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The Truth About Detox

The Truth About Detox

Complete 3 Volume Transcripts
Copyright © 2017 ● TTAC Publishing, LLC
Printed and bound in the USA


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Each interviewee has granted TTAC Publishing, LLC a nonexclusive non-transferrable limited license to
copyright, use, display, and publish the content of the interviews. The opinions reflected in this book may not
reflect the opinions of TTAC Publishing, LLC or Ty Bollinger.


The information and statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness. The contents of this book are for informational purposes only
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Although the publisher has made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information
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The Truth About Detox

Table of Contents

Volume 1 – The History of Disease, Detoxing the Colon, Getting

Rid of Parasites, and Cleansing the Blood ……….………………… 3

Volume 2 – Cleansing the Liver, Kidneys, and Skin, and
Detoxing with “Defensive Eating” …………………………………..…. 37

Volume 3 – Detoxify the Lungs and the Lymphatic System and
Protect from Hidden Hazards ………………..……………….……….… 73

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The Truth About Detox

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The Truth About Detox

TY: Hello, this is Ty Bollinger. Welcome to The Truth About Detox. Now, the purpose of this three-
part documentary is to provide you with the nuts and bolts about detoxification that will form a road
map, enabling you to properly detoxify your body, thus giving you the proper internal terrain to
facilitate optimal health.

Fish cannot live in toxic water. Neither can we thrive if our bodies are toxic. But how many physicians
will actually tell you that in order to be healthy we must detoxify? Here’s the main problem. Medical
schools teach that virtually all illnesses are caused by germs or genetics.

So, the solution, of course, is to name and label each disease, over 10,000 of them, by the way, and
then have us believe that each of these diseases can be remedied by surgery and drugs that oftentimes
kill the bad germs. But how do we come to believe that there’s a germ for every disease?

Have you ever drunk a glass of milk? I’m guessing that you have. Well, unless it was raw milk, it’s
likely that the milk was pasteurized. Now, pasteurization, named after scientist Louis Pasteur, who
developed this process, involves heating raw milk to very high temperatures in order to kill the germs
and the bacteria inside the milk and prevent infections.

The idea is that germs are bad and that they are the cause of disease and illness. Now based on that
assumption, it makes sense that killing germs would be the solution to preventing and treating
disease. This theory that germs, including viruses, bacteria, etcetera, are the cause of illness is the
foundation of Western medicine.

It’s called the germ theory of disease. But there’s a fascinating history behind both the germ theory
of disease and its controversial proponent, Louis Pasteur. In 19th century France, while Pasteur was
advocating the notion of germs as the cause of disease, another French scientist named Antoine
Béchamp advocated a conflicting theory known as the “Cellular Theory of Disease.”

Now Béchamp’s cellular theory is almost completely opposite to Pasteur’s germ theory. Béchamp
noted that these germs that Pasteur was so terrified of were actually opportunistic in nature. They
were ubiquitous. In other words, they were everywhere, and they even existed inside of us in a
symbiotic, interdependent relationship.

Béchamp noticed in his research that it was only when the tissue of the host became damaged or
compromised that these germs actually began to manifest as a prevailing symptom, not the cause of
a disease. Béchamp advocated not the killing of the germs but the cultivation of health through
detoxification, diet, hygiene, and healthy lifestyle practices, such as fresh air and exercise.

The idea is that if a person has a strong immune system and good quality tissue – “terrain” as
Béchamp called it – the germs will not manifest in the person and they will have good health. It’s only
when their health starts to decline due to personal neglect, poor lifestyle choices, poor food choices,
etcetera, that they will become victim to infections.

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Béchamp saw the infection as a result of illness, not the primary cause. He noticed that as a person
restored his or her health through diet, hygiene, and detoxification that the infection went away on
its own without needing measures to kill it.

Béchamp found that a diseased, acidic, low oxygen cellular environment is created by a toxic,
nutrient-deficient diet, toxic emotions, and a toxic lifestyle.

Now Pasteur and Béchamp had a long and often bitter rivalry regarding who was right about the true
cause of illness. And in the end, Pasteur’s germ theory ended up winning the day with mainstream
medicine, owing in large part to the fact that this theory enabled mainstream medicine to hugely
profit from patented drugs and treatments to fight this war on germs.

Rest assured, folks, every time that a war is declared, someone is profiting. You see, if Béchamp’s
discoveries had been incorporated into current medical curriculum, it would have likely meant a
virtual elimination of disease and the end of the pharmaceutical industry.

Ultimately, Pasteur’s ideas were accepted by society and Béchamp was pretty much forgotten. Today,
approximately 200 years after Béchamp was born, the practice of Western medicine is based on
Pasteur’s germ theory, which gives rise to the use of vaccinations, antibiotics, and other drugs.

The germ theory says vaccinate the fish, whereas Béchamp’s cellular theory gives rise to healing
protocols like detoxification and proper nutrition. The cellular theory says “clean the tank.” The irony
is that towards the end of his life, Pasteur renounced the germ theory and he admitted that Béchamp
was right all along. And as Paul Harvey used to say, “Now you know the rest of the story.”

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The Truth About Detox

The germ theory of medicine stands in stark contrast to thousands of years of man looking into nature
to nourish and heal, dating all the way back to ancient Chinese medicine, which treated the whole
body instead of merely symptoms of illness.

Though mainstream medicine might have us believe otherwise, the simple truth is that nobody ever
became ill due to a deficiency in pharmaceutical drugs. The truth is that most illness is due to cellular
malfunctions caused by toxicity and a deficiency of nutrients at the cellular level.

Thus, we have the need for detoxification. Based on Béchamp's cellular theory of disease,
understanding which organs are involved in detoxification and optimizing their function is essential,
especially if you suffer with symptoms of chronic disease.

We have the skin, the liver, the gallbladder, colon, the large and small intestines, kidneys, and lungs
specifically. Toxic buildup can directly cause disease to develop, and it can worsen the symptoms and
the progression of the disease process. Gently optimizing your organs of detoxification, which I just
mentioned, will encourage your body to release toxins and help improve your body's overall
functioning, which will help you feel better.

Toxins are introduced into your body in two main ways: through normal physiologic processes like
eating and breathing, and through chemical exposure in the environment. In theory, your body
should be able to process the waste products and the toxins that you're exposed to.

However, the environment has been flooded by an overwhelming number of chemicals that our
bodies have a hard time keeping up with. According to the Environmental Working Group, there are
nearly 85,000 chemicals currently approved for use in the United States, and that number is rapidly

No wonder our bodies are completely overwhelmed and not working optimally. You are constantly
exposed to chemicals through the air that you breathe, the foods that you eat, and the products that
you use, like personal care products and cleaning products.

And although you cannot always control the chemicals and the toxicity you're exposed to, you can
influence and encourage your body's natural detoxification and elimination processes. Gently
optimizing the organs of detoxification will enhance your body's functioning, improving how you feel
on a day-to-day basis.

By using lifestyle and dietary techniques, you can improve the functioning of your body and increase
the ability to detoxify the toxins which you currently are exposed to. Has your physician ever
recommended that you detoxify your body? It's very unlikely. But why? I asked Dr. David Brownstein
if he could elaborate how much detoxification training that doctors typically receive while in medical

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The Truth About Detox

DR. BROWNSTEIN: While in medical school, we're not taught about these toxic items, how to check
for them, or whether they even really exist. So, most doctors have no clue whether someone has high
levels of mercury and lead and other items. And I learned that on my own, and have been checking
people for a long time and finding that most of the people have these toxic items in their body.

When I realized that people were actually toxic, that detoxification actually does help people, I was
stunned that I wasn't taught this in medical school. And I went back to some of my professors and
talked to them about it, and there was really no interest in them from these ideas since there wasn't
a drug to treat this.

DR. GROUP: In our quest, we wanted to find out what the root cause of all disease is. I mean why do
you need to cleanse? Why do you need to detox? Well, first of all, we found out that the root cause of
all disease, cancer, it doesn’t matter, is a combination of toxins and chemicals that are accumulating
inside your body. And that’s from the food that you’re eating, the air that you’re breathing, the
parasites that you’re exposed to, the amount of stress that you’re under on a daily basis.

It all accumulates in the system, and we have natural ways to eliminate chemicals and toxins, through
urination, through defecation, through sweating of the skin, through respiration. And women have
five elimination routes. They have their menses, their menstrual cycles.

So, what we’ve found was all of these natural cycles that the body goes through to eliminate toxins
and chemicals naturally were being blocked and we were looking at different individuals and
different diseases and different chemicals that initiate different disease processes in the body.
And we found that if someone is taking in 2 million chemicals or toxins, and you might think that’s a
lot, but just one bag of NutraSweet or aspartame might contain 10,000 toxic chemicals.

So, these are small. Even endocrine disrupting chemicals are parts per billion that can affect you and
have a negative effect on your system. And what it boils down to is an alteration in all your systems.
The endocrine system shuts down. The digestive system shuts down.

The neurological system shuts down. And so, what I always try to do is find the easiest, simplest
solution to reactivate the body’s self-healing mechanisms. So, I started saying “Alright, we know that
chemicals and toxins are causing every single disease.

So, what’s the easiest way to get rid of those, and what’s the easiest way to reopen the body’s
elimination routes so the body can naturally get rid of all these things, and what’s the easiest way to
reactivate the body’s self-healing mechanism?” So, that’s what got me on the quest of looking for
solutions and finding out that from the beginning of time, I mean 2,700 B.C., there’s records of fasting.

That’s even before Christ. There’s colonics, date back to 1,700 B.C. The earth has always cleansed
itself. Animals continue to cleanse themselves. It’s the body’s natural way to eliminate chemicals and
toxins and give the body the ability to heal itself by purging itself of all these things. Every religious

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text that’s ever been written talks about 40 days of fasting, or some sort of fasting or cleansing
process that takes place in the body.

DR. BROWNSTEIN: Every religious literature example in history, the great religious leaders, how did
they connect with their divine beings, their gods? How did they do it? Usually it involves a story where
they went out into nature somewhere, they disconnected from the toxic society and they would eat
roots and herbs, or they would fast, or they would go through other cleansing types of activities.

And over time, as they cleaned up their bodies and their minds, then they were able to connect with
the divine. And it is this story that is part of the Bible and other religious texts from all over the world.

DR. BELL: In the Eastern thought forms, ancient Chinese type medicine, ayurvedic medicine, even
homeopathic medicine, which was a leap forward in the Western world a couple of hundred years
ago, began, let’s say they adopted this idea that the natural world has a wisdom.

There are principles, there are laws that govern the universe. They wanted to learn from them, abide
by them, duplicate them, not dominate and corrupt and crush and kill them.

And so, that was a more honoring principle. And there are people in the West, scientists, researchers,
doctors, that knew this and they were largely shunned while Louis Pasteur was adopted as the savior
of the universe. Let’s kill stuff because they’re bad, the bacteria.

TY: Right, pasteurization. Pasteurized milk. We kill all the—

DR. BELL: Kill all the bacteria. Right. Yeah, because the wrong-headed notion is bacteria causes
disease when in reality, pathogenic bacteria are the result of disease, the imbalance in the body. That
again is—now we go to Antoine Béchamp, Claude Bernard, the French physiologist.
They talked about the terrain, the law of the terrain. The terrain, the milieu, the environment,
determines health or disease, not the pathogen. That’s critical. Now it’s weird because we have been
taught in our growing up in the West that the pathogen is the cause of disease.

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Suddenly we’re realizing “No, no, no. The pathogen is the result of disease, the imbalance.” And so,
these diseases, we don’t need to kill stuff. What we need to do is restore that balance, that healthy
terrain, that rainforest in its pristine state, that microbiome.

And that’s the distinct difference in why everybody in the Western world, probably everybody on
planet earth, has to concern themselves with this concept of detoxification as a primary starting point
to healing. Not an endpoint or a midpoint, a starting point.

DR. WYLDE: I wouldn’t mind starting by debunking, demystifying the idea of detoxification, because
I think what a lot of folks would like to understand is that we are born with the virtue and ability to
detoxify. Every second of every day our livers do it, our lungs do it, our skin does it, and we’ve got to
breathe this stuff out, poop it out.

We’ve got to sweat it out, pee it out. But we do a pretty good job at that. So, we’re born with the
inherent ability to detoxify. However, and this is key, some of us much better than others. In a clinical
sense, I’ve been doing genetic analyses for over a decade now, looking at the inherent differences in
individuals by virtue of their ability to throw away toxins.

And if I may, maybe I’ll start with an analogy that I use with my patients that gets them to better
understand what toxins are and perhaps how we deal with them. There’s all kinds of toxins around
us. Since the industrial age, we’ve seen more than 80,000 in production, most of which, by the way,
haven’t even been looked at for their level of safety.

Those are the ones we know we’ve been synthesizing and creating as humans. There are gazillions of
others that are just natural and inherent to our environment. For example, radon gas. By the way, the
number two silent killer for lung cancer, or at least a producer of lung cancer, is radon gas, next to

We found this in bedrock. This is inherent in the Northeastern seaboard, and it traps itself in our
basements. You can get a radon detector to see what your levels are in your basement. It’s a simple
$100 device. You have somebody come in and check that. But if you don’t deal with it and you’ve got
it at high levels, that’s going to predispose you to lung cancer, significant. That’s a toxin our bodies
have to handle and manage.

There is background UV radiation. On a regular basis, we’re exposed to that toxin. Stress, which is
probably North America’s number one silent killer, contributing to all types of things including heart
disease and cancer. That in too high of an amount over time is toxic.

That’s a toxin. Our own hormones that we produce to manage our day-to-day function and
metabolism, our mood, our skin, hair and nail growth, our viability, if it’s too high, or perhaps too low,
is also toxic to our body.

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The Truth About Detox

So, toxins are not simply these elusive things we used to refer to as “poison.” They are those things
that our body, our liver, our kidneys, our lungs, have to manage on a day-to-day basis. When A, we
have the genes that don’t deal with toxins very well, or B, these accumulate to the point where we
burden our threshold, our ability to manage, that is then disease. Disease ensues. Ill health ensues.

TY: Dr. Wylde just made a statement that makes so much sense to me. He mentioned that sickness
and disease results when we overburden our body's ability to deal with and manage toxins, and the
toxicity begins to accumulate. It kind of reminds me of a functioning toilet versus a clogged toilet.

It might be the same exact toilet, but if the pipes are clogged then we have very different results when
you try to flush. The key variable is not the toilet, it's the pipes. Are they clogged or are they clean and
allowing the waste to be removed?

Continuing with another common illustration, let's listen to Dr. Edward Group as he compares a toxic
body to dirty pots and pans left in the kitchen for several days.

DR. GROUP: It’s like let’s say you cook in your kitchen one day and you leave the pots and pans there,
and then you come back to cook a meal the next day and you leave your pots and pans there, and then
you come back and cook a meal the next day. Well by the third day, you’re going to have fungus, mold,
pests, bacteria, viruses. You’re going to have a slew of a toxic environment in that kitchen to where
even if you cook something, you would probably get sick.

You clean your car, you clean your house, you clean your kitchen, but who cleans their body on a
regular basis? People take a shower every day to rinse the outside of their body, but they don’t
cleanse the inside of their bodies every day. You can detoxify, but if you still put the same chemicals
and everything in your body, you’re still going to end up with the same results.

DR. BUTTAR: If you can effectively remove those toxicities—the key operative word here is effective.
If you can effectively remove those toxicities, by definition, chronic disease cannot exist.

DR. WYLDE: I just want to be clear about saying we’re all toxic. Some of us deal better with toxins
than others, so we’re quickly clearing these toxins out of our system. If others, by virtue of the genetic
susceptibility, aren’t clearing as well or as functionally getting rid of the trash, they will accumulate
these toxins, whether it’s heavy metals, whether it’s plastics, whether it’s chemicals from the 80,000+
that are now circulating our environment postindustrial age.

Or perhaps it’s even our own induced toxic state from stress, lack of sleep, just not able to clear these
things, we will start to feel extreme fatigue, our cells start to shut down, headaches, insomnia.

We literally start to show signs as if we are alcoholic. Our livers start to become fatty. In the
preliminary stages of alcoholism, our liver can’t clear. It starts to get burdened and enzymes start to
elevate. A couple that you can ask your family doctor for: AST, ALT, GGT, ALP. These are enzymes that
start to show an increased level because the liver is burdened.

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If you’re not having regular bowel movements, you can typically tend to accumulate toxins. Because
again, remember, you’re meant to pee it out, poop it out, sweat it out and breathe it out. That’s how
our bodies get rid of these things. You will, when you are toxic, begin to experience whatever your
Achille’s heel might be, whatever you are predisposed to genetically.

And here’s the message I want to drive home. You can’t change your genes. Ultimately, that is the
blueprint your Mom and Dad have dealt you. But you can manage your genetic expression. And that’s
the most empowering thing.

So, if we learn that we are more predisposed than the average person to toxins and/or sensitivity to
those toxins, we want to identify what they are and we want to learn through genetic evaluation what
our bodies need more or less of.

DR. GROUP: We did studies on working with detoxification with people first, before we put them on
any type of nutraceuticals. And then we also did studies when people came in and just put them on
nutraceuticals. And what we found was if we ran people through an intestinal cleanse, multiple liver
and gallbladder cleansing, parasite cleansing, heavy metal, chemical cleansing from their body, and
then at that point in time reevaluated them, we found that the majority of their symptoms had gone

TY: Just from the cleansing?

DR. GROUP: Just from the cleansing itself. And so, that’s when we realized how powerful the body is
and what it can do to repair itself with just cleansing. Now I think that you need a lot of other
nutraceuticals these days, because we are exposed to so many chemicals and everything. But I also
am a firm believer in keeping the body clean on a regular basis.

DR. BELL: In the Western world where we are, the United States, North America, Canada and all of
that, we adopted something that was not really ideal for disease prevention, the idea that disease is
caused by a germ.

And so, we became the warfaring species that we seem to be in attacking and killing things in order
to be healthy. Well what we’ve succeeded in doing is attacking and killing ourselves by tackling
something that’s known now as the microbiome.

DR. GROUP: When our gut is out of balance with all the chemicals, the toxins, genetically modified
foods, pesticides, antibiotics, prescription medications that people are on, vaccines, flu shots. I mean
you name it. There’s millions of different chemicals out there that we’re dealing with. All of those
have a negative effect on the gut and they burn holes through the gut lining causing leaky gut

They kill all the good bacteria, the good probiotics we have, which when we have a good working
biodome in our gut, it’s the first step to becoming healthy. And it really is. The gut will help you

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detoxify a lot of that stuff whenever it comes in initially. So, when we found out the importance of the
gut and how important it is in detoxification and cleansing, then that was one of our first focus points
on repairing the gut system.

TY: Dr. Group just mentioned that his primary focus is to repair the gut system, which is commonly
referred to as the biodome, or the microbiome, or the microbiota. Now this makes sense in light of
the fact that up to 90 percent of all disease can be traced back to the gut and the health of the

Did you know that there are up to 100 trillion microbial cells in each and every one of us, primarily
in our gut? That means that there are 10 times as many outside organisms as there are human cells
in our body. In other words, we're really only about 10 percent human.

I'm sure that you've heard of GMOs, genetically modified organisms. Now one of the main problems
with GMOs is the herbicide glyphosate, which is used in the growing of many GMO crops that have
been engineered to resist glyphosate.

You might know glyphosate by another name, Roundup. There are many GMO crops that are
considered Roundup ready. In other words, you can douse them with massive amounts of glyphosate
and it won't kill them, but it will obliterate all the weeds around them.

But is your body Roundup ready? Is your blood Roundup ready? Is your gut Roundup ready? The
answer to these questions is NO. Glyphosate has been shown to negatively impact the gut because it
alters the balance of the bacteria in the microbiome, setting the stage for leaky gut and autoimmune
disease. But that's not all. In 2015, the World Health Organization announced that glyphosate is a
“probable human carcinogen.” It's important to remember that glyphosate bonds to pretty much
everything and it has to be released enzymatically from the host molecules that it's attached to.

Fortunately, there are ways to detox glyphosate, and Dr. Daniel Nuzum is currently developing a
product that activates the host molecules, then it binds the glyphosate to carbon, and then it activates
multiple enzyme systems that will carry the newly created compound out of the cells in the tissues,
and in the liver, and in the kidneys. Now you can find it, along with all the other products in this
documentary, at You'll see that website on the screen right
now. Again,

Last year I traveled with my entire family to Toronto, Canada, and I got a chance to speak to then 17-
year-old Canadian activist Rachel Parent, who’s become a well-known health freedom advocate due
to her involvement in the GMO debate. Let's listen to Rachel discuss how we are not being given true
informed consent when it comes to our food because of the lack of GMO labeling. This is the crux of
the entire argument. And it's about informed consent, right?


TY: You shouldn't be eating food that is poisonous without knowing it.

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RACHEL PARENT: Exactly. It's all of our right to know. We all deserve the exact same rights. 64 other
countries around the world already require mandatory GMO labeling, so why not us or in the United
States? And in fact, we're the only two countries, industrialized countries, in the entire world that
don't have mandatory GMO labeling.

We're fortunate enough to live in a democracy, but at the same time, how much of a democracy is it
if we can't even choose what we're putting in our bodies, what we're feeding to our families, what
we're feeding to our kids? So, that's why we need to work towards getting labeling.

Eithel Krauss and Jonathan Otto with Rachel Parent in Toronto, Canada

GMOs will never feed the world. It can't happen, especially right now. GMOs don't increase yields.
They don't decrease water intake, and they use more pesticides, more herbicides. They're more
expensive for farmers. And actually, an example of this is in India. Right now, there's one farmer every
30 minutes committing suicide because of GMOs, because their crops are failing and they can't afford
to feed their families. And by Indian law, if a farmer commits suicide, the debt isn't passed on to their

So, this is why that's happening. There's been over 250,000 suicides, and the number is growing. And
so, then you're increasing poverty. If the main person in the family is gone, how is the rest of the
family going to sustain themselves? And the same thing is happening in Argentina, in Africa. The
numbers are growing, and it's really sad and unfortunate, because poverty is growing because of this

DR. MERCOLA: You've got to have vegetables, healthy vegetables. Ideally, they're organic. Because if
it's not organic, it's likely sprayed with Roundup or some other potent toxic derivatives.

TY: Now is it a known carcinogen or probable carcinogen?

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DR. MERCOLA: Well, in 2015, the World Health Organization classified it as a Class 2A Carcinogen.

TY: Okay.

DR. MERCOLA: So, it's definitely a carcinogen. That's what the experts say.
TY: And we spray it on food?

DR. MERCOLA: Well, not that much. Only 10 million tons!
TY: Okay. So “just” 10 million tons?


TY: Wow!

DR. MERCOLA: Collectively, on the U.S. soil, since it's been introduced. That's a lot of glyphosate. And
we say glyphosate, Roundup is actually more accurately considered a surfactant. The surfactant
actually makes it about 1,000 times more toxic because it just works synergistically with the

TY: Oh really?


TY: So, what we're talking about is even more carcinogenic than what's been declared a carcinogen?

DR. MERCOLA: Right. Because Roundup is much worse.

Ty with Dr. Joe Mercola at “Cal Jam” in Costa Mesa, California

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MIKE ADAMS: We’re filming this in my forensic food laboratory. We’ve got mass spectrometry
instrumentation behind you, an ion chromatograph behind me, and liquid chromatograph over
there, time of flight systems.

I look at the science of food contamination – heavy metals, chemicals, fluoride in water, mercury in
vaccines, let’s say. All of these different areas of contamination; I analyze them and quantify them.

There are contaminants that are so common in food and medicine and water, and in the
environment, even in skincare products that you put on, that the key element here is to number
one: avoid as much contamination as you can. Number two: rely on your body’s natural
detoxification processes that are built into your DNA. It’s built into your biology to expel toxins.

DR. GROUP: People aren’t taught that they have the most powerful healing mechanism right inside
their body. What they’re taught is they have to look outside of their body. They have to rely on
somebody else to heal them instead of taking that power in themselves and focusing on what they
can do to heal themselves naturally.

MIKE ADAMS: The great failing of our medical system is that it convinces people to think that
they’re trapped in an outcome that they can’t control. And doctors tell you things like “Oh, you’ve
got cancer,” like being struck by lightning. It doesn’t happen that way. If you believe in the laws of
cause and effect, then you believe that every disease had an underlying cause.

Otherwise, how could it appear? There’s no such thing as spontaneous sickness. Anyone who
believes in that believes in voodoo. What? Does your doctor have a voodoo doll and he’s pricking
you with cancer points? No. It’s cause and effect. Well, what’s the cause?

