
Interview Answers .................................................................................................................................................14
Profile 1: ................................................................................................................................................................14
Profile 2: ................................................................................................................................................................15
Profile 3: ................................................................................................................................................................16
Profile 4: ................................................................................................................................................................17
Profile 5: ................................................................................................................................................................18
Profile 6:..............................................................................................................................................................19
Survey Summary and Data Analysis .............................................................................................................................20
Categorize respondents to novice and expert based on their smartphone usage and proficiency ..............................20
Booking Experience ...................................................................................................................................................22
Application Proficiency .............................................................................................................................................26
Survey Questions ..........................................................................................................................................................30
Looking and Analysing Similar Products Summary.......................................................................................................5

Description of Techniques

Techniques used
Questionnaires, interviews and looking at similar products are used to retrieve both quantitative data and
qualitative data.

1. Interviews

An interview is a qualitative research technique that is used to produce information and elicit data from one
individual or respondent by asking open-ended questions either in an informal or formal meeting. The
information and data obtained through the interview is more detailed compared to the questionnaire and it
focuses on a smaller group compared to the survey. Hence, interviews can be executed easily and used as
one of the requirements gathering techniques. Several questions are prepared for the 6 interviewees in order
to gather the user and task requirement. Owing to the MCO, we have decided to interview the respondents
by using Microsoft Team as the medium of communication. We communicated with the interviewees by
sending email to check their availability and confirming the time and date of the meeting. Apart from that,
we also recorded the entire interview session for dissection and further analysis.

2. Questionnaire

The questionnaire method is used as one of the requirements gathering techniques due to its efficiency and
quickness in obtaining a large number of samples from target respondents in a short time. The questionnaire
is mainly targeted to students and adults with the age between 18-70 years old. However, other respondents
from different ages will be accepted and evaluated as well. We decided to use Google Form as the platform
to create a set of questions which consist of around 20 questions inside and distribute them to the
respondents to answer. All of our questions are multiple choice questions because it would be easier for the
respondents to answer and we can get specific and clear answers from them. The reason for creating the set
of questions is to understand what the respondents know about appointment applications, what is their
purpose of using appointment applications, how they perform the booking appointment procedure and how
frequently do they use the appointment application and their smartphone. After collecting the results, they
will be analysed and evaluated using graph and chart methods so that we can extract the data from the
results quickly and accurately.

3. Looking and Analysing Similar Products

It is important to look for other similar products and analyse them in order to know more about the user
requirements accurately. By looking at other clinic appointment applications, we can understand well on
how the whole booking procedures work well in the application and what is the interface that implements
which is the best suit to the users. Eventually, we can know how the entire system works within the
specifications and designs and be able to collect the data and requirements. Apart from that, we also looked
through the current problems, design flaws, and bugs that occurred in the other clinic appointment. We had
found 2 clinic appointment applications which are Sistem Janji Temu Klinik KKM and PantaiPg and
analysed them.

User Profiles

Profile 1

Name: Lily

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Occupation: Student

Education level: High School

Language: Chinese, Malay and English

Number/Type of software used: 1/Social

Daily usage of computer, system and apps (hours): 2

Number a medical checkup a year: 2

Past experience of using appointment/reservation system:

- She uses the cinema ticket reservation system to book tickets every week. She feels it is convenient
and makes her life easier.

Key concern to use appointment/reservation system: Simple workflow to achieve result

Lily is a 18 -year-old high school student who understands Chinese, Malay and English. Usually, she only
spends 2 hours a day using social and productivity apps as she needs to focus her time for her exam. She
takes great care of her health as she tries to keep exercising every day. Also, she will attend a medical
checkup twice a year to maintain healthy.

She has experience with cinema ticket reservation, she uses it to book cinema tickets every month. She
thinks that it makes her life easier as it has a simple workflow to book a cinema ticket.

Profile 2

Name: Muhanmad Ali

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Occupation: Student

Education level: Undergraduate

Language: Malay and English

Number/Type of software used: 7 /Social, Productivity, Financial Management

Daily usage of computer, system and apps (hours): 7

Number a medical checkup a year: 1

Experience of using appointment/reservation system:

- He had an experience of using the clinic appointment system last year when he wanted to have a
medical checkup. He felt disappointed as it was the lack of information and services he needed.

