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[SNe[auestion [opin [onus [onte: [opto [answer Hey an [thoy can expand finroase Hthey can focus | They can relax linsirintomat developments finer etors on |ihor on-premises How does switching fom on-premises othe clous application hosting [data recovery {solution ata secunty + fretp organizations gain valve overtime? rifasiveure.— laystems. Jsevelopment. _ [protocas le Icloua Spanner [cloud Spanner |is optimized to |cloud Spanner visualizes and lingest plicates data [Cloud Spanner is How would a global organization benefit from lunstructured across regions. optimized tor 2| managing thir data with Cloud Spanner? data inrealtime [cold storage, fc [An organization has created an appleaton tat can Jaiagnose aferent medical conattons when users lscans tei afected noay parts wich Gongle Clout prac oF servic dd the slerganzation use? Machine learning [App Engine [Cloud Logging [cloud Protier | Israrea |Atarge retat organization uses tadilonalechnology responsivity Jagte arte ecommerce webste, Durng peaks trafic | Unlimited storage means tat the |infrasructure [Operational resources are oflon undortized or overprovones. means hal their lous provider |means thal ty Jexoendtre means They have decided to mgrat to cloud technology. webste wil never orngs nezeased |only pay or what [hatter otal cost, Wat aspect of cloud technology wil bonefther experiance \vstbity auing [thay need, when fot ownership is Alecommerce business? sowntime, oaks in vate. [they needit, [more pregeable! fc [an organizaton wants a cost-flecive reltonal stabase lwnch Google Clout service shoul! the organization luce? 5| cloussaL___[Bigquey __[Datatow lcioud storage __|a Data socuriy is lan organization operates their etve IT inastucture IGoogis from Google cleus Jsvengthen thee [Reduce retance [create an responsibility, so wat shoul they doo prepare for data breaches? [ata center lon mutator fineder plan to [preparation fe 4 perimeter secunty. [autnentcation — |mfigate mpacs. minmal lb [An organization warts to ensure thal that dovlopars [can oasiy ue appteaton program projects Hine App Engine lwneh Google produc or soltion shuld they use?” |apigew lnexite lAppication 1 Japosneet [envionment __|migraon la Refund for What can customers expect thor cloud provider |cloud serve service nereasoin |r budget | dousrt moet ter service level Agreement shutaown rverrapton [subscription tes [expansion a It anaiyzes restores lunstuctures | rapity fransactonal data, JAretat organization has moved alot ther inventory |rstorestarge data, wich can_ analyzes large which ean then be [état a relational database nthe cloud. Jamountsofraw then be accessed) and accesses Winatfunctonaiy does a reational database ofer? [ata nts original in muliple {muti-simensinat elecroricaly. q ormat reions eatasois loro invest n ln-promises sit tom an Intrasiucture to | nerease top-down Jan organization wants ta move from a acca cud |eperatonal lore coud redesign sty ane foster ladopion approach oa anstormationa approach. Jexoenature model fadoption wih an froitonshios Ja cuture of How shoula hey adapt he way hey lead the fo captal nail lbetween'T ana |blamelessness t0lerganzaton? Jexcensture __|contibutor focus. [employees poo [an organizaton wants an economical sokton fo aloe eta such as les, graphical mages, and vdeos ana to laccas thom land share thom securely lWnich Google Cloud product or service should the lerganizaton use? 1 lctoud storage _|otoussar__|eauery [clout spanne a. [advanced Leading servetess [business loptima idonty tow would an organization bent fom using Looker? [warehousing |intligence and land access (Robust data 2 technology lanayics Jmanagement__|rokback accuracy [@ IA data sored mn Revegetation of lneledatasase [Unexpected fine SUA to putess Jan orgarizaton's publc cloud provdertaled to mest |The organization cou be Jdowntme could. emphasis on thor SLA of 98.99% avaibty sks sing up ter funexpectedly —frak the oss of [upline and be 13] nats he potentl impacten the organization? —_Jenorbuaget. [foal eustomers le Jan organizaton i stugging to Keep up wih the The tine takes |The cost of [The overetiance rout of toi