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Kabaddi is basically a combative sport, with seven players on each side; played for a
period of 40 minutes with a 5 minutes break (20-5-20). The core idea of the game is
to score points by raiding into the opponent’s court and touching as many defense
players as possible without getting caught on a single breath.

In 2002, synthetic foam mats were introduced during the Malaysia Open and that
effectively brought a massive change in the game. Furthermore, the addition of a
mat meant kabaddi now moved from being an outdoor sport to an indoor one.
All international standard style events are now held on the mat and even national,
state and district level competitions in India are following the suit. A shift from mud to
mat has helped strengthen the sport and also gain more acceptance across the

On the mat, the speed of the game has increased a lot, so it is now about your skill,
speed and strength.

The clothing worn by players hasn’t seen much change in the recent years. The
players wear a short sleeve or a sleeveless T-Shirt with shorts that allows free body

Nowadays the players are seen wearing different protection guards such as knee
and wrist guards for protection against sudden compression and lateral movement of
the joints. The knee sheath in particular is very critical for Raiders since they do a lot
of bending and turns on their raids.
• The stickers seen on players’ bodies is Kinesio tape. It is a modern and effective
way to artificially reduce muscle imbalances in athletes. This helps in preventing pain
as well as improving player performance. You can see this mostly near the joints or
areas that move a lot.

Earlier players never used to wear footwear and used to play on bare foot. But now,
the players wear rubber soled flexible shoes that allows quick and swift running.

Accuracy in judging is very important and crucial in any sport or game. Any minor
judging or umpiring errors can cost the game for a team. Kabaddi is one such sport
where each point is very important and can change the game. In Kabaddi, where a
touch point is involved, IR cameras can
be deployed and Hot Spot technology can be utilized, so that slightest of the touches
do not go undetected. Any touch on the opponents’ body, increases the local
temperature due to
friction and is detected by the Hot Spot technology and an alert message is sent to
the online and TV referees.


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