Key concern to use appointment/reservation system: System utility

Ali is an undergraduate student currently studying at UTAR. He is multilingual and currently 21-year-old.
Generally, he will spend 7 hours daily using a computer, system and apps. The heavy workload at
university and the pressure of deadlines caused him to develop an irregular lifestyle.

Due to his irregular lifestyle, he has to take time to have a medical checkup every year. However, in his
only experience using the clinic appointment system, he felt disappointed as the system lacked the services
he needed. He had to make an appointment at the clinic counter. Thus, he thinks a clinic appointment
system should be fully functional, including all the services of that particular physical clinic.

Profile 3

Name: Chen

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Occupation: Office worker

Education level: Undergraduate

Language: Chinese and English

Number/Type of software used: 6/Social, Productivity, Lifestyle

Daily usage of computer, system and apps (hours): 8

Number a medical checkup a year: 4

Experience of using appointment/reservation system:

-He often uses meeting appointment/reservation systems to help him schedule upcoming meetings
due to his job demand. He thinks such apps help him manage his time efficiently and remind him
upcoming appointments

Key concern to use appointment/reservation system: System utility

Chen, a 35-year-old office worker who is a Chinese and English native speaker. He graduated from her
university 11 years ago. As an office worker, he works from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. During his working time, he
will use some systems and apps to help him conduct with his client and supervisor. As he often worked
overtime and stayed up late, he often felt unwell. So, he has to go for a medical checkup almost every three

Because of the nature of his job, he uses the meeting reservation system every day. He often uses meeting
reservation systems to help him schedule an upcoming meeting. He thinks such apps help him manage his
time efficiently and remind him of upcoming appointments. He attaches great importance to the utility of
the system because he believes it can be a good partner in his life.

Profile 4

Name: May

Gender: Female

Age: 50

Occupation: Retired gardener

Education level: High school

Language: English

Number/Type of software used: 3/Social, Lifestyle

Daily usage of computer, system and apps (hours): 2

Number a medical checkup a year: 6

Experience of using appointment/reservation system:

-She rarely uses the appointment/reservation system. Her most recent experience was about a year
ago. She used the bus ticket reservation to reserve a bus ticket. She felt it was difficult for her due to
the cumbersome process. After this experience, she never uses it again.

Key concern to use appointment/reservation system: Simple workflow to achieve results.

May is a 50-year-old woman who can only communicate in English. After she graduated from high school,
she became a gardener until she retired. She spends almost 2 hours a day using her mobile device. She likes
to share her gardening masterpieces through social apps. Also, she keeps exercising daily and maintains a
healthy lifestyle by getting tips from lifestyle apps. She goes for a medical checkup every two months to
make sure she is in good health.

She rarely uses the appointment/reservation system. Her most recent experience was about a year ago. She
used the bus ticket reservation to reserve a bus ticket. She felt it was difficult for her due to the cumbersome

process. After this experience, she never uses it again. She thinks apps need to be as simple to use as
possible for people her age.

Profile 5

Name: Lee Qian Ning

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Occupation: General physician

Education Level: Undergraduate

Languages: Chinese, English, and Malay

Number/Type of software used: 6/Entertainment, lifestyle, productivity

Daily usage of computer, system and app (hours): 2

Number of medical checkups a year: 2

Past experience of using appointment/reservation system:

- The most common application she used was a food booking application known as FoodBooking.
The application helps her order food without going out especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.
However, the booking application is not easy to use, complicated and needs much time to learn to
produce desired results.

Key concern to use appointment/reservation system: simple workflow to achieve result

Lee Qian Ning is a graduated biomedical student from UKM. She is currently 27 years old, and she
is able to speak the 3 main Malaysia languages. She usually spends her time checking her schedule,
appointment with patients and clients on her computer. During her work time, she is using a system app to
keep her time in check.