apptcaton which is running on HTreinaccessbitty [tne servatass [provisioning on platform as @ Wat might be hoking thom back? or ther data due to Jcomputetancion Jnardware for service 15] perimeter secunty” [to scale! peak usage le [A ravel agancy wants to searasly share hair socal Imesia content with partners. lhe App Engine. [An application wnat shouts the organzation use? Jantnos cont |stanaa loogrammng [a Nosat 1s Management’ __fervionment __|interace (AP) [database le Developers can lxpact versions of tne Jcustomers expect |robite-onty _ |oevetopers can service to test Jan oranizaton has decides to crete armabile app fornformatan toe accesso __faprlyinoeases Features only ner customerfacng service Jeasy accessible _|intormation nthe [esta securty on athrough a mobil 17|vmat may nave prompted ths business decison? lon any device _[etoud era mooie ape. app B [an orgarizaton has creatod a medical ness app and wants to store a very large amount of data about acti, ana calories bumed fr later analy. lwneh data management solution shoul he 19|organzaton use? Data warenouse [Data ake Data fils le By providing By austing —_—_prvacy reviews | By aggrogaing [By aviomatcaly piatorm privacy florerical raining data for_|lckig Mes How does Google Cloud ensure that customer dota practices against Jeusiomer customers within |eontaring 20)remains secure ana pevate when at rest? industry standards lapplcatons [each ndusty suspicious code _|a [Seller location wnat isan example of unstructured data tat they can | Warehouse Customer survey Product sales fecordinates| 21]as6 tomake ceclions? rwentary tcords _[oomments frends 2 [Several departments in a organization ave working together ona project, The organzation wants to By creating a By mapping IM Jeustomze Jsmaie shared [By applying "estos to job resources for each deparment By assigning lam [service account |privloge to roles. functions for each What is tho quickest and most effiont way to achiove Jprimtve ake to forall Hor each separimont alms? Jeacn employes _|deparimenss _lempoyee le [of 60. An organization wants to use BigQuery dats analytes to understand ther webste performance, but wants to move only ome data int the claus 2alwhich envrenment should the ganization use? __[Hybrdcloud __[Or-promises__|Mut-cloud__| Prvatoclous_|a Seamioss ranges [Customer lan organizston needs to run requent updates forthe [canbemace |GKEis well expectations can |GKE handles lusiness np. fwihout causing fsuted oral oe acusted [version contol Wy shoul the cxganzation use Google Kube lany pplication —monotine —_fthoutusing__ seamlessly an 25 Engine (GKEN? owntme lapptcatons. _|markating ols loutottno box [A [Consiser cloud Use ony clus assess coud [Review cous _fresoure casi a8 resource; hey resources costs [resource costs [eaptal expenditure Jan oranizaton's planning its cloud expencture. _Jnavone cud fonlywhen SLO s|trequenty in annval wnat should he organzation dato contolcusts? — |frastucture note by ther [because costs [plannng. Ey oats, cious provider. _|eepend on usage le [iray can rerease They can alax Fihey can focus firey can expana ow does switching fom onpremises tothe ous | dovelopment of thei or-promses thor efforts on tho intonal nlp organizations gain value lsat recovery data securty {soluion application nosing a systems protocols. Jeevelopment _linrastueture. |c [an ntematona law frm neede ther HR application © randomly be abe to share and access varying amaunts of It stores atocates catato |itoters an ‘tion thes aiow ——_|gcagraphicatly faerent storage. |atordabe uperade across thir branch ofces rinimum storage fdspersed copies flocatons io [that enabios data lwny would using Cloud Storage be benetcial‘or aroun Jot data to provent [protect against |encryaton, 28\thom? requremer loos oats a "hn orgazation warts to bald autosoatng web aplcaians witaut having to manage application nascar, 28] When Google Cloud product shoul they uso? op Engin __|Antnos lAviaco lawton. la [an organizaton is looking Tora hybrid-ioud management colton that wil help them buld and un applications on Jramises and inthe cloud 20] What solution shoud the organizaton use? lApp Engine Antes [Compute