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When faced with the rapid growth of AI

technology in today's labor market, employers

probably think of automated processes that
make work easier, faster, and more efficient. On
the other hand, employees probably fear losing
their jobs and being replaced by a machine.
While artificial intelligence is designed to replace
manual labor with a more effective and quicker
way of doing work, it cannot override the need
for human input in the workspace. In this article,
you will see why humans are still immensely
valuable in the workplace and cannot be fully
replaced by artificial intelligence.

1. AI Lacks Emotional
Emotional intelligence is one distinguishing
factor that makes humans forever relevant in the
workplace. The importance of emotional
intelligence in the workspace cannot be
overemphasized, especially when dealing with
As social animals, one basic, undeniable need of
humans is the need for emotional connection
with our kind. We achieve this connection
through the chemical and biological interaction of
several hormones and emotions between the
parties involved. AI does not possess it as it
comprises software and chips, not biological
Good business owners and company executives
understand the importance of appealing to the
emotions of staff and clients. A machine can't
achieve such levels of human connection, while,
as a human, there are ways to increase your
emotional intelligence.
Regardless of how well AI machines are
programmed to respond to humans, it is unlikely
that humans will ever develop such a strong
emotional connection with these machines.
Hence, AI cannot replace humans, especially as
connecting with others is vital for business
2. AI Can Only Work
With Inputted Data
AI can only function based on the data it
receives. Anything more than that would take on
more than it can handle, and machines are not
built that way. So, when the data inputted into
the machine does not include a new area of
work, or its algorithm does not include
unforeseen circumstances, the machine
becomes useless.
These situations are common in the tech and
manufacturing industries, and AI builders
constantly try to find temporary workarounds.
The idea that AI tools will adapt to any situation
is one of several common myths around
artificial intelligence.
Therefore, if you fear that AI may infiltrate all
industries and eliminate the demand for your
professional skills, you can rest assured that
won't happen. Human reasoning and the human
brain's power to analyze, create, improvise,
maneuver, and gather information cannot easily
be replicated by AI.

3. AI’s Creative Process

Is Limited to the Data It
When brainstorming creative concepts and ways
of doing work, AI lacks this human ability
because, as already established, AI can only
work with the data it receives. Hence, it cannot
think up new ways, styles, or patterns of doing
work and is restricted to the given templates.
Employers and employees know how important
creativity is in the workspace. Creativity offers
the pleasant sensation of something new and
different instead of the boring, repetitive actions
in which AI is designed to function. Creativity is
the bedrock of innovation.
Related to creative thinking is the ability to think
outside the box. Machines are designed to "think
within the box." That means AI tools can only
function within the dictates of their given data.
On the other hand, humans can think outside the
box, sourcing information from various means
and generating solutions to complex problems
with little or no available data. Since AI does not
possess the ability to think out of the box and
generate creative ideas for innovation, AI cannot
take over humans in the workspace.

4. AI Does Not Have

Soft Skills
Soft skills are a must-have for every worker in
the workspace. They include teamwork, attention
to detail, critical and creative thinking, effective
communication, and interpersonal skills, to
mention but a few. These soft skills are in
demand in every industry, and you must develop
them to succeed professionally.
Humans are taught and required to possess
these skills; developing them is valuable for
everyone, regardless of position. Company
executives need them to thrive, as do a team of
field workers in any industry. Hence, these soft
skills give you the upper hand in the workspace
over AI.
However, soft skills are alien to machines with
artificial intelligence. AI cannot develop these
soft skills critical to workplace development and
growth. Developing these skills requires a higher
level of reasoning and emotional intelligence.

5. Humans Make AI
There would be no artificial intelligence without
human intelligence. The term artificial
intelligence means humans design it. Humans
write the lines of code with which AI is
developed. The data AI machines operate with
are inputted by humans. And it is humans that
use these machines.
As AI application continues to grow, so will the
services of humans. Someone has to design the
machine's AI processes, create these machines,
operate, and maintain them. Only humans can
do this. Standing on these facts, you can boldly
dismiss any speculations of AI overriding
humans in the workspace.