The cause is what’s circulating in your blood and nourishing or poisoning your organs. How did you
get pancreatic cancer? Your pancreas was bathed in blood that was full of toxins. There’s no other
explanation. It’s not magic. It’s not black magic. It’s not voodoo, man. It’s cause and effect.

My philosophy on detoxification is yeah, there are cases in which you can work with a naturopathic
physician, for example, for acute detox strategies with supplements and so on, but for day-to-day
detox, it’s about avoiding exposure to the toxins, and that means making informed choices about
what you drink, what you eat, what you put on your skin, and where you live, the air around you.

The acute toxification of your body happens when you combine environmental exposure with
suppressed biological vitality. In other words, a healthy body will expel toxins more rapidly. A
compromised body, which is where most people are these days in first-world nations like America,
is unable to rally, if you will, the chemical processes that eliminate toxins.

DR. WOLFE: Our body naturally detoxifies. That’s why we have the large intestine. That’s why we
have the lymph system. That’s why we have the kidneys. That’s why we have our liver. That’s why
we have our lungs. They also take in oxygen, but they also get rid of toxins as well.

And that’s why we have our skin. Our skin is one of the largest detoxifiers. It’s also an infrared panel
that takes in the sun, which is one of the greatest things for healing and for detoxifying. Without
detoxification, even if we lived in a pristine planet, we still need to detoxify. There’s always waste
products. And everything that lives poops, Ty. So, our cells poop. Our bacteria poop. Everything
poops, buddy. So, detoxification is a normal process of life.

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MIKE ADAMS: It comes down to the laws of cause and effect. If you live a lifestyle that is anti-
cancer, that is detoxing, then you're not going to develop cancer or other diseases, unless you go
walking through Chernobyl or some nuclear reactor and you get this deadly dose of radiation.
That's different, right?

But hopefully you're not doing that. You're just getting background radiation, like 0.2 microsieverts
a day or something. It's nothing. Your body can deal with that. Your body actually was designed to
deal with background radiation. Your body has a repair mechanism for your DNA and for your cells.
You are a self-repairing system.

TY: Wow, Mike really hit the nail on the head. It all goes back to the laws of cause and effect. In this
scenario, toxins cause disease, but if we remove the toxins then we can heal because God made our
bodies in such a manner that we are self-repairing systems.

That's amazing when you really think about it. In his next segment, Mike Adams, the “Health
Ranger,” uses a powerful analogy to help explain how detoxification can provide every cell in our
body with the tools to help repair potential damage and create health.

MIKE ADAMS: It's like if you drove a car that had its own nanobot mechanic in the trunk and every
time something went wrong, this robot came out of the trunk and fixed the car and went back into
the trunk. You have that in every cell of your body. All you've got to do is give that mechanic the
tools to get the job done, and that's detox, and that's spontaneous healing.

CHERIE CALBOM: You would never not take your car in for an oil change and a filter change when
your lights are on, when it’s telling you it’s time? You’re going to get there. It may not be tomorrow,
but you’re going to get there, probably in a week or two, right? I have a time where I didn’t get there
for an oil and filter change. It was my first little yellow VW bug, and I missed the lesson from my
dad, drove that little thing until it died on a California freeway.

It was really scary. But I could get a new engine. I can’t get a new liver. Well maybe, but I can’t get a
whole new body. I can’t get a new me. So how important—if we’re going to get our car in there, this
is so much more important. Our liver is like the oil filter in our car.

All this gunk, it’s clogged up in there. And all our blood has to go through the liver. And if our liver’s
all congested, all clogged up, if we’ve got a fatty liver, a toxic liver, a congested liver, stones in the
liver. People say “I don’t have to do a gallbladder cleanse, right? Because I don’t have a gallbladder.”

I say, “Yeah, you do. You’ve got to do a liver cleanse. It’s more important for you now than ever
because you can get stones in your liver. Oh, my goodness. You’ve got to do a cleanse. Do the flush.”

DR. GROUP: You have to educate yourself. I mean one of the things that we’ve lost is the education
process, and our children should be taught about their body, about detoxification, about how to
take care of themselves, about how to listen to your body and recognize the symptoms.

Your body will always give you a sign that something’s wrong. You might have a slight headache
one day. So, what do you do? Most people don’t say “Well, I have a slight headache. I wonder if that
was something that I ate at the restaurant?” Maybe it was MSG, artificial sweeteners, excitotoxins,
food dyes, titanium dioxide, which is the main problem for fibromyalgia and pain these days that
people don’t realize.

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But they’re not paying attention. What they do is they say “Oh, I have a headache. Let me just run to
the medicine cabinet and take some medications.” So, they’re putting a band aid on it. It’s like when
your oil filter gets clogged up in your car, you don’t continue to put fresh oil in. You have to actually
change the filter or flush it out.

DR. BUTTAR: Disease processes is detoxification. Unfortunately, the word detoxification, it’s a
cheap word. It’s kind of like “love;” everybody uses it. But people don’t understand. If people really
understood what love was, we wouldn’t have such a high divorce rate in our country, right?

So, what exactly do we mean by detoxification? Well, when I’m talking about detoxification, I’m
talking about the elimination of things that shouldn’t be in the system that prevent us from
achieving what they refer to in quantum physics as zero point.

So, zero point is the maximum output with the minimum expenditure. So, if you have, like a car for
example, it would be the highest rate of speed, the longest distance traveled with virtually no
gasoline at all, or no energy source at all. So, if we can achieve zero point, that essentially means
that we are at the maximum efficiency with zero expenditure of energy.

And I believe that if we can achieve zero point and get close to zero point, what happens is the cells
inside our body have no other choice but to resonate at a frequency that eliminates everything that
shouldn’t be in there.

SAYER JI: New research on endocrine disruptors, for example, small amounts of petrochemicals
could be—paraben, for example, which is in a lot of body care products as a preservative, or
bisphenols, which are everywhere because plastic is needing a plasticizer, and that’s what they use:
bisphenol-A, bisphenol-S, bisphenol-F.

There’s an alphabet soup of these. And when they say bisphenol-A on the label now, unfortunately
they just replaced it with another bisphenol of equal toxicity. Small, small, small amounts have huge
effects because they act like hormones.

So, the dose response, linear concept, has been completely supplanted by acknowledging that in
some cases, the smaller the amount of toxicant you have in your body, the greater effect it could
have on changing a cell’s entire phenotype makeup into a cancer cell, for example.

So, this is not just for petrochemicals. This is actually for particle size. You have this sort of
innovation of nanoparticle technology. Titanium dioxide, for example. They use it to glaze pills
white and use it for sunscreen. The particles are so small, we’re talking maybe under 50
nanometers, that they can go right into the pores of the body.

And when they attach to the surface of cells, can actually activate the nuclear machinery inside the
cell, which changes the cell’s phenotype. So previously, the idea was the dose makes the poison. If
you have something really small, it’s not going to cause a great effect, and it can’t hurt you. Now we
know that the smaller the particle size, the more harmful it can be.

DR. GROUP: What we have just alone in the water with the fluoride and the chlorine and the
arsenic and all those chemicals that are damaging all the different systems in the body, what we
really have is an attack on the endocrine system going on right now. And the endocrine system is
your pituitary, your pineal, your pancreas, and the largest endocrine gland, your thyroid, your

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That’s why we have so many people with thyroid problems because we have a serious iodine
deficiency going on in the world. We have a serious vitamin D deficiency going on, [vitamin] B12
deficiency going on. Those are some of the things that we’re deficient in that help regulate the
cleansing process. But this attack on the endocrine system; the endocrine system is responsible for
all of our hormone production.

TY: That was my next question. Could you explain what is the endocrine system?

DR. GROUP: So, the endocrine system is glands that produce and regulate hormones. We talked
about some of them. But the liver is responsible for filtering and detoxifying all these chemicals.
And when we look at the majority of chemicals, with the phthalates, the plastics, the bromine,
chlorine—I say bromine, chlorine and fluoride because those are really damaging to the thyroid

TY: And those are the halogens.

DR. GROUP: And those are going to be your toxic halogens, and that’s why it’s so important to have
iodine. But the biggest endocrine gland is the gut, and that’s why you see so much attention being

TY: You don’t hear about it.

DR. GROUP: …on the gut right now.

TY: You don’t hear that the gut is part of the endocrine system, though, typically.

DR. GROUP: Right, you don’t. And the fact that the appendix is the brain in the body, not the brain
up here, but your appendix is the brain in the body. Because we have 35 feet of intestinal tract, and
that 35 feet is the first exposure point to all of the chemicals and toxins that are coming into your

Whether you breathe them in, they’re going to be in your mucus membranes. They’re going to leak
down into your stomach. Whether you drink them in, you eat them in, all of that stuff, most likely, is
going to be going down into your gut. And that’s what we found.

What we really have going on, even though the intestinal tract and the gut is the largest endocrine
system, is we have an attack on our gut, pretty much everything that we’re exposed to that attacks
the intestinal lining, and that’s why it’s the number one thing, in my book, to heal and to keep
cleansed on a regular basis.

TY: Dr. Daniel Nuzum.

DR. NUZUM: Hey, my friend.

TY: I’m going to shake your hand very gently here. I’m just coming out of the bedroom there before
I changed in here. I began to open up the door in the bathroom and it was locked, and I ran into it
with my shoulder. And so, I’ve got a little pain here, but it’s kind of a lesson. I was trying to get out,
but the exit was blocked.

DR. NUZUM: There we go.

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TY: So, I want to talk to you about that problem that we have today, not with doors being locked,
but about our exits being blocked, specifically in our body and detoxification.

DR. NUZUM: Absolutely. Well, we have the four primary exits. Okay, we have our bowel. We have a
urinary tract. We have our lungs, our upper respiratory system. We have our skin. If one exit is
blocked, the next one has to pick up the slack. Primary exit for our solid waste is our bowels. I'm
going to give everybody—it's kind of gross, but this is a good…

TY: Not going to offend me.

Ty having “Boxing” practice with Dr. Dan Nuzum in Boise, Idaho

DR. NUZUM: It's a great object lesson here. Before we had transdermal delivery systems, creams,
patches and those types of things, the second fastest way to get a drug into someone's bloodstream
was through rectal suppository. So, by inserting a hard tablet in the rectum, that was, outside of an
IV, that was the fastest way to get a drug into their system. Faster than sublingual.

So, if someone is impacted in the bowel, if the bowel is not moving after each meal, what's being
reabsorbed? If we can absorb a hard tablet, it's way easier to absorb soft stool. So, number one for
solid waste, our bowel. Our bowel has to be open, has to be moving. Again, three times a day is normal.
Clinical constipation is one bowel movement a day. That's the definition.

TY: So, most people are clinically constipated?

DR. NUZUM: Clinically constipated.

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TY: And they're in a constant state. Let me ask you an uncomfortable question. How many bowel
movements are you having each day? The reality is that most people are in a constant state of clinical
constipation. In other words, their colon is impacted and the waste cannot be adequately removed.

But what's the colon? The colon is also known as the large intestine. And as you can see from the
image on the screen, it's comprised of four parts: the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the
descending colon, and the sigmoid colon.

When you eat food, it breaks down in your stomach and it passes through your intestines. This
process is known as digestion. The walls of your intestines absorb nutrients from the food. What
remains as waste, fecal matter, passes along to your colon and your rectum.

At times, things may go wrong in this process and the waste becomes stuck in the colon. This is known
as “fecal impaction of the colon.” As Dr. Nuzum just mentioned, a person with a healthy colon will
have three bowel movements a day, shortly after each meal.

But as I also just mentioned, most people have an impacted colon and are considered to be clinically
constipated. So, the question is, folks, how do we rectify this problem with the rectum? Cherie
Calbom, “The Juice Lady,” tells us the first step, which is a colon cleanse, which can entail herbal
laxatives, enemas, and water irrigation, also called colon hydrotherapy.

Again, cleansing the colon is the first step of the detoxification process, because these toxins need to
exit the body and a backed-up colon can cause them to be reintroduced into the body and the
bloodstream rather than exiting as planned.

CHERIE CALBOM: We’ll start with the colon cleanse because you always cleanse your colon first so
that you have a clear channel when the liver starts dumping toxins. So, we start with a juice fast. I
usually recommend three to five days of juice fasting when you do the colon cleanse.

Then as you’re juice fasting, you drink your fiber shakes, and I usually recommend three to five a day.
And in that, you add your bentonite clay and your fiber combination. And you drink three to five of
those a day. Boy, it starts flushing out stuff out of your colon. It’s just incredible.

DR. NUZUM: Here’s something interesting when it comes to the old gut. Your colon is a tube that
shouldn’t be any bigger than a four-inch diameter. But your colon has the capacity to expand up to
16 inches in diameter.

TY: Wow!

DR. NUZUM: Now the longer—say it gets expanded to 16 inches. The longer it stays expanded to that
extent, the less it can go back to its normal size.

TY: What would cause it to expand?

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DR. NUZUM: Accumulation of waste, not having a bowel movement consistently causes it to expand.
With normal transit time in your GI tract, if you eat, you should shortly thereafter have a bowel
movement. That’s just the way it should work. If you eat and eat and eat, and then the next day you
have a bowel movement, things are going to accumulate in the colon.

That’s just a matter of fact. You can’t keep putting things in without something coming back out.
That’s just a tube. If you stuff stuff in the top, something has to come out the bottom.

TY: How many people are there out there that don’t have regular bowel movements? It’s an epidemic,
isn’t it?

DR. NUZUM: It’s an epidemic, absolutely.

TY: Why is that?

DR. NUZUM: Dehydration, lack of fiber in the diet, and then you have things like thyroid issues. As
soon as the thyroid starts to slow down, so does the colon, the full transit time slows down so you
become sluggish. Other hormonal issues are involved in that. You have different nutritional
deficiencies can cause that. An imbalance in the gut flora. If you have candida. If you ever look at mold,
when it grows it kind of makes a network. If you have that growing in your gut…

TY: So then if you want to clean the colon, then maybe probiotics are a good choice to supplement

DR. NUZUM: Very helpful, yes. See, probiotics will keep the waste from accumulating also. If you can
clean everything out and then introduce the probiotics, you’re not going to accumulate as much waste

Enzymes are—they pull things apart is what they do. I worked in Mexico for a few years. They go,
before the parties, they’d pull the meat apart for the tacos and whatnot. That pulling the strips of
meat apart is kind of what enzymes do to our food. It strips them apart and breaks them in smaller
pieces. So, that’s the effect of enzymes. So again, for dissolving accumulated waste and things like
that, an enzyme is super helpful.

The stomach actually has three layers of muscle. The small intestine has two layers, one going one
way, one going the other way, and it’s for propelling. The colon has one layer of muscle, and it’s just
for squeezing. And again, if that muscle gets too stretched, it doesn’t squeeze very well. And so, taking
different herbal supplements, different herbs that are cathartic and laxative, stimulate the colon.

TY: So not necessarily a bad thing on a short-term basis?

DR. NUZUM: No, not at all.

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TY: Okay. What might some of those herbs be?

DR. NUZUM: Buckthorn, cascara sagrada, senna pods. Those are your most common. And psyllium.
Psyllium is a fiber. So, what that does is that creates bulk. You know how in the fall all the leaves fall
from the tree and you go out with a rake and rake them up? That’s what psyllium does to waste in
your body, in your colon. It kind of rakes it up and gets it moving on down the chute.

TY: Got it.

DR. SEEGER: When you’re detoxing, you always have to make sure that you’re having the foods that
are—the rainbow diet is what I call it. So, all the colored foods, as much as possible. Why? Because
they get the nutrients in.

But when you’re detoxing, you really want to make sure you have the fiber foods. So, all your
cruciferous, your broccoli, your cauliflower, your cruciferous vegetables, all the fiber to help move
things along.

TY: Dr. Seeger was correct. We have to make sure that we have the fiber to help things moving along.
But what exactly is fiber? And no, I'm not talking about fiber optics, which is a major building block
in the telecommunications industry.

Fiber is a plant-derived carbohydrate that cannot be digested by humans, so it passes through your
system relatively intact and it has little or no caloric value. Fiber acts as a natural laxative by
increasing stool bulk, which allows stool to pass more readily through the colon. In this next segment,
Dr. Edward Group discusses research that he performed early in his career and how this research
kept pointing to oxygen being a critical component of cleansing.

Ty interviewing Dr. Judy Seeger in Houston, Texas

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DR. GROUP: And that research led to Otto Warburg’s research on oxygen, Nicolai Tesla’s research on
oxygen, Eugene Blass’s research on oxygen, where they came up with products in the late 1800s
which were designed for that specific purpose. To be taken internally that would release monatomic
oxygen into the bowel slowly, all the way down, which would oxidize or neutralize any chemicals or
toxins and bond to them, so you would go to the bathroom the next day or the next morning, and you
would release all that stuff.

So, it wouldn’t sit in your system and you would be able to cleanse your intestines on a regular basis
safely using something that we take 30,000 breaths of every single day, oxygen, which is not going to
have any negative effect on the bowel. That’s when we came up with looking at that technology.

It took us seven years actually to develop a product that would work like that, that people could take
and keep their intestines clean. The name of our cleansing product is Oxy Powder.

TY: Oxy Powder?

DR. GROUP: Oxy Powder’s been through phase 1, 2, and 3 clinical trials for IBS and constipation. It’s
been used for 15 years successfully all over the world, and it continues to give ultimate really good
success rates with people. It’s amazing how good you feel when you start cleansing the intestinal
tract on a regular basis.

TY: So how do we clean the colon?

DR. SEEGER: So, colon, first off is you start out with the psyllium. In the conventional world, they call
it Metamucil. Don’t do that one. It’s not organic. It doesn’t have—they’re even putting FD dyes in
there. It’s like why? It’s an herb. Stop that. So, take psyllium. It’s cheap. It’s easy. You take a tablespoon
and you mix it in some warm water and you drink it down. I gag. Do you gag when you drink this
stuff? I gag.

TY: No.

DR. SEEGER: See again, I’m a baby.

TY: Well, you’ve just got to drink it quick.

DR. SEEGER: You. I’ll be like gagging the whole way down.

TY: But yeah, it’s pretty gritty.

DR. SEEGER: It is. Well, it’s like yeah, it’s just blech. So, what I do is I mix a little bit of grape juice, like
pure grape juice, lemon juice, pineapple juice, a little bit of something to take that gagginess away.
And I drink it at night. But here’s the thing. When people are detoxing, they might have to take it a
couple times in a day.

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So, start out with a teaspoon, a heaping teaspoon in the morning, and then a heaping teaspoon at
night. And what that does is it will—so you drink a big glass of water and follow it with another glass
of water.

TY: A lot of water.

DR. SEEGER: Here’s the trick. You’ve got to have two glasses of water. If you don’t drink two glasses
of water, don’t do it. Because it will block you up and then you will feel really uncomfortable. It will
never hurt you, but you’ll feel like you’ve got a brick in your abdomen. That’s not cool.

So, in the morning and the evening. And then drink your glass of water. And then wait an hour or so
before you go to bed. Otherwise, you’ll be getting up to go to the bathroom. So, the psyllium helps to
push the colon out, but that’s not the only thing.

You need something to—it’s called the tickle herbs. These are herbs that tickle your colon, I like to
say, because you’ve got the psyllium that gets things moving. It’s the fiber. It’s like eating like a bowl
of broccoli all at one time.

TY: It’s like a ton of fiber all at once.

DR. SEEGER: A ton of fiber all at once. But what you really need is you have to have something to
move it along. Because it will get stuck. Your colon is six feet long. You’ve got your ascending, your
transverse, your descending, and your sigmoid, and that’s a lot of colon, and things get plugged up in

When I had my clinic, I saw x-rays of how things were plugged up, and diverticuli, and polyps, and it’s
crazy. Everybody has a bad colon. So, you need something to help move it along. So, something like
cascara sagrada, senna is okay, cape aloe.

There’s about two-three go-to herbs that I recommend. So, that tickles the colon and moves it so that
when the psyllium is doing its job, it has something pushing it. You have to have peristalsis moving
it. And without peristalsis, it’s just going to sit there and then that’s where people say “Oh, I don’t feel
good. I’m getting all these reactions.”

DR. NUZUM: We also use things like coffee enemas. If they’re really having issues, I send them for
colonics. In detox, in detoxification, there’s two types of detoxification. You have drainage,
detoxification first, which is what we’re talking about.

That’s just taking out the trash, getting the garbage out. Drain all the—you turn the filter upside-
down and shake it out, drain all the waste out of everything.

TY: Which is super important.

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DR. NUZUM: You’ve got to clear—just like cleaning the kitchen, you’ve got to get all the waste out of
the way before you go make dinner or make breakfast. And so, that’s your first step of detoxification.
The second step is where there’s an ion exchange. The body releases toxins when it has nutrients that
it will—it wants nutrients.

So, when it starts to absorb nutrients, it will release toxins. And so, people will see that. They’ll start
taking the supplement, and it starts getting nutrients into their system, and all of a sudden, their
tissues and their cells are releasing all these toxins, and all of a sudden, they feel sick. A way to avoid
that before starting a supplement regime is to flush the body out first.

DR. GROUP: In the body, water is also very important as well. So, I also recommend people drink a
lot of pure, clean water while they’re going through the detoxification.

DR. NUZUM: Here’s something interesting. Here’s another reason to clean the colon. 90 percent of
the water you absorb, you absorb in your colon. Now think of if your colon, which is supposed to be
a four-inch round tube, is swollen, let’s just say six inches, and you have an inch to an inch and a half
of waste caked on the wall of that tube. In order to absorb water through your colon, which is where
you absorb most of your water, it has to go through all that waste to get to the…

TY: You’re absorbing dirty water.

DR. NUZUM: Exactly, right. You’re absorbing dirty water. Isn’t that gross?

TY: I'd have to agree with Dr. Nuzum. The thought of filthy water is pretty gross. But what's even
worse is absorbing that filthy water through the colon, considering that the dirt in the water is
actually fecal waste and it's impacted along the walls of the colon.

One great way to remove the impacted waste is via enemas or colon hydrotherapy, also known as
colon irrigation or a colonic, which is a gentle, purified water washing of the large intestine to clean
and remove built-up fecal material.

The person lies on a massage table with a colon cleansing machine and then water is run very slowly
into the colon, removing the encrusted, nasty fecal material, gas, and mucus. This allows vital
nutrients now to be absorbed more easily and leaves you feeling rejuvenated and healthier. In the
next segment, Dr. Darrell Wolfe shares some positive emotional detox techniques that can help you
get every day off to a great beginning.

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Interviewing Dr. Darrell Wolfe in Toronto, Canada

DR. WOLFE: So, you get up in the morning, the first thing that you should do is that you should think
about 10 things you’re grateful for. That’s called detoxing, Ty. You’re preparing yourself for the day.
Okay? So, what 10 things you’re grateful for. And then I want you to send love to three people that
you don’t like.

Then I want you to get up, and hopefully you’re going to get up and have a big bowel movement. And
if you don’t, there’s a problem there. Because instinctively, and in nature, we want to have a big bowel
movement in the morning. And then what I want you to do, when you go to the bathroom, is look in
the mirror and I want you to say “Good morning, Ty. I love you. We’re going to have a great day.”

I want you to honor yourself. Then what I want you to do, Ty, is you can have your choice. You can do
lemon and water. You might want to start off with baking soda and water. You might want to start off
with apple cider vinegar and water. But I want you to try to do that, and I want you to go with water
as long as you can, even up until 11:00.

TY: Okay.

DR. WOLFE: Because I want you to do intermittent fasting. I don’t want you to eat from supper until
that time.

TY: Right, okay. So, that intermittent fasting period gives you time to cleanse.

DR. WOLFE: Well that is your—okay remember something. What do most people do? “Hey, you know
what I’m going to do, man?” “What are you going to do?” “I am going to do a week cleanse. I’m not
going to eat anything.” You’re just ripping your body apart.

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It’s like this. You’ve got an onion, right? If we peel the layers off gently, we’re fine. You want to take a
knife and cut deep into it? We’re all going to be crying. And then what we do is we have people take
what’s called our daily cleansing tea, every day, every morning and every night.

And I’m telling you something. It’s not a laxative and it’s not a stimulant. Get rid of all laxatives and
get rid of all stimulants. Now why do you want to do that? Well, you want to take this tea because this
tea helps to do what? Look after the mother of all organs, which is the large intestine.

It houses 65 percent of your immune system. We are walking globs of bacteria. You have what? You
have 85 trillion cells. You have 10 times more bacteria. Bacteria’s where it’s all at. So, bacteria’s what
eats up the garbage. It’s what keeps you well. So, we want to make sure that we gently cleanse and
remove the waste gently every day.