Engine cloud Functions [a [Customer [Seamtess changes lan rganizaton needs to run frequent updates forthe |GKE handles axpectatons can {GKE ewe! ean be made lousiness ane, version contol Jooadjusted sued fora! wthout causing ny shoul the organization use Google Kubemetes |seamiesiy and outfwithout using |monoithic ary appleation 31]engine (GKEY? orthe box. marketing tools [applications |eown o [An orgarizaton has ersalod a medical finess app and wants to stor a vary care amant activi, and ealores loumed for ater analy. wich data management solution shoul the Joxganczaton use? Data warenouse a Data ila bstabase a [an organization needs to categorize textbased Jaustomer reviews on ther website using a pre-rained machine Imose wen Google Cloud procuct or service should the | Recommendations (tous Natural 33)organzation use? lat lrensortow | Dialogtow [Language Art __|o Jan organizaton neade frequent access only a subset of thew cata. They want o reduce cost by |éspostnthe data across Nearine. Cldine, and JArrive repositories Which Google Cloud product 24 should the organiaaton use? lctoud Spanner |riestore Jctoud storage [cloud storage fo [an organiaton i raring a machine leering model | [Gotec: at |Cotect exreme |Colect extreme prodct extreme weather events in their country#ow |Cotect al weather weather data feather data weather data should they collect dat to maximize precicion| eta evenly soass |pemanly rom evenly aeoss all [primarly fom as|accuracy? al cies. Javrsketis. fetes. lavrak tion, a [an organization wants fo add anew fanaa lapacation. They want to wnt the code and it the pute coud provider handle tho nastrcturo Which lnosiscture soliton shoud they use? container fare Motai—_|Sorvetess a \vitualmachines _|Reaistry |Satsion Jeomputing D [A combination oF [Rcombinaton oF private cloud |Acombinaion of fsorveioss —[Acombination of rastuctre and [deren Jcomputing and rmutiple puble lwmatking of arctectse does a hybrid claus offer publi cud vitualzes publ cloud loud provider 7loqanzatons? Jsewices ser services services ln [The public coud |The pubic coud provider is Jorviseris end users face loncouragedto encouraged to lunexpected or End users face # Wat isan outcome ofthis change in serce evel [push outrew —_|anontize service |praianged | decrease in 38) performance? updates rotaty [downtime __|service tency [a wich eybersocury teat can ond lo information loeing stolen or camaged witout a user averbeing [Incomplete data _|SLA poly Ransomware 29)anare? input [olation lMabrareatack _[atack Jan organization wants fo add anew fonction foe lapacation. They want to we the code and et the Jeu coud provider handle tho inrastructure Which a \Vitualmachines _|Reaistry |Sotsion Jcomputng o Jan orgarizaton wants its users to validate a sevos of new testures for lr app hy shou they use App Because tei app S containerized Jana enabled by [Because the lvodated! apo wit lanl incuge new [forum aiferant versions of the app for aterent Ho un torent versions of te app 41]engine? mcroservices [atures srs forthe same user [c By achoring only t By automaticaly ata policies atthe fencryping [By obtannga Jay atowing users Jcounryin which personally fusiness icense [to disable How cana steaming service meat lobal compliance |thehead offceis idontiale [to operatein a |wo-acor 42requiramants using the clu? reaistorea infomation __|rewmarkat—_fautnomieaton [a [an organizaton is looking fora hybrid-oud management sokton that wil help thm bul and un Japlcations on premises and nthe cous What 43) scluton should the organization use? JCompute Engine _|appEngino [cloud Functions [Antos o Niet a nse who JAn organizaton delivers aproscive heatincare {Things oT) __|hean screening |hsath data anc Things (oT) service, They wantto ofenty and automaticaly | doviens that upload] doves ane then [then document |devies to collet [sleet patients, What should the organization ner heatth datain Jupload ther and upload tio and upload ter 44 oncourage te patints to do? realtime eats data cay, [ral tm neath data |x [an organization needs to sore aarured Inatve format inne same repotory Wich cloud data 45| management solution should te ogarizaton use? [Database