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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Unified Learning Assessment Tool in

Quarter: 2 Weeks: 7& 8

Name: _________________________ Score: _____________

Section: _________________________ Date: _____________


A. Multiple choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the answer on
the space provided

_______1. The unpredictable phenomenon like covid-19 is an example of an event

like what VUCA aspect?
a. Volatile b. Uncertain c. Complex d. Ambiguous

_______2. The VUCA aspect of a certain of a certain literary piece can be reflected
in its __________________showing the struggles of characters and how they stood
up from the challenges presented by the writer.
a. plot b. setting c. conflict d. Theme

_______3. What is the importance of conflict in the literary piece?

a. It creates tension in the story making readers more interested.
b. It creates and pushes the plot forward
c. It helps set the mood.
d. It adds closure to the reader

_______4. Which among the scenarios reflects ambiguity?

a. The government understands the many causes of terrorism, but not
exactly when and how the terrorist will spur attacks.
b. News about corona virus disease is something misleading especially
those that are not credible websites in the internet.
c. More than 100 vaccine candidates are in various stage of
development and testing.
d. I quit my job to start my business, but I don’t know that when I could
start earning money and if my business will succeed.

_______5.  What is the best that you can do to consider and overcome volatility?
a. Create a compelling vision and values
b. Promote collaboration and teamwork
c. Stay adaptable
d. Focus on the outcome

B. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence. Choose your answer on the
table below.

Service Leadership Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus

Adaptation Survive Warren Buffet and Burt Reynolds

1-2. VUCA was introduced by _____________ and _________.

3. VUCA concept was first used as the main aspect of ___________ make popular into
government, agencies, schools, organizations and the like.
4. The unchanging values like positivity, self-respect, perseverance and flexibility are
necessary in the VUCA world for us to __________.
5. _____________ is the real challenges when we talk about VUCA situation in the real

II. Read/ Sing the lyrics of the song “Wind of Change” by West German rock band
Scorpions and answer the following questions. Explain your answer in a paragraph
form and be guided by the given rubric below.

Wind of Change
by Scorpions

"Follow the Moskva On a glory night

Down to Gorky Park Where the children of tomorrow dream
Listening to the wind of change away
An August summer night In the wind of change
Soldiers passing by

Listening to the wind of change Walking down the street

The world is closing in Distant memories
Did you ever think Are buried in the past, forever
That we could be so close, like
brothers I follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
The future's in the air Listening to the wind of change
Can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Take me to the magic of the moment
Where the children of tomorrow share Let your balalaika sing
their dreams What my guitar wants to say
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream Where the children of tomorrow share
away their dreams
In the wind of change With you and me
The wind of change
Take me to the magic of the moment
Blows straight into the face of time On a glory night
Like a storm wind that will ring the Where the children of tomorrow dream
freedom bell away
For peace of mind In the wind of change

1. What is the song all about?
2. What could be the dream of the speaker?
3. If you were to follow the wind of change, where would it possibly bring you
in the future considering the VUCA world?

5 pts. 3 pts. 1pt.

CONTENT Exceptionally well Well-presented Not clearly stated;
presented and and argued; ideas ideas are present
argued; ideas are are detailed, but not particularly
detailed, well developed and developed or
developed, supported with supported; some
supported with evidence and evidence, but
specific evidence details, mostly usually of a
& facts, as well as specific. generalized
examples and nature.
specific details
MECHANICS Excellent Few errors in Continuous errors
grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling, in grammar,
and punctuation. and punctuation spelling, and

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