And by doing that, this same tea will help support cleansing the liver, the kidneys, and the rest of the
body. This is why the large intestine is so important to be cleansed every day. Because when we
become so highly toxic and your liver cannot detoxify properly anymore because it has a burden, then
what happens is these toxins will stagnate in your colon.

And when you do detoxify, all those heavy toxins will come in the colon. And even people who eat
high fiber diets cannot move out the toxins fast enough. That’s a fact. They will be reabsorbed.

So why do we make ourselves into a manure pile and go “Oh man, I feel so lousy. I need to do a detox.”
So, then you go and you do this deep detox cleanse and guess what? “How are you doing man?” “Oh,
I’m in a healing crisis.”

Why do we need a crisis? I don’t even believe in crises. I don’t believe in healing crises. There’s natural
healing crises, but when you do a deep cleanse and you’re in a healing crisis, you’ve just overloaded
your system. You’re blowing your system up. You don’t need to have a migraine.

You don’t need to be vomiting. You don’t need diarrhea. You don’t need to have aches and pains
throughout your body. Everything is about suffering. Have you noticed how our society doesn’t just
accept it as natural to suffer? It promotes suffering. Everything is about extreme. Why don’t we gently
cleanse each and every day? Why don’t we just learn to love, respect, protect, and honor our body
each and every day?

MIKE ADAMS: You don't need to vomit and diarrhea and urinate five liters a day. That's not
necessary. You just need to do this every single day, where you're eliminating these chemicals little
by little, and then the net effect is that your body's clean, and then you can heal.

DR. SEEGER: Detoxing is good. But you can get crazy on it, like anything. You could be focused on
only getting rid of the toxins and it’s not that. You’re doing it to get rid of the toxins so you can build
up your immune system. That’s your purpose. That’s your goal.

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Your immune system’s what’s going to help you heal. So, getting rid of the toxins is just what you do
every day a little bit at a time, like eating a salad, like drinking water, it’s something that’s necessary.
You’re doing a little bit extra, but you don’t need to do it so intensely to the point where it’s like “Oh.”

DR. GROUP: …three liver cleanses every single year. And then I move into the next cleanse that we’ve
found is the harmful organism cleanse, or the parasite cleanse. And that’s a huge problem right now
that people don’t realize.

We are living in an epidemic right now, of microbes, parasites. And the word parasite, the definition
is actually any harmful organism that lives off of a host mechanism. Most people associate parasites
with worms, but that’s not the case. Viruses, bacteria, fungus (there’s a fungus among us), candida.

We’re overrun with that because of all the sugars. We have worms that are infesting/infecting our
bodies. There’s like six out of 10 children now that have worms, and don’t even know it, in their body.
All the animals. Because the environment is changing, there’s so many new organisms that are
coming into our body.

And what happens with—this was one of the reasons why we had so many people coming in that
were doing juicing with cancer, degenerative disease. It doesn’t matter what illness you have, it
doesn’t matter what symptoms you have. If you detoxify and cleanse your body, your self-healing
mechanism will fix any condition in the body.

We have so many people coming in that are being seen by all these other people that are doing juicing,
juicing and all this stuff, and they weren’t getting better. And I would say, “Did you do the parasite
cleanse? Did you do a harmful organism cleanse?” Well the FDA doesn’t want us saying “parasites”
now, so we have to say harmful organisms.

TY: Oh really? I didn’t know that.

DR. GROUP: Yeah.

TY: Okay.

DR. GROUP: So, they made us take all reference to “parasites” off our site, so we had to change it to
“harmful organisms.” Because there’s a big war right now, you know, going on against—from the
pharmaceuticals and FDA against natural medicine. But what we found was—and what all natural
doctors are finding is that what do parasites do in the body?

We found that cancer patients have over a trillion organisms in their body. Royal Raymond Rife
traced the BX virus to one of the main causes of cancer. Hulda Clarke, the liver fluke to cancer. These
are all harmful organisms that could be associated with cancer or any type of degenerative disease.

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If you have any disease or condition, most likely you have harmful organisms inside of your body
because your pH is off. So, that was the next stage of let’s move into what’s the next cause of all these
illnesses? And I was saying, all these people were coming to us that had been on juicing, but what
they hadn’t done is they hadn’t done a parasite or a harmful organism cleanse.

And just because you’re juicing, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to get rid of all those
harmful organisms in your body, because what was happening is the harmful organisms secrete
byproducts into your fluids and into your body. Isopropyl alcohol, highly acidic. Phenol,
formaldehyde. All of these toxic substances. Lactic acid. The waste products.

And if you have millions of organisms in your body going to the bathroom in your body, no matter
how much you’re juicing and everything, if you’re not eliminating and killing off those harmful
organisms, you’re going to have a problem. You’re going to have a chronic acidic situation in your

DR. GROUP: A good harmful organism cleanse is going to take six weeks, because the cycle from eggs
all the way through adult larvae in most cases is six weeks. So, we developed a product called
Paratrex, and it has the black walnut hull in it. It has clove in it. It has anamu in it. It has different rare
herbs that are designed to not only—a lot of the harmful organisms/parasite cleanses out there are
designed to attack worms only.

But we found that it’s more than that. There’s more organisms, especially like fungus and things like
that. So, we put different—oregano leaf—different substances and compounds in there that would
create a broad spectrum from bacteria, virus, worms, everything, that they could get on.

Actually, one of the ingredients in there too is diatomaceous earth, which works extremely effective
for different types of harmful organisms. So, that’s a combination blend. As a matter of fact, we had
somebody contact us the other day that was on it for a few days, and they pulled a worm out of their
nose. Can you believe that?

TY: Wow!

DR. NUZUM: We have black walnut. We have clove in that. We also have slippery elm, and cascara
sagrada’s also a good anti-parasitic. In the liver, it’s interesting, real interesting, NAC, n-acetyl…

TY: That’s anti-parasitic?

DR. NUZUM: Is anti-parasitic.

TY: Okay.

DR. NUZUM: Very, very good in the liver.

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TY: Awesome.

DR. NUZUM: It’s a little-known fact about that particular nutrient’s really nice. And then virtually all
of the Essiac herbs are anti-parasitic in the lymphatic system.

TY: Okay.

DR. NUZUM: So both your blood circulatory system and your lymphatic circulatory system…

TY: I agree 100 percent with Dr. Seeger and Mike Adams and Dr. Wolfe. You do not have to detox in
such an extreme manner that you feel horrible all the time. However, a brief, temporary period of
feeling badly after beginning a cleanse shouldn't scare you.

As old excess toxins flush out of the body and you get rid of all this unwanted bacteria and the
microbes and viruses, and they die off, you can actually experience a temporary detox or cleansing
reaction. Based on the work of Dr. Karl Herxheimer in the late 1800s, this temporary feeling of illness
is known as the Herxheimer reaction, and it's actually a sign of healing.

These reactions can indicate that your body has started to cleanse itself as it quickly tries to catch up
on all the overload of toxins being released. Next up, Dr. Edward Group goes into detail about an
oftentime overlooked part of a full-body cleanse: the harmful organism cleanse.

DR. GROUP: Usually the people that have gone to multiple doctors, nobody can figure out what’s
going on with them, they run all the tests. All these harmful organisms, you can take a blood test and
your blood still looks normal. They hide. They’re leaches in your system that just suck all your
nutrients and suck everything from you. But a medical doctor or anybody else, it’s really hard to
determine which ones are in there.

There’s really not a lot of tests for that. So, these are people that go all around and try to find all these
solutions, and never end up with a solution, are the ones that are suffering from lyme, or now you
have Morgellons out there, where you have strings coming out of people. You have all these weird
organisms that they’re finding, and the chemtrails that they’re spraying on top of us.

TY: Yeah, the chemtrails.

DR. GROUP: So there is definitely attack. I mean they have biological. Look at these mosquitoes right
now that are—GMO mosquitoes that are carrying the Zika virus and all that. We have a biological
warfare attack on us right now. Everybody needs to be aware of that.

TY: Wow, that's intense, isn't it? Dr. Group said that we are under biological attack. I think the facts
support this assertion. Whether it's the polluted air, pesticide-laden crops, GMO foods and GMO
mosquitoes, the invisible attacks from electromagnetic radiation, which we will discuss at length in
Episode 3, or fluoridated water.

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Speaking of fluoride, turmeric, humic acid, and fulvic acid are all excellent substances at removing
fluoride from the body. Dr. Daniel Nuzum has developed an amazing supplement. It's called Turmeric
3D. Now this contains all three of these, along with ginger, turkey tail mushroom, ashwaganda, and
vitamin D3.

Regarding fulvic acid, it works to achieve and maintain an appropriate chemical balance in the cells,
which includes ridding them of fluoride and other toxins. One of the most powerful free radical
scavengers and antioxidants known to man, fulvic acid will not only help eliminate internal fluorides,
but also will replace them with trace minerals and other nutrients.

Another weapon against fluoride toxicity is tamarind, which is a tropical fruit tree native to Eastern
Africa. A 2002 study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the sour, acidic
fruit possesses a unique ability to capture and flush fluoride poisons out of the body.

In children, tamarind consumption was found to significantly increase the amount of fluoride
excreted via the urine as well as decrease the amount of magnesium and zinc excreted from the body.
And while we're talking about detoxifying from fluoride, I need to also mention iodine.

The cells throughout the entire body contain special receptors that are intended for iodine. But they
become occupied instead by fluoride as a result of excess fluoride exposure. As a result, the body
develops iodine deficiency, which can lead to thyroid disease, infertility, mental retardation, early
mortality, and a host of other illnesses.

Because of this, it's important to regularly supplement with a high-quality iodine supplement. Dr.
Edward Group has developed an excellent product called Detoxadine, which is actually considered to
be nascent, atomic iodine. There are lots of high quality iodine supplements.

Dr. Group's is not the only one. But the reality is that you need to be supplementing with some sort
of iodine, because we're all iodine-deficient. Now summarizing some of the best techniques to kill
harmful organisms, we have: black walnut, clove, slippery elm, cascara sagrada, NAC, which is N-
acetyl cysteine, neem, oregano leaf, and diatomaceous earth.

I know it might be overwhelming, but relax and don't panic. As my good buddy, Robert Scott Bell,
always says at the end of his nationally-syndicated radio show, “The power to heal is yours.” In this
next segment, RSB, as I affectionately call him, discusses Samuel Hahnemann and homeopathy as it
relates to detoxification. And Mike Adams has some humorous yet telling comments about the blood.

DR. BELL: If I go back to Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, who developed homeopathic medicine, again,
1790s, early 1800s, he was working with the concept of the simillimum, defined one specific remedy
that matched most all of the symptoms of the patient.

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That was called the simillimum. And in this case, he—well interesting lost history of Hahnemann,
there’s a great book by Rhyma Handley called The Homeopathic Love Story, tells the time of
Hahnemann in his later years where he married a young French noblewoman and moved to Paris.

He began to see patients in Paris that were very different from the German peasant population, the
farmer folks in Germany his whole life prior to that. And they had met that one single remedy very
successfully and remediated these diseases. But in Paris, he was having difficulty.

It wasn’t having the same success. And he posited that the Parisians, the high society, the wealthy
elite, these were the different folks from the German peasants, were living a different lifestyle, sort
of a wrong lifestyle. They were abusing alcohol. They were eating refined foods.

Sugar became something you couldn’t get. Suddenly the Parisians, they had the wealth, they could
get the sugars. And they were suffering from different forms of chronic diseases. And he posited that
the lifestyle was wrong. We have to clean the lifestyle up.

Now the remedy sulfur is commonly used, and you look in the Materia medica and you’ll see skin
conditions. It seems to have kind of a spinning kind of—how would you call it? Spin things out of the
body, because it really works well with skin conditions.

And what happened with the early years, with sulfur, was always the skin condition remedy without
fail. In Paris, he was like “Well that doesn’t work the same way, only one remedy.” So, he began to go
more complicated, if you will. He would do more than one remedy in sequence or at a time, and he
found that he was able to undo this lifestyle scenario.

Now there was more building upon that later in France, because there was a French school that built
upon this, and there were others that looked at this concept and they named it something, “Drainage,”
which is a fancy way of saying drainage. If I’m going to be a plumber, I want to be a plumber in France
because it’s “Drainage.”

It’s very exotic sounding instead of just drainage. But that concept is detoxification. And what it did
was it expanded on that initial discovery of Hahnemann to say lifestyle diseases are real, chronic
diseases are different than just acute scenarios where you have an explosion of a microbe that you’ve
got to beat back; healthy immune system to overcome it.

So, he began with this thing, and then the French homeopaths have followed up on that work with
his drainage principle. And that is to work with the liver, the kidneys, the spleen, the colon, all of the
organs of elimination simultaneously, with very low attenuations relative to what the potencies of
homeopathy can be, in a gentle way.

We didn’t want to power pack them and overwhelm them, but gently over time to undo the time it
took them to get into that mess. Now it wouldn’t take the same amount of time to get out of it, but in
real terms, you didn’t want to shock the system. People have a Herxheimer response, a devastating,

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overwhelming “I think I’m going to die.” We wanted to model it in a usable fashion. One that wouldn’t
frighten people.

So, what we’re doing in complementing all aspects of detoxification from a physical perspective,
herbal, supplemental, mineral, and I use all of these things. Homeopathically, we can do it in kind of
a metabolic communication way, which is the way we’re working homeopathically, energetically.

And we can work simultaneously with all of these organs of elimination and we can do it gently,
safely, over time so that it will enhance and complement, or even break through the blockages that
all of these other methods have not been able to achieve.

So, I don’t look at as an isolationist approach but as a very key integral part of that recovery on ways
that those that are materialistic reductionists, even in the holistic realm, sometimes don’t
understand. But we can do it.

So, we’ve got to purify the blood. Again, we have the remedies to do that. Now for the entire GI tract,
we know it’s not just about detox. It’s assimilation. There are formulations that I work with, Baptesia
tinctoria is one of my favorites for the gut, but there are many ways we can address gut health for
assimilation and detoxification along with the liver.

So, I liken it to like a three-pronged approach, where we do the elimination, the assimilation, and the
free radical inflammation aspect. And that is a comprehensive detox strategy from a homeopathic
point of view.

MIKE ADAMS: Here’s a really important concept along those lines, and then I’ll wrap this up. You’re
making new blood every day. A lot of people don’t think about this, but you’re making new blood.
Where’s your blood made? It’s made inside your bones, for example, your large bones in your body.

It’s making new blood all the time. Well, what’s that blood made out of? Are your bones magical? Is
the blood teleported in from another universe? The answer’s no. It’s made from the stuff that you just
ate and drank for the last 24 hours. So, if you think about it, if you want clean blood, you have to have
clean food and water. A clean environment that you took in for the last few days, and then that blood
is going to be clean.

If you don’t have lead in your diet, you’re not going to have lead in your blood, right? Now how much
blood is replaced every day? Just a fraction of your total blood volume. So over maybe 30 days you
would replace most of your blood. Or 45 days, even more. 60 days, even more. So, if you eat healthy
in a clean way, for let’s say 60 days, 90 days, by the end of that 90 days, guess what?

Your blood has all been replenished and rebuilt. You have eliminated, you have urinated out all the
old toxic blood that was causing you cancer, and you have regenerated fresh new blood automatically
using the materials of health, the clean foods, the clean water, all the clean things that you took in.
That’s what’s now in your blood.

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DR. WYLDE: Genetic assessment, I can’t tout enough as to how important it is to get yourself
screened. There are many labs across North America that, through your family doctor or somebody
like myself, alternative, integrative functional medicine practitioner, can assess you for. But if you’re
missing certain genes, and we know about them now, there’s dozens. One, for example, is Glutathione

If you’re missing a certain aspect of that gene, or it’s mutated slightly, you have significant issues
detoxifying. And that can relate to all kinds of different problems. For example, if you were to need a
particular natural medicine or a drug to help whatever ails you and you don’t clear it properly from
your system, then that treatment is going to render ineffective.

So, whatever we ingest, whatever we’re exposed to, however we break things down either internally
or from external forces onto us, is controlled by our genetic susceptibility.

TY: Now, I have to admit, Mike Adams had me laughing out loud when he said “Is your blood
magically transported from another universe?” The “Health Ranger” is really funny, and he's got a
great sense of humor. That made me laugh.

But no, the blood is made from what we eat and what we drink. This illustrates how important it is
for us to eat clean foods, drink clean water, and to detoxify our bodies so that we can have clean blood.
Because life is in the blood. We'll learn more about detoxifying with homeopathy from RSB in the
next episode.

But in the meantime, there are a few natural ways that we have that we can purify our blood. Essiac
tea, burdock root, chlorella, dandelion, ginger root, sarsaparilla. That's one of the ingredients in root
beer, by the way. And goji berries.

Remember, you can find the products that I mentioned in this documentary at the website on the
screen right now. We live in a toxic world. Detoxification is vital. I think that Mike Adams, Dr. Bryce
Wylde, Rachel Parent, and Dr. Darrell Wolfe sum it up in this final segment of this first episode.

MIKE ADAMS: Just by living in our modern society, you are inundated with toxic chemicals every
second of every day. Every breath you take, every bite you eat, you have these toxic chemicals coming
into your body. And if you don't detox from these chemicals, you will end up with cancer, or diabetes,
or heart disease, or Alzheimer’s, or kidney failure.

It is a statistical certainty. And yet, the good news is you can detox. It's incredibly simple. It's
incredibly safe. Your body knows how to do it naturally and the steps are very easy to follow. In fact,
they are highly rewarding.

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Ty with Mike Adams, the “Health Ranger” in Texas
(notice Travis in the background being goofy and Alan “pondering”)

DR. WYLDE: Once we learn about our own abilities, our unique abilities to detoxify, we’ll probably
be much astute to understand what we should do about that internal state. And what I mean by that
is often it’s more about what we avoid than what we perhaps put into ourselves. As an end game to
treatment, it’s how we go through life minimizing on our toxic exposure.

RACHEL PARENT: Because I want my kids to grow up in a world where there will be butterflies and
bees. I want my kids to grow up in a world where the soil isn't contaminated with pesticides and
herbicides. I want my kids to grow up in a world where there's enough water for everyone. I want
my kids to grow up in a world where there isn't 1,000 animals or insects going extinct every day. And
that's my goal. That's more of a motive to me than money.

DR. WOLFE: If I can't do this, I don't want to do anything. This is what I want to do. This is what I'm
meant to do. This is my passion. This is what makes my heart beat. This is what makes my blood flow.
Okay? For a person to find their passion on this planet is the number one goal, and when people find
that they can actually get their lives back, then that is like the biggest joy that I could ever feel.

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Ty with Robert Scott Bell (“RSB”) in Toronto. Thumbs up!

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TY: Welcome back to The Truth About Detox. I hope you enjoyed episode 1 and that you learned some
valuable information to help you in your efforts to detoxify your body and to achieve optimal health.
But just in case you missed Episode 1, or you may have forgotten some of the information, I know it
was full of facts and figures, here's a brief recap.

Much of the stigma about detoxification goes back to the battle between Antoine Béchamp and Louis
Pasteur, and a cellular theory versus the germ theory of disease. Pasteur's germ theory proclaimed
that germs, viruses, bacteria, etcetera, are the cause of illness.

Whereas Béchamp's cellular theory noted that these germs that Pasteur was so terrified of were
actually opportunistic in nature and it was only when the tissue of the host became compromised or
damaged that the germs, the bacteria, began to manifest as a prevailing symptom and not cause of

Béchamp advocated not the killing of germs but the cultivation of health through diet, hygiene, and
healthy lifestyle practices like fresh air, good nutrition, exercise. Pasteur's germ theory won the
battle, and as a result, modern medicine isn't concerned about the internal terrain of the person, but
only concerned with killing the germs, the bacteria, the viruses.

But many physicians today disagree with this thesis, and they advocate detoxification as a primary
method of keeping the internal terrain of our bodies clean and healthy. Now again, the primary
organs that we focus on detoxifying are the skin, liver, colon, intestines, kidneys, and the lungs.

Cleaning up the gut system, also known as the microbiome, is the first step. Of course, avoiding GMOs
and eating organic foods is key to cleansing the intestines, but 99 percent of people out there really
need to cleanse their colon, also known as the large intestine.

In Episode 1, several doctors shared their tips on the most effective methods to do just that. Again,
colon cleansing is step number one, because if the colon is congested, the toxins cannot leave the
body and they will be reabsorbed. This is not good. Cleansing the body from harmful organisms is
also essential, and in Episode 1, Dr. Ed Group shared some of the natural herbs that are effective at
ridding the body of these pesky pests and parasites.

Finally, Mike Adams discussed the importance of ingesting clean foods and clean water, since these
are the building blocks of clean blood.

So, are you ready for Episode 2? I know that you are. Let's get rolling. To begin the episode, Mike
Adams, the “Health Ranger,” has some poignant comments about our body's natural ability to
detoxify. Let's have a listen.

MIKE ADAMS: When you think about detox, your body is doing it 24/7 and you can’t turn it off. You
don’t have to will your kidneys to work. And for all those watching, have you ever tried to turn off
your liver? You can’t. Your body is doing this 24/7, no matter what. It’s going to try to detoxify.

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Your liver is literally changing the molecular configuration of chemicals circulating in your blood and
it’s doing it by following the laws of biochemistry, following cause and effect. It’s doing it because you
were born with this incredible brilliance and this vitality that’s a gift to us all.

You’re built to be healthy. And so, your body’s eliminating these things. All you have to do is give it
the tools to eliminate. And one of those tools is just water, by the way, clean water. Water’s a solvent.
Water will extract things from food.

Water will pull out many, many toxic things and it will flush out your body if you have enough water.
But if you’re drinking soda all day, then you’ve deprived your body of the water that it needs to

TY: That’s why it’s so important, I guess, to begin with the colon? Is that correct?

DR. NUZUM: Yes, absolutely.

TY: Because of that?

DR. NUZUM: Right.

TY: That overall burden?

DR. NUZUM: Right. You want to reduce the accumulated waste in the system.

TY: And also because everything goes through the colon to be excreted, right?

DR. NUZUM: Right. It’s the garbage can. So, before you start—if you start with a full garbage can,
you’re going to dump more in it, you’re just going to make a mess. And that’s what happens. So, you
go from—you dump the garbage can, get the trash out, then we have to go into the filtration systems.

If we work bottom-up, no pun intended, start with the colon and we go on to the kidneys. The kidneys
are going to pick up anything the liver doesn’t deal with. And so, before we go detoxing the liver, we
need to clean up the kidneys. Because if the liver doesn’t deal with something, the kidneys are going
to have to deal with it.

TY: So you’ve got to get them up to par first.

DR. NUZUM: Exactly. You’ve got to clear—again, remove the waste, flush the waste out of those, the
kidneys second, so that they’re functioning at full capacity when you then move on to the liver.

TY: What are the imperatives, for people that are watching, to know about kidney cleansing?

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DR. NUZUM: Kidneys regulate water. Actually, they regulate water and minerals in our body. The
kidneys, the nephrons, the kidney cells, actually have receptor sites for minerals. As they filter the
water in your body, they determine what minerals stay or leave in your system.

And so, healthy kidneys will maintain healthy mineral levels in your body, because they’ll hold on to
certain things if you’re low and they’ll let go of other things if you’re too high. They level everything
out. When they become toxic, they stop doing that and you start building up “salts” or they call them

TY: Kidney stones.

DR. NUZUM: Yeah, exactly. It’s a salt. And you’ll start getting salt deposits elsewhere, like in your
arteries. They call it arterial sclerosis, which is calcification of the arteries. It’s basically calcium salt
being laid down in an artery. That actually goes back to healthy kidneys. They’re not regulating the
minerals in your system.
TY: So back to the kidneys.

DR. NUZUM: The kidneys, so parsley. I mean common things. Parsley, watermelon, cilantro, all very
good. Ginger, ginger root, excellent for cleaning the kidneys and whatnot.

TY: So we love to make salads that have parsley, cilantro in them, and fresh ginger, fresh garlic. So,
that’s all—

DR. NUZUM: Kidney friendly. Exactly.

TY: To recap what Dr. Nuzum just said, the kidneys maintain a water-mineral balance in the body.
They regulate blood pressure and they filter waste from the blood in the form of urine, which in turn
cleans the latter. When that mineral balance goes out of whack, kidney stones result. Some of the
most potent herbs that detoxify the kidneys are parsley, watermelon, cilantro, and ginger. In this next
segment, Dr. Judy Seeger shares her go-to herbs for detoxifying the kidneys. How might somebody
detox the kidneys?