6. AI Is Meant to
Complement Human
Ability and Intelligence,
Not Compete With It
Artificial intelligence applications are indeed
gaining ground in the workplace, and they will
replace many jobs people perform today.
However, the jobs it takes are limited to
repetitive tasks requiring less intense reasoning.
Additionally, evolving workplace demands will
create new roles for humans as the world moves
towards a more integrated tech landscape.
A report by the World Economic Forum shows
that while machines with AI will replace about 85
million jobs in 2025, about 97 million jobs will be
made available in the same year thanks to AI.
So, the big question is: How can humans work
with AI instead of being replaced by it? That
should be our focus.
Because in this present age, it will be difficult, if
not impossible, to live without AI, and without
humans, there would be no artificial intelligence.
Forward-thinking organizations are already
developing ways to incorporate human
capabilities and AI to attain higher levels of
productivity and innovation.

Learn to Work With AI,

Not Fear It
Artificial intelligence isn't something to be scared
of. However, you must step up your game to not
be replaced by AI. Upskill, stay abreast with the
latest trends in your field, and be innovative and
creative. This way, you will be an asset no
employer would risk losing
About the topic:-
This topic checks how much the candidates are in touch with the technological advances of current times. This is a common
topic, asked in engineering job interviews. There can be two sides to this group discussion, one side which agrees that at
some point Artificial Intelligence will completely replace human intelligence while another side believes that Artificial
Intelligence can never replace humans.
Can AI replace humans?:- against the point

 It is not possible for AI to ever replace humans.

 Our cognitive ability differentiates us from all the creatures on planet earth.
 Humans can feel emotions for each other which influences our decisions and actions.
 An AI-induced machine can never feel so, it is programmed to undergo certain tasks based on certain conditions.
But it can never think on its own and make decisions.
 Even though AI today is replacing humans in many jobs, customers are almost always more satisfied with humans
than with AIs.
 For example, nowadays customer service executives are being replaced by AIs, especially chatbots. Surveys
show that most customers prefer talking to an agent to chatting with a bot. Although they enjoy the quick response
of the bot, in several situations a bot cannot function properly. Like to settle a dispute or if a customer has some
issues with the product and needs a refund. In this case, customers prefer a human with whom they can reason
over a chatbot.
 There exists several professions that AI will never be able to take over. These include:-
o Engineers:- Engineering is the art of creation. And everything an engineer creates comes from their
ability to think and develop objects to tackle problems. Since an AI does not possess this ability to think, it
will never be able to create an object on its own without any external input. 
o Lawyers:- A lawyer is often needed to bend the laws and find loopholes to save their clients. This
requires a great deal of reasoning ability, which is not possible for an AI to have.
o Counselors:- A counselor, counsels people over their mental health issues. They talk with people and
give them advice and help them overcome their grief, trauma, etc. An AI-induced machine that is
incapable of feeling itself will never be able to counsel people and give them mental health advice.

In recent times AI has been the hot thing and is becoming more common and accessible to the world. However, the notion
that AI will replace humans is wrong, as at the end of the day it is humans who are creating these AI and programming their

Can AI replace humans?:- for the point

 It is not a complete impossibility that AIs at some point will take over humans and completely eradicate us.
 To believe that just because AIs today are incapable of reasoning and making decisions does not mean that they
will be the same in the coming future.
 There is always the possibility that AI machines that are being taught to adapt to different scenarios and behave
accordingly will at some point become independent of human influence altogether.
 In the current world, AI has already replaced humans in workshops and factories. For example, in the packaging
industry people used to manually do the labor but today it has been replaced by machines.
 Computers are better than humans at computing and analyzing data. Nowadays, banks are using computer
algorithms to do data entry for their customers. This is because the error margin becomes zero when an AI does
the computation rather than a human.
 In the telemarketing industry and customer service lines, AIs have already replaced a huge chunk of humans.
Chatbots are being actively used in these industries and are being favored for their 24/7 assistance.
 AIs have already started replacing security guards and patrol officers, as these robots are not bounded by the
limitations of the human body. They are faster, stronger, and more durable than an average human being.
 Militaries across the world have already started using AI-induced robots in place of soldiers. An army of robots will
prove to be deadlier than humans as they are capable of destruction at a larger level without the causalities that
come with war. This shows that the future of the battlefield is robots.


Slowly but surely AIs are replacing and taking over professions. And this will only grow. Soon there will be machines running
on more advanced algorithms. And they will be capable of doing tasks, that are currently considered impossible for them.
Thus, it will not be a far-fetched idea that robots will at some point take over and completely replace human intelligence.





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In an economy where data is changing how companies create value — and compete —
experts predict that using artificial intelligence (AI) at a larger scale will add as much
as $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. As AI is changing how companies work,
many believe that who does this work will change, too — and that organizations will
begin to replace human employees with intelligent machines. This is already happening:
intelligent systems are displacing humans in manufacturing, service delivery,
recruitment, and the financial industry, consequently moving human workers towards
lower-paid jobs or making them unemployed. This trend has led some to conclude that
in 2040 our workforce may be totally unrecognizable.