Due to her nature of occupation, she keeps her health in check all the time. She performs some
simple exercises in her office during her time like stretching. She has experience in using food ordering
apps, as she orders most of her meals from the app.
Profile 6

Name: Benjamin

Gender: Male

Age: 67

Occupation: Retired pilot

Education level: Undergraduate

Language: English

Number/Type of Software used: 0, none

Daily usage of computer, system, and apps (hours): less than 1

Number of medical checkups a year: 6

Experience of using appointment/reservation system: none

Key concern to use appointment/reservation system: simple workflow to achieve result

Benjamin is a 67-year-old retired pilot. In the past, he flew some of the world's biggest aircraft like
the C-17. Because he is retired and mostly does nothing at home, he spends his time watching television.
When he is using those electronic gadgets or applications, he mostly requires help from his family members
when there are instructions listed for the beginners.

Due to his previous job involving the military soldier, he received some of the internal damages that
long lasting and affected his entire life. He was advised to eat healthier as his illness and some ageing
issues. He is hoping that some of the applications he used could be more simple and does not require help
from his family.

Persona Development

Persona 1 (Novice)

Name: Chong Ren Ming

Gender: Male

Age: 60

Occupation: Retired restaurant chef

Education level: High school

Language: Chinese

Device used: Samsung A7

Goal: Make a clinic reservation with as little input/interaction as possible and with step by step guidelines
to assist him to complete a booking.

Achieve: Learn the basic input required to make a reservation and use the application whenever it is
necessary only.

Personal experience: Novice user, average 30 minutes on mobile usage every day

Social experience: Receive low-level education. Lack of knowledge in medical terms.

Cultural experience: Excel only in the Chinese language. Understand basic Malay and English languages.

Physical environment: Required tremendous focus to get the job done, bad eyesight and hearing ability
restrict him from focusing the task in a rough environment.

Previous knowledge: Generally uses messaging applications the majority of the time. Require help
whenever unexpected events occur. For example, if the button for a specific task changes in an update,
assistance is required to help to get things done like how they used to be.

Persona 2 (Expert)

Name: Alice Woo

Gender: Female

Age: 32

Occupation: Accountant

Educational level: Undergraduate

Languages: English, Malay, Chinese

Device used: Huawei Mate 20 pro

Goal: To book a clinic reservation to save her time from waiting for her queue

Achieve: Able to make a reservation with a optimised and high usability system

Personal experience: Expert user, uses cinema booking, restaurant reservation application or similar
application on regular occasion.

Cultural experience: Studied overseas during her undergraduate years and experienced a number of
foreigners cultures.

Physical environment: Have multitasking ability, able to focus her task in a noisy environment

Previous knowledge: Due to the nature of her job, she has experienced in many types of applications. She
can quickly adapt herself in the usage of a new application environment without much help or guidelines.

Scenario Development

Scenario 1 (Novice)
Chong Ren Ming is a 60 years old, retired restaurant chef. He suffers from chronic diseases such as
diabetes and high blood pressure. His health is getting worse as time goes. He was hospitalized for 3
months at the beginning of the year 2021 due to congestive heart failure. The doctor gave him the medical
prescription on what medicine he shall take before letting him return to his home. After being released from
the hospital, he realized that the medicine given by the hospital could only last him for a month. Thus, he
got to buy the medicine using the medical prescription given by the previous doctor in a clinic.

A month after the rehabilitation, Mr. Chong decides that it is time to perform a medical check-up
and to buy the medicine that is about to be finished. He decided to download the clinic reservation
application on his mobile phone and attempt to make his booking through his phone. Mr. Chong is
relatively new to mobile phones in general. He was using a regular cell phone with no smart features for a
long time until the pandemic hit where he was given a smartphone by his son, Jason. Jason gave him a
smartphone so Mr. Chong could make a video call with Jason and his grandchildren. Mr. Chong was taught
by Jason how to perform some basic features on the smartphone whenever Jason visits him. Generally, Mr.
Chong can use a messaging application like WhatsApp to contact his family. Besides that, he occasionally
goes on Youtube to listen to music and watch some global news channels. By rough estimate, he would
spend about 30 to 45 minutes per day on a smartphone.