DR. SEEGER: Yeah, so I go through herbs for that. There’s herbs, there’s food, and there’s sweating.
So, we talked about sweating, so that’s easy, right? But the main herbs for that, number one herb that
I absolutely love for kidneys is juniper berries. I used to have kidney stones. I used to have a lot of

I used to have kidney stones, gallstones, constipation, and chronic fatigue when I was in my 20s.
Really serious stuff. And then I was sick all the time. And because my family had a lot of cancer issues,
I didn’t want to go down that route. I knew I had to change.

So, that’s how I learned. And when I opened my clinic, I started applying all this stuff after I became
a naturopath and realizing “Wow, there’s a bunch of stuff we could help people with on a regular

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basis,” and I saw results. After tens of thousands of people, it was like “Hey, this is working. Now I
have to teach more people how to do it so it becomes an integral part of their day.”

So, kidneys, the issue people used to come to see me in the clinic was they were swollen all the time.
They had—especially after cancer. And a lot of diseases, they take medication and so they have
swelling in their ankles, swelling in their legs, their arms, whatever. And that’s a kidney issue. So, first
thing I say, I said “Okay, drink more water.”

TY: Because people are typically dehydrated.

DR. SEEGER: Yeah, especially on medication. Yeah. But the issue is not just that, is they need to have
something to help flush the kidneys out, and juniper berries is the number one go-to herb. Juniper
berries. And it doesn’t taste bad, something I could drink. I don’t mind it.

It’s a very mild herb. But juniper berries have nutrients in there that helps to flush the kidneys out.
So, for example, when I had my kidney stones, I was in a lot of pain. I mean it’s debilitating. And I
would drink it and immediately have relief. It works that fast.

TY: So you’re talking about juniper berry tea, or herb? What is it?

DR. SEEGER: Yeah, they’re berries. They’re little, tiny berries.

TY: So you eat the berries?

DR. SEEGER: Yeah. No, so it’s dried herb that looks like dried up blueberries. That’s exactly what they
look like.

TY: Okay.

DR. SEEGER: So you buy the herbs and then you take a teaspoon and you put it in a cup, and you pour
some boiling water over it and let it steep for 15 minutes, and that’s your juniper berry tea. Now you
could eat the juniper berries if you want to. I like it.

TY: You just filter it out?

DR. SEEGER: But I filter it out normally, and then you drink—now here’s the key—not one cup a day.
So many people would say “Oh, I drank a cup a day and it didn’t do anything.” I’m like “This is not like
medication. Medication you take once a day and you’re good.”

It doesn’t work like that in the natural world, meaning you have to take a lot more. So, you need to
take, I don’t know, a teaspoon in a cup, at least three cups a day. It’s not going to hurt you. You could
take four or five cups a day. That’s fine.

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TY: Can you throw in some lemon and stevia to make it taste better?

DR. SEEGER: If you want to, you could ramp it up. But here are the other herbs that are really, really
good for the kidneys to flush it out, is uva ursi. There’s corn silk and there’s cleavers. So, all those four
herbs, again, those are my fab four for the kidney. You take those four herbs, you can mix them up, or
just one at a time, whatever you want to do or whatever you can find.

But you take those herbs and you steep it in, and again, four or five times a day. So, that’s for kidney
cleanse. But if you want to just keep it on the regular daily, is what we’re talking about, a cup, half a
cup, that’s fine. But if you’re doing a regular cleanse, now you need more, four or five cups a day. So,
that’s the issue there. The other one is sweating, we said, kidney. Oh, and for the food. So, the food,
watermelon. Watermelon season.

TY: I love watermelon.

DR. SEEGER: I’m glad. That’s good for you.

TY: Yeah.

DR. SEEGER: Yeah. The first time I ever did a kidney cleanse, and I ate this massive watermelon. I
mean literally, I ate like a half a watermelon. I woke up in the middle of the night doubled over in
pain. Because a kidney stone was trying to flush out. And I was like “Oh!”

I mean excruciating pain, like you’ve never had a baby so you don’t get it, but it’s like having 10 babies
at one time. It was horrible. It was really bad. So, I learned, again. And so, when I did my clinic, I was
like “Okay, guys. One piece of watermelon.” I mean it’s that powerful. But chew the seeds, because the
real key component in watermelon is the seeds.

DR. NUZUM: In most cases of kidney failure, the reason the kidneys fail is due to scar tissue
accumulation, or formation in the kidneys. And scar tissue forms where there’s lots of inflammation.
I explain inflammation, the contrast here is to say a river that’s flowing doesn’t stay toxic very long
because it washes out.

TY: Right. I think I know where you’re going.

DR. NUZUM: Right. A pond that is stagnant, that water goes bad fast. So, if I hurt my knee and it swells
up like this, and I don’t have good circulation going through it, that water in my knee is going to go
bad, and that becomes inflammation and stays chronic. So, my knee, now two years later, still hurts,
even though the swelling’s gone, it’s gone back down to normal size, but the “water” in my knee has
gone bad. This is an analogy here, if that makes a lot of sense. Does that make sense?

TY: Yeah.

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DR. NUZUM: So in any tissue that happens in, that’s when scar tissue forms. And in the kidney…

TY: That’s why the kidneys fail.

DR. NUZUM: Right.

TY: Scar tissue.

DR. NUZUM: Most cases, you’re looking at scar tissue forming, and so instead of having healthy
kidney cells, you have scar tissue. It gets replaced. And then the kidneys just don’t function. The
healthy cells are being replaced by scar tissue.

Ty with Doc Nuzum and Salvador Ramirez
(K1 World Heavyweight Muay Thai Kickboxing Champion) in Boise, Idaho

CHERIE CALBOM: Kidney cleanse is lighter and easier. We focus on things like nettles, nettles tea.
You can juice nettles. Springtime is a wonderful time to go picking nettles, with your gloves of course.
But once you juice, it doesn’t sting your tongue. People ask me that all the time.

TY: Stinging nettles, right.

CHERIE CALBOM: They’re stinging nettles, but doesn’t sting your tongue. You can make tea out of it
or just buy it loosely, throw it in tea bags. Wonderful for cleansing the kidneys. And then on top of
that, cranberry juice, unsweetened cranberry. And you can make your own cranberry juice or you
can just get unsweetened cranberry.

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And again, for a kidney cleanse, wonderful to do a juice fast, even if it’s a short one, like one, two, or
three days. And using things like lemon and cucumber and asparagus that are natural diuretics really
begin to cleanse those kidneys.

DR. GROUP: The next is urination pathway. A lot of people’s urination pathway are shut down
because they’re not drinking enough water. A lot of the things people are drinking are going to be

And so how do we open up the urination pathway? Pure, clean water. I always recommend distilled,
and then what I do is add certified organic kombucha or apple cider vinegar, or a pinch of sea salt.
Anything that’s going to reactivate that distilled water and bring back that life to it, bring back those
minerals inside of it.

TY: I love those ideas from Dr. Group on how to reactivate distilled water, and in the end, open up
the urination pathway, which is really the same thing as detoxifying the kidneys. Now also, Cherie
Calbom, “The Juice Lady,” just gave us some powerful ideas for detoxifying the kidneys with natural
diuretics, like lemon, cucumbers, and asparagus.

I also like to personally use lemon and peppermint essential oils to make a really, really healthy
lemonade and help detoxify my body daily. What I do is I take just a glass of water, I put a few drops
of lemon essential oil, few drops of peppermint essential oil, stir it up and it's a real good refreshing
lemonade that I make.

It's not necessarily going to taste exactly what you're used to with lemonade, but it's really, really
healthy and it gets these essential oils into your body. It also acts as a really good natural preventative
for halitosis, or bad breath. So, that's a great idea that you can incorporate essential oils into your
regimen each day through making healthy lemonade with lemon and peppermint essential oils.

The benefits of lemon oil include its ability to treat stress disorders, fever, infection, asthma, obesity,
insomnia, and even skin disorders. Also hair conditions, stomach problems, and even tiredness.

Lemon essential oil also contains d-limonene, which is a substance contained in citrus fruits that's
been proven to minimize the incidence of colon, skin, liver, stomach, and pancreatic cancers.
Interestingly, d-limonene's also the substance in lemon essential oil and many other citrus essential
oils that is used in cleaners.

So, a lot of the times you've seen on the commercial, Lemon Fresh Pledge, well, that's lemon essential
oil. It helps to really clean surfaces very well, as well as cleaning your body. Now Dr. Judy Seeger just
shared her fab four for the kidneys, which is juniper, uva ursi, corn silk, and cleavers. In this next
segment, she shares some great ideas on how to begin each day in a simple, yet effective, detoxifying

DR. SEEGER: You wake up in the morning. What’s the first thing you do?

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TY: Drink a glass of water.

DR. SEEGER: Right. So, if you wanted to do something to take it up to the next level, you’d drink warm
water or room temperature water, because something that’s really cold, like if you take something
out of the refrigerator then that puts a shock to your system.

TY: It’s always room temperature.

DR. SEEGER: But you add lemon to it. Take a fresh lemon, you squeeze it, like half a lemon, and you
squeeze in that water and you drink it down. What does that do? Two things. One, it makes your body
more alkaline. Anything that makes your body alkaline helps your pH and keeps the disease low, the
chance of disease coming in.

The other thing is it helps your liver. Anything that gets your liver cleansed out is excellent, and lemon
does it. It’s simple, but it has to be fresh. So many times people ask me, they say “Well, what about
using that lemon concentrate stuff?” It doesn’t work the same. It’s the fresh lemon, the enzymes in
that makes a difference. So, half a lemon, squeeze it in, drink it down.

DR. GROUP: A functioning, good liver is able to actually process and neutralize some of these things.
A good functioning intestinal tract, with the proper type of probiotics in there, living—and probiotics
actually control the production of neurotransmitters too, your serotonin, your dopamine, things like
that. If you have a healthy gut, really, you have a healthy body. The liver’s like the oil filter kind of in
your car. When it’s clogged up, it’s fatty.

There’s non-alcoholic fatty disease right now being diagnosed in 12-year-olds and 15-year-olds, I
mean as early as teenagers and earlier. Because of all the hydrogenated fats, because of all the toxins
in the foods, the microwave foods, everything else that’s clogging the liver and not allowing the liver
to actually process.

And that’s another reason why people with high blood pressure, they start getting high blood
pressure they run to the doctor’s office and they get put on high blood pressure medication. Well, if
you think of the things in a step-by-step manner of how things can happen, and it’s very easy to say
“Okay, what if I had a congested oil filter in my car and the oil was trying to push through there? It’s
going to show high oil pressure because it can’t go through the filter.”

Well when the blood can’t filter through the liver, the heart has to pump faster and harder to pump
it through there because the liver’s fatty, cirrhotic. It’s all congested with stones. People have liver
stones just like gallbladder stones. So, the heart has to work more.

That’s the body saying “Hey, you need to clean out your liver.” I’ve never had a case of high blood
pressure where someone didn’t do one, two or three liver cleanses, where their blood pressure
didn’t come back to normal.

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DR. NUZUM: The liver has four different methods in a two-phase cycle of filtration.

The four methods are, number one, conjugation. Conjugation means bonding to. And so, there’s an
acid that should be amply supplied in our diet called glucuronic acid. Glucuronic acid is—primarily
it’s found in the highest amounts in root vegetables, root herbs, and cruciferous vegetables.

Glucuronic acid, the liver uses glucuronic acid just like its front line of defense against toxins. But if
we are not consuming those types of vegetables in particular, we’re not getting that acid. Therefore,
the liver has to store those toxins instead of getting rid of them. It has nothing to bond them to to toss
them out.

TY: And name the vegetables again?

DR. NUZUM: Cruciferous vegetables, root herbs, and root vegetables.

TY: Okay. So, the big cruciferous vegetables are broccoli and cauliflower we think of.

DR. NUZUM: Brussels sprouts are also cruciferous.

TY: And then the…

DR. NUZUM: Kale.

TY: Kale. And then what about the roots?

DR. NUZUM: Ginger root, ginseng, you’ve got…

TY: Turmeric. If you’re watching this, you listen to those cruciferous veggies and those roots. Are you
eating those? And if not, assume then that you’re not getting enough that you’re taking in for your
liver, to have the glucuronic acid.

DR. NUZUM: Yes, because glucuronic acid, if you’re not getting that, it’s about 70 percent of your
liver’s detox capacity is impaired.

TY: So then in your liver detox formula, do you have some of those?

DR. NUZUM: We had a substance called calcium deglucurate, which is glucuronic acid bound to
calcium. Very bioavailable form. We have that in conjunction with other herbs. We have milk thistle,
your standards in there, and they work really well at ramping up that conjugation phase.

DR. SEEGER: What gets the liver to release toxins? We’ve mentioned already, first off is lemon. That’s
very gentle, very easy. But then the other thing is bitter foods. I hate bitter foods. But now I like it
because it makes me feel good.

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TY: What do you mean by bitter foods?

DR. SEEGER: Bitter foods. Arugula is great. Beats are not considered bitter foods technically, but it’s
got a stimulation on the liver. All the foods that get you so that the liver says “Hey, it’s time to let go.
It’s time to release those toxins.” So, the herbs, the bitter herbs are dandelion root, Oregon grape root,
turkey rhubarb, burdock root.

TY: Those are also in the Essiac formula.

DR. SEEGER: Some of them. The Essiac has five, yes. And it has some of them, yes. People could take
the Essiac formula or they could take the individual herbs. So, those I call my fab four herbs because
you could take dandelion root, make a tea and then just drink it down. You could take it in a tincture.
Take a little bit every day, just a little bit like that will just get the liver going.

TY: Okay, reiterate, your fab four for the liver are what again?

DR. SEEGER: Yeah, so the fab four for the liver, you’ve got your dandelion root, your burdock root,
your turkey and your Oregon grape root.

TY: Turkey rhubarb?

DR. SEEGER: Yeah, turkey rhubarb. So, those four herbs. Now sometimes people have a hard time
finding them, and I’m like—and so they say “Well what about in capsules?” Capsules are okay.
Capsules are fine. I don’t think it’s as potent as fresh, but when you use those herbs fresh, you’re going
to get the most bang for your buck, and that’s the best.

TY: Are you making a tea out of them?

DR. SEEGER: You’re making a tea. So how you do the tea is you take—these are roots, so roots are
very different than flower herbs. Flower herbs, like I just said, the juniper or the uva ursi and the
cleavers, those are easy. You steam them 15 minutes. But the root herbs are not so much.

The root herbs, what you want to do is you take a tablespoon of the dandelion root and you put it in
a cup. And then in the meantime you’re going to boil your water. You put it in the cup and you let that
sit there for four hours. Four hours. Now that’s really extracting all the nutrients from it, because it’s
a root, and it’s hard.

You want to get all the nutrients from there. So, for four hours, you have to let it steep. Now to ramp
it up, for those people who are advanced and want to spend a little extra time to get more out of it,
then they put it back in the pot. So, this cup, with the tea that we just soaked for four hours, put it
back in the pot and you’re going to let it sit there and simmer for at least 20 minutes.

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What that does is the heat then gets all the root, everything in there, and really pulls it out and gets it
so that it’s extracted thoroughly. So, you’re getting a lot more for it. So, you might get half the potency
in that cup after four hours, but when it’s been in the pot and has been boiling like that, wow. Now
you’ve doubled your money on that. So, it’s going to be stronger and it’s going to have that bitter taste.
You won’t mind. I do.

TY: That’s good advice for people to do that, so they get the most bang for their buck.

DR. SEEGER: Yeah, exactly. And the trick then is to again, sip on that. Because that one, you don’t
have to drink it down so fast because again, if your liver’s toxic, especially those people who have
been through chemo and radiation, especially those people who have been on medication, especially
people who’ve been on a chronic degenerative journey for a long, long time.

Their liver’s very, very toxic. So, for them to take like a cup of that right away, they are definitely not
going to feel good, especially if their colon’s not cleansed out. So, it’s really important to just, maybe
a quarter of a cup. And then a couple hours later, another quarter of a cup. Another few hours, another
quarter a cup. Just easy.

TY: Don’t slam it.

DR. SEEGER: Don’t slam it. You don’t have to rush. We’re not in a rush here. People are like “Get the
toxins out of me. I need this nasty stuff out.” And I’m like “Yes, you do.” And back in the day, 30 years
ago, when I was practicing, that’s how we were taught. “Yeah, just throw them against a wall and get
rid of those toxins all at one time.” And that’s when people were throwing up and getting very sick,
and just really truly not feeling…

TY: They were doing too much too fast.

DR. SEEGER: Too much too fast. That’s really what it came down to. So, over the years, what I learned
is slow it down, make it more practical, give it a little bit at a time throughout the day, and then they
don’t have the results like that. The next part of that is either doing a coffee enema or a colonic. I
personally like colonics better, but they’re more expensive and they’re inconvenient, and I
understand that.

So, I think Dr. Gerson did a great job of putting that on the map of having coffee enemas, because
they’re convenient, they’re cheap and they’re easy. But the challenge with coffee enemas is it doesn’t
always get up into the colon, through all the way up into the liver.

It takes a lot of work to get up there, but it works. And if that’s all people have, then do it. Anything to
get the colon to release the toxins is great. But really, for a good colon cleanse, colon hydrotherapy
by far. If people could afford even doing one to just kind of get things moving, get a colon therapist
who massages and gets things—oh, it’s fantastic.

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It’s great. I used to be a massage colon hydrotherapist, and I would massage the abdomen. And just
got great results with that. People felt really, really good when that stuff came out.

TY: I know this isn't a subject that's popular at the dinner table, is it? But detoxifying the colon and
the liver with things like coffee enemas is essential to optimal health. Now just in case you aren't
familiar with the functions of the liver, here's a brief summary.

The liver has two large sections, called the right lobe and the left lobe. Interestingly, the liver is the
only organ in the body that can completely regenerate itself. So, what does the liver do? The liver
produces bile. Now bile takes waste and breaks down fats in the small intestine.

The liver produces proteins that are also needed to make blood plasma. It produces cholesterol, and
it also produces proteins that help carry fats through the body. The liver converts glucose to glycogen,
which is used for energy. It also regulates amino acids.

It processes hemoglobin. The liver stores iron. It eliminates drugs and toxins from the blood. Right?
That's a big one. Regarding this last function of the liver, eliminating toxins and drugs from the blood,
I want to explain how this happens.

In order to do this, the liver uses a two-phase enzymatic process to neutralize unwanted chemical
compounds including drugs, pesticides, toxins, as well as hormones and inflammatory chemicals like
histamines. Typically, this two-phase detox process will take fat-soluble toxins and convert them to
water-soluble waste.

The phase one detoxification of most chemical toxins involves a group of between 50 and 100
enzymes, which collectively have been named the cytochrome p-450 enzymes. Now these enzymes
reside on the membranes of the liver cells called hepatocytes.

Human liver cells possess the genetic code for many types of p-450 enzymes. So, when the body is
exposed to different toxins, the liver will be induced to synthesize specific enzymes that are required
to neutralize them. This mechanism protects the body from the damaging effects of a wide variety of
toxic chemicals.

This pathway neutralizes a toxin by simply converting it into something that is chemically in smaller
pieces, that will be handed over to phase two, or alternatively, makes it water-soluble, which allows
excretion by the kidneys or through sweating. This pathway uses various chemical reactions, such as
oxidization, reduction, and hydrolysis.

Now what exactly did I just say? To put it simply, phase one liver detox pathway converts a toxic
chemical into a less harmful chemical so that our body can get rid of it. How's that? That’s a little
easier to remember, isn't it? It's important to remember that a significant side effect of phase one
detoxification is the production of free radicals as the toxins are transformed.

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For each molecule of toxin metabolized by phase one, one free radical molecule is generated. Without
adequate free radical defenses, every time the liver neutralizes a toxin, it's damaged by the free
radicals that it produces. Antioxidants like glutathione, vitamin C and E, carotenoids, selenium, and
flavonoids like quercetin, reduce the damage that is caused by these free radicals.

Phase two detoxification pathway is the second stage in processing toxic compounds for elimination.
This phase involves the addition of chemical groups like glutathione, taurine, cysteine, and glycine to
the toxic compounds that make it less toxic to the body tissues and easier to excrete.

During phase two, the liver adds small chemical pieces into the toxin in a process called conjugation,
effectively wrapping it up safely. They basically prepare toxins to release into the bile. For efficient
phase two detoxification and production of bile, the liver cells require sulfur-containing amino acids
like taurine, cysteine, and several other nutrients.

Huh? What did you just say, Ty? Alright, let me try to put it simply. Phase two liver detox, also called
conjugation, is basically a wrapping effect wherein toxins and their intermediate compounds that are
left over from phase one are neutralized and they're made water-soluble so they can be excreted
from the body via water fluids like bile or urine.

For efficient phase two detox, the liver cells require sulfur-containing amino acids like taurine and
cysteine. The nutrients glycine, glutamine, N-acetyl cysteine, choline, and inositol are required for
efficient phase two detoxification. Eggs and cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, cabbage,
cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, raw garlic, onions, leeks, and shallots are all good sources of natural
sulfur compounds to enhance phase two liver detox.

Green tea extract also is a potent antioxidant that has phase two stimulating properties and beets are
universally recognized as an excellent liver detoxifier. Also, rosemary essential oil, which I use almost
on a daily basis, has been shown to possess two detoxification mechanisms.

One, it inhibits the metabolic activation of pro-carcinogens that are catalyzed by the cytochrome p-
450 enzymes, and two, it induces phase two enzymes. This is why I love rosemary essential oil and
why I use it almost every day. Now here's a bit of trivia.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is said to have spread her blue cloak over a rosemary bush as she rested,
and the white flowers turned blue. The shrub came to be known as the rose of Mary. Is this true or
not? I'm not real sure. It may just be a myth, but it's a neat story, regardless.

Also, as Dr. Judy Seeger previously mentioned, bitter herbs improve liver detox, both phase one and
phase two. We're talking about herbs like milk thistle, which is the most well-researched herb for the
treatment of liver disease and liver detoxification.

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Dandelion root, which stimulates digestion, stimulates the liver to produce more bile. Oregon grape
root, turkey rhubarb, and burdock root. Also, gentian root extract is a fungicide and it's also an
immune booster, and it possesses anti-inflammatory properties.

Now its bitter principles stimulate the secretion of both gastric juices and bile. Remember, you can
find many of the products that I've been mentioning at the website that's on the screen right now.
Next up, Dr. Group discusses the importance of olive oil in a liver cleanse.

DR. GROUP: Initially I wanted to do a liver cleanse program without someone having to drink the
olive oil. I didn’t realize, you can look at liver cleansing programs all over the world, and I always
wondered, “why do they have the olive oil in there?” But if you look at ancient ayurvedic therapies,
they’re very used to using oils for detoxification, and they would soak people’s bodies in different
types of oils.

They pour different oil blends in the eyes, which dissolve glaucoma and increase your vision, hot oils.
So, the purpose of the oil in the liver cleansing that I’ve found out was that’s the way you do oil pulling
of your liver. So, when you ingest that much oil and it goes through the body, it stimulates the liver.

Ty interviewing Dr. Ed Group in Houston, TX

The oils actually get into the liver because they have to go for processing. It sucks out a lot of the
chemicals and the toxins. That’s why people have little oil droplets and little hard oily substances
coming out during liver cleanses. Some people call them stones, but you’ll have 2,000 to 3,000 things
coming out of your liver whenever you purge it that way.

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So, the liver cleansing is extremely important, and probably one of the most beneficial things that I’ve
seen happen with liver cleansing is after the second day, just this sense of energy that comes back
into the body.

TY: I’ve heard that before.

DR. GROUP: And it’s amazing.

TY: The coffee enemas too, which helps the liver. You get that feeling; euphoria or well-being.

DR. GROUP: That’s another thing that you can do with liver cleansing is coffee enemas. Just make
sure you use organic coffee and distilled water because coffee is one of the most contaminated, toxic
things out there that you get, heavily sprayed with pesticides and insecticides. 80 percent of the
world’s coffee supply. So, if you’re going to use the coffee enema, make sure you use organic source.

DR. NUZUM: One of the problems that we run into as human beings is our liver’s capacity to take
things from fat soluble to water soluble. It doesn’t fully develop till we’re 8, 9, 10, 12 years old, which
is why exposure to heavy metals and those types of thing are so dangerous in children.

TY: At a young age.

DR. NUZUM: At a young age. They don’t have—metals are fat soluble. Your brain, your central
nervous system, your hormone-producing gland and your fat cells are all fat-based tissues. So,
anything that is fat-soluble, if it can’t get sent out of the body is going to get sent back into those

So, in children, that’s why it’s so dangerous for them to be exposed to heavy metals if they don’t have
the capacity to get rid of them that adults have. They don’t convert fat-soluble to water-soluble as
well. That doesn’t fully develop until we’re close to 10 years old.