oa ake Dota tts Data warerouse |e wen technology allows organzatons to un mule Jcamputr operaing systems ona single pote of serves 46 onysical hardware? loen source _|rypenisor [containers __[eomputing a Jan organization wanks to ensure that their developers [can easily use apptcaton programming iteraces |The App Engine APIs in futuro projects Whien Google product or |foxbe JAeocation 47) seluton should they use? Jenviorment __|rmigraton| lavigge lappsiee c [An organizaton i lookng fora solution fat wil alow inom to built now applications, modemize old nes, land run apoleatons across aieront cloud 48|providers What soliton sould the erganizaton use?” [Apigce Hybed _|ClousRun [Compute Engine |Antros [An organization wants to use al avaliable dala to offer predctve euggestons on thelr webs that improve Murine 43)oversimo.Whicn metred should the ganzation use? [Trends analysis [Data automation [regression lb [An orgarizaton wants an economical soliton fo store lata such aes, graphical images, and vdeos an to laccess and snare them securely ich Googla Cloud s0)product or sevice should he organization uso? [Cloud Spanner __[Big Quey [cious sat__|coudStorago_|o [an organizaton needs to search an appkcabon's louree covet dently a potential issue. The aplication is cist acrose multiple conlainors Which |cooale cloud [Google Cloud prosuct shoul the exganzaton use? [Cloud Logging _[Ctous Montorng [Ctoud Trace |ansote lc The coat of Theme takes Jan organizaton’s stuggting to keep up wih to |orovisioing _ [The overotiance |thor servross |The inacessiity Jarowth of toi application wnichs running ontegacy |nardware for peak Jon platform as a |compute function Jof tir data dus to 52) rastructure What might be helaing om back? [usage service scale perimeter security [a [an orgarizaton wants to anetorm mligle pes of stuctsod and unstructured data nth cloud! tom \varous souras. The data must be reac accessicla or anatyis ans insights Which coud data storage ational 853] ystom shoul the eganization use? Dotaworehouse _|datsbase felt Private data conter|a, Jseasanal sales for the majority of the: JAutoraticaty fannusi revene.jny shovid the Runs maintenance [Autoscales [Recommends te [adjusts physlel Jorganszaeior use App Engine for eke’ [during seasonal — [during peaks in fright products 0 inventory in coal salcustanor apo? sates demand lcustomers time 8 [an organization wants to bator understand he lechavior of ther code in producton and analyze its state to any ara toting programming eros. Which '5| Google Cloud oo shoul the organization use? [Trace profier Debugger [tous montoring |e [A customer service cepariment wants to increase thar leperatonal ficiency write maintaining personalized aia tor customers. What Google Cle product or service should the organization usa? Recommendation El jroxso-sponch _Joious wentiy _|s.Al Jcontact Conor At [a lan orgarizaton suffers a major data leak only 8x mont ater upgrasing is securty system hat should tre organizaton do to ensue lerg-arm ond data retention peley ongths to a re eyoorsocurty experts to ruther levetop ther Pay more 0 got system a abo on Wait for 2 more ledvanced secunty system fo 60 srsecuniy? Jseven years [data secuny lan|the market [roieasoo 5 [An organization is ooking fore storage soliton that nt ola thom serve conten ta users wordwise, They Jneed solution that offers high tvel of avauetty- wha feature of Cloud Storage would they | Mut-regionel, 58| benef rom? storage |ctobal metadata [Object versioning [Data encyetion |» hoy can lragmen date Jpamnts across | thoy can archive | They can use Jan advertising company used ational roy can focus on ftnoiracosystom ine datasets to machine iearmng linrastcures fo stove data about ther audlenoes. _|retespectve to gain insights | create an slated] to identty INow they uso cous tecnategy How doos cious analysis to dently lon @granuior environment for |cortations within 53) tochnology enable thom to apply dats in now ways? _usertvends [evel lanai lstacers > [An organization is looking for # business intligence |sotuton that allows individual employees and end liso to analyze business data and generate linsignts tien Google Clous product