Are humans and machine really in competition with each other though? The history of
work — particularly since the Industrial Revolution — is the history of people
outsourcing their labor to machines. While that began with rote, repetitive physical
tasks like weaving, machines have evolved to the point where they can now do what we
might think of as complex cognitive work, such as math equations, recognizing language
and speech, and writing. Machines thus seem ready to replicate the work of our minds,
and not just our bodies. In the 21st century, AI is evolving to be superior to humans in
many tasks, which makes that we seem ready to outsource our intelligence to
technology. With this latest trend, it seems like there’s nothing that can’t soon be
automated, meaning that no job is safe from being offloaded to machines.

This vision of the future of work has taken the shape of a zero-sum game, in which there
can only be one winner.

We believe, however, that this view of the role AI will play in the workplace is wrong.
The question of whether AI will replace human workers assumes that AI and humans
have the same qualities and abilities — but, in reality, they don’t. AI-based machines are
fast, more accurate, and consistently rational, but they aren’t intuitive, emotional, or
culturally sensitive. And, it’s exactly these abilities that humans posses and which make
us effective.

Machine Intelligence vs. Human Intelligence

In general, people recognize today’s advanced computers as intelligent because they
have the potential to learn and make decisions based on the information they take in.
But while we may recognize that ability, it’s a decidedly different type of intelligence
what we posses.

In its simplest form, AI is a computer acting and deciding in ways that seem intelligent.
In line with Alan Turing’s philosophy, AI imitates how humans act, feel, speak, and
decide. This type of intelligence is extremely useful in an organizational setting: Because
of its imitating abilities, AI has the quality to identify informational patterns that
optimize trends relevant to the job. In addition, contrary to humans, AI never gets
physically tired and as long it’s fed data it will keep going.

These qualities mean that AI is perfectly suited to put at work in lower-level routine
tasks that are repetitive and take place within a closed management system. In such a
system, the rules of the game are clear and not influenced by external forces. Think, for
example, of an assembly line where workers are not interrupted by external demands
and influences like work meetings. As a case in point, the assembly line is exactly the
place where Amazon placed algorithms in the role of managers to supervise human
workers and even fire them. As the work is repetitive and subject to rigid procedures
optimizing efficiency and productivity, AI is able to perform in more accurate ways to
human supervisors.

Human abilities, however, are more expansive. Contrary to AI abilities that are only
responsive to the data available, humans have the ability to imagine, anticipate, feel, and
judge changing situations, which allows them to shift from short-term to long-term
concerns. These abilities are unique to humans and do not require a steady flow of
externally provided data to work as is the case with artificial intelligence.
In this way humans represent what we call authentic intelligence — a different type of
AI, if you will. This type of intelligence is needed when open systems are in place. In an
open management system, the team or organization is interacting with the external
environment and therefore has to deal with influences from outside. Such work setting
requires the ability to anticipate and work with, for example, sudden changes and
distorted information exchange, while at the same time being creative in distilling a
vision and future strategy. In open systems, transformation efforts are continuously at
work and effective management of that process requires authentic intelligence.

Although Artificial Intelligence (referred to as AI1 here) seems opposite to Authentic

Intelligence (referred to as AI2 here), they are also complimentary. In the context of
organizations, both types of intelligence offer a range of specific talents.

Which talents – operationalized as abilities needed to meet performance requirements –

are needed to perform best? It is, first of all, important to emphasize that talent can win
games, but often it will not win championships — teams win championships. For this
reason, we believe that it will be the combination of the talents included in both AI1 and
AI2, working in tandem, that will make for the future of intelligent work. It will create
the kind of intelligence that will allow for organizations to be more efficient and
accurate, but at the same time also creative and pro-active. This other type of AI we call
Augmented Intelligence (referred to as AI3 here).

The Third Type of AI: Augmented Intelligence

What will AI3 be able to offer that AI1 and AI2 can’t? The second author of this article
has some unique insight here: he is known for winning championships, while at the
same time he also has the distinctive experience of being the first human to lose a high-
level game to a machine. In 1997, chess grand master Garry Kasparov lost a game from
an IBM supercomputer program called Deep Blue. It left him to rethink how the
intellectual game of chess could be approached differently, not simply as an individual
effort but as a collaborative one. And, with the unexpected victory of Deep Blue, he
decided to try collaborating with an AI.

