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25th Dec.

Ayo guys, welcome to my booster, uhm.. yes. It has a manual as you can see xD .So first of all, it is
formulated in first and 2nd person. Affirmations and tackles on 14 Factors that hinders results and
also gives you a symmetrical body + symmetrical results!
I took roughly 9 months creating this booster, and it took a year to design the rough concept of it,
just to get it deleted, then reworked, tested, deleted reworked etc and this booster, ended up being
the final product; the MOAB. (Mother of all boosters) I wanted to call it TYBL for Thousand years
of blood Lust… but this name is idk. Strange… if you are not a bleach fan.

This booster also got 6 different Modules(Mods) that could enhance your Subliminal Experience by
a lot and gives room for fun and skill expression.
The following Modules are. S,T,B,R,A,D …
If a wishbook Subliminal or a revenge Subliminal works, why wouldnt these modules do? (and yes,
the testing has shown that S and T Module worked in their early stages. Therefore the B,R,A,D
Module will work this way too.

Lets get started :D

Each module has a unique syntax that has to be followed in order to get it, you dont have to do it
perfectly but just using them matters.
In addition to that. It is only possible to access these Modules with PEN AND PAPER.

Each Module has unique Benefits and are used Voluntarily.

Each of these Modules have a special Syntax and you gotta write first e.g.

„[S-Module] Title of the Module

#1: (Syntax of the S-Module)“ You write the number of how many times
you use it for each mod. Using it twice,
#2: (Syntax of the S-Module)“ you gotta write 2 lines of it etc.


„#1: { Grow taller [ Moza morph (XT-01)]} X { Basket ball Subliminal [dim Subliminals]}“

Cross it out entirely if

you want to
deactivate it

#1 (Syntax of T-Module)“ etc.

#2 (Syntax of T-Module)“ etc.

„[S-Module] Cancel a module

#1 (Syntax) entirely
#2(Syntax)“ etc.

Now lets get started with each different modules and what each does. On the 2nd page
S-Module - Synergeticum

So the first Module is the Synergeticum Module that allows you to create a synergy between your
desired topics.
So a synergy is basically an ideal solution between two topics, creating a peak mixture of your
desired topics and you will get the best synergy possible. Most of these Synergies are kinda

Sometimes in your dreams you find 2 very different stuff, getting ideally mixed together, resulting
in a synergy… so why not making Synergetic Solutions to your topics?

If you want to be a skilled BASKETBALLER with their ideal HEIGHT, get FAMOUS for
MODEELING. Mixing these Topics is a great way to achieve these desires. The possibilities are
practically endless lmao.

S-Module - Synergeticum


-Gives you a synergetic solution between 2 topics

- boosters can be synergized too
- Your subconscious mind is able to create synergies, this is why you find in Lucid dreams a
"perfect" mixture of 2 topics
- Synergeticum is there synergize stuff
- you can create multiple synergies without any disadventages whatsoever
- Synergies bring you bonus adventages depending on the topics

Write it like this incl. The „[S-Module]“:


#X: {Subliminal topic [Creator of that Subliminal (Formula) ] } X {Subliminal [Creator of that
Subliminal (Formula) ] }
Syntax of the S-Mod
For example

[S Module]

#1: { Grow taller [ Moza morph (XT-01)]} X { Basket ball [dim Subliminals] }
#2: { Luck [Audio Affirmation booster]} X {Intelligence [ Luminalplay]}

If there is no formula you can ignore the "()"

If you don't know the name of the Formula use "( Year of punlished Subliminal)" Your
subconscious knows what you mean. If you dont know the year, just try to describe the Theme. Esp.
With deleted Submakers e.g. Teasuun and Moocha, where you wouldnt usually know the exact
year. Like „blue theme“ or stuff like that your subconscious gets what you mean.

You can also Synergize Boosters with eachother.

References/Inspo for S-Mod (Dragon Ball, fusion feature), (Skylanders mixing feature) , (minecraft
but you can combine mobs/items datapacks)

Yeah, so we all know Submakers who get deleted by Youtube or rage quit because of drama,
despite making good Subliminals.
sooo… Why we dont Yoink their Formulas?
This is where the T-Module aka. „Translitium“ comes in handy, it can translate one formula to the
other one. But it would make sense, if you heard the „lost formula“ atleast 3 times for your
subconscious to memorize it.

T-Module - Translitium

- Will translate one Subliminal to other formulas
- use pen and Paper
- your subconscious mind memorizes the formulas
- you can Translate playlists
- if you don´t know the formula name just write the submaker name or/and year of release/or
describe the Theme if you dont know the year, subconscious knows what you mean

Write like this


#X: {(Previous Formula ) Subliminal Topic} -> {(current Formula/desired formula) Subliminal
The Syntax of the T-Mod
For example

#1: {(Audio Affirmation booster 2017) get shorter} -> { (Teasuun´s 1st Formula) get shorter}

#2: {(Hypnodaddy) get shoprter } -> {(XT-01) get shorter}

#3: {Playlist name} → {(XT-01) Playlist name}

#4: {Playlist name} → {(XT-01) Playlist name[1,3,5]} (if you want the 1st sub, 3rd sub, 5th sub
translated into this formula)

#5 {(SSD) become Successful } → {(Gilgamass, Sigma, purple theme) become Successful}

… yup thats how I described his theme if I remember correctly but it works
The 3rd Module is the B-Module,the „Bakerium“ that makes Subliminal topics fun and „baking it“
with some flavor. If you find yourself struggling with a certain topic, the B-Module comes in

Its more of a very cosmetic feature to be honest but the next Modules are much better.