When he first launched the clinic reservation application, a login page was displayed. There are two
options given by the application which is to log in as an existing user or sign in as a new user. He selected
the second option to create a user profile with his ic number as a user id, a password, full name, age,
address and personal body information. After login to his account, Mr. Chong then proceeds into searching
for the booking that he wanted. There are multiple booking options such as chronic disease, x-ray, wound
care, mental health, etc. Mr. Chong selected chronic disease after he read the description for each option.

Next, the application then asks Mr. Chong to input the date and time for the booking. Initially, Mr.
Chong wanted to make his booking the day after which is Monday. Turns out, the latest booking for
chronic disease that is available is five days later. The unavailable date was grayed out and the only buttons
that could be pressed are from the date Friday and onwards. Mr. Chong as a retiree that does not have many
things to do wishes to seek the medical check-up as soon as he could. Therefore, he selected Friday as the
date and then selected 11 am for the booking.

After he creates his booking, he proceeds to the payment page and pays for the deposit for the
booking. On the payment page, Mr. Chong enters his credential for his credit card which is credit card
number, expiry date, credit card name, and credit card address. A verification code is sent to his phone and
Mr. Chong is asked to input the code. Deposit payment is made after the verification is completed. Next,
the application displays a confirmation message showing that the booking is successfully placed and
confirmed. Mr. Chong then pressed the close button to return to the main menu.

On Friday 11 am, he can attend the clinic for his medical check-up and finish the rest of his
payment with cash afterward. His basic information like name and age are given to the doctor by the clinic
staff. His prescription is recorded into the database for use in the future.

Scenario 2 (Expert)
Alice Woo is a 32 years old accountant. Due to her high workload and working overtime almost
every day, her body condition is getting worse, and often gets sick. Therefore, she needs to go to the clinic
for a medical checkup frequently. However, she realized that it was a waste of time that she had to make an
appointment in the clinic in person. Alice then decided to install a clinic booking application. After she
used the application for a few months, she did not encounter any difficulty and became very experienced in
using the application now. Recently, she was extremely stressed about her social life and caused her to have
amnesia. She made a reservation for her mental health. After successfully creating her booking, she also
made her way to her booking page to take a look at her upcoming medical checkup bookings. Alice viewed
her bookings and then pressed on one of the bookings and the booking details were displayed to her
including the booking date, booking time, and clinic name. Next, Alice set reminders on her bookings so
that she will get a reminder before bookings.

After she did the booking, she suddenly realized that she had a meeting with her superiors on that
booking day. She goes to the person booking page and makes a double confirmation on the appointment
date she made. She has no choice but to change and update the time slot of the appointment. She pressed on
the update button for her bookings and the booking page will direct her to a page where she can make
changes. On the update booking page, she is allowed to change the booking date and time. Then, she
changed her booking date and booking time to which she is available. After the changes are made, a
confirmation message is displayed and she has the option to confirm or cancel the update made. Thus her
bookings are officially changed upon confirming the update.

On certain occasions, there are times where she really could not attend the clinic or whenever her
sickness recovers before she consults the doctor. Therefore, she has to cancel one of her previous bookings.
On the view booking page, she is allowed to cancel and update the bookings. When she pressed the cancel
booking button, a confirmation message will display before the booking is canceled from the database. The
system will refund the deposit paid by Alice only if she cancels her booking within 5 days from her actual

On the day of her booking, she goes to the clinic and consults the doctor right on the booking time.
She can save a lot of time by not waiting for her turn like how it was in the past. The payments are made
after her consultation and the deposit will become a rebate in her current medical bill.


Interview Summary
In a nutshell, the 6 interviewees are from different age groups and different occupations. Most of them are
practiced or experienced in booking applications; however only one of the interviewees used a similar
clinic appointment booking application before. Many of them say that the booking applications affect their
daily life a lot as they are very convenient and user friendly. On average, the 6 interviewees go for medical
checkup 2 times every year. For young age interviewees, there is no problem in making an appointment
however it looks difficult for the old age interviewees as they cannot communicate well and their body
conditions are not good. After that, all the interviewees found that it is very troublesome to have a queue to
make an appointment and they shared that they will be very happy and excited to have an effective and
efficient clinic appointment booking application available. Next, many of the interviewees expected the
reminder function on the booking date the most so that they will not miss out on their appointments. Last
but not least, some of the interviewees also shared their bad experience on using some similar clinic
appointment booking applications such as very bad interfaces, extremely hard procedures and several bugs.