In a match in 1998 in León, Spain, Kasparov partnered with a PC running the chess
software of his choice — an arrangement called “advanced chess” — in a match against
the Bulgarian Veselin Topalov, who he had beaten 4-0 a month earlier. This time, with
both players supported by computers, the match ended in a 3-3 draw. It appeared that
the use of a PC nullified the calculative and strategic advances Kasparov usually
displayed over his opponent.

The match provided an important illustration of how humans might work with AI. After
the match, Kasparov noted that the use of a PC allowed him to focus more on strategic
planning while machine took care of the calculations. Nevertheless, he also stressed that
simply putting together the best human player and best PC did not, in his eyes, reveal
games that were perfect. Like with human teams, the power of working with an AI
comes from how the person and computer compliment each other; the best players and
most powerful AIs partnering up don’t necessarily produce the best results.

Once again, the chess world offers a useful test case for how this collaboration can play
out. In 2005 the online chess playing site hosted what it called a
“freestyle” chess tournament in which anyone could compete in teams with other
players or computers. What made this competition interesting is that several groups of
grandmasters working with computers also participated in this tournament. Predictably,
most people expected that one of these grandmasters in combination with a
supercomputer would dominate this competition — but that’s not what happened. The
tournament was won by a pair of amateur American chess players using three
computers. It was their ability to coordinate and coach effectively their computers that
defeated the combination of a smart grandmaster and a PC with great computational

This surprising result underscores an important lesson: the process of how players and
computers interact determines how efficient the partnership will be. Or, as Kasparov
expressed it, “Weak human + machine + better process was superior to a strong
computer alone and, more remarkably, superior to a strong human + machine + inferior

The enhancing and collaborative potential that we envision stands in stark contrast to
the zero-sum predictions of what AI will do to our society and organizations. Instead, we
believe that greater productivity and the automation of cognitively routine work is a
boon, not a threat. After all, new technology always has disruptive effects early on in the
implementation and development phases and usually reveals its real value only after
some time.

This reality, however, does not mean that we have to wait patiently until when this value
eventually reveals itself — very much the opposite! Our principal challenge as business
people is to anticipate what artificial intelligence means in relationship to how humans
think and act, and work to integrate the new technologies ambitiously and strategically
into our organizations. We can’t just passively wait for it to overtake traditional
methods. So, what is it that we can then do at this moment to ensure integration of the
different AI’s to make our organizations work effectively?

First, teams will gradually become composed of humans and non-humans working
together, which we refer to as the “new diversity.” The psychology of the new diversity
will bring with it the risk that stereotypical beliefs and biases can easily influence
decisions and team work. Machine as a non-human co-worker may be met with distrust
and negative expectations as any other out-group member and as such encourage
humans to share less information and avoid working with machine. Team leaders will
need to be apt to respond to such negative team dynamics and trained in ways that they
understand the reality of those negative beliefs and its consequences.
Second, the new shape of teams will call for leaders who are skilled in bringing different
parties together. In the future, creating inclusive teams by aligning man and machine
will be an important ability to be trained and developed. As the earlier mentioned
examples show, to achieve better performance by employing these new diversity teams,
a main requirement for leaders will be to transform themselves in being masters of
coordinating and coaching team processes.

Third, team processes will need to be managed effectively and this will have to be done
by a human. For humans to align the strengths and weaknesses of man and machine,
they will need to be educated to understand how AI works, what it can be used for and
decide — by means of the judgment abilities of their authentic intelligence — how it can
be used best to foster performance serving human interests.

Augmented intelligence, as the third type of AI, is the step forward to the future of
intelligent work. The future of work is a concept used to indicate the growth of
employees and their performance in more efficient ways. The debate on this topic,
however, has become quite ambiguous in its intentions. Specifically, because of cost-
cutting strategies narratives, businesses today are in a stage where machines are often
introduced as the new super employee that may leave humans ultimately in an inferior
role to serve machine. An essential element of a truly intelligent type of future of work,
however, means that we do expand the workforce where both humans and machine will
be part of, but with the aim to improve humanity and well-being while also being more
efficient in the execution of our jobs. So, augmented intelligence is indeed collaborative
in nature, but it’s also clear that it represents a collaborative effort in service of humans

Intelligence exhibited by machines is referred to as Artificial Intelligence (AI). Or simply, the ability of a
machine or computer to emulate the processes of the human mind is known as Artificial Intelligence.
Without a doubt, it is very obvious that AI can do several chores quicker and better than human beings.
Artificial Intelligence assists people with repetitive and time-consuming jobs. Artificial intelligence or AI
performs various everyday tasks with expertise and almost all repetitive tasks can be automated by using
AI. But, can AI actually replace humans? The answer is simply, NO!

