Final Suggestion-Business Operation Skill KIM104,2022

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Final Examination (Suggestion)

Course: Business Operation skill (KIM104).

PGD KIM -Winter,2022

a) i) Definition and objective of a Business. Stakeholders of a business.

ii) What is Management? Write down the functions of Management.
b) i) What is strategy? Describe the level of Strategy.
ii) PESTAL analysis, Value chain, BCG matrix analysis, SWOT analysis
ii) Describe Marketing mix (7P)

c) I)What is accounting?
ii) What are the elements of financial statements?

iii) Who are the users of financial statements

d) i) What is Cost?
Ii) Cost classification based on cost behavior.

iii) Element of cost.

e) i) What is operation management?

ii) Role of Operation Management.

f) i) Definition of Project.
ii) Major Constrain of a Project.

iii)Project Life cycle

g) i) Major Decision in Financial Management

ii) Source of Finance

h) i) Types of International Business

ii) Difference between Multinational, Global and International Business

i) i) Economic terms: Macro and Micro Economic, Demand and supply, Inflation, GDP, GNP, GNI
ii) Economic factors that effects an economy

j) i) Business Sustainability
ii) Business Sustainability Reporting

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