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1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................... 3

2. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................................... 5

2.1 MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT – ENVIRONMENT & ECONOMIC IMAPCT ..........................................................5
2.2 DIFFERENT METHODS OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT .............................................................................5
2.2.1 Sanitary Land Fill .........................................................................................................................................6
2.2.2 Incineration .................................................................................................................................................7
2.2.3 Gasification .................................................................................................................................................7
2.2.4 Biodegradation Processes ...........................................................................................................................9

3. LAND FILL & COST ASPECT OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ......................................................................... 10

3.1 CONCEPT – SUSTAINIBILITY OF LANDFILL ................................................................................................................. 10

3.1.1 Types of land fill ........................................................................................................................................11
3.2 TREATMENT PROCESS AND BASIC DESIGN PRINCIPLES .................................................................................................12
3.3 COST ASPECT ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.4 OPERATION & MAINTAINENCE .............................................................................................................................14
3.5 TREATMENT EFFICIENCY & HEALTH ASPECT .............................................................................................................14
3.6 APPLICABILITY ...................................................................................................................................................15

4. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................. 17


TABLE 2-1: MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROCESS ....................................................................................................6

TABLE 2-1: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF LAND FILLING SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT.......................................................16


FIGURE 1-1: MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE CLASSIFICATION ..............................................................................................................4

FIGURE 1-2: HIERARCHY FOR WASTE DISPOSAL PRACTICES ..........................................................................................................4
FIGURE 2-1: REFUSE INCINERATION ROUTES WITH ENERGY RECOVER ...........................................................................................8
FIGURE 2-2: PYROLYSIS OF REFUSE .........................................................................................................................................8
FIGURE 2-3: BIO DEGRADATION PROCESS ................................................................................................................................9
FIGURE 3-1: HIERARCHY FOR WASTE DISPOSAL PRACTICES ........................................................................................................10
FIGURE 3-2: BASIC (EMERGENCY) LANDFILL ............................................................................................................................11
FIGURE 3-3: ENGINEERED LANDFILL .......................................................................................................................................12
FIGURE 3-4: BIO REACTOR LANDFILL .....................................................................................................................................12
FIGURE 3-5: CROSS SECTION OF BEST PRACTICES OF LANDFILL ....................................................................................................13
FIGURE 3-6: TREATMENT EFFICIENCY & HEALTH ASPECT OF LANDFILL TYPES ...............................................................................15




MSW Municipal Solid Waste

ELECTRE Elimination and Choice Expressing Reality

EC Economical Cost

ENC Environmental Cost


Waste has always been a perennial problem and its management remains a big predicament up to this
day, since the amount of solid waste increases as populations rise and economies develop. Today, the
total amount of waste generated annually worldwide (municipal, industrial, hazardous) is more than 4
billion tonnes, the municipal solid waste is between 1.6 to 2.0 billion tonnes.1 Also, the global impacts of
solid waste are growing fast as solid waste management costs will increase from today’s annual $205.4
billion to about $375.5 billion in 2025.2

Basel Convention by UNEP define wastes “as substances or objects, which are disposed of or are intended
to be disposed of or are required to be disposed of by the provisions of national law”. Our daily activities
give rise to a large variety of different wastes arising from different sources. Cleaning up of waste
contamination is much more expensive in the long term as compared to its prevention at source. Countries
are facing an uphill challenge to properly manage their waste with most efforts to reduce the final volumes
and generate sufficient funds for waste management. Improper Waste Management is one of the main
causes of environmental pollution. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about a quarter
of the diseases faced by mankind today occur due to prolonged exposure to environmental pollution.

At present, India produces more than 62 million tonnes of solid waste annually, of which 80 per
cent is disposed of indiscriminately at dump yards in an unhygienic manner by the municipal
authorities leading to problems of health and environmental degradation.