Reasons Why AI will never replace Humans?

 No Emotional Intellect
 Can’t Work Creatively
 Lacks Empathy
 Can’t think Outside the Box

No Emotional Intellect
Human beings possess emotional intellect through which they can show emotions, express feelings, and
read people instantly. For instance, businesses can not use AI as a substitute for all their customer service.
Customers want to have personal communications as robots are not capable of showing compassion and
sentiments to customers.
No Emotional

Businesses can end up losing customers without personal interaction with customers. Artificial
Intelligence or AI systems are rational, accurate, and fast. AI systems are not empathetic, culturally
sensitive, or intuitive. Henceforth, these abilities that human beings possess are what make them
effective. Human beings have the ability to read a face and immediately know the accurate thing to say.
Also Read – How Data Analytics Can Boost Your Business Growth?

Can’t Work Creatively

As the implementation of Artificial Intelligence is at a pace, human beings get an opportunity to take on
increasingly creative jobs. Not only in the creative sector but also in finance or coding, human beings need
to be extra creative to work and accomplish great projects.
Can’t Work Creatively

Several businesses are apprehending that the real potential of Artificial Intelligence is to increase their
employees’ skills by reinstating error-prone, repetitive manual tasks with intelligent automated solutions.
Businesses now know that after the implementation of the AI, employees can spend more extended time
doing creative and higher-priority tasks.

Check Out – Top AI Companies

Lacks Empathy
Humans can share their feelings: enjoyment, sadness, happiness, hope, gratitude, optimism, kindness…
and others. Furthermore, it is hard to digest that AI can show all expressions and read other people’s
emotions more favorably than a human being can do.
Lacks Empathy

In order to win the trust and loyalty of people, businesses would require human touch as people still
prefer communicating with humans over robots. Artificial Intelligence-based machines or computers are
capable of resembling human speech, but they don’t have any compassion and miss that human touch.

Also Read – Top IoT Trends in 2022

Can’t think Outside the Box

Artificial Intelligence can’t discover creative ways of resolving various rising problems because its code
does not support it. It is well known that robots are coded to work within their frame. AI or Artificial
Intelligence is not proficient in thinking critically through convoluted scenarios, analyzing context,
developing complicated strategies.
Can Artificial Intelligence replace Human Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence (AI), a modern approach, is a new science-making machine that helps machines learn on their own with
human-like intelligence through a combination of Deep Learning, Machine Learning and Data Science algorithms.

Technologies like Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, Robotics Processing, Cognitive Services, Mixed Reality
(AR/VR) etc. make machines more intelligent. As a result, machine systems make decisions the same way we do in our daily
lives. This machine decision making system is fueling debates like Human Intelligence vs Artificial Intelligence!

To give you a good perspective about this hotly debated, we will today discuss the advantages of artificial intelligence,
importance of human intelligence and risks of artificial intelligence to humans and their daily lives.

Movies like Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man, Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator, Will Smith's Eye of the Smith, Robot,
Tom Cruise's Cruise Oblivion, and Age of Tomorrow teach us that sooner or later there will be an increased dependence on
people. human intelligence.
Play Videox

The West, especially Hollywood, looks to machines to think and act like humans for the facts of the real world. Robots, bots,
humanoids, digital humans, star children, etc. are examples of movies and YouTube clips that coordinate our appearance in
many ways.

Now, most of you know that this is no longer fiction. It's a reality now! Do you know Sofia?

Sophia is a social humanoid robot developed by Hanson Robotics, Hong Kong. Sofia can do everything that you do in
your life. Plus, she can answer any questions you may have.

"As a robot, Sofia is now an official citizen of Dubai."

You can watch his interview from his first public appearance in March 2016, Texas, USA!

Artificial Intelligence Vs. Human Intelligence (AI vs. HI)

Today, many AI-powered applications have faster execution speeds, higher operational efficiencies, better work efficiency
and better decision-making accuracy than humans.

We know that human intelligence stems from adaptive learning and personal experience; It does not depend on pre-fed
data. But AI requires pre-fed data!

It is true that for the hardware and software of a machine, or a robot, our human memory, brain computing power, and body
composition as a whole seem insignificant.