TY: Which may be one of the reasons we see this rise in autism in young kids, because the mercury
and other heavy metals, they can’t get rid of them.

DR. NUZUM: Absolutely. Exactly. It has to go somewhere in the body, so some of it will go into their
fat tissue, some into their hormone-producing glands, and some to their brain and spinal cord, if the
body can’t get rid of it. It’s an issue. So, what we have to do then is enhance the body’s redux and
oxidation capacity in the liver so that it can convert everything from fat-soluble to water-soluble.

Once it’s done that, we also have to be able to then drain the liver. There’s multiple phases here. Once
the liver has done all of its concentrating of the toxins, we don’t want to leave them there. Coffee
enemas are probably the best thing you can do for draining—doing that drainage. I always tell people,
if you’re going to do coffee enemas, do not add cream and sugar.

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TY: Yes. It’s a coffee bean.

DR. NUZUM: Special coffee bean.

TY: What is it in your formula that causes the drainage if it’s not coffee?

DR. NUZUM: Well looking at—actually, your milk thistle does a lot of that. Also, NAC, it’s N-acetyl
cysteine, a sulfur compound that enhances that conversion but also leaves things—it’s kind of like it
packages it so that the liver then can just expel those toxins. We have—excuse me—trimethyl glycine,
another thing that helps both that packaging and then having things ready. Then we have burdock
root, and different—there’s a couple of different ways.

TY: Which is one of the ingredients in Essiac tea.

DR. NUZUM: Exactly.

TY: What’s the name of your products that you’ve developed?

DR. NUZUM: Optimoxx.

TY: Optimoxx?

DR. NUZUM: Optimoxx Detox System. And it’s for optimal detoxification.

TY: Optimal detox, Optimoxx.

DR. NUZUM: Optimoxx.

TY: And you’ve got liver, kidney, colon, and lymph.

DR. NUZUM: Whole nine yards, yeah.

MIKE ADAMS: The best detox is a daily detox that your body's doing on its own when you nurture it
correctly. So, if you think about poisons come into your body little by little every single day. You get
this accumulation, this aggregate effect of poisons over time. But your body is also detoxing little by
little every single day, right?

So, it’s a race. If the poisons are coming in like this and your detox is only keeping up like this, then
the net gain of poison is going to keep going up. That's when you get cancer and disease. But if you
have just a little bit of poison coming in but your detox is powerful, more powerful, then you're
eliminating that poison every single day. Now you're cancer free. You don't have diabetes. You don't
have heart disease. You don't have Alzheimer’s. Your kidneys are working great. Your liver's working
great. Everything's working great.

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TY: That's an excellent analogy from Mike Adams, the “Health Ranger.” It's like a race between the
rate of poisons and toxins coming in and the rate at which our bodies can eliminate them, also called
detoxification. If we detox at a faster pace than we're ingesting the toxins, everything works great.

Now, back to the olive oil and the liver flush. Here's a well-known protocol that's been used to flush
the liver. Here's the ingredients. Number one, organic, unpasteurized apple juice. Number two,
organic, cold-pressed virgin olive oil. That's it. Those two ingredients.

So, here's the way you do it. For three days, eat only steamed vegetables like broccoli, cabbage,
carrots, spinach, and maybe some brown rice. During that same three-day period, drink at least half
a gallon of filtered or spring water each day, and also drink about a quart of unpasteurized organic
apple juice.

On the third night, drink about six to seven ounces of the virgin organic cold-pressed olive oil mixed
with fresh-squeezed lemon juice. To make the mixture more palatable, you might want to add some
grapefruit juice or even maybe some pineapple juice.

Now here's the key. Drink it all at once, all of the olive oil at once, and immediately after drinking
down the olive oil, lie down on your right side in a fetal position with your knees up and remain there
for at least half an hour; 30 minutes. Keep a bowl by your head just in case you're nauseated and want
to vomit.

Try not to vomit, but just in case. The nausea typically goes away after only a few minutes. Then go
to bed. For the next few days, check your stool and see if you pass any greenish-black stones. These
stones are gallstones and they may have been blocking your liver detoxification capabilities and
keeping you away from better health. In this next segment, Cherie Calbom, “The Juice Lady,” shares
the reasons why juicing should be an integral part of every detoxification protocol.

CHERIE CALBOM: Juicing, as I see it, is a huge part of detoxification. Whatever else you do, this is
very important and should be at the core of what you do for detoxing. And I just have to tell you my
story to start off. I, years ago, was very ill. I had chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia.

I couldn’t work. Frustrated, I’d sleep 12 hours and get up tired and drag through the day. My mother
died of cancer when I was six years old, and I felt like I was following in her footsteps, and I was so
frustrated running from doctor to doctor. No one knew what to tell me, and I had not much money to
be doing that.

So, I finally thought I’d better go around and do my homework if I’m ever going to get well. I started
going to health food stores and talking to people, and I realized my diet was horrible, horrible. I loved
junk food, fast food. I didn’t like vegetables. I was sick in my 20s.

I thought “Okay, I’ll get my first juicer,” because people were talking to me about juicing. I started
juicing to see what would happen. Well, I’m a go-for-it person. If I’m going to do something, I’m going

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to do it 100 percent. So, I did a five-day juice fast, a veggie juice fast. On day five, my body expelled a
tumor this size, with blood vessels attached.

TY: Wow!

CHERIE CALBOM: That got my attention totally. People have asked me, “Was that cancerous? Was it
a polyp? Do you know?” I don’t know. I was young, and I was totally flabbergasted. I went, “Oh my
goodness. I got rid of that.”

TY: You’re glad it was out, whatever it was.

CHERIE CALBOM: Whatever it was. I was so happy to be done with that. I think I was following in my
mom’s footsteps. I don’t think I would be here today. She died young, and I don’t think I would be
here if I hadn’t started my journey. So, that got my attention like nothing ever did.

I thought “I’m on the right track.” I thought I’d be well the next morning. No, I was not well the next
morning. I was detoxing. I had good days and not so good days, as my body was getting rid of toxins.
And so, I thought “I’m hanging in there.” My dad and I—I had to move home with my stepmother and
father, and he kept saying, “I think you’re killing yourself.”

And I thought, “Well, I’m going to die on carrot juice then, because this is the way I’m going to go.”
And I hung in there, and one day I woke up and thought, “Wow, somebody gave me a new body in the
middle of the night.” And I felt like a brand-new person.

My eyes were sparkling. My skin was glowing. Well, it wasn’t just magic. My body all along was
cleansing, healing, and restoring. It was just one day I came to the point where I realized it, and I woke
up and felt so new. And it’s been my passion ever since then to teach people that you too can detox.
You can juice. You can feel like a new person.

Here’s my liver cleanse. It’s pretty heavy-duty, and I take people through that. It’s a seven-day
program. And every day you have your morning liver shake. It’s lemon and lime and orange. And you
dump those juices in your blender. You add a tablespoon of olive oil, a chunk of ginger root, add garlic
in there. And I usually put some ice and water, and blend that all up.

I think it’s really wonderful. Some people go, “Oh, well I just down it” they say to me. But you start
your day with that, get your liver and your gallbladder moving, start moving in the morning. And then
you add in your drinks. And your beet juice. We’re going to make some drinks with beet juice, beet
and berry juice that’s really wonderful.

And you can add in dandelion root juice or dandelion leaf juice is wonderful with a lot of compliments
to it because it’s really strong. Dandelion is a wonderful cleanse for the liver as well. So, you juice
throughout the day, but you also have a beet salad and a carrot salad.

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Not together. And your beet salad is made with your beet pulp from juicing, and you do a lemon olive
oil dressing for that. And your carrot pulp salad is from juicing carrots, and you just pull out a handful
of carrot pulp and that’s your salad. And so, you have those, a cup each of those a day, and a broth, a
potassium broth made with vegetables.

Ty & Charlene Bollinger and Cherie Calbom filming and having fun in Tennessee

That’s your liver cleanse day, with maybe some herbs like milk thistle, lots of water. And boy, your
liver is going to start getting rid of those toxins. And people notice all sorts of things. They may get
little rashes. They might feel a little headache. They might feel tired.

This is the bad stuff coming out. And I always say to people “Don’t run off to the emergency room.
Don’t get a cortisone shot if you get a rash.” You want this to be coming out of your system. Isn’t that

CHARLENE BOLLINGER: It’s just bursting with yumminess.

CHERIE CALBOM: And then here’s our stir spoon.

TY: I love it. She stirs it with a carrot.

CHARLENE BOLLINGER: That was the color of a rainbow in there. So pretty. Very similar to what we
use when we juice.

TY: Yeah, looks great.

CHERIE CALBOM: This is like your morning cocktail.

CHARLENE BOLLINGER: You know, you were talking about how your body knows what’s good for
you and you crave it, what helps you. When we did the 30-day juice fast together, and at the end, I

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think at the liver cleanse, we had to do orange juice with ginger and garlic. To this day, I love that
drink. I love it.


TY: Cheers!


CHERIE CALBOM: Here’s to healthy livers!

TY: Don’t tell her you love it with all your heart. Tell her you love it with all your liver. Because the
liver’s the most important organ.


CHARLENE BOLLINGER: Yes, I know that. You told me that before. Thank you for loving me with all
your liver.

TY: Yes, I love you with all my liver, honey.


CHERIE CALBOM: And to healthy livers!

TY: Yes, that’s really good. Yeah, that’s really good.

GROUP: Cheers!

TY: I’ll get down so you can see everybody else.

CHARLENE BOLLINGER: This is my favorite glass of juice, I think.

TY: Now that was really fun. Not only did Charlene and I get a chance to taste Cherie's amazing juice
recipes, but the entire video team did as well. We all had such a good time with Cherie that day. Next
up we're going to learn from RSB, Robert Scott Bell, as he discusses his three favorite homeopathic
remedies for the liver.

DR. BELL: My three favorite—I talk about them all the time from the homeopathic realm for liver,
they’re polychrest. They work on many systems, but the liver primarily: Bryonia Alba, Nux Vomica,
Chelidonium. These are great liver polychrest remedies. And so, these things, along with other things
that can be adjuncts, can work with the kidneys.

And by the way, what’s interesting about the kidneys, we talk about kidney detox. Remember the
kidneys are absolutely passively downstream from the liver. It’s the liver that’s really at fault when
the kidneys suffer. And obviously taking the person out who’s eating the wrong things.

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If the liver is not at 100 percent functionality, it will pass things through it that it should be able to
process and alter for the kidneys to safely deliver through urine and out of the body. When the liver
is compromised, it will send things down that the kidneys are not designed by God to handle.

And so, what we’re doing by restoring function, metabolic function, to the liver, we’re actually also
simultaneously enhancing kidney function because we’re reducing its burden. Whether we put
kidney remedies in there as well. Taraxacum, which is the dandelion, which is an herb, is great for
the liver, also beneficial for the kidneys. Works both ways in that case. Berberis [Vulgaris].

There are so many great homeopathic remedies that we can do. And again, gentle way, and we can
control the pace, or you can control the pace that you go so it’s not too fast. And if you want it to be
faster, you can make it faster.

That’s the thing about bringing the power to heal back to the people. Bringing the power to detox
back to the people means we want to control the pace so they’re not out of control, scared, all the
things that a lot of people are. I want to carry them gently through that if it’s at all possible, and it is.
But these are the unique things that a lot of folks still don’t know about.

In fact, in Unlock the Power to Heal, I think I mentioned Bryonia when we talk about lungs, because
there’s a whole chapter on lungs. The reason it’s good for the lungs is really because it’s primarily
focusing on the liver, which benefits the kidneys.

In Chinese medicine, they know the length between the liver, kidneys, kidneys and lungs. And so,
when we take Bryonia for the liver, you think you’re taking it for the lungs because it’s indicated for
cough. It’s really having its most impact on the liver which clears the lungs.

Robert Scott Bell having fun with the Harlem Globetrotter Legends in Atlanta

The lungs compensate, become organs of excretion beyond CO2, when our liver, kidneys are
compromised. When the lymph is clogged and you feel the lungs are filling with mucus, or even worst

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case scenarios, liquids and pneumonia situations. The body is dumping things out through another
excretory organ designed normally to be a CO2 exchange.

In this case, it becomes a dumping ground for toxins, debris, etcetera. So, by enhancing a polychrest
remedy like Bryonia, you find out, “Wow, it’s helping the lungs so much.” Why? Because it’s helping
the liver so much.

DR. GROUP: We have all these problems with obesity right now, and people don’t realize the liver is
really what causes the majority of the obesity because it can’t process all the endocrine-disrupting
chemicals and everything else.

And usually what you see after the third liver cleanse is the weight starting to come off and come off,
because the liver’s what processes your fat too. So, if a liver can’t process your fats, it’s going to store
them somewhere in your body.

DR. WOLFE: How many people do you know are overweight?

TY: Depends on what country, but in the United States, a third.

DR. WOLFE: Okay. So, they’re not just overweight, they’re…

TY: They’re obese.

DR. WOLFE: They’re obese?

TY: Yeah.

DR. WOLFE: Now you cannot be obese unless you’re highly toxic. Now your body creates fat cells.
Why does it create fat cells? Because you’re toxic. You need to remember that. Your body creates fat
cells because you’re toxic. And yes, you could say, “Well no, it’s because I eat too much.” No, it’s
because you eat too much of the wrong thing. If you—it doesn’t matter how much you eat if it’s the
right thing.

So, you eat too much of the wrong thing, which is highly toxic. So, your fat cells need to store all these
toxins. Why? Well because your body’s smart. It says, “We’re going to create fat until you wake up.
Because if we don’t create fat to store these toxins,” which is your love handles, especially when your
kidneys are in trouble.

When your colon’s in trouble, you develop the fat around your core. So, we know that in fat cells, your
fat cells hold 200 times more toxins than the blood. Now think about how much toxins are in all these
fat cells, Ty.

TY: It’s amazing.

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DR. WOLFE: Well, all you have to do is the fatter you are, the more toxic you are.

CHERIE CALBOM: Our liver gets congested. Our colon gets congested. And tissue spaces. And these
toxins get stored in fat cells and we can’t lose weight, and people get frustrated and they feel tired
and sick and they don't know what’s wrong with them.

We’ve got to go after it. We’ve got to get it out of our bodies and on its way. And so, that is why I’m so
excited to talk with you about the fact that we can cleanse our colon. We can cleanse our liver. We
can cleanse our kidneys. We can do heavy metal detox.

TY: Cherie Calbom just mentioned heavy metal detox, and we'll get to that in a moment, but she also
mentioned the correlation between a toxic liver and obesity, as did Dr. Group and Dr. Wolfe. You see,
a congested liver which processes fats is one cause of obesity.

The fat cells store the toxins that the liver isn't able to process. A study published in Clinical
Endocrinology found a link between high cortisol levels and fatty liver disease. Cortisol is our main
stress hormone released during times of acute and chronic stress.

When levels are higher than normal over a period of time, this can cause a host of problems, including
decreased liver function. It's interesting, isn't it? RSB just shared with us some potent homeopathic
liver detoxifiers that will help restore metabolic function and also reduce the burden on the kidneys.

Just to recap, they are Bryonia alba, which actually helps the liver, lungs, and the kidneys. But beware,
the berries are extremely poisonous, and if you eat more than about 40 of them it will probably kill
you. Nux Vomica, which clears liver congestion and constriction due to toxins like tobacco, and
Chelidonium, which removes enlargement, inflammation, etcetera, of the liver, and Taraxacum,
which is also known as dandelion.

On the screen are the plants, but these plants are then made into homeopathic remedies. Next up, our
experts share some important tips about detoxifying the largest organ in the body. Can you guess
what that is? No, it's not your brain. No, it's not your heart. It's your skin.

DR. SEEGER: When you use anything on your skin, on your hair, on your nails, it seeps in and your
skin’s porous. It’s the biggest elimination organ in your body. And the problem is it seeps in and it
goes into your organs. It goes into your liver, your kidneys and all that. And the problem is that again,
it builds up and it causes your immune system to be suppressed.

DR. WYLDE: Look up Environmental Working Group, a subsidiary of the Environmental Defense
Network. They put together a cosmetic database, which lists hundreds of thousands of ingredients
found in over-the-counter cosmetics that we should be avoiding. Things that are found in our
personal hygiene products, lipstick. We’re literally wearing toxins on a day-to-day basis. Lead,
cadmium, phthalates. We’re washing our heads with this stuff. We’re shaving with this stuff.

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This is a huge burden. Get rid of it. Learn how spraying yourself with cologne or perfume in the
morning is misbalancing your own personal hormonal levels. Those are toxins. We don’t need them.

DR. GROUP: The problem that we have with the skin is it’s malfunctioning, and it’s malfunctioning
especially with women. The skin is a large detoxification organ. I mean sweating, that’s one of our
pathways of detoxification. When people are taking showers or bathing, I highly recommend they get
a shower filter, number one, because they’re exposing their skin to more toxins.

We see a lot of problems in women with their skin, because when women are the ones that lather on
all these chemical lotions, all over their skin, all over their face they use cosmetics. And all of these
contain high level cancer-causing agents, disease-causing agents, and that does get soaked in through
the skin, and that ultimately goes directly into the bloodstream.

DR. WOLFE: So, what you want to do then is you’re probably going to have a shower, right? Or you
could do natural skin brushing with a dry brush, and that’s excellent.

Get the dead skin off, get the circulation going. But the best thing to do is to get Epsom salts. And then
what we do is we take 10 pounds of it. We made a big container. And we wet it down to the
consistency of sand, and we use our structured water unit to make sure it’s structured water.

Then what we do is we take essential oil, muscle restorer. You could use any essential oil you want.
Put lots of it in there. So now the Epsom salt’s the consistency of sand. Then what you’re going to do
is you’re going to take coconut oil, and 1:10. So that would be 1 pound to 10 pounds Epsom salts.

You’re going to massage that in. If you take that, and I don’t care if you’ve got arthritis. I don’t care if
you’ve got water retention, I don’t care if you’ve got kidney problems. I don’t care if you’ve got liver
problems. Remember your skin is your largest cleansing organ.

Everybody forgets about it. How would you like to have your skin help out your colon, your liver,
your kidneys, your lungs, help out your bloodstream? Because that’s what it does. It’s an amazing
tool. So, what you do then is you go into the shower.

I have a little white stool in mine. I sit on there. And what I do is I start off and I scrub briskly with
this. I grab it and I scrub briskly, my whole body. But when it comes to my joints, I’ll take this and I’ll
go like this, and I’ll go like this around my wrists. I’ll really scrub hard around my elbows, my knees.
I’ll even do my face. And you will find that when you do that, you’ll jack up your circulation by about
10-20 times.

TY: You’re talking about with the Epsom salt mixture, you’re scrubbing?

DR. WOLFE: That’s right. So, you want to do that at least three times a week. And I’ll tell you
something. What’s going to happen, you’ll see your wrinkles dissolve. Now if you see a wrinkle’s
dissolving, we know that we’re regenerating, right? So, your lymph system needs help.

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Your blood needs help, and you want to slough off all of those skin cells. Yeah, it’s amazing. So now
that we’ve done that, we’ll have a shower. Now if you’re the type of person who has a sauna, then you
wouldn’t use coconut oil in there. You’d use the Epsom salts with the essential oils and you would do
the scrub really well, and then you would take a shower in a structured shower, not a chlorinated

Because people don’t realize that when you take a shower in a chlorinated shower and they have
fluoride in here in Toronto. But when you do that, one 10-minute shower, you’re taking in 10-20
glasses worth of chlorine and fluoride as if you drank it into your system. People think, “Well, I’ll just
buy filtered water and I won’t worry about the shower.”

DR. SEEGER: …whenever you take a shower, is to do dry skin brushing. So, you take a dry skin brush
that has natural bristles. So many times people say, “Oh, what about the loofah sponge?” It’s too harsh.
Would you want to use a loofah sponge on your body?

TY: What is a loofah sponge?

DR. SEEGER: Girls would know this one. So, it’s a type of plant that they dry out, and it’s really hard.
And they sell it in all the beauty supply stores and all that. But women oftentimes use that in the
shower to scrub their skin and get rid of the dry skin, especially on the bottom of their feet and all
that stuff.

TY: Too hard though?

DR. SEEGER: Too hard. Way too hard. And it doesn’t do the job. Because here’s the deal. When you’re
in the shower and you’re scrubbing, whether it’s with a wash rag or a brush, it’s wet. When you do it
before and your body is dry, it actually causes a little friction, and that little friction stimulates those
lymph nodes to move.

And the more they move, what did we just say? The more it can move the toxins along the way they’re
supposed to. So, it does that, plus it gets your skin pores open. Because as you’re brushing you actually
can see dust particles coming up, and you’re like, “Whoa, where’s that coming from?”

Well, you have layers of skin, and as the dry skin brushing is brushing your skin, you’re seeing those
dry flakes coming up. It’s like, “Wow, that’s off of me?” Yes. And that means it’s opening up your pores.
You now can—your skin can breathe better. You now get more energy. So, you’re getting more
oxygen in. You’re getting more of the nutrients in. Now if you put lotion on, and you put lotion all over
your skin, what happens?

TY: You clog the pores back up.

DR. SEEGER: And you don’t want to do that.

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Ty with Dr. Seeger in Houston, TX (Cameraman Alan Ray in the background)

TY: Okay.

DR. SEEGER: The best skin formulator in the world, I went to a conference and I asked her that very
question. I said, “You have these beautiful skincare lines and lotions. Which one do you recommend
for me?” She said, “Really, if you’re going to do this right, none of them.”

And I was like “Really?” I talked to her after, like “Why did you tell me that?” She said “Because the
truth of the matter is, you could put olive oil, coconut oil, all those things on there, but the best thing
is dry skin brushing.”

Now to ramp it up, I’m going to add one more thing on this one. When you’re in the shower then—so
you do this before your shower. And then you’re in the shower and you have a plastic bowl with sea
salt, and you just fill it up with sea salt and you keep it in there. And what you do after you’re done
with your shower is you take a handful and you’re going to scrub your skin. Now why would that be
good again?

TY: You’re mineralizing.

DR. SEEGER: Yeah, exactly. You’re mineralizing, plus you’re stimulating the lymph glands again, the
lymph nodes, and you’re also getting off the dry, flaky skin. So how often do you do that? That’s much
harsher, because salt of course is quite abrasive. So maybe once a week, twice a week.

People though who have serious sickness, I often tell them do that every day because you need the
extra minerals, you need the extra circulation. Maybe you get tired of dry skin brushing, but do that
in the shower and then just rinse off. And your skin comes out really, really smooth and you feel more

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You feel like, “Wow, what just happened?” It makes that much of a difference. Detox baths, clay baths,
and my combo. Those are two that I talk about. So, clay bath is where you take bentonite clay.

TY: Okay, bentonite?

DR. SEEGER: Yeah. So, you take about a cup or two of powdered clay and you put it in your hot bath.
You swirl it around. Or not. You just hop in the bath and you play with it while you’re in there and get
rid of the lumps and put it all over your body so you get clay.

Here’s the deal with clay, though. It’s powerful. I studied with VE Iron’s family, old school nutritionist
who put it on the map. And they had such success with it. I was like, “I’ve got to learn about how to
use this clay.” Clay can be used internally or externally, but for this particular teaching I don’t want
to talk about internally because that’s a whole other program.

But externally, you put it in a bath, two cups, and then you let it swirl in there and you soak for 30
minutes. And it draws through your skin—remember that skin, everything is going in and out of the
skin. It draws the toxins out through the skin. And so many times people say “I’ve got rashes coming
out” as they’re detoxing.

That’s very typical. And it’s like “It will go away, especially when you put the clay on.” The clay will
help draw that out. So, you put it in the bath tub, 30 minutes, and you sweat, sweat, sweat, and that’s
the idea. So, you’re doing two things. Detoxing is all about getting the toxins out, and the clay helps
pull it out. But the sweat helps get rid of the toxins as well.

TY: So real hot water?

DR. SEEGER: Real hot bath. If you can take it. Now some people can’t, and that’s okay. And if they
want to, there’s some people who’ve detoxed before and if they want to go to the next level, the
advanced level. So, what they would do is they would put the clay in, two cups of clay, and they’d soak
30 minutes in hot, hot water.

And while they’re in there, they’re going to drink two cups of hot water with lemon or hot dandelion
root tea, or some herbal tea, and drink that. So now you’re really sweating. You’re really getting rid
of the toxins really quickly. It’s fantastic because that gets rid of it really fast.