1 Daniel Hoornweg and Perinaz Bhada-Tata, A Global Review of Solid Management, Urban Development Series Knowledge
Paper, World Bank
2 Antonis Mavropoulos et al., July 2012, Phase 1: Concepts & Facts, Globalization & Waste Management, International Solid
Waste Association


Municipal Solid waste comprises of recyclable, biodegradable as well as inert waste as shown in Figure
1-13. Solid waste management is a very complex process which involves a set of processes such as
collection, sorting and segregation, transportation, and finally disposes off of waste in sanitary land fill

Figure 1-1: Municipal Solid Waste Classification

To minimize the quantum of waste for disposal by optimal utilization of the potential of all components,
MSW is done by adopting the “concept of 5-R”— Reduce, Reuse, Recover, Recycle and Remanufacture
Municipal Solid Waste Management generates energy and other useful products and ensures safe
disposal of residual waste.4

Figure 1-2: Hierarchy for Waste Disposal Practices

3 Energy Alternatives India. India waste to energy. (accessed on April 1, 2020)
4 Dr. K. Kasturirangan et al., May 12, 2014, Report of the Task Force on Waste to Energy Volume-I), Planning Commission




The management of MSW is one of the most important environmental problems that governments must
take on. The increase of MSW is a serious concern for several countries. It implies that strategic planning
must be carried out at all stages to ensure a management that minimizes environmental impact. This is
especially true since an inadequate decision could have adverse effects on economic, social, legal, and
environmental aspects. Therefore, government decisions should consider social demands in order to
generate an “intelligent management model” that identifies, compares, and selects alternatives that are
effectively adapted to specific conditions and flexibility for decision making in both short and medium terms.
The stakeholders should then establish alternative options and weights to apply to criteria.

Selection of the different physical, chemical, biological, or thermal treatments along with landfilling depend
directly on the MSW streams’ characteristics. Generally, the selection of MSW treatment and landfilling
are based on the knowledge, experience, and judgment of the decision-makers. However, due to its
complexity, this decision has to have basis in the resolution of models that allow the acquisition of the best
management option.

The different methods of MSW treatment that are currently used should be assessed according to the
objectives to be achieved. In addition to the above described, it is necessary to know the parameters of
generation and composition of MSW, including aspects such as population density, urbanization, and
technical characteristics for the operation of the suggested technology, as well as available land for
installation and the environmental impact associated with its implementation.

In addition to the technical aspects, it is very important to include the criteria of costs and financing,
technological ease, social acceptance, and environmental damage into any final decision-making. Several
studies have reported the application of multi-criteria analysis tools; and in that same vein, the purpose of
this research is to determine the MSW treatment scenario that has the lowest environmental and economic
costs in a medium-sized city with limited resources through the following multi-criteria analysis method
“Elimination and Choice Expressing Reality” (ELECTRE)


The Solid waste management is a very complex process which involves a set of processes such as
collection, sorting and segregation, transportation, and finally disposes off of waste in sanitary land fill
sites. The management of solid waste also involves the process of generation as this is the stage from
where the need of management starts. There is a need to reduce the generation of waste at the very first
stage. Knowing the amount and composition of solid waste generated is necessary for all management

There are different types of methods which are in practice in different parts of the world. The developed
countries apply the best methods for waste management while developing and under-developed countries
are still using the traditional methods of waste management. The different types of methods for solid waste
management are: landfills, sanitary landfills, incineration plants, composting, segregation at source,
reduction of waste by using 3’R (Reduce-Reuse-Recycle) method, waste to energy etc. The above defined
first four methods are the traditional methods which are used in developing and under-developed countries.