The only reason we see these advanced machines, systems and robots as aliens and instinctively fear them is the same as we
are afraid of lions in the jungle. This alien thought in our mind destroys our God-given human intelligence and allows the
machines to dominate us!

What we have been getting from Hollywood movies like Terminator is that in human intelligence versus artificial intelligence,
AI is more likely to dominate us.

But, as an industry expert, we would say that our brains are more complex, sophisticated and deeper layers that machines
can't beat anytime soon, at least not for the next 35 years!
Will Machines Replace Humans?

Let's go back to the Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence debate. Recent AI achievements closely mimic human
intelligence but cannot go beyond the human brain.

Our mind acquires knowledge by sense of understanding, reasoning, learning, reasoning and experience. The way we feel
everything, most importantly, emotions, separates us from digital machines, robotics, AI technologies and much more.

Your mind and heart make the importance of human intelligence above AI.

However, with the development of AI, the risks of artificial intelligence are increasing as we cannot use our brains and hearts
to their full potential.

Although machines mimic human behavior, the ability to make rational decisions is still lacking. Machines need the next level
of development where they have to process 'common sense'.

This development will take years because common sense varies per human! This means that AI systems do not understand
"cause" and "effect". While we humans do everything on the basis of cause and effect, our decisions benefit certain sections
of human society.

Yes, AI has made our work easier, but there have been many failures, such as;

o Uber Self Driving Car Kills A Pedestrian

o IBM'sIBM's Watson supercomputer is described as unsafe and wrong in treating cancer.
o The AI-enabled facial recognition system is biased towards colored skin tones by identifying innocent people as

All these disasters ask us to improve the capability of AI by improving AI technology with proper algorithms and data.
Otherwise, AI will no longer co-exist with our morals, ethics and competence.

"We have many types of human intelligence, such as morality, ethics, abilities, intuition, instinct, reflex, accuracy, precision,
timing, quality judgment, sense of understanding, reasoning, learning, reasoning, and experience, emotions, and much more.

Human Intelligence Is Infinite

If AI is to become the equivalent of HI, it must know advanced techniques to process different types of human intelligence.
For this AI uses its subset - Deep Learning (DL).

DL works on the concept of the human reflex and nervous system, a neural network similar to the brain. Machines and
robots are being taught to apply intelligence and knowledge to real-world scenarios.

As learning progresses, machines will start adopting humanity, and one day AI will find a way to match the frequency of our

Artificial intelligence Human intelligence

Created by human intelligence Created by divine intelligence

Process information faster Process information slower

Highly objective May be subjective

More accurate Maybe less accurate

It Uses 2 watts It Uses 25 watts

Cannot adapt to changes well Can easily adapt to changes well

Cannot multitask that well Can easily multitask

Optimization Innovation

Below average social skill Excellent social skills

Still working toward self-awareness Good self-awareness

Will AI Take Over Jobs?

Artificial Intelligence is taking the world by storm. Take the latest example of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic;

There are some custom software development solutions companies in the United States that are using their AI development
services to predict viruses in the human body, find vaccine combinations, help people with virus treatments, and much more.

A health worker is responsible for all these things; However, AI is helping as it can act faster and assist humans faster. If AI
learns to do better, job losses due to AI will increase.

AI and robotics are replacing accounting, banking, sales; Thus, rising unemployment increases significantly. The impact of
Artificial Intelligence on AI will lead to massive job losses in every field!

"According to data and reports on the Internet, 47% of American jobs are at high risk by the mid-2030s due to automation."

Although it is said that AI and automation will replace jobs, the World Economic Forum says that the benefits of artificial
intelligence will double the job generation by the end of 2022!

AI Takeover: Can Machines Replace Humans?

Coming to the debate of Artificial Intelligence vs. Human intelligence, recent AI achievements more closely mimic human
intelligence than previously thought. However, machines are still far ahead of the human brain. What sets us apart is man's
ability to reason, reason, understand, learn and apply knowledge acquired with a sense of experience. With knowledge
comes power, and with power comes great responsibility.

Although machines can imitate human behavior to some degree, their knowledge of rational decision-making like ours may
be attenuated. AI-powered machines make decisions based on events and their association with them. However, they lack
"common sense". AI systems are clueless in understanding "cause" and "effect". Meanwhile, real-world scenarios require a
holistic human approach.