Interview Questions

1. What is your full name and age ?

2. What is your current occupation and highest education level ?

3. What booking application are you usually used or familiar with ?

4. Can I know which booking application affects your daily life the most ? How does it affect your daily
life ?

5. Can I know how many times you went to hospital, clinic or any medical center for a medical checkup
each year ?

6. Do you find any difficulty in trying to book an appointment when going to a hospital, clinic or any
medical center ?

7. What is your opinion on queuing in a clinic, hospital or any medical center?

8. What do you think of the concept of a clinic booking application that helps users to manage and handle
their booking appointment ?

9. Can I know what you expected the most on the clinic booking application?

10. Do you have any experience with a similar application with the concept of a clinic booking
application ? If yes, could you briefly explain any good/bad experience you meet when using the
application ?

Interview Answers

Profile 1:

1. My name is Lily and I am 18 years old right now.

2. I am currently a high school student.

3. I love to watch movies so I usually use the cinema ticket booking application every week.

4. Definitely the cinema ticket booking application as it is really convenient and saves a lot of my time. I
don't really need to have a long queue to buy a cinema ticket at the cinema.

5. Twice per year.

6. I can speak very well in multiple languages so there is no problem for me to make an appointment.

7. It is irritating for me as it wastes a lot of my precious study time to queue for a long line.

8. It is very beneficial for me as I can make my appointment anytime and anywhere by just following some
simple steps.

9. I hope that the interface of the clinic booking application would be very user-friendly and easy to operate
so that I wouldn't be having any issues.

10. No, I did not have any experience using a clinic booking application before.

Profile 2:

1. Hi, my name is Muhanmad Ali and I am 22 years old.

2. I am an undergraduate student studying at UTAR right now.

3. The booking application that I am most familiar with is bus ticket booking system and food booking

4. The food booking system affects my daily life a lot as it helps those who do not know how to cook to
order food quickly and easily.

5. I will do my medical checkup once every year.

6. No, I did not encounter any problems when making an appointment before.

7. It looks hard for me to queue every time as there is loads of work from the University and it is pointless
to waste time queueing.

8. The application can help everyone who wishes to make an appointment to be completed with simple
steps and in a short time, so I think it is very useful.

9. I hoped that the application would have all the basic functionality and services for the users.

10. Yes, I did use a similar clinic booking application before and it was a very terrible experience for me as
the system did not function well and did not have the basic service components which caused a lot of
trouble for me.

Profile 3:

1. Nice to meet you, my name is Chen and I am 35 years old.

2. I am working as an office worker currently, i am a graduate from Taylor University from 2008

3. I often used a meeting appointment booking system to schedule my meeting with the company and

4. Definitely the meeting appointment booking system as I need to have meetings every day due to my
work nature so it helps me a lot.

5. I always work overtime so I need to go for a medical checkup at least 4 times every year to ensure that
my body condition is working perfectly.

6. Yes as I am only free during the weekends and there is always a long queue on weekends so it troubles
me a lot especially during the pandemic right now.

7. As I mentioned just now, it is definitely not convenient and a waste of time to have a long queue for just
making an appointment.

8. I would be very happy if there is a good clinic appointment booking application with the concept.

9. I expected that the clinic appointment booking application would always come with a reminder on the
booking date as I am very busy with my work and might not realise on the booking date.

10. I am sorry that I did not use any clinic appointment booking application before so I cannot share my
experience with you.

Profile 4:

1. I am May, and I am 50-year-old

2. I'm retired now. I used to be a gardener, my highest education level is in high school

3. Bus ticket booking application

4. During the pandemic, I use mySejahtera app for vaccination appointments. It also helps me to understand
the pandemic situation around me. It affects my routine work.

5. Usually, I go to the medical center for a medical checkup every two months to ensure my body is in the
right situation.

6. From my experience, it is troublesome to make an appointment at the counter because I can only
communicate in English, so I cannot accurately describe the service I want and communicate effectively
with the receptionist.