In other words, these methods can be classified as waste disposal methods. The developed countries
have shifted themselves on the advance techniques like reduction and used the waste as a resource to
generate energy and preparing manures by composting and recycle the segregated recyclable items.
These methods can be identified as waste diversion methods.
Table 2-1: Municipal Solid Waste Management Process

The MSW contains organic as well as inorganic matter. The latent energy of its organic fraction can be
recovered for gainful utilization through the adoption of suitable waste processing and treatment
technologies. Table 1 shows the process associated with different components of Municipal Solid Waste.
A few options could be:
 Sanitary landfill
 Incineration
 Gasification
 Biodegradation processes
 Composting
 Anaerobic digestion

2.2.1 Sanitary Land Fill

Sanitary landfilling is an upgrade of landfills which solves the problem of leaching, sanitary landfill is more
hygienic and built in a methodical manner. These are lined with materials that are impermeable such as
plastics and clay, and are also built over impermeable soil. Constructing sanitary landfills is very costly
Another major problem is the development of methane gas, which occurs when little oxygen is present,
i.e. during anaerobic decomposition. In some countries, the methane being produced from sanitary landfills
is tapped and sold as fuel. Landfill implying the final disposal of the MSW on land has several merits and

 Reduces emission of methane and toxics
 Lowers land and water table contamination
 Reduces menace of birds and rodents
 Controls fire hazards
 Curbs the problem of bad odour in the inhabited area


 Involves high initial cost of design and commitment
 Public may object to the site selected
 Emits obnoxious gases in the atmosphere
 Results in a loss of real estate value of the nearby areas
 Pressure of rodents and bird’s remains
 Site selection depends upon the availability of
 land at economically transportable distances.
 If the landfill site is not properly maintained, it becomes source of uncontrolled emission of landfill gas

2.2.2 Incineration

The process of burning waste in large furnaces is known as Incineration. In these method the recyclable
material is segregated and the rest of the material is burnt. At the end of the process all that is left behind
is ash. It is a process of direct burning of waste in presence of excess air oxygen, at temperatures of about
800°C and above, liberating heat energy, inert gases and ash. The net energy yield depends upon the
density and composition of wastes, relative percentage of moisture and inert material (adding to the heat
loss), ignition temperature, size and shape of the constituents, design of the combustion system etc.

In practice, about 65–80 per cent of the energy content of the organic matter can be recovered as heat
energy, which can be utilized either for direct thermal application or for producing power via steam turbine
generation (with conversion efficiency of about 30 percent). Figures 2-1 and 2-2 shows the how energy
can be recovered by incineration and pyrolysis.

 Reduction in the size of waste reduces the problems of its dumping
 Complete sterilization prevents the outbreak of epidemics
 Biologically hazardous waste is reduced to ash.
 Air pollution cannot be avoided even in highly sophisticated plants.
 It is a high-investment system.
 Additional cost inputs are required for complete pollution control.
 Dioxins and furan emissions are hazardous.
 Treatment of ash for pollutants is expensive.
 High maintenance cost.

2.2.3 Gasification

Gasification involves the thermal decomposition of organic matter at high temperatures in presence of a
limited amount of air, producing a mixture of combustible and non-combustible gases carbon monoxide
and carbon dioxide.

 Handling of gas is easier than solid fuel.
 Reduction in volume reduces dumping
 Ash production is lesser as compared to incineration.
 There is no emission of hazardous gases.


 Plant requires regular maintenance.
 Operation and maintenance is very costly.
 It releases tar and volatile poisons into the environment.

Figure 2-1: Refuse Incineration Routes with Energy Recover

Figure 2-2: Pyrolysis of Refuse


2.2.4 Biodegradation Processes

Biodegradation can be defined as the reduction of refuse using organic methodology. Organic methods
are divided into two general categories. Direct reduction of refuse by biological organisms, including
aerobic and anaerobic conversion is the first one. Second is the reduction of refuse by biochemical
methods, including chemical processing, and/or the selected extraction from specific species of protozoa
or fungi. In the aerobic degradation process, organic material is oxidized to give a humus product
commonly called compost, which can be used as a fertilizer. As the aerobic degradation process involves
decay of the organic material, such as garbage, leaves, manure etc., the process takes a considerable
time. Anaerobic digestion leads to a highly marketable product called methane. The first step is to break
down the complex organic materials present in the refuse into organic acid and CO2. The second step
involves the action of bacteria known as methane formers on the organic acid to produce methane &
carbon dioxide.

Biochemical conversion leads to either a reduction in refuse or the conversion of cellulose, and in many
applications both aspects may exist.