B-Module - Bakerium

- Makes a chosen topic fun
- makes a chosen topic easy to get
- less respect for chosen topic
- chosen topic is treated in a light hearted manner
- Gamification of the chosen topic


#X {Topic}



#1{Grow taller}
#3{Money(G)}“ add a „(G)“ behind your topic to gamify it for more fun
4th Module is experimental, but if a wishbook or a revenge Subliminal works, why wouldnt this
work ? It is the D-Module aka. „Donatium“ that allows you to „donate“ results to people you know.
Talking openly about Subliminals/Manifestation is just as awkward as talking openly about the
Red-Pill Manosphere Bullshit IRL. So maybe its better, if you want to help out someone with
Subliminals, to shut up and use this Module instead of talking openly about Subliminals.

I would increase my water intake by a cup more, while using it, since its a bit energy consuming.

The Benefits:
- you can donate Subliminal results to people you know IRL
- you just gotta know their name and look (i know… it gives off Death note vibes)
- you can ONLY give neutral or positive change. No bad effects
- Your target feels „somehow“ much better than ever.
- if you add no detail, its fine too, the subconscious finds the most ideal solution ever to this

Syntax: Use the (X) to exclude

yourself from it
#X : {[Subliminal topic(X)] → [Name of your target](detail)}



#1: {[Get shorter] → [Name of your target](1 inch)}

#2: {Playlist name[2](X)→ [Name of your target]}if you want your target to get affected by the 2nd
sub of your playlist.“

you can also write in details that you wont get suspected just in case you are paranoid etc.

Reference: Wishbook subs, Death note.

The 5th Module is the R- Module. The „Reworktium“ so basically it turns a Subliminal to its best
possible version ever, adding features, your Subconscious thinks is the most ideal for you. It is
basically a complete upgrade for each Subliminal, affected by the R-Module. Giving it a whole
new rework, maintaining its effects and grants bonus stuff and enhances these features by a ton.

If a Subliminal seems wayy too vague or outdated, this is where the R-Module comes in handy.

A rework is pretty much like turning a bow into a crossbow, both look utterly different, yet it has
the same purpose. And the crossbow is wayy much better.

Its basically like the S-Module but single targetted, where you dont mix the Subliminal with the
other one.

-Reworks an affected Subliminal entirely
- Makes the most ideal version of the Subliminal.
-Makes most out of the affected Subliminal
- Reworks Subliminals to very high standards and modernizes it
- A lot of positive byproducts come by with the reworked Subliminal
- Revolutionize your targetted/chosen/ desired Subliminal


#X: {Subliminal topic [Creator of that Subliminal (Formula) ] }

Syntax of the R-Mod


#1 {become successfull [Hypnodaddy] }

#2 { summer combo [Teasuun] (MAX 3)}

If there is no formula you can ignore the "()"

If you don't know the name of the Formula use "( Year of punlished Subliminal)" Your
subconscious knows what you mean. If you dont know the year, just try to describe the Theme. Esp.
With deleted Submakers e.g. Teasuun and Moocha, where you wouldnt usually know the exact
year. Like „blue theme“ or stuff like that your subconscious gets what you mean.

Reference: League of Legends VGU´s e.g. Warwick, Irelia, Akali etc.

Now, the final Module is the A-Module, aka. „Augmentatium“ you see a desired combo Sub but it
misses out on something? Why not add little Adjustments to your Subliminal?
This is where the A-Module comes in handy.

Its like adding some fire, in your arrows, to shoot fire arrows from a bow. Or like adding a bayonett
on your rifle to stab people in games, adding an extra scope, extra magazines. etc.

The Benefits:
- your adjustments work always
- your Subconscious understands what you want to add
- your subconscious interprets your adjustments perfectly how you desire.
- you can add multiple adjustments on your desired Subliminal
- You can cross out unwanted adjustment on your desired Subliminal

{Subliminal topic [Creator of that Subliminal (Formula) ]
+ Adjustment
+ Adjustment}

e.g. #1{ Clear skin [Synergy(2017-ish)

+ heal scars
+ glowing skin
+ pale skin
+ annahilate pimples}

e.g. #1{ Clear skin [Synergy(2017-ish)

+ heal scars
+ glowing skin
+ pale skin
+ annahilate pimples}

Refences: GTA 5, Madness Combat: Project Nexus, Cyberpunk 2077, Minecraft enchantment
table /anvil

anyways these are the Modules in my booster.

I would really appreciate if you try out my booster and have fun with it. I would love to see real
results with it, I would be interested so much on how you all use this booster with the Modules and
express as much fun as possible :D

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