And afterwards, a cool shower, drink some coconut water, lay down. That’s the biggest mistake
everybody makes. When you’re detoxing, your body takes a lot of effort to get rid of the poison, and
if they can’t rest, the body actually says “Well, I can’t get rid of it so I’m going to keep it.” That’s scary,

It’s a good idea to rest at least an hour, even go to sleep, because it’s a great time to go to sleep. That’s
clay bath. And then the second bath is the combo bath. Have you heard of the combo bath, with the

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baking soda and the sea salt? So, it’s two cups of sea salt, two cups of baking soda, and two cups of
Epsom salt. And again, soak 30 minutes.

You put it all in there and it’s more of a relaxing kind of bath. Salt is drying, Epsom salt is relaxing,
and the baking soda’s alkalizing. So, all those factors are nice. Sometimes people ask me, “Can you
mix the combo bath with the clay bath?” I don’t personally like to do that. I like to keep it separate
because it’s just—I feel like clay bath is doing its thing and the combo bath is doing its thing, and then
I don’t know, that’s my personal thing. I like to keep it separate.

TY: Those are some really practical tips from Dr. Judy Seeger on how to use baths to help detoxify
your body, specifically your skin. I think sometimes we overlook the importance of ensuring that our
skin products, including our deodorants, are clean and toxin-free.

Just as an example, in 2016 a Birmingham, Alabama woman's family was awarded 72 million dollars
for her cancer death due to talcum powder, which Johnson & Johnson knew caused cancer. The jury
found Johnson & Johnson guilty of negligence, conspiracy, and fraud. Next up, Dr. Group shares some
powerful tips on detoxifying the skin through sweating and through saunas.

DR. GROUP: One of the ways to open up the detoxification pathway in the skin, and after you’re done
cleansing or during your cleansing, is you want to open up your body’s natural elimination pathways.
You open up the skin pathways through exercise, sweating.

You could go into near infrared. You can get near infrared lights now where they’re saying works
even better than far infrared. Far infrared saunas, anything like that, really just moving around and
sweating. Sweating is a great way to detoxify.

What we’ve seen in the last 10 years, which is one of the major problems, is sunscreens. People are
lathering on sunscreens, and we’re deficient in vitamin D, and the sunscreens are actually causing
more cancer than if you didn’t even use sunscreen.

MIKE ADAMS: Too many people today, they’re on processed, toxic junk food and they’re on
medications. The medications are so toxic that your liver is entirely occupied trying to detoxify you
from these synthetic chemicals that it doesn’t really have the bandwidth to detoxify you from toxic
food. So, in other words, if you’re taking 10 prescription medications, and you’re eating barbecue on
top of that, the barbecue’s going right to cancer because the drugs have occupied your liver

I mean I’m simplifying it, but it’s essentially how it works. Get off the meds. Eat organic. Now you’re
healing at a rapid pace. That’s detoxification. In fact, new research came out, I think just yesterday,
and I haven’t yet done an article on this, but it said that the expression of your genes is controlled by
the food that you eat. We’ve known this for a long time, you and I, and maybe most of the viewers.

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Ty with Alan Ray and Mike Adams at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab

But science, conventional science is now saying “Aha! Your genes almost don’t matter. What matters
is how they’re expressed, which is controlled by the food.” What’s in the food? Well, it’s either toxins
or it’s healing nutrients.

It’s actually healthy to eat some vegetables that have a little bit of dirt on them, a little bit of garden
microbes. You need to have a healthy balance with the microbes around you. We don’t live in a sterile
environment. There’s not a situation where you’re going to be microbe-free. The only question is are
they helping you or are they hurting you?

All these toxins that we talk about, they don’t just affect your liver and your kidneys and your heart,
they affect your brain. Where do you think Alzheimer’s and dementia comes from? It’s these toxins
circulating in your brain. You’ve got these carotid arteries, right?

Pumping that blood right through all your neurons. Remember where that blood comes from? It’s
made from the stuff you ate yesterday. So, if you ate junk food, you’re going to get junk brain.

TY: True. If you ate junk food, you're going to get junk brain. But why? Because the toxins in the food
you eat are pumped through your carotid arteries right into your brain and it can circulate in your
brain and affect your health in a negative way. In this next segment, Cherie Calbom shares an
extremely personal story with us of how she overcame illness and regained her health. I think that
this will inspire you.

CHERIE CALBOM: In my 20s, I had chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. I was so sick I couldn't
work any longer. I had overgrowth of yeast, hypoglycemia. On and on. I would sleep for 12 hours and
get up tired and feel like I had the flu all the time. They say you dig your grave with your teeth.

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We really do. Most of us in the U.S. dig our graves with our teeth by our bad choices. And it was all
about what I liked and didn't like. I didn't like vegetables, and I liked junk food and fast food. That's
what was—and sugar, sweets. Loved sweets. That's what was killing me.

I never give up. I just keep trying. So, I thought “I'm not going to buy what the doctors say, that there's
nothing I can do,” because that's what I was told. There's a way out of this. And so, I found it. I found
it through juicing and changing my diet, and detoxing.

And that's when my health began to turn around, until I was completely well and felt better than I'd
ever felt in my life. I was so appreciative that I found my way to life. I found my way out of that dark
hole and I was so appreciative. I never felt guilty about what I did.

I felt happy that I'd found truth, found my way. And the sad part is I don't feel that my mother had to
die. Had she known the truth that I know, I think she could have lived. Could have lived a long and
happy life. I think of my mother a lot and how I wish she could be one of my success stories.

I have a lot of them. But I do this for her and for all the other moms and daughters, and husbands, and
people, all the people out there who have somebody they love and they don't want to lose them. You
don't have to lose them. You don't have to lose your life, and you don't have to suffer.

So many people suffer, suffer a lot because they just don't know the way. They don't know what to
do. So, if there's one thing I can give people, it's hope. There's a lot you can do to turn your health
around, prevent illness, or heal it if you're sick.

SAYER JI: There are now compounds identified in common foods, like broccoli, for example, ginger,
and garlic, that are so powerful at enhancing our natural detoxification systems. Broccoli extract has
sulforaphane, which is a molecule that I’ve identified through the research on the Natural Library of
Medicine, to have over 100 health benefits.

And I’m at the point in my research now where I believe that we ate these cruciferous and sulfur-
containing vegetables for so long that our bodies have co-adapted, if you will, to needing them on a
daily basis. So why do we develop cancer? Yeah, chemical exposure is one of the reasons.

Well you know another one is deficiency of vegetables and phytocompounds. Some of the most
acknowledged beneficial detoxifiers are things like parsley, cilantro, and ginger. Probably one of my
favorite of all is turmeric, because if you look at the research on its abilities to help prevent and to
even treat a wide range of conditions, it certainly has a great reputation as far as even doing things
like chelating metal in the body and neutralizing a lot of the toxicity of the modern age.

MIKE ADAMS: Here is a great lifesaving tip. With every meal, where you’re eating something that is
cooked or that has meat in it, or anything fried, for example, where you have cancer-causing
chemicals in the food, acrylamides from frying carbohydrates, for example, or even eating toast.

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If it’s brown or if it’s black, those are cancer-causing chemicals in the toast. You made them by burning
it. Any meal where you have that, eat fresh fruit fibers with the meal. That could be strawberries,
blueberries are some of my favorite. Strawberries have very thick fibers that tend to latch onto toxic
chemicals in the food.

Well, when they do that they carry those toxic chemicals and heavy metals even all the way through
your system and you flush it out through your bowels without it ever going into your blood. So, you
can actually eat—think about this. You could eat barbecued beef together with coleslaw, which is
how they’re served here in Texas, right? Barbecue and coleslaw.

TY: Mm-hmm.

MIKE ADAMS: The coleslaw has—I’m drooling thinking about it. It sounds delicious. The coleslaw
has cabbage, raw cabbage, and it has anticancer effects that counteract the cancer-causing burned fat
in the barbecue. So, if you’re going to eat barbecue, never eat it alone.

TY: That’s the HCAs, right?

MIKE ADAMS: There are hundreds of different chemicals, but yeah, they’re all carcinogens. So, learn
how to combine protective foods with—if you’re going to eat foods that could be compromising to
your health, get raw vegetables and raw fruits in that same meal. And what you’re doing is you’re
kind of having a bulletproof vest, if you will, for your personal health in your diet.

TY: That’s great. That’s a great suggestion. If you’re eating meat that might have these – the HCAs or
the other different carcinogens that are created when you heat proteins – eat something like cabbage
with it, right?


TY: Raw cabbage, which is coleslaw.


TY: That may not be the best source of beef or might not be the right mayonnaise in the coleslaw, but
we get your position on that.

MIKE ADAMS: Exactly.

TY: That makes a lot of sense.

MIKE ADAMS: Or have an apple. Have half an orange or a whole orange. But I don’t mean orange
juice. I’m talking about the fiber of the orange. You want the orange fiber and even the white fiber
inside the peel. You want as much of that as you can get. Blueberries are great because they tend to

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gel up and they create a fibrous mass. Chia seeds are also very good for this because they’re
gelatinous, right?

TY: Right.

MIKE ADAMS: And they slow the glycemic index as well, of the things that you eat. The way I eat now,
I call it defensive eating. This is absolutely key. With every meal, you must have raw salad greens,
raw cabbage, raw broccoli, raw blueberries, raw strawberries, something that is potent as a plant in
its raw state and it counteracts anything that you’re eating.

And you should mix those up. Don’t always have blueberries. Don’t always have strawberries. Pick
something different. Your body needs different nutrients. So, you need to eat according to what you
feel you need, but also in a variety of different colors and different textures in your food.

If you’re going to eat a hamburger, for example, load up on the raw onions and the raw lettuce and
the pickles and mustard. Did you know mustard is essentially Chinese medicine? It’s the mustard
seed, and it’s very, very bitter. These bitters enhance liver function and they boost immune function.
Mustard is one of the healthiest condiments that is still in the American diet.

TY: I love mustard.

MIKE ADAMS: Mustard’s great. If you go to places like India, they use turmeric in everything. They
will add turmeric powder to a beverage. They will add turmeric powder to a soup or a stew all the
time. They eat lots and lots of turmeric. So, it’s anticancer. It’s anti-inflammation.

TY: I add it to my eggs.

MIKE ADAMS: Good, yeah. It also enhances the color too, doesn’t it?

TY: It does.

MIKE ADAMS: One of the best things that we should be doing in America is eating more turmeric on
a day-to-day basis. We should be more like the people of India in that case. But guess what? Turmeric
usually has some amount of lead in it because it’s grown in soils that have a history of being
contaminated with certain pesticides like lead arsenate, a combination of lead and arsenic.

It kills insects. They sprayed it on all the crops all over the world for decades, even in the United
States. This is one reason there’s so much lead in the soil. So, if you eat turmeric, guess what? Combine
it with a wedge of apple. You get all the benefits of the turmeric, the anticancer, the anti-inflammation,
plus you get the cleansing process of the apple, the fruit fibers, the pectin binds with the lead so the
bad stuff goes out, the good stuff goes in.

TY: Wow!

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MIKE ADAMS: This is combination eating, defensive eating, to prevent your body from becoming
toxic. Let me give you another practical example for everybody watching. You know how most people
juice, they have a juicer? And they’re making juice with fruits and vegetables, right? So, they’re
throwing away all the pulp and they’re taking the juice, and the juice goes right in.

A lot of people who are recovering from cancer, let’s say, are juicing. And it’s great. It’s very powerful,
anti-cancer. When you get beets in there and you get parsley in there, and all these things. Well, I have
a better way to do this that’s even more powerful.

That’s separate your vegetables and your fruits because the fruits have pulp that you want. It’s
soluble fiber, a lot of it is. Vegetables is mostly insoluble fiber. Causes bloating and gas and discomfort.
So, what you do is you juice your vegetables so you get this beautiful, green juice. No fiber. You take
your fruits, you blend them up in a Vitamix with water so you have pulp that’s digestible. Then you
pour those together. So, you add your green juice to your blended fruits.

TY: And now it tastes great.

MIKE ADAMS: Now it tastes great. It’s got a thick smoothie texture, but it’s not gross and chunky like
celery fiber. You don’t need to eat celery fiber, believe me. Maybe your goat does, but you don’t. But
apple fiber, you need. Pear fiber, fibers of these fruits, you need. So, you can juice carrots and celery
and beets and parsley, and pour it into a blend of apples and pears and oranges and lemons. Drink
that. Man, that’s medicine.

If you want to go party with your friends on July 4th or Super Bowl, or whatever, and you are just
saying “I’m going to party with my friends and have a beer and eat a bunch of barbecue until I’m
bloated;” the way to protect yourself from that is have like a big 16-ounce of vegetable juice with fruit

You can mix it in advance, put it in a glass jar like I do. You saw I bring glass jars full of smoothies.
Take that to the Super Bowl, drink it in your car before you walk in so you don’t get made fun of. You
can go in and eat all the burgers you want with that. You’ve got the protection. I’m not saying eat
burgers every day, but on occasion it’s not going to hurt you if you work it this way.

TY: I absolutely love those practical suggestions from Mike Adams, what he calls defensive eating at
its finest. Like combining coleslaw, cabbage, with barbecue, or combining blueberries, strawberries,
and chia seeds with foods that may contain some toxins. Like combining turmeric, typically high in
lead, with an apple. Like adding mustard, onions, and pickles to a hamburger. And like juicing
vegetables while combining with the pulp, soluble fiber, and juice of fruits.

If you understand these food combinations, then it's okay to fall off the wagon every now and then
and splurge. Just do it in a responsible manner and utilize the preventative eating tips that Mike
Adams just shared with us. Remember again, you can find most of the products that I've mentioned

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at the website on the screen. Are there any miracle substances for detoxification? Let's listen to Dr.
Bryce Wylde on this important subject.

DR. WYLDE: There are no miracles to detoxification. The miracle is getting the body to do what it is
inherently made to do even better on its own. Releasing those enzymes, those cascaded, biochemical
at the level of the cell, to be able to throw the trash away. That phase 1 and phase 2, to release it. It’s
like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. It’s just allowing the individual to live the life they were
meant to live.

DR. GROUP: We’re not giving people information that hasn’t already been proven. All these
detoxification strategies and all these remedies, and all this stuff that was available from 2,000 years
before Christ, we’re just, in this age, all the books that were burned by the AMA and the medical
society, we’re bringing back.

The good news about cleansing is you can still see your healthcare practitioner. I still recommend
everybody have a natural healthcare practitioner in their town or wherever they are. It doesn’t
matter if you do our cleanses or anybody else’s cleanses out there, the main goal and focus is how do
you reactivate your body’s self-healing mechanism?

CHERIE CALBOM: And when she tried the detox, when she tried, she was saying “You really won't
know. You may be skeptical and you may be thinking “How could just a few glasses of juice and
something so simple like you're telling me, how could it really do all that?” Just try it.

TY: Just try it.

CHARLENE BOLLINGER: Absolutely. Well thank you for coming into our home. We have juiced quite
a bit. These are probably the best juices, including juice bars we’ve been to. So, you have a juice book
that people can get to get your recipes. I’m going to write down…

TY: Do you have a book, Cherie?

CHERIE CALBOM: I do. Hanging out on the table. The Living Foods Revolution.

TY: Okay.

CHERIE CALBOM: I have a lot of wonderful green juices in there.

CHARLENE BOLLINGER: I would get these, because she’s a good recipe-maker. I mean these are just
great juices.

CHERIE CALBOM: And there’s a chapter on detox in there, and going through the different organs,
and kind of leading people through at least some of what I’ve said.

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TY: That’s great, great information. So, we’re leaving you with this. There’s a time to live, a time to
die, a time to sleep, and a time to juice.

CHERIE CALBOM: I love it. That is wonderful! Cheers!

Tabitha Bollinger bringing fresh cilantro to Charlene Bollinger and Cherie Calbom

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TY: Hello, this is Ty Bollinger. Welcome back to The Truth About Detox. I hope that you've enjoyed
episodes 1 and 2 and that you've learned some valuable information to help you in your efforts to
detoxify your body and achieve optimal health. But just in case you missed Episode 1 or Episode 2,
or maybe you've forgotten some of the information, because I know we've covered a lot of stuff in
these last two episodes, here's a brief recap.

Much of the stigma about detoxification goes back to the battle between Antoine Béchamp and Louis
Pasteur, and a cellular theory versus the germ theory of disease. Pasteur's germ theory proclaimed
that germs, viruses, bacteria, etcetera, are the cause of illness.

Whereas Béchamp's cellular theory noted that these germs that Pasteur was so terrified of were
actually opportunistic in nature and it was only when the tissue of the host became compromised or
damaged that the germs, the bacteria, began to manifest as a prevailing symptom and not cause of

Béchamp advocated not the killing of germs but the cultivation of health through diet, hygiene, and
healthy lifestyle practices like fresh air, getting good nutrition, exercising, sweating, etcetera,
detoxification. Pasteur's germ theory, however, won the battle, and as a result, modern medicine is
not concerned about the internal terrain of the person (me and you) but only concerned with killing
the bacteria, or the germ, or the virus.

But many physicians today disagree with this thesis, and they advocate detoxification as a primary
method of keeping the internal terrain of our bodies clean and healthy. The primary organs that we
focus on detoxifying are the skin, the liver, the colon, the kidneys, and the lungs.

Cleaning up the gut system, also known as the microbiome, is the first step. And we learned numerous
methods to detoxify the colon back in Episode number 1. Next, it’s important to clean the body of
harmful organisms with things like black walnut, clove, slippery elm, oregano, neem, and cascara

Also vital is to cleanse the blood, and this can be done effectively with things like Essiac tea, ginger
root, burdock root, dandelion, sarsaparilla root, chlorella, and goji berries. Kidney detox is essential,
and some of the most potent herbs that detoxify the kidneys are parsley, watermelon, cilantro, ginger,
lemon, cucumbers, and asparagus.

Next up is the liver, and just in case you aren't familiar with the functions of the liver, here's a brief
summary. The liver has two large sections called the right and the left lobes. The liver also detoxifies
chemicals and it metabolizes drugs. And as it does so, the liver secretes bile, which is stored in the
gallbladder and is used to break down fats and to remove toxins, finally ending up in the intestines.

The liver also makes important proteins for blood clotting and other functions. The liver is the only
organ in the body that can completely regenerate itself. In Episode 2, Robert Scott Bell shared with
us some potent homeopathic liver detoxifiers that will help restore metabolic function and also

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reduce the burden on the kidneys. Namely Bryonia alba, Nux Vomica, Chelidonium, and Taraxacum,
which you and I know is dandelion.

At the end of Episode 2, Mike Adams shared some amazing tips for defensive eating at its finest. Like
combining coleslaw or cabbage with barbecue, or combining blueberries, strawberries, and chia
seeds with foods that may contain some toxins. Like combining turmeric, typically high in lead, with
something like an apple that will bind to the lead. Like adding mustard, onions, and pickles to a
hamburger. Like juicing veggies while combining with the pulp and the soluble fiber of fruits.

So, are you ready for Episode number 3? I know that you are. In this final episode, you're going to
learn what Paul Harvey used to call “the rest of the story.” So, let's get rolling. To begin this episode,
Dr. David Brownstein describes how the amount of toxicity in the average person has increased
exponentially over the past few decades – specifically heavy metals. And Dr. Rashid Buttar describes
what he calls the 7 toxicities.

DR. BROWNSTEIN: We live in a toxic world, and people are becoming more toxic. I've been checking
people for toxicity levels for over 20 years. And the amounts of toxicity they have gone up not down
over that same period. And I find that over 90 percent of people have high levels of mercury and/or
lead, amongst other things.

Heavy metals cause a multitude of problems in the body, including neurologic problems and immune
system problems. They poison hundreds of enzymes in the body. There's no known therapeutic value
of these items. We shouldn't have these in our body, and even small amounts could cause problems.
But levels have gone up in people over the last 20 years, not gone down. So I think people are suffering
more and more from metal toxicity.

TY: So what are the 7 toxicities, and then how do we get rid of them?

DR. BUTTAR: So the first one is heavy metals. When we talk about heavy metals, we’re not only just
talking about the lead, and the mercury, the arsenic, and the tin, antimony, those things that we know,
but we’re also talking about certain minerals that are imbalanced.

For example, iron or selenium or copper, if they’re too high they can actually act as an oxidative
stressor as well. By the way, the common mechanism of action for all these 7 toxicities is the same,
which is oxidative stress. And so, all disease process, the mechanism that causes disease processes,
is an acceleration of that oxidative stress, and as you know…

TY: What is that?

DR. BUTTAR: So oxidative stress is the rusting process. When you cut an apple and you see it turn
brown, or you see a banana turn brown, that’s actually oxidative stress, and it’s like hurting our
bodies all the time. When you exercise, you actually increase oxidative stress.

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But those couch potatoes that say “Hey, that’s why I don’t exercise.” It doesn’t work that way. You
want to increase that—your body, the more efficiently it’s working, you may experience an increase
in oxidative stress, but the detoxification is to remove the substances that accelerate the oxidative
stress beyond a normal range.

So yes, if you exercise to an extreme it can cause detrimental harm. You’ve heard of the marathon
runners and athletes that will drop because they push themselves too hard. Oxidative stress is a
natural process of life. Everybody’s experiencing it. What we want to do is we want to reduce the
oxidative stress, the rate of that oxidative stress.

So, the first one is heavy metals, and as I’ve said, the heavy metals, the bad ones we all traditionally
know: mercury, lead, and those, but also the ones that are minerals that are important for life but in
too high of a level they can cause an increase in oxidative stress.

DR. BROWNSTEIN: Heavy metals mimic valuable nutrients, and that is why heavy metals get taken
up by your body's cells and organs, because your body thinks they're calcium or zinc or magnesium
or aluminum or something else. So realize heavy metals are sneaky little molecules that are covertly
invading your body.

They're stealth operators. It's like a stealth bomber going into your cells. How do you stop that? You
make your body more intelligent and more able to sort out good from bad. How do you do that?
You've got to get more plant-based nutrients into your system.

It activates that part of your immune system that is able to distinguish good from bad with greater
discernibility. And then you start displacing the mercury and displacing the lead and the cadmium.
You eliminate it from your body through normal processes like urination and just bowel movements.

You're eliminating toxic elements every time you urinate. Detox is as simple as using the toilet or
exhaling. When you exhale, you are detoxing with every breath. Detoxing is not tragic. It is effortless.
The key is to stop bringing those toxic elements in and then boost up your body's defenses with all of
these plant-based nutrients that can defend you and activate your immune system against all these
other threats.

CHERIE CALBOM: I’ve got a heavy metal detox. This is just amazing. I’m going to make a shake for
you, a heavy metal detox shake. I call it—the other title for it is “Icy Spicy Gazpacho.” And I serve this
to almost everyone who comes to dinner at my house. I put it in wine glasses, and it’s slushy and
yummy, and everyone loves it. And cilantro is our key in there.

TY: And we all need it, don’t we? Heavy metal detox? We’re all toxic to heavy metals.

CHERIE CALBOM: We are. I watched a special about Flint, Michigan, recently and the lead in the
water, and it broke my heart because no one had an answer for those people. And here are parents
on camera crying “My poor children.” They’re so worried. Well, I would be too. They should all be on
cilantro shakes every single day because it is called the poor man’s chelation.

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CHARLENE BOLLINGER: Speaking of cilantro, this we just planted in the garden. And we plan on
doing some shakes too. We don’t have any recipes, so we’re so excited to learn.

CHERIE CALBOM: That’s super.

TY: And didn’t Tabitha and Charity just pick this?


TY: Oh yeah, fresh picked.

CHARLENE BOLLINGER: Tabitha cut it. Charity was a cute little flower in the garden, like usual. But
they like to eat it like little bunnies, so they’re always eating our herbs.

CHERIE CALBOM: That is wonderful. And you know that is so great because they’re detoxing lead
and mercury and aluminum also. It would be in that category of this would help to detox that.

CHARLENE BOLLINGER: What you’re doing is so great because families out there saying—we feel so
bad for the people in Flint, and the families don’t have answers. You bring the world answers. That’s
so important to us and our children now own it because we’ve taught them from the time they were
very little.

In fact, Tabitha, the girl that cut it for us, the first solid food she had was coconut oil. And do you know,
to this day, she loves coconut oil. This is really important for families and children specifically to
develop tastes for these wonderful things that God gave us.

CHERIE CALBOM: We’re making heavy metal detox cocktail, also known as Icy Spicy Gazpacho. You
can serve this to your guests. This is the one I serve to my guests a lot. And everybody loves it. I’m
still sipping my little juice here. [sound of juicer] Okay, we’ll turn off the turbo-charger.