Figure 2-3: Bio Degradation Process

The safe and long-term disposal of solid waste residues is an important component of integrated waste
management. Historically, landfills have been the most common, environmentally and economically
acceptable method of disposal of solid waste. Even with the implementation of waste reduction, recycling
and transformation technologies, disposal of solid waste in landfills remains a significant component of an
integrated waste management strategy. Landfills are generally used in urban areas where a large amount
of waste is generated which need to be dumped in a common place. Unlike an open dump, it is a pit that
is dug in the ground. The garbage is dumped and the pit is covered thus preventing the breeding of flies
and rats. At the end of each day, a layer of soil is scattered on top of it and some mechanism, usually
earth-moving equipment is used to compress the garbage, which now forms a cell. After the landfill is full,
the area is covered with a thick layer of mud and the site can thereafter be a developed as a parking lot or
a park.



A landfill is an engineered pit, in which layers of solid waste are filled, compacted and covered for final
disposal. It is lined at the bottom to prevent groundwater pollution. Engineered landfills consist of a lined
bottom; a leachate collection and treatment system; groundwater monitoring; gas extraction (the gas is
flared or used for energy production) and a cap system. The capacity is planned and the site is chosen
based on an environmental risk assessment study (UNEP 2002). There are also landfills specially
designed to encourage anaerobic biodegradation of the organic fraction of the waste for biogas production
by monitoring the oxygen conditions and moisture content. Landfills need expert design as well as skilled
operators and a proper management to guarantee their functionality.5


A landfill, also called sanitary landfill, is a land disposal site for waste, which is designed to protect from
environmental pollution and health risks. It is not the same as an open dump. Landfills are built to
concentrate the waste in compacted layers to reduce the volume and monitored for the control of liquid
and gaseous effluent in order to protect the environment and human health.

Besides municipal solid waste, fecal sludge can also be discharged into landfills. Well-constructed and
maintained landfills are safer than open dumping sites, but even the best sanitary landfill will fill up and,
after many years, probably start to leak. Therefore, only waste, which cannot be reused further should be
disposed of in landfills. To solve current waste problems, prevention of waste in the first place remains a
priority. Separation of different types of wastes and reuse is much more sustainable.

Landfilling is the
least preferred
method in the
hierarchy of
integrated solid
waste management.

Figure 3-1: Hierarchy for Waste Disposal Practices6

5 Sustainable Sanitation and water management tool box.(

treatment/hardwares/solid-waste/landfills) Accessed on March 21, 2020.
6 Waste incineration and African development bank (March 21, 2020)


3.1.1 Types of land fill

Open Dump: Waste is discharge open without any management

Basic Landfill: Waste is discharged in a pit and covered every day

Engineered Landfill: Liner, cover, leachate treatment and gas extraction (energy production or flared)

Bioreactor Landfill: Acceleration of decomposition and creation of a conditions for microbiological

activities, produced gas is used for energy production.

Figure 3-2: Basic (Emergency) landfill 7

Pit should be backfilled with excavated soil every day.

Site should be agreed with local population and authorities.

Site should be fenced.

At least 1 km downwind from the nearest dwellings.

7 Harvey et al. (March,21,2020)


Figure 3-3: Engineered Landfill

The capacity is planned and the site is chosen based on an environmental risk assessment study.

Gas is flared or used for energy production.

Figure 3-4: Bio reactor Landfill


A basic landfill is a pit with a protected bottom (to prevent contamination of groundwater) where trash is
buried in layers, compacted and covered. Ideally, about 0.5 m of soil should cover the deposited refuse at
the end of each day to prevent animals from digging up the waste, flies from breeding and to avoid that
odour, waste (e.g. plastic bags) or pathogens are spread by the wind.