or service shout 80) the organization uso? Biguory oatarow [ious Spanner _|Looker it automaticaly tinudos a sources and |tautomaticaty rt deploys arta repository of How doos Google Cloud AI Hub mako machine __orepares users’ codes users’ intotigonce[pug-and-play learning easy and accessive for Google Cloud machine feaming (machine earring [models in reat oti! 61 customers to get started? ta modes. time, inttigence toots_[4 Wich technology allows organizations Toran mals |computer operating systems ona single piece of servants 62 physical naraware? ypenasor Jcontsinrs __[eomeuing __|open source __|a import tre datasels impor and | Separate the lan organization wants to use multiple marketing [ito acustom data [selectively |atasets and [Combine he [atone to forecast user acasitan How should they warehouse, and archwva the |make predictons Jestaset anc make| Jae cloud technology to gain new insights rom the [then archive old datasets in a |using machine [predictions using 3 sata? ata, eustom data lake leameg Imacrne learning. [a [Rglbalergandaonl daveloping an application to Jmarage payments and enn bank accounts in Jmutipl fens. Each ansacton must be handled Jcnsitent inher catabase, and they antiopat amos united grown the amount of data stores Which Google Cloud product shoul the 64 erganzation choose? Jctoud Spanner _|cious sat ___|cioud Storage _[2igauery ls [cioud Spanner is cious Spanner loptmzedte | cloud Spanner Hvsuatzes and cious Spanner's ingest repeats data How woul global organization benefit from Janatyzes éatain optimized for coil unsrecured across regions in 65|maneging ther data wn Cloud Spanner? real ve. storage esta rea ime, [an organizaton wants toingost custom log daa Form [ckE environments vital machine. Which Google 66 Cloud tol should th organization use? cious sok __[etoud Logging [Date Catalog _|Disiogtow [An employee receives an emai ram thoi ntamat service provider asking for thor bank account umber | Distributed Denial 67 and password Which eybersecuriy toot isthis? fof Semice lpnishing Spamming _|Ransomware [a [an organizaton is searching for an open-source Jmachine earsing platform to Build ane copley tir Jown custom machine learning applications using [TPUs:Wricn Google Cloud product or service sould 68) tho oeganizaton uso? vison APH lronsoriow __[Bigguery mt_|autow vision |p [An organlzaton stfers a major data ak oniyax Extend data [Pay more to get [Watt fora more [rire ybersecurty Jmonhs ater upgrading is secuty system What rion policy the best security [advanced exports to futher should tre organizaton do to ensure ong-orm ongths toa east feystom avaiable [secunty system |evelop ther data a) secunty? Jeevan years. antnamarket. tobe released, [securty plan. [a [an organizaton's aterng tek gaming product so that tis compatte with cous technology. What can they No change to Jashittoward — |Increason Jexpectwnen moving ftom adonaltechnology to fexsting Inst toward fusing structured |rawa olcious technology? responsibittes [Ope data Jmaintonarce > Realtime ata Prysical lranstormaton a Realtime business [haraware access [scale witin an |Onpremises ow does a large hotel chan benefit rom string ther | ransaction Jauing peak fonsremises|naraware access ‘ileustomer reservation data inthe cous? accuracy a scale_|demand atabase to wansacton data [Googie dows not |Googte tats the [Googie migrates Jcocale does net Jus customer service Justomer deta to ation customers to [data for Javaiainy of fan oftine server mien paey helps Google Chu Keep customer data fenange encryption ladvertsing [customer lanen a treats r2lpcivate? ors purposes. Jappicatons. _|ectoctes [An organization neade frequent access o only a subset of ther cata. They want to reduce costs by |doposting tho ros of tek data across Nearin, [Coltine, ana archive ropositoies Which Goosi Clous 73) produc shoula the organtzaton use? Jcioud spanner _|ostacatsleg {cloud storage _[Ftestore [Customer lan organization needs to run frequent undates forthe |GKE henatos _Joxpectatons con |GKE is wot | Seamless changos| losiness apply should tre oxganzaton use Google |version cont’ be adjusted |sutea oral can be mase IKubsenotes Engin (GKEY? Jseamiessyy and out|winout using |rmonoitnic | without causing a lore box Imarkeong _lappleatons __| ny application [An e-cammacearganizaton i rovewng har cloud ata storage Wnat typo of raw data can thoy store in a Customer chat |Instucional {product 75rotaional database without ary processing? isin videos protographs [Product ivontory [An organizaton has created an appleaton tat can siagnose cifarent masizalconditans when users submit mages of thor afectod boty parts. Which [Google Cita procuct or service cid te argaization 15lue0? Machine earring [App Engine _[ctous Logging _|clovd Protier Jan organization noods a platform to create custom Jendtond artical neligence models Wnicn Google IRecommensation 77 Gloud product or service should the organization use? |Dataproc lea lveroxaL [compute Engine Retin fo wnat can customers expec thelr lous provider |cloud service —_increasein—_faervew Error budge 75|doosnt most ter service love agreemant (SLAY? _|shatsown| subscription os lnteruption _[exzansion lUse an APIio grate a8 thee Use an APite —feustomardatato [Use an APIto [use an APIto JA vane wih an ontne booking system has partnered |intty lammachine feonnoct heir frodesign tho wih a cateang business How can the venue leverage opportunities for learning model to [booking system [booking system to Janplcaton programming intorfaces (APIs) to create new business. predict food {witht partners appeal o targeted 7a]new business value? [cotanoraton, [requests Jeaterng orm. [eustomers by automaticaly By achering ony By cetaning 2 fencryping [By allowing users |i data poles of business teense to [personaly fio disable the country in How cena steaming service mee global compliance Joperateinarew |idertfaole |rworacor which the head 20)roquiroments using the cous? mark information _[autrentication _loties srgiseres impor te datasets impor and | Separate the Jan organizaton wants ta use multple marketing ito custom data selectively |atasets and [Combine ne datasois to forecast user acausiton How should they warehouse, and archive the |maks predictons [datasets anc mako| lise coud technology to gain new insights fromthe [then archiveold datasetsin a |using machine [predietons using as)ata? at, ousiom data lake learmng machine leering Wich technology allows organizations to an line |compute operating sysioms on a single pce of sorvetess 2) pnyss naraware? Hyperisor Jcontsinrs [Opensource _|eomputng Emohasize bre Emphasize main entiy Provide stat —_|Provde mutple [strong perimeter Access Jan rgarizaton wants to move trom a lactca cud |identios using layers of network | security and tust [Management lacorsion approacn to a vanstormational approach.ow ony Google Cloud security using a. |intheveprvate [ole net, 29)should they change tei cloud securiy? Jauthoncation. _[zoro-rust modal. [network feta, ane viewer iat isan organization exclusively responsible for Maintaining hon thay accoss an application trough a software as |Montaining overt leusiomorfacing [Monitoring dota | ontoring 24a sonic (SaaS) model? system operably [content Jcemer servers | computer ntworks| IRenegotaion of [Al data sored JUsexpectos fhe SLA put [how database Jan organizaton's public cloud provider faled to mest |owntime could less emphasis on [could be Hine organization nor SLA of 99.9% avaabiy; What tre potential [rex ne loss of uptime eauls be. |unexpectodly frsks using up to as|impact onthe organization? customers necessary. fost eror budge [Generates Franetorme [Generates integrates with predetons using [business data ecnars [business How does Cloud SOL help orpanizatons create machine earring. rom unstuctued and intligont _iratigance and 26 [business insights? models lostuctiras [analytes analytics nlaorms [2 [An organizaton suffrs a major data wak only ex Extend data [Pay more to got |Waitfora mare Hire cyborsocurty Jmonins ater upgracing is securiy systerhat _|rstenton paticy |tne best securty advanced experts to furner should tre organizaton do to ensure leng-tarm engine toa ast faystem avaiable feecunty system |sevelop ther data a7|securiy? Jsoven oars. onthemarket. tobe ebased, [security plan. [a

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