Now here’s the key that we mentioned before. This is—the turbocharged engine is just kind of
wanting to take off. So, we’re going to put in our cilantro, because this is our heavy metal detoxer.
And some people tell me they can’t eat cilantro because they’re allergic to it. I think they might be
detoxing. I can’t say that for sure, but I think it might be a detox reaction.

CHARLENE BOLLINGER: That’s a good point.

CHERIE CALBOM: So start off, if you’re one of those, start off with just a tiny little bit and work up. If
you’re one that loves cilantro and you can take a lot of cilantro, have at least a quarter cup of packed
cilantro per person. We’re probably close to a quarter of a cup with this. Now I’m going to pour in my
carrot juice and lemon juice combination. I’m going to add a pinch of cayenne pepper.

CHARLENE BOLLINGER: I love that. Don’t you love cayenne pepper?

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TY: Mm-hmm.

CHERIE CALBOM: I love it too. Yes. It is so…

CHARLENE BOLLINGER: It gets your blood flowing.

CHERIE CALBOM: Yes. It’s wonderful. And it is helpful in getting the liver moving in the morning, like
if you add cayenne to hot lemon water, it gets the liver moving in the morning. So, that’s a good part
of the detox. [sound of juicer] They are the most lemony I think I’ve ever had.


CHERIE CALBOM: They are full of flavor.

CHARLENE BOLLINGER: We drink lemon juice in the morning. I’m going to start adding the cayenne.



CHERIE CALBOM: You guys can lie.

CHARLENE BOLLINGER: It’s not like my normal ones.

CHERIE CALBOM: The lemon just really dominates, and you can taste the cilantro.


TY: Cheers!

CHARLENE BOLLINGER: And you can smell the cilantro before tasting it.

CHERIE CALBOM: Yeah. But just know, it’s good for you.

TY: It’s really good.

CHERIE CALBOM: Do you like it?

TY: Yeah. Come on in guys, get a taste of this. We’ll give the guys another taste, too.

CHARLENE BOLLINGER: It is really good, guys. She says it needs more carrots, I think.

CHERIE CALBOM: A little more carrot for the sweetness, maybe.

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TY: Jonno, bring your cup over here, buddy. It’s good.

JONNO: Carrot juice. I don’t just drink carrot juice.

CHARLENE BOLLINGER: It’s really nice.


CHARLENE BOLLINGER: I think it’s really good.

TY: Yeah, it is good.


CHARLENE BOLLINGER: I like it a lot.

TY: Very good.

CHARLENE BOLLINGER: It’s got tomatoes.

CHERIE CALBOM: Cheers, everyone.

GROUP: Cheers!

CHERIE CALBOM: Okay, here’s to getting rid of those heavy metals.

CHARLENE BOLLINGER: Yeah, be gone. Heavy metals be gone.

TY: I have to admit that myself, my wife Charlene, and the entire video crew had a great time tasting
Cherie's Icy Spicy Gazpacho that she concocted there in our kitchen. The carrots, lemons, cilantro,
and cayenne pepper really do bind to heavy metals and help remove them from your body. This is
called chelation. Next up, Dr. Rashid Buttar discusses this topic of chelation as it relates to heavy
metal detoxification. What exactly does this mean? Let's have a listen.

DR. BUTTAR: So heavy metals, again, chelating with IV, the right chelators. A lot of doctors—
chelating is a word, like transportation. There’s many different ways of getting transportation, from
tricycles to a Leer jet. So, you’ve got to make sure you’re doing the right type of chelating with the
right agent.

That’s for the metals. The second one, persistent organic pollutants, one thing that a person can do is
use infrared sauna. Very effective at getting rid of chemicals. We do ozone autohemotherapy, where
we basically put in ozonated blood. The biological impact of ozone, for those that have ever watched
the Mango videos that you and I did, they can get more information there.

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But basically, oxidative stress is—ozone creates a high oxidative stress, but ozone also, in the German
literature from the 1940s, was shown to actually break down the persistent organic glutens into
subunits so the body could now deliver, could now excrete them. And that’s one of the major reasons
that I use ozone in our clinics. So, that’s another way.

TY: Talk about infrared. You mentioned infrared. So, there’s far infrared, near infrared, two
spectrums of light.

DR. BUTTAR: Correct.

TY: How can that help to detoxify?

Ty having a laugh with Dr. Buttar in Houston. After all, it is the best medicine!

DR. BUTTAR: So it’s a very, very specific frequency that resonates in a way, it only affects the
superficial aspect of the body, the first two or three centimeters. Some people say it may go as deep
as two inches. But regardless, you’re getting the body to—the infrared is affecting the system in a
manner that helps you break down the persistent organic pollutants and you sweat these things out.

And the organ of detoxification, there’s five, our whole head map, the Advancement of
Evaluation/Assessment for Detoxification/Medical Assessment program, that we’ve developed over
the last 12 years—13 years actually now, is all based upon the organs of detoxification.

You’ve got the liver, the gut, the kidneys, and the fourth one, which is skin. The skin is actually the
largest detox organ. Infrared helps to utilize that largest organ of detoxification.

TY: By sweating.

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DR. BUTTAR: By sweating, that’s right. But if you use regular sauna, it’s not as effective.

TY: You need a far infrared or near infrared.

DR. BUTTAR: Correct.

TY: What about—you mentioned the liver, the gut, the kidneys. How do you detoxify those organs?

DR. BUTTAR: A head map, and that’s the only way I can summarize, because that’s another hour-
long, but this is something that you and I’ve talked about a couple years ago. It’s a fantastic way of
eliminating and optimizing your organs of detoxification that the Creator ultimately designed within
our own systems.

So, like the liver’s the oil factory of the body. The kidneys, the gut. If you get those three things, and
then you get the skin and the systemic pH balanced, you are so far ahead of the game. And we’ve got
a whole entire program that’s remote, that we can use. We’ve got patients from 85 countries using it
right now. And of course, we can talk about that later, but that’s something that I know that your
listeners are going to have…

TY: That would be something specific to the person.

DR. BUTTAR: That’s specific to the person. That’s correct. Specific based upon subjective SF-36
patient outcome-based research model where they give us the information. Or the patient gives that
information to a computer. And the computer will designate when or where the greatest impact is,
and gives you a numerical value in how all these different organs are working, and then gives you an
idea of how close you are to zero point, as we’ve talked about.

TY: Dr. Group, you mentioned chemical cleanse, heavy metal cleanse. What are some of the
substances that would be in those products that you would be able to help people get rid of those
toxic pollutants from their body?

DR. GROUP: Well, we use a combination of different herbs that have been proven, such as cilantro.
Believe it or not, fulvic acid, humic acid works extremely effective at bonding some of those chemicals
and toxic metals out of the body. Any type of your spirulina, your blue-green algaes, work extremely

We actually also use a proprietary formula that was developed in Japan, in a detox foot pad, that’s
gone through 10 years of clinical studies in Japan. A lot of the detox foot pads got a bad rap a long
time ago. You can use clays, different types of clays, substances, far infrared.

And so, we use a combination of a liquid formula, at the same time we have these individuals use this
proprietary formula that we have developed for us for the detox foot pads, to where they apply that

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as we’re immobilizing the chemicals and toxic metals from their bloodstream, and the blood
circulates through, the detox foot pads actually pull those out of the body through the feet.

TY: So, let's summarize what we've learned thus far. Heavy metals are not our friends and they need
to be removed, or chelated, from the body. We have lots of options, from Cherie Calbom's Icy Spicy
Gazpacho juice, which contains carrots, lemons, cilantro, and cayenne pepper, to EDTA chelation, to
ozone autohemotherapy, to substances that Dr. Ed Group just mentioned, including fulvic acid, humic
acid, spirulina, green-blue algae, to detox foot pads.

But certainly we don't have to worry about heavy metal contamination in organic products, do we?
What Mike Adams is about to share will definitely shock you.

MIKE ADAMS: In this laboratory, I’ve found lead contamination in certified organic protein
supplements from China, but they’re sold by American companies. So, you don’t know they’re from

There are a lot of things that are grown in China that are contaminated. And Ty, I’m going to tell you
and everybody watching, this is my professional opinion as a scientist, a food researcher. I think that
organic certification in China is largely a fraud.

When I look in what’s in food as I look at organic, China versus organic California let’s say, or organic
Texas, it’s a huge difference. Organic in California is clean. Organic in Texas is clean. Organic in Canada
is clean, and Europe is very clean, much cleaner even than the United States.

Organic in China is consistently contaminated. We did test here in this lab, or the previous version of
the lab. This is the new expanded lab. We looked at the ability of different foods to bind with mercury.
And using ICPMS, analytical testing, parts per billion sensitivity.

We found that the top three foods for binding with mercury, which you can get in tuna or fish, and I’ll
talk about that in a second, are strawberries, peanut butter, and chlorellas.

TY: Peanut butter?


TY: Okay.

MIKE ADAMS: That kind of makes sense, because it’s very sticky. It’s a sticky oil. It binds wonderfully
to mercury. So, if you have some fish, you want to have some fresh fruit and maybe some nuts
together with it because you’re going to get—even almond butter would probably have a similar

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We found mercury, by the way, in all fish that we tested, without exception. That is because most of
the salmon that people eat is farmed salmon, which is a very, very toxic way to raise fish protein.

TY: Why is it so toxic?

MIKE ADAMS: Because they’re taking the fish from the oceans, which are already contaminated with
mercury, and they’re feeding those small fish to the salmon fish. They’re concentrating up the food
chain the mercury chemical, metal. So, the mercury is bioaccumulating in the fish and that’s what
you’re eating.

Then it’s bioaccumulating in you. So, you’ve got to block that during digestion. And again,
strawberries, peanut butter, or chlorella, all three did a fantastic job at blocking mercury.

The truth is most lead and cadmium and mercury was locked far beneath the ground before the
industrial revolution. It’s man that has mined all of these minerals, even minerals, rare earths that go
into solar panels and go into wind turbines and modern electronics, these have been mined out of the

And then incinerated or smelted, or thrown away, and then in effect, redistributed across the surface
of the planet where they now affect our food. And lead arsenate was this insecticide that was used
for many, many generations, even in North America, spraying lead and arsenic on fruit orchards.

Yeah, it kills insects, but guess what? Stays in the soil forever. You don’t destroy lead. It’s there. So,
you grow something 100 years later in that soil, and it’s going to have lead in it because the plant’s
taking that up. Now interestingly, you can do what’s called phytoremediation of soils.

There’s certain plants that have very special affinity to certain toxic metals. You can plant those plants
to pull up all the lead like lead magnets, harvest those plants, get rid of them, and then you’re left with
soil that is essentially lead free. But that takes a growing season. It takes time and money. Most
growers aren’t interested in that.

A lot of times you’re driving down the highway and you see farms near the highway, right? Well for
many decades there was lead in gasoline. And that lead, of course, was emitted from the tailpipes of
all the cars and trucks running down the highway.

Guess where all that lead went? Farmlands right next to the highways. And even today, even though
leaded gasoline is no longer legal except in airplanes, so airports now have lead around them because
leaded gas is still used in airplane engines. But cadmium, another toxic heavy element, is found in
brake pads.

So, every time a car puts on its brakes, it’s emitting some cadmium, a small amount, trace amount.
But you do that over year after year with millions of cars, and you get cadmium on the farms next to
the highway. If you have a choice, don’t buy food grown next to highways or industry, or even cities.

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Travis, Alan, and Zach hanging with the “Health Ranger” (Mike Adams) at his lab

Cities have polluted air, right? Have you been to LA recently? Or how about Beijing? Even worse. Or
Mexico City, for that matter. So, you want food that’s grown in the country.

This is part of my message, Ty. A lot of people are afraid to try to eat healthy because they think
they’re going to be unable to eat the things they love. It’s a big fear, right? People say “Well, I want my
Big Mac,” or steak, or whatever, tuna fish sandwich.

Well, with what I’ve learned here in the science lab, I’ve found that you can still eat those things. You
just add this defensive mechanism, which is usually a plant, a fruit, a fiber. You could even take, for
example, grapefruit fiber supplements. You could pop one of those pills with every meal and you
could get a considerable benefit from grapefruit fiber.

It’s very high in pectin. In fact, grapefruit is one of the best fibers there is all around. So, if you eat
grapefruit with a meal, very protective. But for a lot of people it’s too sour, so they can actually take
a supplement and get that.

TY: So just the combining of these protective foods allows you to have a wider range of things you
can eat?

MIKE ADAMS: Yes. And if you’re really, really concerned about things like Chinese medicine herbs,
for example, they’re very potent, very healing. Many of them, because they come from China, are
very high in lead. I developed a patent pending formula called Heavy Metals Defense. It’s at if you want to read about it. It absorbs 99.9-something percent of lead with
an ion exchange mechanism, and it’s made from a dehydrated seaweed.

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TY: I, by the way, take that every time I eat something that I know has lead or mercury in it.

MIKE ADAMS: Do you really? See, I do the same thing.

TY: Wow, the “Health Ranger” just shared some amazing information, didn't he? Mike the Mad
Scientist has developed a formula that takes care of 99.9 percent of lead. It's called Heavy Metal
Defense. Learn more at, along with all the other products that
I've mentioned during this documentary.

Mike also shared the fact that strawberries, peanut butter, and chlorella are excellent substances to
bind to mercury. If you're eating fish, which is typically high in mercury, then eat some strawberries.
And grapefruit fiber is extremely protective against heavy metals.

Another substance that's effective to remove heavy metals and poison, drugs, and bacteria is
activated carbon, also known as activated charcoal. The first recorded use of charcoal for medicinal
purposes was found in Egyptian papyri around 1,500 B.C. as a method of staving off infection from
open wounds.

Since then, healers have used activated charcoal to soak up poisons and improve intestinal health
through a process called adsorption. No, that's not a misspelling. It's important to understand the
difference between absorption, with an AB, and adsorption, with an AD.

When something is absorptive, AB-sorptive, that means it soaks up other substances. But when
something is adsorptive, with an AD, that means that it binds to substances. Activated charcoal
actually uses a thin film on its outside surface to bind to toxins and poisons.

That's adsorption. Ancient physicians used regular charcoal for a variety of medicinal purposes,
including treating epilepsy and anthrax. In the early 20th century, the development of activated
charcoal sparked many medical journals to publish research revealing its effectiveness as an antidote
for poisons.

You make activated charcoal by burning a source of carbon, which is wood debris or coconut shells,
for instance. The high temperature removes all the oxygen and it activates it with gasses like steam.
Basically, the process that creates activated charcoal, which is steam heating and oxidation, ends up
creating an adsorbent internal lattice of very fine pores that capture, bind, and remove poisons, heavy
metals, chemicals, bacteria, toxins, and even intestinal gasses, which has thousands of times more
weight than charcoal itself.

It's hard to believe, but just two grams of activated charcoal powder has about the same surface area
as an entire football field. The porous surface has a negative electric charge that attracts positively-
charged toxins and poisons. It binds them and escorts them out of your body through the elimination
processes of your intestines.

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The best long-term study on the detoxification benefits of activated charcoal was conducted by
professors David Cooney at the University of Wyoming and Thomas Struhsaker at Duke University.
These two professors learned that monkeys on the African island of Zanzibar eat charcoal from
burned tree stumps in order to detoxify.

It's amazing, isn't it? The innate wisdom of monkeys. I understand that the idea of swallowing a
spoonful of what is essentially ash may not tickle your fancy. However, activated charcoal is
completely odorless, tasteless, and safe to consume, and can be purchased in handy capsules or

And it's a powerful detoxifying agent to boot. Next up, Dr. Rashid Buttar discusses another toxicity
which is everywhere, he calls POPs, or persistent organic pollutants.

DR. BUTTAR: The second one is what I call POPs, persistent organic pollutants. So, those are the
chemicals, the insecticides, the pesticides, the fluorinated hydrocarbons, the tallenes, the benzenes,
the organophosphates, etcetera. So, anything that is in the body that shouldn’t be there that’s a
chemical base, that’s synthetic…

TY: Which is a lot of stuff nowadays, isn’t it?

DR. BUTTAR: It is. It’s in pretty much everything.

TY: I mean it pretty much has a big umbrella.

DR. BUTTAR: Exactly. So actually, like the chemicals in the plastics that act as xenoestrogens, it’s
pretty much in every aspect of life. One of the slides that I have in my cancer presentation that I did
about 10 years ago, one of my cancer presentations had a slide about the introduction to some of
these chemicals.

And there’s over 100,000 new chemicals being introduced into the global economy every year, but
there’s millions that are being introduced that just never see the light of day, most of them
experimental. But about 100,000 every year that get introduced into the global economy.

And the consequences of those—of the biological burden that this is creating, we really don’t know
because time hasn’t shown. For example, DDT or dioxide, some of these things, they were used for 50
years before we realized how toxic they were and they were banned.

By the way, the reason they’re referred to as persistent organic pollutants is because they’re
persistent in the body. The body can’t clear them. They have a tendency to stick in the body. Fat holds
onto them. That’s one reason being obese is not good, because the chemicals get stored inside the fat.

So, we refer to them as persistent organic pollutants because of the fact that the body can’t eliminate
them, and that’s one of the reasons that we do specific types of treatments, to help to break those

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persistent organic pollutants into smaller sub-components that are no longer persistent, so the body
can eliminate them.

TY: Okay.

DR. GROUP: Remember, we still have thousands upon thousands of chemicals that people are
infected with: pesticide residue, herbicide residue, the glyphosate, the atrazine.

Most of the corn people eat is contaminated with atrazine. All the phthalates, all the chemicals from
cosmetics. I mean all of these things in parts per billion need to be cleaned out of the body.

SAYER JI: One of the things about exercise we don’t often think about is when you’re pushing yourself
to the point of feeling like you’re going to die and then you survive, and you feel like usually this
ecstasy and this “Wow, I made it.” A lot’s going on at a physiological level.

But one of the things is called mitochondrial biogenesis. So, the so-called powerhouses of the cell are
able to regenerate when you exert yourself and enough where you really feel like “Wow, I’ve really
pushed my envelope.” And those mitochondria are essential for regulating our cells.

They even regulate programmed cell death. It’s involved in cancer, not just energy. And then you have
stem cells, which are the magical, immortal cell line in our body that has been inherited from all
previous ancestors.

Those stem cells also are able to go through a division process and help to regenerate tissue that’s
damaged or so high in toxicant burden that it’s better that they go through programmed cell death
and those toxins are released and taken out of the body, then to continue to live.

Ty & Charlene Bollinger acting goofy with Sayer Ji in Nashville

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Because they can transmogrify their phenotypes, so to speak, into cancers or harmful behavior. So,
in many ways, exercise performs quite a lot of functions to regenerate the body as well as remove the
chemicals that are accumulating. We live in a world where nuclear pollution is everywhere. After the
atom testing, for example, globally we had uranium and plutonium concentrations.

You can measure it in almost any sample. Now we have the fallout from Three Mile Island, Chernobyl,
Fukishima, and you have power plants that just naturally give off plumes of over 2,000 manmade or
anthropogenic radionuclides just through releasing the steam from these basically pressure cookers
as refueling.

And so, we have these radionuclides everywhere in extremely low doses. When they first came up
with the toxicity risk model, it was based on Hiroshima blast survivors. And they assumed that the
real danger is gamma radiation exposure from the outside in, and they sort of averaged the dose by
the amount of tissue exposed and came up with a calculation of risk.

Well unfortunately, that didn’t explain what happens when exceedingly small amounts of these
elements get into your body. You can have one atom of plutonium lodged in your body forever, and
it’s like literally giving off a sort of thermonuclear effect on that cell and the tissue around it for the
rest of your life, causing all types of cancer, for example.

Uranium 238, right, which is the basis for most of the nuclear power as well as for DU, depleted
uranium munitions. It has a half-life of 4.4 billion years, okay? That’s longer than the age of the earth,
which means it’s always going to be here.

There’s a study from the Army’s radiobiology institute in Bethesda, MD, that was published that
shows that there are several thousand, if not hundred thousand orders of magnitude higher toxicity
associated with uranium 238 exposure than present radiation risk models allow for.

So, what I’m really referring to is the fact that when you really look at toxicant, heavy metal, radiation
exposures today, less is actually more in certain ways. And it’s a dismal scenario, but I think the public
really needs to know this information. Because what’s happened is the radiation risk models, toxicant
risk models, make it seem as if you could expose yourself to large amounts of chemicals every day
and it’s okay.

The way they actually come up with these risk assessments is they do the LD-50 model. Take animals,
give them a lethal dose of a chemical that will kill 50 percent within a certain range of time. There’s
the acute toxicity model, say it’s two days. Then they say “Oh, let’s extrapolate from the animal model,
what’s an acceptable level of harm for a human,” assuming they can just look at body weight and
calculate what is an acceptable rate.

Well of course, that model’s insane. First of all, there’s no such thing as an acceptable level of harm in
my book. If you apply the precautionary principle, the moment a manufacturer of something that
could do harm, well guess what? The burden should be on them to prove it’s safe to the consumer.

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That’s not what happens. They use this other model, release it into the environment and into
consumer products, and then only after many years, sometimes decades, and cancer rates start to
spike, do the consumers themselves have to raise the money, the political capital, to prove through
what they call the “weight of evidence” model that they may have been harmed.

DR. BUTTAR: Then the third toxicity is what I call the opportunistics. The opportunistics are the
bacteria, the viruses, the spirochetes, the mycoplasma, the yeast, the parasites. I call them
opportunistic because they don’t affect everybody. What do I mean by that?

The person has to be susceptible to these substances, to these organisms, in order for them to actually
manifest a problem. So, if a person’s immune system’s intact and they’re healthy, then these
opportunistics aren’t really going to have that much of an effect.

But some people are susceptible to them. Why are they susceptible? Because of the first and second
toxicity; the heavy metals and the persistent organic pollutants suppress their immune system, thus
rendering them more susceptible to the opportunistics.

The fourth toxicity is the energetics: electromagnetic radiation, and in cellphone radiation,
microwaves. In fact, when we’ve done some energetic testing in cancer patients, the number one
energetic toxicity that they have is microwave.

That’s one reason I don’t have a microwave in my house, I don’t have a microwave in my clinic, we
don’t even have it even wired, we yanked it out. If you think about driving in a car, sometimes if you’re
listening to the radio and somebody’s about to call you, have you experienced when the cellphone,
before it rings, you’ll hear the distortion in the radio?

Well that is a form of electromagnetic radiation that you’re experiencing. So, you know that if it’s
causing enough of a disruption in the radio signal, it is having an effect on your system.

SAYER JI: One of the best things that’s ever been researched post-Chernobyl was the use of apple
pectin to take out from all these children’s bodies all of these radioisotopes that accumulated, like
cesium-137. They literally saved tens of thousands of lives by simply using apples and apple pectin.

TY: What is pectin?

SAYER JI: Pectin is just a fiber that is able to pull out, along with some of these heavy metals, bile
salts, for example, which can help to accumulate toxins that get stuck in the liver. They can kind of
pull some of that material out, eliminate it from the body. One of the many things you can utilize as a
food, the “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and “apple a day keeps the Fukishima fallout away”

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If you think about what people do today, they take a microwave device, this will literally heat my
brain in a matter of minutes, and it affects the alpha waves almost immediately. And their children
are literally exposing themselves and adults to a microwave.

You don't have nerve receptors in your brain to be able to feel it, but if you did, there would be
probably some pain. And this is like just a fraction of what they're being exposed to. You to go a place
in New York City, there's 100 Wi-Fi connections popping up on your phone at any given moment. I
mean it's a pretty significant problem.

TY: I'd have to agree with Sayer. The invisible toxicity of radiation and electromagnetic pollution is
perhaps the number one biggest threat to our health. For 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we are
constantly being exposed to a high level of radiation emitted by communication devices that has
never before been seen in the past.

From the use of our mobile phones to the presence of wireless routers in our homes, we are being
bombarded by EMR, electromagnetic radiation, almost everywhere we go. The concern over long-
term EMR exposure is its cumulative nature and the impact that it has on our health and the health
of our children.

In 2011, the World Health Organization classified electromagnetic radiation as possibly carcinogenic
to humans, based on its findings on the rising trends of chronic degenerative diseases. Together with
the International Agency for Research on Cancer, they classified EMR as a possible cancer-causing
source based on increased brain cancer associated with wireless phone use.

The World Health Organization placed electromagnetic radiation in the same class as lead,
chloroform, and car exhaust fumes. Radiation is everywhere, but there is a solution to protect you
from EMR exposure. This little device that I'm holding here is called the Wave Rider.