7. I think it is a pointless waste of time to wait in line, which is even longer than the process of making an

8. The clinic appointment system will help us save time to make an appointment, and it benefits me as it
may help me solve communication barriers.

9. Clinic appointment reminder function.

10. Too bad I did not have any experience before.

Profile 5:

1. My name is Lee Qian Ning, and I am 27-year-old now.

2. I am a general physician and graduated from UKM as an undergraduate.

3. I am familiar with food booking apps such as FoodBooking.

4. I often use FoodBooking to order food to avoid outdoor activities during the pandemic. It changed my
lifestyle as I used to prepare my meals.

5. I go to the hospital for a medical checkup twice a year.

6. No, I am familiar with this kind of system. For me, I don't have a reservation problem.

7. Public places like hospitals can be crowded, which can help spread the covid-19 virus. I'm worried about
my safety.

8. Sure, the clinic appointment application will help me simplify the appointment booking process, and
most importantly, I can avoid exposing myself in public areas.

9. Create a clinic appointment and view my appointment status.

10. Unfortunately, no, but I'm expecting this kind of app can change the habit of people make

Profile 6:

1. I am Benjamin, and I am a 67-year-old man.

2. I am a retired pilot and graduated from National Defence University of Malaysia as an undergraduate.

3. I used to be a busy pilot, so I spent most of my time on the plane and had little contact with mobile

4. No, I did have experience of using any booking applications.

5. I usually go to the hospital for a medical checkup every two months.

6. I often ask my family members to make clinic appointments for me, which can be annoying to them at

7. Due to my previous job involving the military soldier, I suffered some internal damages. Queuing in line
is torture as I unable to stand for long periods.

8. This app can help patients who need regular trips to the hospital each year for medical checkups. It can
help people schedule appointments more efficiently, so their family members will not have to plan the
clinic appointment every time.

9. Create clinic appointments and clinic appointment reminder functions.

10. No, but I hope this app can help someone with special needs like me.

Survey Summary and Data Analysis
Based on the survey distributed we managed to distinctively group the respondents into 2 group based on their
answer of how much time they are using their smartphone and how the rate their proficiency in using similar booking
application. The group of people are categories into novice user and expert user. There are total of 21 responses
received by us.

Categorize respondents to novice and expert based on their smartphone usage

and proficiency

Based on the respondents answer in survey question 14 and 15, we conclude that among 21 respondents, there are 5
people we consider that they are novice in using similar booking application while there are 17 people, we consider
that they are expert in using similar booking application.

From the responses, the age of user which are expert are mostly in the age of 18 to 35 while the novice is
mostly in the age of 36 to 75 and some in age of 18 to 35

Booking Experience

From the responses, most of the expert user choose to have 0 to 2 times of body checkup or doctor
appointment every year, while the novice user varies from different option of number of times.

From the responses, most of the novice and expert select the option call the clinic/hospital to booking their
medical appointment.

From the responses, most of the expert user are not taking any medicines/supplement that required to refill.
This can be tested as most of them are from the age of 18 to 35 which are quite young. Most people in age
are most likely to be health. However, we can also see that 5 of out novice have habit of taking
medicines/supplement as most of them are more than the age of 36.

From the responses, most of the novice and expert user are less likely to forget their scheduled medical
appointment. However, there are also 6 respondents have ever experiences to forget their scheduled medical

From the responses, only 1 novice user waited more than 15 days for the appointment. Most user from novice
and expert category waited around less than 2 days to 10 days for their appointment.

From the responses, the novice and expert users are prefer likely equal to have their waiting time from few
hour to 3 days.

From the responses, the times waited by the novice or expert users before getting medical service or attended
by the doctor are vary. This might because of different factor such as number of patients waiting.

From the responses, most of the novice and expert user prefer to wait for less than 5 minutes to 10 minutes
before attended by the doctor.

From the responses, 9 respondents from the category of novice and expert feel that their booking experience
is relatively easy while 2 respondents from the expert category feel that the booking experience is neutral and
8 respondents from expert category feel that booking experience is difficult.