AI is currently in its development stage, and human controls AI with all necessary security measures. But, we can't tell you the

The 21st century is passing through a period of rapid change. While AI is making our lives easier, AI is learning more about
humans and their skills.

Human and computer workforce processing together, working efficiently and accurately for the benefit of mankind appears
to be a good artificial intelligence future.

But, whether this will be possible or not, it is not known yet!

Why A.I. Artificial Intelligence Can't Replace Humans ?


Professor at JECRC University (Computer Science and technology)
Published May 17, 2022

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Have you heard about a Hong Kong company appointing a computer algorithm to its board of directors? Do you think that AI will run
big companies of the future, saying nothing of seizing other positions?

Indeed, Artificial Intelligence is the term that has been exciting humans’ minds and imaginations during recent years. Some are fearfully
claiming that AI will take jobs from people all around the world. Others are confident that machines will successfully work hand in hand
with humans but not replace us.

A report from the World Economiс Forum tells that by 2025, 85 million jobs will be replaced by machines with AI. So, were
the optimistic predictions wrong?

Not at all. There is nothing to worry about as the report also mentions that thanks to Artificial Intelligence, 97 million new jobs will open
by the same year.

This article will provide a closer look at why humans and intelligent machines are not competing against each other.


 What is Artificial Intelligence?

 Examples of AI in everyday life
 Short History of Artificial Intelligence
 How AI is beneficial to humans
 5 reasons why AI won’t replace humans
 Wrapping Up

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the type of intelligence demonstrated by machines. It is the ability of a machine (computer) to imitate the
processes of the human mind. Artificial Intelligence is opposed to the natural intelligence of humans. Multiple technologies are being
developed to teach computer systems:

 Planning
 Comprehending
 Learning from experience
 Recognizing objects
 Making decisions
 Solving problems

By imitating these abilities, machines are able to perform such human-like actions as driving a vehicle or having a dialogue.

Examples of AI in Everyday Life

Although Artificial Intelligence still sounds like something from a sci-fi movie, AI has already started to be broadly utilized in our
everyday life. Think of these examples of AI that you have certainly heard about or even used for yourself:

 Web search engine. Ever searched Google?

 Recommendation systems. The one that offers you a show to Netflix and chill.
 Understanding human speech. It’s Alexa, helping order a pizza for you.
 Self-driving cars. Driving a Tesla without actually driving.

In other words, we are surrounded by Artificial Intelligence without paying attention to it. It is in our smartphones, voice assistants,
social media, GPS navigators. And in these examples, you can see how AI is creating something new instead of taking something away. 

Short History of Artificial Intelligence

Since the Industrial Revolution people started outsourcing their repetitive hard-labor duties to the working machines. A few centuries
later, these machines evolved to the point where they were able to perform not only physical but also complex cognitive tasks like
solving math equations, writing, and speaking.

In the late 50s, Artificial Intelligence became an academic discipline. Experts were mostly working on simulating the human brain,
modeling human logic, and imitating behavior. 

In the 21st century, the experimental field of AI became dominated by highly mathematical statistical machine learning. This method
turned out to be successful throughout many industries, including the commercial software development industry as well.  

How AI Is Beneficial to Humans

The abilities of Artificial Intelligence can be highly beneficial to humans and support their jobs in many ways.

For example: 

 AI has high imitating abilities. It means that AI can identify patterns to optimize and predict trends
relevant to this or that area. 
 AI is never tired and can keep working, processing useful data for you without breaks.
 AI’s mathematical calculations are error-proof. It can perform in more accurate ways.
 AI is perfectly suited to perform lower-level routine tasks that are repetitive and happen within a
closed internal context.

Surely, AI can do a lot of tasks faster and better than humans. AI helps people with repetitive, time-consuming jobs. Artificial
intelligence performs different routine tasks with ease and almost all repetitive tasks can be automated. We have an opportunity to free
up more time and complete our work much faster. This allows humans to focus on creative elements of their job responsibilities. Besides,
AI can work continuously and error-free. But what is AI not able to do?

These abilities are unique to humans:

 Imagination
 Intuition
 Anticipation
 Feeling
 Judging with regard to context
 Shifting between changing situations
 Considering short-term and long-term goals

So, backed up by Artificial Intelligence, humans can relax more and make better use of our true superhero skills. 

Now, let’s move to the reasons why we shouldn’t really worry about AI taking over the world.

5 Reasons Why AI Won’t Replace Humans

The very question of whether Artificial Intelligence will ever replace humans assumes that humans and machines are interchangeable.
But the truth is that we are not.