This is a patented invention of Dr. Igor Smirnoff. You may remember Dr. Smirnoff from The Truth
About Cancer: A Global Quest. I interviewed him about some of his inventions. Now Dr. Smirnoff
invented the molecular resonance effect technology, the acronym MRET, and this has helped
thousands of people to stay healthy and protect them from electromagnetic radiation. WaveRider is
a well-tested device that has been validated by labs all over the world and has been proven that it is
effective to protect us from EMR exposure.

You can learn more at

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Ty with Dr. Igor Smirnov (holding a WaveRider) in Las Vegas

The Wave Rider has been proven that it's effective against EMR exposure. It can protect you and your
children. We actually have a Wave Rider—we have two Wave Riders. This is one of our Wave Riders.
We have two of these in our house. This thing runs 24/7 to protect us from EMR, so I'm a firm believer
in using Wave Rider technology. In this next clip, Dr. Rashid Buttar discusses emotional and
psychological toxicity.

DR. BUTTAR: The fifth toxicity is the emotional/psychological aspect. Now why is the emotional
toxicity, the psychological aspect, the emotional component so significant?

Why do I consider that, if any of them out of these 7 toxicities, why do I consider that the most
significant if any one’s going to be placed more significant? It’s because we as a species, as humans,
we’re all carrying baggage.

We’re not only carrying baggage that’s conscious in our own minds, things that we’ve experienced
that traumatize, but there are certain things that are repressed: from childhood, from even maybe
before childhood, some people say from in utero.

But then there’s also the energetic aspect from an emotional standpoint of what happens when we
talk about miasms, and that might be a little foreign to some people. You know what a miasm is, I

So, for the listener, think of a miasm as a genetic memory. And so, the emotional aspect that’s been
carried from your mother and your father and your grandparents transcends generations in your
DNA and has a memory associated with it.

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I believe that the 2,000 bits per second of data that our conscious mind’s processing versus the 400
million bits of information that the subconscious is processing. The subconscious, by definition,
controls everything and is dealing with a lot of baggage that we may not even be aware of.

One of the things that I tell patients on my first visit, before I’ve ever taken them on as a patient, in
the event that I may not see them, I tell them to make a list of every single person that they feel has
ever wronged them.

This could even include the little kid that stole your milk money when you were in grade school, or
whatever, right, in kindergarten. It doesn’t matter. Even if the person’s dead, it doesn’t matter. Put
them down on that list, and then systematically forgive them. And I mean really forgive them, not
forgive them, oh, you’ve still got the crunch.

No, I mean like really forgive them. Let it go. Not because they deserve your forgiveness, but because
you as a person, who renders that, harbors that negative energy, deserves to not carry that burden.
So, forgiveness is a very, very key component.

All the cancer patients that come to us, we have them make that list. We tell them to systematically
eliminate. And when people say “I’ve already done that,” I already know that they haven’t done it.
Why? Because when you really have done it effectively, you realize that that’s an ongoing process for
the rest of your life.

They’ve actually done studies where they’ve gone to people and asked them, “Who do you feel has
wronged you?” And then they’ll make a list of those people that the person feels have wronged them.
Then they’ll go find those people and they’ll interview those people, and 80 percent, right around 80
percent of the people that they interviewed that were listed down as having done something wrong
didn’t even realize they had somebody that created resentment.

In other words, they were walking around—this person’s been walking around all their life thinking
so and so—like I would be walking around thinking that you owed me an apology. But when they poll
you and the other people that I feel have wronged me, 80 percent of them didn’t even know that
they’d done something to deserve an apology, that they owed somebody an apology.

We’re walking around with all this baggage, and we don’t even realize that the person that we feel
has wronged us doesn’t even realize that they’ve wronged us. So, we’re harboring all this negative,
and that’s where the emotional toxicity, that’s one of the many things, right?

And it starts to form an abscess, and it festers and it rots, and it grows. When we talk about cancer,
that’s what cancer is. Cancer is festering and it’s growing inside us. It’s rotting inside us. It’s the same
component. Energetically speaking, it’s very similar.

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Cancer and that fifth toxicity, the emotional, is almost analogous. And of course, there’s many other
things that can be done, but the point is, that has to be, in all toxicities, for all disease process, it has
to be addressed. But in cancer, it’s paramount.

DR. WOLFE: Most of the toxicity that’s out there right now is emotional, but nobody wants to talk
about that because there’s no money in it. I can’t sell a product. That’s why I put together what’s called
the Awakened Transformation Program.

And that’s a program where I teach people within 33 days they can change their whole life. And you
know what? Once you change your belief systems and you love, respect, and honor yourself, then
your food choices, your friend choices, and your choices on what you do with your life are going to

Because it doesn’t matter, Ty. I can tell you about a cleansing program and you’re going to go do it.
But if you have low self-esteem, or you believe that you’re not worthy, or you believe that you haven’t
been created by the greatest thing in the world, or that you are a light being and you can have
whatever you want and you are here to experience joy, then all the cleanses in the world aren’t going
to help you, Ty. Your thoughts shape you. So, you need to make choices that honor you.

Ty horsing around with RSB and Dr. Wolfe in Toronto

DR. BUTTAR: What we’re talking about with emotional toxicity that’s so crucial to remember is that
anything that you resist will persist. And I will tell people—I’m not even going to look at you, Ty. I’m
going to look right at the camera when I say this. If you can eliminate this one toxicity, the emotional
toxicity, here are the words that I believe you should live by. There’s two sets. The first is “The
Serenity Prayer” that I talk about in my book.

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The Serenity Prayer is, “God, please give me the ability to change the things that I can, the serenity to
accept the things that I cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference.” That’s the first thing you
need to remember. And say it out loud. And the second thing is remember that where attention goes,
energy flows.

So, if something’s bothering you, if you’ve got an IRS audit, or you’ve got a neighbor that’s just a pain
in the rear end, or you’ve got a lawsuit that’s pending, or something. By you thinking about it all the
time, you are putting your attention and feeding that, which is going to come back to you.

What’s the best thing to do? I’m not saying burying your head in the sand. What I’m saying is start
thinking about something that gives you pleasure. Your children, your family, a mentor that helped
you, whatever’s positive. Put your attention there.

So, there was emotional, psychological, spiritual. The emotional and psychological is now separate
from the spiritual. And in a nutshell, spiritual toxicity, there are more people that have died in the
name of God than all disease processes and all wars put together.

Jews and Muslims and Christians will kill each other because they believe their opinion is more
important. That’s where that spiritual toxicity comes in. The reason I separated them is because I saw
a lot of people with emotional toxicity but not spiritual toxicity. And on the other hand, I saw people
with spiritual toxicity but didn’t have an emotional toxicity.

TY: It is ironic that people of certain religious beliefs will literally kill someone else if they don't
convert to their own religion, isn't it? In the Bible, Jesus says to love your enemy, to do good to those
that hate you, to bless those that persecute you, and to pray for those who mistreat you. I think we
would all be a little bit better off and much less toxic if we followed that advice. Don't you? Here's
Professor Nuzum giving us a lesson on the importance of the lymphatic system.

DR. NUZUM: Your lymph nodes, they’re the filtration system in your body’s sewer system. The
lymphatic system drains all the waste, all the garbage, all the—every flush of the toilet of your
muscles goes into that lymphatic system, and the lymphatic system drains all that away from your
organs, away from your brain, away from anything vital. Drains away from that vital organ toward a
lymph node.

Lymph nodes then, they’re filters. You’ve got 600 of them in your body. 600 lymph nodes all
throughout your body, and they’re in essence, we call it a cross-section. If you were to take a human
kidney and cut it in half so you could see what it looks like inside there, and took a lymph node and
did the same thing, the only anatomic difference is lymph nodes have more tubes going in and out of
them than kidneys. They are almost identical.

The issue that conventional medicine runs into with a swollen lymph node is they don’t have anything
that will heal it. You can cut it out. You can radiate it. You can do all these different things that destroy
it and destroy whatever’s in it. We don’t have anything to heal it.

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And I define the healing process as stabilization, detoxification, and then fortification. And if you
fortify the body, it will transform. So, if you’re not going to do that with a swollen lymph node, the
only remedy is to burn it with radiation, cut it out, or intoxicate it to the point it can’t function
anymore. And then it doesn’t swell up anymore because it’s not doing its job.

TY: So what specific ingredients do you have in your product that helps to detoxify the lymphatic

DR. NUZUM: For the longest time we used Essiac formula. Just plain old Essiac formula works
wonders. It’s great. I’ve done a lot of work in Ecuador, in one of the universities there. A half hour
from the campus there is a local tribe that they’re still living in huts.

They’re out in the Amazon rain forest. It’s amazing. You go out there and their medicine man is still
their medicine man. You know what I mean? It’s ran like it was always run. And I went out there on
one of our excursions, and went out and doing a little tour of the jungle out there.

Beautiful. And the medicine man is our guide, and I had had a swollen lymph node in my chin, had
some stuff going on, and I asked him if he had a remedy for it, and he looked at it, poked around, “Oh
yeah.” He gave me this formula, and I asked him the history of this formula, and it was really kind of
interesting. If you study the history of the Essiac formula, he almost recited that, only this was from
South America.

TY: So they all had the same knowledge?

DR. NUZUM: Same knowledge, totally different herbal formula, but same basic results.

TY: So is that what goes into your herbal formula?

DR. NUZUM: That’s what we’ve done. We’ve taken those two formulas and combined them.

TY: I see.

DR. NUZUM: Oh man, it just came up together beautifully.

TY: So it’s basically a combination of two different herbal remedies from different native tribes in
different parts of the world.

DR. NUZUM: Right.

TY: So, Dr. Nuzum's Optimox detox system is built upon healing modalities from opposite ends of the
globe. This is a supplement that's easy to take and effective at gently detoxifying your entire body.
We use it here in my family. You can too. You can find it, along with all the other products that I've
been talking about throughout this documentary, at Next up,

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Sayer Ji discusses the importance of exercise and how it helps pump the lymph flow and detoxify the

I think most people don’t typically think of exercise as being a way to detox, but you just explained
that it really is important in detoxification.

SAYER JI: Absolutely. And you know our lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump, like the heart pumps
the blood. So, when we’re doing this intense movement, we’re also just completely helping to flush
all of the toxicants and help our immunity in a way that is not possible without this type of movement.
So yeah, there’s many, many benefits from exertion of that kind.

DR. WOLFE: Every day, what I also like to do is I also like to do rebounding, because rebounding is
the most effective exercise on the planet. Nassau did a study of all the exercises, and it was found that
rebounding’s the most effective exercise to reverse or to prevent cancer.

But what rebounding does, every time you go up and down, it pumps your lymph system. It opens up
your lymph system and pumps it. Why do you think when you’re older and you stop exercising that
you degenerate and age so fast? Because when you stop exercising and moving, your lymph doesn’t

That’s why it’s really important that older people do the Epsom salt, coco[nut oil] salt glow, right?
But anyways… And they should also be rebounding. But when you rebound, remember with your
kids when they would be cranky you would rock them up and down?

TY: Yeah.

DR. WOLFE: Well why would you rock them up and down? To move their lymph system. Soon as you
move their lymph system, it calms them down. And then also the other thing that I have my patients
do is what we call core twisting. It’s a device that you stand on. It’s only this big.

And they have a stick in their hand. And what they’re doing is they’re twisting back and forth. When
you’re cleaning the car, and you’re drying the car off, how do you—you wring the rag out, don’t you?

TY: Yep.

DR. WOLFE: Okay. So, what happens if we were to do an action like this? What would that be doing?
Well that would be lengthening, strengthening, twisting, and detoxing. That’s the most effective
exercise you can do, and you only work your core muscles. Because your core, if you have a strong
core then you’re strong everywhere. That’s it.

Go ahead. See these guys at the gym, “[groaning sound]” but if their core isn’t strong, they’re going to
be toast. None of this muscle will hold. If you want a toned muscle until you’re older, keep your
detoxification up to its highest peak, then you need to have a strong core.

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Then you’ll never have to worry about it. So, when you’re on this twister and you’re twisting back
and forth, you’re wringing out—what are you doing? You’re twisting your organs. You’re twisting all
your tissues. You’re opening up all your joints. We can really bring everything home. What I do is I
use 5-pound weights and I just put the music on, and it’s all about fun.

DR. SEEGER: Afterwards, it’s really important to replace your electrolytes. So again, coconut water
or some kind of electrolyte balancer or something, and rest. I mean I can’t emphasize that enough.
People don’t just lay down for a good 30 minutes to an hour and let the body say “Okay, I just went
through some detoxing and now I’m going to let it go,” and just really allow the body to heal itself. So
many people are like “Hey, I feel good. I’m going to go.”

I’m like “No, that’s the worst thing you could do, truly.” When I have people on my program, I would
say “In the afternoon, you have to take two to three hours of rest.” And people say “I can’t do that.”
I’m like “Then let’s work on it. Why can’t you do that?”

Oh, now we have an emotional, mental, spiritual issue. Now we have to detox from that. So, it is an
issue there. But if you could take that time to rest, to really allow that time, the body is so grateful
because it can focus 100 percent to rebuild and repair itself. It’s huge.

The lungs, in order to detox it, needs over 60 different types of minerals. That’s the key. I learned that
years ago, from Dr. Carey Reams. And he had said that when you get a lot of minerals into the lungs,
it can really heal itself. So, exercising is very important to expand it and get that going, and helping
the lungs get stronger, but it’s really the minerals that help to build it up.

To detox it, there are a lot of herbs that you could take, from wild cherry to coltsfoot to mullein, which
actually helps to soothe it. But it doesn’t really detox it. To detox it, you have to do two things. One is
to get the minerals in. Another is to get rid of the mucus that have been built up from the diet.

So, those people who live on yogurt, get off of yogurt. Even natural yogurt, no, it’s too mucus-forming.
You could have it maybe once a week. I learned that in my clinic. I would have people come in and
they would have sinus and lung issues all the time, especially in Wisconsin, right?

Everybody seemed to have that. So, I would say “What’s your diet like?” I’d have them do a 3-day
intake, and I would see yogurt, yogurt, yogurt. I’m like “You can’t have yogurt. Just get off yogurt for
a while. Let me see what happens.” And sure enough, they would be cleared up.

So, no yogurt, no soy milk. Anything that’s mucus-forming. So then how do you actually clean out that
excess mucus? That’s where the detox part comes in. The lemon. Lemon, lemon, lemon. It’s drinking
a lot of lemon. Because lemon helps to break and cut through the mucus and helps to get rid of that.

TY: Lemon, lemon, and lemon. Lemons for lung detox. As a matter of fact, tea made with ginger root
and lemon helps eliminate toxins from the entire respiratory tract. It's pretty amazing, isn't it? And
as I mentioned in Episode 2, lemon essential oil is an amazing and easy way to detoxify.

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I add it to water, along with peppermint essential oil, for my healthy lemonade that I drink almost
every day. I know we're learning a lot about detoxification, and at times I know it can become
overwhelming. But I think that you're going to be encouraged by Sayer Ji's perspective in this next

SAYER JI: Well the light at the end of the tunnel is that every moment our body is utilizing highly
complex detoxification systems, which in some way almost anticipated the chemical revolution.

The cytochrome P-450 system, that is largely centered in the liver, is able to take a broad range of
modern xenobiotics, which are foreign chemicals, and there’s hundreds of thousands of them now,
and somehow find a way to make these fat-loving chemicals water soluble and help to, through the
phase 1 and 2 detoxification systems, and help to remove them from the body.

DR. BELL: This is why we’ve talked previously, on previous episodes of The Global Quest, when we
were talking on The Truth About Cancer, the need for detoxification on all of these levels and the need
for something like a mineral like selenium.

It’s not like we’re operating in a vacuum. But this is the homeopathic realm. This is where we can
directly interact with the metabolic functioning of every cell, if we know this clinical drainage type
approach. And it’s exciting because it’s not just about the organs of elimination, but it’s recognizing
all of the cells have to detoxify. How do we support them simultaneously?

DR. WYLDE: The analogy I use herein so far is detoxification, both in how this works in our bodies,
kind of throwing out the trash. So, there’s two different phases that are most important. We’re
learning about a phase 3, but park that for a moment. Two phases. Phase 1: detoxification. Phase 2:

When you throw out the trash, you typically separate the trash for disposal. You want to recycle some
stuff, or maybe it’s compost you’re throwing out into the back yard. That’s a conscious moment in

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time in the kitchen, once you’re making dinner, “Where does this particular garbage go?” Bodies do
the same thing. But that’s phase 1.

Phase 2, you’ve got to get that trash to the curbside. Otherwise, the city is not picking it up. Phase 1
is just as important as phase 2. If you accumulate toxins in your body because the city’s not coming
to pick it up, you’ve got problems. You’re storing it. It’s accumulating in your fat tissue. So, there are
some incredible natural medicines that help to serve us, to empower phase 1, getting that sort of
recyclables over here, true trash over here.

Or phase 2, getting it over to the curbside. Some of my favorites: milk thistle, again, those things that
we can use to increase the amount of glutathione in our body, which are selenium, N-acetyl cysteine,
which is a naturally occurring sulfur-based amino acid, and alpha lipoic acid.

So, those things we can supplement orally, or you can actually push, which is using intravenous
glutathione. And if you really have problems, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, these
diagnoses of exclusion, you are known to have accumulations of toxins because you’ve done some
testing in your body, getting a glutathione push, intravenously, directly into your veins, is an
incredible solution to help empower your own ability to throw away.

It’s been over 76,000 studies done on glutathione, and it’s probably one of the things in North
America that we are most deficient in because we do have such a toxic burden here. We make
something in our body called glutathione, and that’s found in the liver.

It is the most powerful antioxidant, detoxifier that we know. You’ll see a lot of the supplements over
the counter at our local health food store list glutathione, or gluthione, in supplement form. You can’t
really use that stuff very well orally, but your body makes it on its own. So, here’s a tip. Combine
things that have selenium in them, like Brazil nuts, in your diet.

Perhaps consider supplementing with alpha lipoic acid, and then add to that a little bit of N-acetyl
cysteine, and those are building blocks to help your body make more glutathione so that you can start
tossing away those toxins that may have accumulated over time.

What it’s hindering most in terms of our cellular biochemistry, is ATP formation, and that’s the
currency within our cells, in every single cell of our body. Mitochondria, little storehouses create the
currency of energy in our body called ATP. Toxins hinder that ability to produce this currency of
energy. Walking around like zombies, just can’t perform the way we’d ultimately want to perform
when it comes to toxic hindrance.

CHERIE CALBOM: If you’ve been through chemo or radiation, or both, or surgery, and all those drugs
with surgery, you’ve got to detox. It’s just imperative. And I say to everyone who comes to me with
cancer, you must deal with what took you to that point.

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Were you toxic? I’m sure you were. Was your diet poor? I’m sure it was not perfect. Whatever took
you to that point of cancer, you must deal with that. And if you went through the traditional
treatments, you added toxicity to your body, so you must get that flushed out.

MIKE ADAMS: I’ve seen many extraordinary results from people going to a detox juicing type of diet.
I've seen people overcome stage IV liver cancer. I mean stage IV. It's supposed to be—you're
supposed to be dead, almost. Complete healing/recovery from that, went on to run marathons.

I've seen many, many people overcome the toxic effects of chemotherapy. They come out of
conventional oncology cancer treatments. They go through a juicing detox. They eliminate the toxic
chemotherapy that was damaging them, and they cure their own cancer, and they go on to live cancer
free for a very long time.

I've seen that many, many times. I've seen juicing detoxes cure/halt Type 2 Diabetes in as little as
four days. In just four days, this person was off insulin and stayed off it because they changed their
metabolism. They changed their body just by changing what they eat and allowing the body to detox.

I've seen what many people might call miracles, but they're not miracles. They're actually the
blueprint that your body has. You have a biochemical blueprint that is designed to eliminate toxins
and create spontaneous healing.

DR. GROUP: It’s amazing what the body can do when it’s clean and it’s healthy.

TY: It's truly amazing what the body can do when it's clean, detoxified, and healthy. I have to agree
with Dr. Group, and I think what Mike Adams just shared was perhaps the most important takeaway
of the entire documentary. Our bodies have a biochemical blueprint that is designed to eliminate
toxins and create spontaneous healing.

That's why detox works. Because our bodies were made to detox. And our bodies were made to be
self-healing mechanisms. But that's not what we typically hear from a doctor, is it? If we're sick, then
we're told that we need a drug to help with the symptoms.

Then that drug causes side effects, and eventually we'll need another drug, or 2 or 10, to help with
those symptoms that the first drug actually created. Let's give a listen to Sayer Ji discussing the fact
that most drugs are actually petrochemical byproducts.

SAYER JI: One of the most important things that I think people don’t often acknowledge is that when
you look at modern drugs, over the counter or prescribed, the vast majority of them are actually just
byproducts of petrochemicals, the chemical industry.

And if you look at it from even the lens of the logistics and the finances and the materials, the
pharmaceutical industry is really just a subsector of the chemical industry. Which is related to the
fossil fuel grid and the entire geopolitical nightmare of wars fought forever around the world, which
is about acquiring resources from other countries often, taking their oil.

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So anyway, the idea is that pharmaceuticals are by definition xenobiotics. They are foreign to bios
(life), the body, and they should never be in the body. There are cases, in emergency medicine, where
a petrochemical drug might actually save a life. So there are exceptions.

But in 99.9 percent of the time for chronic disease or prevention of disease, all they do is create a
whole new set of disorders, which then have to be detoxified themselves.

When we start looking at what pharmaceutical products are, we have to acknowledge that the best
way to protect yourself from toxicity and to detox is just to eliminate them from your lifestyle and
your body as best as you can, and that is the number one way that you preserve your health.

DR. WOLFE: What everybody needs to understand out there is that everybody is a drug addict.
There’s no difference from street drugs to prescription drugs. That’s why people are so highly toxic.
Just because everybody does it doesn’t make it right, and when you do drugs, you are not detoxifying
your body. You’re making your body more toxic. You’re telling it to shut up.

Everything that I do, all the therapies I do, everything that I teach, I try to teach every one of my
patients. I don’t want them to come and see me. I want them to become their own person and bring
health home so that they can help their family.

DR. WYLDE: Over the last six years working with the Medical Advisory Board on the Dr. Oz Show, it
has become quite a challenge to constantly perform to find the next best thing. But it's also been quite
humbling for that show to reach out to me and ask for my expert opinion as it relates to what is next
best and what is new and worthy of the consideration of the rest of the Medical Advisory Board and
Dr. Oz himself, and his viewership.

And in the process, doing my due diligence on every scenario has ultimately served me well. Kept my
finger on the pulse as it relates to the natural ingredients worldwide that Mother Earth has to share
with us, and then allowing me to share it vicariously through the Dr. Oz Show.

It's been quite amazing and quite humbling at the same time. When your doctor, or doctors, your
healthcare team—everyone should have a healthcare team, not a singular individual. It's always
three or four heads are better than one.

When that team divides themselves up and decides it's this or it's that or it's the other thing, you
know to sort of help—you know to get a regrouping in order. Everyone's sort of got to be on the same
page when it comes to your healthcare.

If not, you're your own best advocate. If you suspect it's toxicity, if you suspect that perhaps your
environment is burdening you, because everything else is seemingly ruled out, pull your healthcare
team together, ask them to investigate further.

Get tested for heavy metals. Get tested for phthalates. Get tested for xenobiotics. Get tested for
hormones. Get tested for your genetic susceptibility to be able to clear those hormones.

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And the reason is this, is if these toxins that I'm describing are, in fact, those things that are burdening
you, you've got to play medical sleuth and get to the bottom of it. Because when they're found and
when they're dealt with, you're free. You ultimately can live the life that you were meant to live.

TY: Wow! Isn't that what we all want, to be free and to live the life that we were meant to live? That
about sums it up, doesn't it? I hope that these three episodes of The Truth About Detox have been
helpful in your own personal quest to learn how to properly detoxify your body and to achieve
optimal health.

In conclusion, embarking on a full body detox program can have massive health benefits including
increased energy, lowered stress, reduced junk food cravings, more mental clarity, relief of chronic
fatigue, and improving chronic illnesses.

One of the most important effects of a detoxification program is that it gives the immune system a
break. The immune system is on call 24/7 and it has to work overtime whenever we ingest foods that
can create or carry harmful chemicals, pesticides, and toxins.

When we rid our body of these toxins, the immune system is then able to survey all the body like it's
intended to and keep our internal terrain strong and healthy. Remember the words of Mike Adams,
the “Health Ranger.” Our bodies have a biochemical blueprint that is designed to eliminate toxins and
create spontaneous healing.

And also, remember that the mark of a truly successful detoxification program is that you are set on
the path of positive and long-term change. Thank you for watching this documentary and God bless
all of you.

The TTAC team at The Truth About Cancer Gala in Nashville, TN – December 2016

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