Application Proficiency

From the respondents, the expert user is more likely to spend at least 3 to 4 hours using their smartphone. 7
users spending 5 to 6 hours using their smartphone.5 users spend more than 6 hours per day using their
The novice user is more likely to spend at 0 to 2 hours using their phone. Only 2 respondents spend 5 to 6
and more than 6 hours using their phone respectively.

From the responses, most of the expert also rate their proficiency in using similar booking application from 4 to 5 in
the scale of 1 to 5.
Most of the novice rate their proficiency in using similar booking application 1 to 3 in the scale of 1 to 5
(5 indicate high proficiency, 1 indicate low proficiency).

From the responses, novice users are more likely to have their booking application functionality and user
interface to be basic and simple while expert user tend to want the booking application to have more advance
and customizable functions.

From the responses, the functionalities of create appointment, cancel appointment and reminder of
appointment are almost equally to be expected function in the booking application.

From the responses, only 2 respondents from expert user categories does not like to have application to
manage and handle the medical appointment. While there are 19 respondents in the expert and novice
categories would like to have application to manage and handle their medical appointments.

From the responses, all the respondents believe that guideline in a booking application is important.

Survey Questions
: Can select multiple option
: Can only select 1 option

1. What is your name ? *

2. What is your gender *

Mark only one oval.



3. How old are you ? *

Mark only one oval.

18 to 35

36 to 55

56 to 75

More than 75

4. Contact Number OR Email (Optional)

In this section, we would like to understand briefly your experience in booking

for appointment.

5. How many times you would you go for body checkup or doctor appointment every
year? *

Mark only one oval.

0 to 2

3 to 5

6 to 8

more than 8

6. What method would you usually use to book for your medical services or
appointment ? *

Mark only one oval.

Call the clinic/hospital to book By


Through Social Application: Facebook, WhatsApp Other:

7. Do you take medicines /supplements that required your to refill after certain period
? Eg: Vitamin, Hypertension medicine *

Mark only one oval.



8. Have you ever experience forgotten to attend your scheduled medical

appointment? *

Mark only one oval.



9. How long did you wait for your last appointment ? *

Mark only one oval.

Less than 2 day 3

to 5 days

6 to 10 days

11 to 15 days More

than 15 days

10. How many day or how much of waiting time for the appointment would be
appropriate and preferred by you? *

Mark only one oval.

In few hour Less

than 1 day 2 to 3

days Other:

11. When attended the medical appointment, how long you waited/queuqed before getting
the medical services or attended by the doctor? *

Mark only one oval.

1 to 10 minutes

10 to 20 minutes

20 to 30 minutes

30 to 40 minutes more

than 40 minutes

12. How long of waiting/queuing before getting the medical or attend by the doctor would
you preferred ? *

Mark only one oval.

Less than 5 minutes 5

to 10 minutes

11 to 15 minutes


13. How would you feel of your current experience of from booking appointments to
attending the appointment ? *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Very difficult Very Easy

In this section, we would like to understand your skills/ability/understanding of

using mobile booking application

14. How many hours do you usually spend on using smartphone daily ? *

Mark only one oval.

0 to 2

3 to 4

5 to 6

more than 6

15. How would you rate on your proficiency on using booking application such as ticket
booking app, flight booking app, mySejahtera *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Very difficult Very Easy

16. How would you prefer in the functionalities or user interface of the booking
application ? *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Basic and Simple enough to get the job done Advance and Highly Customizable

17. Does tutorial and guideline to use a booking application important to you ? *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Unnecessary Very Important

18. Would you like to have an application that is dedicated to manage and handle your
medical appointment ? *

Mark only one oval.



19. What would your expected functionalities from such dedicated application ? *

Check all that apply.

Create Appointment
Cancel Appointment
Reminder of Appointment

20. How likely would you recommend the application to your friend or family ? *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Not likely Very likey

Looking and Analysing Similar Products Summary

There are several problems with their designs such as lack of different language for end users to choose,
only English and Malay language available, cluttered layout of registration page that cause user confusion,
poor touch target on mobile and tablet which cause difficulty to the user to make any desirable actions and
not easy to use as there is no clear structure or instructions that teach user how to make an appointment. By
recognising these problems, we can gather more data and information on the users requirements.


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