The more advanced (“engineered”) landfills consist of a liner system at the bottom and the sides; a leachate
removal system, which also includes a treatment of the leachate; groundwater monitoring, gas extraction
(the gas is flared or used for energy production) and a cap system (see picture above). The capacity is
planned and the site is chosen based on an environmental risk assessment study.8

8 UNEP 2020


There also types of aerobic or anaerobic bioreactor landfill. Bioreactor technology accelerates the
biological decomposition of the organic fraction of the waste (e.g. food, plants, paper, etc.) in a landfill by
promoting conditions necessary for the microorganisms that degrade the waste and produce biogas. The
single most important factor in promoting waste decomposition is the moisture content of the waste. Liquids
must be added to the waste mass to obtain optimal moisture content, which ranges from 35 to 45 percent
water by weight. Liquids that are added include: the landfill leachate that is previously recovered at the
bottom, gas condensate, water, storm water runoff, and fecal sludge or residual sludge from wastewater
treatment plants.

Figure 3-5: Cross Section of best practices of landfill 9

Cover layer avoids spreading of waste, pathogens, odour

Gas extraction well control and reuse of biogas (mainly CO2 and CH4) for energy production

Liner system avoids a contamination of ground water

Leachate system collection and treatment of fluid effluent

Groundwater monitoring on-going information about the groundwater quality


CPM Because building and maintaining a sanitary landfill is a lot of work, it usually needs to be done in
partnership with the community, local government, and other organizations, such as churches or
businesses. Sanitary landfill is the most cost-effective system of solid waste final disposal for most urban
areas in developing countries.10 If there is no other solution (e.g. separate collection and separate
recycling/incineration), landfills are an effective way to discharge solid waste or residual sludge from
wastewater treatment plants. With a properly planned landfill it is possible to prevent groundwater

9 Latrobe City Council (March,21,2020)

10 Contant & Fadem 2020


contamination and to collect biogas for further use. High-tech landfills, such as bioreactor landfills, will be
more expensive in initial costs as well as O&M costs.


A landfill requires a dedicated operator to ensure the management procedures above are carried out.11
Waste has to be covered each day as already described above. Once the capacity of the landfill is reached,
it has to be covered correctly and the bottom has to be controlled regularly to make sure no toxic effluent
reaches groundwater sources. The cover should resist erosion by wind and water, promote vegetation and
satisfy aesthetic, ecological, or end use criteria.

The bioreactor landfill including anaerobic digestion and addition of moisture as described above requires
a much higher level of maintenance and operator skill to optimise operations and to modify the system as
needed. Consequently, bioreactor landfills require a more complex set of operations and maintenance
(O&M) procedures than conventional landfills. Additionally, liquid delivery systems must be designed and
installed at various stages of landfill operation. They increase the risk of damage to the liquid delivery
system and add to the complexity of conducting day-to-day operations. Therefore, some waste disposal
facilities, with limited resources, may find it difficult to retain the appropriate level of design, construction,
and operator skills to successfully implement a bioreactor landfill project12.

Requires dedicated operators.

Waste has to be covered each day.

Proper leachate management.

Cover must be resistant to erosion.

Once capacity is reached, the bottom (cover layer) has to

be controlled regularly to avoid toxic effluents/emissions.

Bioreactor landfills require a more complex set of O&M.


Open dumps can be turned into sanitary landfills. Or a community can build a new sanitary landfill and
clean up the old site by transporting trash to the new one. A sanitary landfill protects community health
 It is built away from where people live.
 It is covered to prevent insects and other disease-carrying animals from breeding.
 It has a lining of hard-packed clay soil and/or plastic to prevent chemicals and germs from
contaminating groundwater.

