Eng. XI, U18 Meaning Into Words

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XI Meaning Into Words

Unit 18
1.    They have to make sure their rules are obeyed and they have to answer a lot of
2.    Her children wanted to get up late, play with Angela and drink wine.
3.    Jack can get up whenever he likes, play with whoever he likes and drink whatever he
4.    She decided to let her children do whatever they liked.
5.    Because they were allowed to do the things they wanted, they didn't want to do them
Write one other way of saying each one.
1.    You can get up any time you like, I don't mind when you get up.
2.    You can play with whoever you like. You can play with anyone you like.
3.    You can drink whatever you like. I don't mind what you drink.
Here are three things the speaker said to her children. Write one other way of saying
each one. 
1.    I don't mind how much wine you drink.
2.    You can get up as late as you like.
3.    I don' t mind how often you play with Angela.
A: What time should I come?
B: You can come whenever you like?
C: You can come any time you like.
D: I don’t mind when you come.
A: Should I wear a suit?
B: No. you can wear whatever you like.
C. You can wear anything you like.
D: I don't mind what you wear.
A: When can I visit you?
B: You visit me whenever you like.
C: You can visit me anytime you like.  
D:  I don’t mind when you visit.
A: How should I dance to this tune?
B: You can dance to this tune however you like.
Eng. XI Meaning Into Words
C: You can dance to this tune anyway you like.
D: I don't mind how you dance to this tune.
A: Do I have to drink beer?
B: No, you can drink whatever you like.
C: You can drink anything you like.
D: I don't mind what you drink.
A: Who shall I bring to the party?
B: You can bring to the party whatever you like.
C: You can bring to the party anyone you like.
D: I don't mind who you bring to the party.
A: Shall I bring flowers?
B: No, you can bring whatever you like.
C: You can bring anything you like.
D: I don't mind what you bring.
A: Do I have to eat fish?
B: No, you can eat whatever you like.
C: You can eat anything you like.
D: I don’t mind what you eat.
A: When do I have to get?
B: You can get up whenever you like.
C: You can get up anytime you like.
D: I don't mind when you get up.
A: Should I sleep in this room?
B: No, you can sleep wherever you like.
C: You can sleep anywhere you like.
D: I don’t mind where you sleep.
A: Do I have to marry her (him)?
B: No, you can marry whoever you like.
C: You can marry anyone you like.  
D: I don't mind you marry.
A: What time should we get up?
B: You can get up anytime you like.
A: Should we go to bed early?
Eng. XI Meaning Into Words
B: No, you can go to bed whenever you like.
A: Can we make noise in our rooms?
B: No, you aren't allowed to make noise in your rooms.
A: Can toe have guests in our rooms?
B: Yes, you can have guests in your rooms? But they have to leave by seven o'clock.
A: Can we give parties?
B: No, you aren't allowed to pe parties. A: Can we cook in our rooms?
B: Yes, you can, but you have to use gas.
A: Can we use the garden?
B: Yes, you can use it.
A: Are we allowed to use hot water?
B: Yes, but you can't use it as much as you like.
A: Can we haven’t the fire on?
B: No, you mustn't have the fire on.
A: Do we have to rent every month?
B: No, you needn't pay it every month. You can pay it once in months.
Sept 10, 2019
Dear Mum,
You will be happy to know that I arrived here safely this morning and I also found a
room in an Englishman's house. I am writing this letter in my room.

This morning before I rented the room, I asked the landlord the rules of the house. He is
strict about some things but not about others. I can get up so bed any time I like. He
doesn't allow me to make noise, to give parties to the fire on. I can use hot water and
the garden. I can cook in my room, but they have to leave the room by 7. I don't have to
pay the rent every month. I can pay it once in two months.

You needn't worry about me. Take care of yourself, and give my love to all at home.
Good-bye for the present!
Your loving son,
The report has been prepared at the request of the Regional Council. To come to an
agreement, all the four groups discussed the cheapest route for the motorway.

This region has to develop industry round Dewley. Because of the lack
of communication, it has declined. The National Park in the region is an area of natural
Eng. XI Meaning Into Words
beauty. Tourism should be developed around Bridgeport, which could become a center
for skiing in the mountains.

The existing roads form Axeley to Craymouth are narrow and winding, and cannot take
heavy traffic. As the region is short of money, the cheapest route for the motorway has
been selected. The road from Axeley to Bridgeport should be constructed straight. A
new route had been chosen from Bridgeport to Dewley. It should go ahead through
between the marsh and the mountains and outside the National Park. The road from
Dewley to Crayymouth is good enough. 

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