And here’s why:

1. AI-based machines don’t have emotional intellect.

Emotional Intellect is what we can be proud of. We can express feelings, show emotions, and read people immediately. Let’s take an
example with customer service. Businesses can not replace all their customer service with AI. People want to have personal interactions
as robots are not able to show empathy and feelings to customers. Thus, without personal interaction businesses can end up losing

Have you ever heard that soft skills, like communication and building relationships, are becoming more important for jobs nowadays
than technical skills?

Artificial Intelligence systems are fast, rational, and accurate. They are not intuitive, empathetic, or culturally sensitive. And, it is exactly
these abilities that humans possess, and which make us effective. Only a human can read a face and instantly know the right thing to say.

2. AI isn’t smart enough to do creative work.

With more AI in the world, humans get a chance to take on increasingly creative jobs. It is not only about the creative sector, even in
finance or coding we need to be more creative to begin and fulfill great projects. 

Companies are realizing that the true potential of AI is to amplify their employees’ skills by replacing repetitive, error-prone, manual
tasks with intelligent automated solutions. Employees can spend more time doing creative and higher-priority tasks.
3. People can build relationships, while AI will never be able to do it.

Many things are built on relationships. We have to deal and collaborate with different people. Moreover, while working in teams many
of us show better results as individuals. Furthermore, according to many studies,  teams show better and more creative results.

Emotional commitment and bonds with the team members are the most important part of the employees’ engagement, showing how
much we care about our work and our company. Relationships also help us find partners and clients, as humans tend to work with people
they like. But this emotional side of our behavior is unattainable to machines. 

4. People can show empathy, while AI will never display it.

We can share our feelings: happiness, enjoyment, sadness, gratitude, hope, kindness, optimism…The list of all types of emotions that
people experience is nearly endless. And we can hardly imagine AI showing all expressions and reading other people’s emotions better
than a human can do.

A lot of jobs require establishing trust and a human-to-human connection in order to get people to relax, open up and share about
themselves. AI-based machines are capable of imitating human speech, but they don’t have empathy and are missing that human touch.

5. AI can’t think outside the box and their code.

These days, AI can’t find creative ways of solving various emerging problems because their code does not allow it. Robots are
programmed to work within their frame. It is possible that some day a machine will be able to think on its own, but in the real world, this
will not be achieved soon.

Artificial Intelligence isn’t capable of analyzing context, thinking critically through complicated scenarios, developing complex
strategies. Teams and organizations are constantly interacting with the external environment.

But AI can only process data that has been entered into its system. Unlike humans, it can’t take into consideration the influence from the

Such work settings require the ability to work with sudden changes and distorted information exchange while being creative in distilling
a vision and strategy. This ability is powered by human intuition that becomes a critical element in daily work, especially for c-level

Wrapping Up
The world’s AI technology is still far from the human-like intelligence portrayed in popular science fiction.

Despite all the hype, most AI computers are designed to be very good at solving a specific problem in the context of a very particular
data system. Human creativity, insight, and contextual awareness, on the other side, are key to making AI work. The reason for this is
simple — humans will continue to deliver value that machines are not capable of.

We can sum up that AI’s abilities will complement us, rather than replicate us. That is why top-tier and forward-thinking
organizations start using AI to enhance organizational agility, productivity, and experiences.

Overall, we can see the potential that more jobs will be created with further AI development. Someone has to create all those AI robots
and all other possible types of algorithms. Moreover, people will have more opportunities to try new jobs that do not exist yet

The tricky part of this question is the verb “to replace”.

If you replace something, that means that the thing plays a role in a larger system. Replacing the thing means that you take it out of
the larger system, and put something back that can perform the same role.

Now in this case, what is the role of “humans”? What larger system are we talking about? We need to figure that out before we can
decide whether or not robots can replace us in that role!
Here are a couple of ways I can instantiate that role:

 Why can robots never replace humans as objects of love?

 Why can robots never replace humans on the workfloor?
 Why can robots never replace humans as the dominant force in the world?
 Why can robots never replace humans as arbiters in moral dilemmas?
 Why can robots never replace humans as God’s subjects?
 Why can robots never replace humans as study objects in anatomy lessons?
 Why can robots never replace humans in our imaginations?
I hope you’ll agree that all those questions have completely different answers; some answers will be affirmative, others, not.

On the whole, robots can and did replace humans when it comes to soldering cars and circuit boards together, but there are many
roles in which robots are unsuitable or even inappropriate.

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