A landfill protects community health only if it is well managed. Good management includes training and
support for landfill workers, and working together with resource recovery centres, toxic waste collectors,
and local government. 13

11 UNEP 2020
12 adapted from ITRC 2020.
13 Contant & Fadem 2020


Open Dump slow decomposition; spreading of waste,

pathogens and odour; no liner, no cover

Basic Landfill better decomposition; cover avoids

spreading of waste and breeding of insects;
leaching may occur

Engineered Landfill advanced decomposition; cover; liner;

leachate, stormwater and gas management

Bioreactor Landfill acceleration of decomposition; cover;

liner; leachate and stormwater
management; energy production

Health And Environmental Protection

Open Dump

Basic Landfill

Engineered Landfill

Bioreactor Landfill

Figure 3-6: Treatment Efficiency & Health Aspect of Landfill Types


Landfilling is one of the most widely employed methods for the disposal of municipal solid waste. 14

It is applicable where enough land is available and costs are lower than other discharge methods.
Depending on the capabilities of the community/city (financial, knowledge), a very basic landfill can be
designed or a high-tech bioreactor landfill implemented. However, it must always be lined properly at the

14 SA’AT 2020


bottom to prevent groundwater pollution and a cover is needed to protect from insect breeding or wind
 Depending on the community/city (financial, knowledge, interests)
 Enough land must be available.
 Compared to other discharge possibilities costs are lower.
 Landfill should always be lined, correctly covered and maintained to avoid a contamination of the
environment and to minimise health risks for locals.

Table 3-1: Advantages and Disadvantages of Land Filling Solid Waste Management

Advantages: Disadvantages:
 An effective disposal method if  Fills up quickly if waste is not reduced
well-managed. and reusable waste is not collected
 A sanitary disposal method if separately and recycled.
managed effectively.  A reasonable large area required.
 Energy production and fast  Risk of groundwater contamination if not
degradation if designed as a sealed correctly or the liner system is
bioreactor landfill. damaged.
 High costs for high-tech landfills.
 If the management is bad, there is a risk
that the landfill degenerates into an open
 After the end of disposal, the landfill
needs still O&M and monitoring for the
next 50 to 100 years



Ministry of Environment & Forest notified the Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules
in 2000, making it mandatory for municipal authorities to set up waste processing and disposal facilities,
identify sanitary landfill sites, and improve existing dumpsites. The compliance however remains low,
mainly because of the inability of municipalities to implement waste segregation, and lack of institutional
and financial means to implement waste processing and disposal schemes. Efforts have been initiated for
bringing the informal waste recycling sector into the formal stream for waste collection and segregation to
form a cooperative/society and then get registered with the CPCB.

Ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) has come up with draft rules for management and handling of
municipal solid waste. After its implementation, it will become mandatory for the municipalities in the state
to develop landfills and submit annual reports to state government and pollution control board. Municipal
Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules also have detailed guidelines and specifications for setting
up landfills.

Landfill sites shall be set up as per guidelines of Ministry of Urban Development. As per the draft existing
landfill sites which are in use for more than five years shall be improved and the landfill site shall be large
enough to last for at least 20–25 years. Municipal authority responsible for implementation of rules and for
the necessary infrastructure development for collection, storage, segregation, transportation, processing
and disposal of municipal solid waste. State Pollution Control Board and Pollution Control Committee will
monitor the progress of implementation of Action Plan and the compliance of the standards regarding
ground water, ambient air, leachate quality and the compost quality. The new rules will also make it
mandatory for the municipal authority to prepare solid waste management plan as per the policy of the
state government.




 Adequate land area and volume to provide sanitary landfill capacity to meet projected needs for at least 10
years, so that costly investments in access roads, drainage, fencing, and weighing stations are justifiable.
For siting purposes, land area requirements shall be estimated based on the landfill cell area required
(typically for a depth of 10-25 meters; a final solid waste density of 800-1,000 kg/cubic meter, and a
minimum soil to refuse ratio of 1: 6), as well as about 2-4 hectares for the receiving area, 2-4 hectares for
the leachate treatment and/or evaporation ponds, and additional 10% land for a landscaped buffer zone.
 Preferably, a site accessible within 30 minutes’ travel time (a function of road and traffic conditions) is to be
sought, even if it means buying land, because of the need to avoid adversely affecting the productivity of
collection vehicles. At distances greater than 30 minutes travel, for collection operations to be economic,
investment in either large capacity collection vehicles (5 tonnes per load or greater) or transfer stations
with large capacity vehicles (20 tonnes or greater) would be necessary.
 If transfer stations are required, the landfill should be accessible within 2 hours of travel time (one-way) by
transfer trucks from the transfer station. Otherwise, for longer distances, transfer by rail or barge directly to
the landfill site needs to be considered. Siting of rail or barge transfer sites within the refuse collection area
may be difficult. Double handling by truck transfer and by rail or barge transfer units should be avoided
because of costs.
 Accessible from a competent paved public road which has an adequate width, slope, visibility and
construction to accommodate the projected truck traffic. To minimize landfill development costs, the
requirement for new access road construction generally should be less than 10 km for large landfills
serving metropolitan areas and less than 3 km for small landfills serving secondary cities.
 A gently sloped topography, preferably amenable to development of sanitary landfill by the Cell (Bund)
method), with slopes which minimize the need for earthmoving to obtain the correct leachate drainage
slope of about 2%. · Groundwater’s seasonally high table level (i.e., 10 years high) is at least 1.5 meters
below the proposed base of any excavation or site preparation to enable landfill cell development. A
minimum depth of 1 meter of relatively impermeable soils above the groundwater's seasonable high level
exists (preferably, less than 10-9 meters/second permeability when undisturbed). If these criteria is not
met, use of impermeable clay and/or plastic liners may be required to protect groundwater quality.
 Availability on-site of suitable soil cover material to meet the needs for intermediate (minimum of 30 cm
depth) and final cover (minimum of 60 cm depth), as well as bund construction (for the Cell method of
landfill). Preferably, the site would have adequate soil to also meet daily cover needs (usually a minimum
of 15 cm depth of soil). However, daily cover needs can be alternatively met by using removable tarps,
other relatively inert materials (i.e., compost residuals), or by removing the previously laid daily soil cover
at the start of each day for reuse at the end of the same day. For purposes of siting, assume that at least 1
cubic meter of daily, intermediate, and final compacted soil cover is needed for every 6 cubic meters of
compacted refuse. In most developing countries with highly organic wastes and warm climates, compacted
refuse (after one year of natural consolidation and decomposition within warm and wet climates) achieves
a density of 800-1000 kg/cubic meter.
 None of the areas within the landfill boundaries are part of the 10-year groundwater recharge area for
existing or pending water supply development.
 No private or public drinking, irrigation, or livestock water supply wells within 500 meters down gradient of
the landfill boundaries, unless alternative water supply sources are readily and economically available and
the owner(s) gives written consent to the potential risk of well abandonment.
 No environmentally significant wetlands of important biodiversity or reproductive value are present within
the potential area of the landfill cell development.
 No known environmentally rare or endangered species breeding areas or protected living areas are
present within the site boundaries. If this criteria is not met, alternative habitats of comparable quality for
relocation of the species would need to be available.
 No significant protected forests are within 500 meters of the landfill cell development area.
 No open areas of high winds, otherwise windblown litter will not be readily manageable.


 No major lines of electrical transmission or other infrastructure (i.e., gas, sewer, water lines) are crossing
the landfill cell development area, unless the landfill operation would clearly cause no concern or rerouting
is economically feasible.
 No underlying limestone, carbonate, fissured or other porous rock formations which would be incompetent
as barriers to leachate and gas migration, where the formations are more than 1.5 meter in thickness and
present as the uppermost geologic unit above sensitive groundwater.
 No underlying underground mines which could be adversely affected by surface activities of landfilling, or
minable resources which could be rendered less accessible by landfilling, unless the owner(s) gives
explicit consent.
 No residential development within 250 meters from the perimeter of the proposed landfill cell development.
 No visibility of the proposed landfill cell development area from residential neighborhoods within 1 km. If
residents live within 1 km of the site, landscaping and protective berms would need to be incorporated into
the design to minimize visibility of operations. Curving of the access road is recommended to avoid
visibility of the active portions of the landfill from the main road.
 No perennial stream within 300 meters down gradient of the proposed landfill cell development, unless
diversion, culverting or channeling is economically and environmentally feasible to protect the stream from
potential contamination.


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